179 research outputs found

    Microstructural and molecular level characterisation of plastic crystal phases of pyrrolidinium trifluoromethanesulfonyl salts

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    Ambient temperature conductive plastic crystal phases of alkylmethylpyrrolidinium trifluoromethanesulfonyl amide (TFSA) salts are studied using positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy (PALS) to examine the role of vacancy size and concentration in conductivity. The ethyl methylpyrrolidinium TFSA salt (P12 TFSA) has larger vacancies and a greater concentration of vacancies than the dimethylpyrrolidinium TFSA salt (P11 TFSA) over the temperature range investigated. The relative vacancy size and concentration vary with temperature and reflect the solid&ndash;solid transitions as measured by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). P12 TFSA has greater conductivity than P11 TFSA and has furthermore been observed to exhibit slip planes at room temperature. P12 TFSA has greater entropy changes associated with solid&ndash;solid phase transitions below the melting point than P11 TFSA possibly indicating greater rotational freedom in P12 TFSA. These results support the notion that the diffusion, conduction, and plastic flow properties of the pyrrolidinium TFSA salts are derived from the lattice vacancies.<br /

    Methods of sputum processing for cell counts, immunocytochemistry and in situ hybridisation.

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    Since the first attempts to use standardised methods for sampling induced airways sputum, two methods for processing the expectorate have evolved. The first involves selecting all viscid or denser portions from the expectorated sample with the aid of an inverted microscope. This method has been extensively evaluated and reported in detail. The second approach involves processing the entire expectorate, comprising sputum plus variable amounts of saliva. Recent modifications to this method include collecting saliva and sputum separately in order to reduce salivary contamination. Both methods have advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of using selected sputum are: squamous cell contamination is v5%, making cell counting easier and quicker to perform, the total cell count (TCC) can be expressed per gram of lower airway secretions, and concentrations of chemicals in the fluid phase are unaffected by the confounding influence of saliva, and can be accurately corrected for dilution. The disadvantage is that selection takes a few minutes longer to perform and requires an inverted microscope. The advantage of using the entire expectorate is that the technique is quicker to perform, but there are some disadvantages that require consideration. The expectorate contains a variable mixture of sputum plus saliva which maydilute the sputum and confound its analysis. The reproducibility of cell counts has been reported to be lower if squamous cell contamination represents w20% of all recovered cells. There is conflicting data as to whether or not differential cell counts (DCCs) differ between the two methods. One study reported a higher percentage of eosinophils in sputum processed by the selection method compared to the entire expectorate but this has not been confirmed in other studies. Although, both the selected sputum and the entire expectorate methods have the same ability to distinguish asthmatics or bronchitics from healthy subjects, they are not interchangeable, and, once a technique has been adopted for a given study, it should always be applied

    A Novel Combined Term Suggestion Service for Domain-Specific Digital Libraries

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    Interactive query expansion can assist users during their query formulation process. We conducted a user study with over 4,000 unique visitors and four different design approaches for a search term suggestion service. As a basis for our evaluation we have implemented services which use three different vocabularies: (1) user search terms, (2) terms from a terminology service and (3) thesaurus terms. Additionally, we have created a new combined service which utilizes thesaurus term and terms from a domain-specific search term re-commender. Our results show that the thesaurus-based method clearly is used more often compared to the other single-method implementations. We interpret this as a strong indicator that term suggestion mechanisms should be domain-specific to be close to the user terminology. Our novel combined approach which interconnects a thesaurus service with additional statistical relations out-performed all other implementations. All our observations show that domain-specific vocabulary can support the user in finding alternative concepts and formulating queries.Comment: To be published in Proceedings of Theories and Practice in Digital Libraries (TPDL), 201

    Assessment of a rapid liquid-based cytology method for measuring sputum cell counts

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    Differential sputum cell counting is not widely available despite proven clinical utility in the management of asthma. We compared eosinophil counts obtained using liquid-based cytology (LBC), a routine histopathological processing method, and the current standard method. Eosinophil counts obtained using LBC were a strong predictor of sputum eosinophilia (≥3%) determined by the standard method suggesting LBC could be used in the management of asthma

    Cardiac magnetic resonance for ventricular arrhythmias: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) allows comprehensive myocardial tissue characterisation, revealing areas of myocardial inflammation or fibrosis that may predispose to ventricular arrhythmias (VAs). With this study, we aimed to estimate the prevalence of structural heart disease (SHD) and decipher the prognostic implications of CMR in selected patients presenting with significant VAs. Methods: Electronic databases were searched for studies enrolling adult patients that underwent CMR for diagnostic or prognostic purposes in the setting of significant VAs. A random effects model meta-analysis of proportions was performed to estimate the prevalence of SHD. HRs were pooled together in order to evaluate the prognostic value of CMR. Results: The prevalence of SHD was reported in 18 studies. In all-comers with significant VAs, the pooled rate of SHD post-CMR evaluation was 39% (24% in the subgroup of premature ventricular contractions and/or non-sustained ventricular tachycardia vs 63% in the subgroup of more complex VAs). A change in diagnosis after use of CMR ranged from 21% to 66% with a pooled average of 35% (29%–41%). A non-ischaemic cardiomyopathy was the most frequently identified SHD (56%), followed by ischaemic heart disease (21%) and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (5%). After pooling together data from six studies, we found that the presence of late gadolinium enhancement was associated with increased risk of major adverse outcomes in patients with significant VAs (pooled HR: 1.79; 95% CI 1.33 to 2.42). Conclusion: CMR is a valuable tool in the diagnostic and prognostic evaluation of patients with VAs. CMR should be considered early after initial evaluation in the diagnostic algorithm for VAs of unclear aetiology as this strategy may also define prognosis and improve risk stratification

    Transperitoneal laparoscopic right radical nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma and end-stage renal disease: a case report

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    Nephron-sparing surgery (partial nephrectomy) results are similar to those of radical nephrectomy for small (<4 cm) renal tumors. However, in patients with end-stage renal disease, radical nephrectomy emerges as a more efficient treatment for localized renal cell cancer. Laparoscopic radical nephrectomy (LRN) increasingly is being performed. The objective of the present study was to present a case of a patient under hemodialysis who was submitted to LRN for a small renal mass and discuss the current issues concerning this approach. It appears that radical nephrectomy should be the standard treatment in dialysis patients even for small tumors. The laparoscopic technique is associated with acceptable cancer-specific survival and recurrence rate along with shorter hospital stay, less postoperative pain and earlier return to normal activities