483 research outputs found

    Arthur SAGADEEV.

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    Research Potential of Archive Documents in Bibliothecal Local Lore Studies

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    Выделены типы архивных источников, необходимых для изучения истории региональной печати и цензуры. Представлены возможные направления работы с архивными документами в библиотечном краеведении.There are determined the types of archive sources, which are required to study the regional press and censorship. There are shown possible directions of work with archive documents in bibliothecal local lore studies

    New tools quality management training

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    Discusses the features of logistics educational statistics and evaluation in their interaction for information support of quality management trainingРассматриваются возможности логистики образовательной статистики и эвалюации в их взаимодействии для информационной поддержки управления качеством обучение

    Опыт организации самостоятельной работы студентов

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    В статье рассматриваются цели организации самостоятельной работы студентов и факторы, обеспечивающие ее эффективность. Предлагается организация самостоятельной работы студентов по математике посредством включения в учебный процесс интегративных проектов по математике и информатике

    Formation of Cultural Identity of Bilingual Children in the Conditions of Russian Everyday Life

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    In the 21st century, many children learn different languages from an early age. The teaching practices of everyday life are considered as an environment. The purpose of the study is to identify the features of the formation of the cultural identity of bilingual children in everyday life. In such circumstances, the ‘guide’ is an important adult who is not only a parent, but also a teacher for the child. Overcoming the binary oppositions of the culture ‘friend or foe’ and the development of a culture of dialogue becomes possible precisely in this context. The authors’ appeal to the problem of the formation and development of the cultural identity of bilingual children in the socio-cultural conditions of the 21st century is due to a number of factors. The main results of the study are that, firstly, bilingualism and polylingualism are common everyday practices that have become an integral part of the life of a modern person. Secondly, the parents are interested in the child speaking two or more languages, which in the future will allow him to adapt in a multicultural environment and successfully build communication. Thirdly, teaching several languages from early childhood has its own specifics, since thinking and the speech of bi- and polylingual children differs from thinking and the speech of monolinguals. The conclusions reached by the authors are that the combination of online and offline technologies in teaching foreign languages contributes to the harmonious entry of students into the language environment in a multicultural world; maintaining interest in the language and the application of educational practices in everyday life is a task that is solved not only by teachers, but also by parents; language learning from early childhood has a special effect on the child’s thinking. The authors point out the problem associated with the for mation of cultural identity: how much the knowledge of a foreign language and the maintenance of the practices of the ‘other’ culture at the everyday level ensures overcoming of binary oppositions of culture and contributes to the development of a culture of dialogue in modern communicative practices.This research was financially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Grant No. 17-29-09136/20 “Multilingualism in the era of post-literacy: Philosophical and cultural studies and methodological and pedagogical development of a multilingual education model”)

    Assesment of the impact of assets value on financial statuses of regions

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    © 2014, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. We offer to supplement existing approaches to evaluation of financial statuses of governmental units with an index of assets availability which are the basis of their activities. Necessity for consideration of assets dynamics, their structure, as well as quality of their management is proved in the course of evaluation of financial statuses of governmental units. The article makes the evaluation of influence of various assets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, included into the Volga Federal District, on their financial statuses level; they have been graded with a glance to assets dynamics changes

    The optimization of the system of taxpayers’ state registration using road mapping method

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    In the state registration of taxpayers is the basis for creation of Unified State Register of Taxpayers (as to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs), which allows controlling completeness and timeliness of taxes’ payment and, consequently, providing formation of budget. The paper analyses legal framework for regulation of taxpayers’ registration, distinguishes the particularities of registration of organizations and private persons (individual entrepreneurs). There is also an analysis of applicable practice of taxpayers’ registration in Russia and the Republic of Mordovia. The positive trends (formation of unified federal registration base for taxpayers’ recording; openness and general availability of information about all taxpayers registered on the territory of Russia; wide list of services on state registration that are rendered by tax authorities to taxpayers; transition to the regime of “single window” in interaction between registering structures; prejudicial regulation of appeal of decisions on state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs) and system problems (impossibility of use of unified registration number of a taxpayer for coordination of information about him in different state organizations; irrelevance and incompleteness of information contained in databases of different state institutions; conscious evasion of taxpayers of performance of tax obligations on registration; difficulty of timely detection of short-lived companies; significant volume of migrant organizations; insufficient technical and program support of regional tax inspections) linked to registration processes are elicited.peer-reviewe

    The organization of vocal ensemble for the development of executive skills of students

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    In the article the notions «vocal ensemble», «vocal skill», «organization of the vocal ensemble» are formulated. The urgency and possibilities of the vocal ensemble organization for development of performing skills of students are justifiedФормулируются понятия «вокальный ансамбль», «вокальный навык», «организация вокального ансамбля». Обосновывается актуальность и раскрываются возможности организации вокального ансамбля для развития исполнительских навыков студенто

    Stages of vocal ensemble organization in the cultural-educational center

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    The article proposes the formulation of key concepts, reveals the specifics of the cultural and educational center of the university. The stages of the organization of the vocal ensemble in the cultural and educational center and their content are determinedВ статье предлагается формулировка ключевых понятий, раскрывается специфика культурно-образовательного центра вуза. Определяются этапы организации вокального ансамбля в культурно-образовательном центре и их содержани