32 research outputs found

    Accuracy of the Simplified Thylstrup & Fejerskov Index in Rural Communities with Endemic Fluorosis

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    The aim of the present study was to compare the values of the Thylstrup & Fejerskov Index (TF index) for the determination of the prevalence of dental fluorosis using either all teeth (gold standard) or six upper anterior teeth (simplified TF index). The sample was made up of 396 individuals aged six to 22 years from three Brazilian cities with endemic fluorosis caused by the ingestion of water with high fluoride concentration. The prevalence of dental fluorosis was evaluated by a single trained examiner with excellent intraexaminer agreement (kappa = 0.95). Intraexaminer reproducibilities were calculated at tooth level. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values of the simplified TF compared to gold standard were 90.6 (95%CI: 86.6 to 93.6), 100 (95%CI: 95.3 to 100), 100 (95%CI: 98.3 to 100) and 77.5 (95%CI: 69.8 to 83.5), respectively. The ROC value was 0.953 (95%CI: 0.933 to 0.973). The simplified TF index proved suitable for determining the prevalence of dental fluorosis in regions with endemic fluorosis caused by the ingestion of water with high concentrations of fluoride

    “When a Tihik drinks kaxmuk he neither has a father, nor a mother, or a brother” : perceptions of Maxakali on the effects of sugarcane liquor consumption

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    Este artigo explora um dos aspectos mais interessantes e menos estudados no Brasil: as consequĂȘncias das experiĂȘncias complexas e contraditĂłrias da substituição total de bebidas tradicionais indĂ­genas pela cachaça, introduzida pelo contato interĂ©tnico. Contribui com a carĂȘncia de ampliação de estudos na temĂĄtica, analisando as consequĂȘncias negativas do uso de ĂĄlcool Maxakali. Enquanto estudos antropolĂłgicos enfatizam funçÔes do beber tradicional e contemporĂąneo como “lubrificantes” sociais, as percepçÔes sociais Maxakali ressaltam consequĂȘncias negativas do uso da cachaça vendida ou trocada no contato interĂ©tnico. Interpretou-se no cotidiano, sĂ­mbolos e significados dessas consequĂȘncias, narradas por 21 lideranças em grupos focais. Com a substituição da Kaxmuk pelos Maxakali, ocorreram adaptaçÔes surgidas pelo contato interĂ©tnico, com relaçÔes negativas para quem bebe, suas famĂ­lia, aldeia e comunidade. No mundo-da-vida, as consequĂȘncias negativas apresentaram-se em forma de acidentes, desarmonias conjugais, negligĂȘncias, alĂ©m de comportamentos violentos, doenças e mortes. Este estudo reforça a importĂąncia de produção de conhecimentos aprofundados e abrangentes visando a identificação de grupos vulnerĂĄveis em busca de soluçÔes participantes.This study explores one of the most interesting and least studied issues in Brazil: the consequences of complex and contradictory experiences by replacing the traditional drinks by cachaça, introduced through interethnic contact. Given the rarity of the study of Maxakali alcohol consumption in research, this study aims to understand, from the native’s point of view, the negative aftereffect of alcohol consumption. Although anthropological studies emphasize functions of traditional and contemporary drinking as social “lubricants”, social perceptions of the Maxakali highlight the problems of cachaça bought through interethnic contact. Symbols and meanings of these consequences were interpreted through their daily life histories, recorded by 21 leaders in focus group. Through the interethnic contact, some adaptations have occurred in the Maxakali alcohol use, with negative consequences for those who drink, their families, their villages and their community. In the world-of-life, these changes these changes can be seen through accidents, insults, marital disharmony, neglects, violent behavior, illness and death. This study’s findings highlight the importance of producing comprehensive and in-depth knowledge in search of to identify vulnerable groups and to develop participatory solutions

    Factors Associated to Endemic Dental Fluorosis in Brazilian Rural Communities

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    The present paper examines the relationship between hydrochemical characteristics and endemic dental fluorosis, controlling for variables with information on an individual level. An epidemiological survey was carried out in seven rural communities in two municipalities in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The Thystrup & Fejerskov index was employed by a single examiner for the diagnosis of dental fluorosis. A sampling campaign of deep groundwater in the rural communities of interest was carried out concomitantly to the epidemiological survey for the determination of physiochemical parameters. Multilevel modeling of 276 individuals from seven rural communities was achieved using the non-linear logit link function. Parameters were estimated using the restricted maximum likelihood method. Analysis was carried out considering two response variables: presence (TF 1 to 9) or absence (TF = 0) of any degree of dental fluorosis; and presence (TF ≄ 5—with loss of enamel structure) or absence of severe dental fluorosis (TF ≀ 4—with no loss of enamel structure). Hydrogeological analyses revealed that dental fluorosis is influenced by the concentration of fluoride (OR = 2.59 CI95% 1.07–6.27; p = 0.073) and bicarbonate (OR = 1.02 CI95% 1.01–1.03; p = 0.060) in the water of deep wells. No other variable was associated with this prevalence (p > 0.05). More severe dental fluorosis (TF ≄ 5) was only associated with age group (p < 0.05). No other variable was associated to the severe dental fluorosis (p > 0.05). Dental fluorosis was found to be highly prevalent and severe. A chemical element besides fluoride was found to be associated (p > 0.05) to the prevalence of dental fluorosis, although this last finding should be interpreted with caution due to its p value

    O acesso aos serviços pĂșblicos de saĂșde em ĂĄrea limĂ­trofe entre municĂ­pios

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    Este artigo analisa o acesso aos serviços de saĂșde. O conceito de acessibilidade Ă© descrito como uma caracterĂ­stica dos serviços de saĂșde podendo ser abordado sob diferentes enfoques. Por isso o acesso aos serviços de saĂșde deve ser estabelecido em cada Unidade BĂĄsica de SaĂșde (UBS) com a participação efetiva, no processo, dos servidores de nĂ­vel local e da comunidade. Foi empregada metodologia qualitativa, a pesquisa-ação e, para a coleta de dados, foram realizadas entrevistas e grupos focais. O trabalho foi desenvolvido junto Ă s gerentes de duas UBS " Confisco, em Belo Horizonte, e Estrela Dalva, em Contagem " e moradores da ĂĄrea de abrangĂȘncia das unidades. O acesso dos moradores aos serviços de saĂșde mostrou-se problemĂĄtico por se tratar de uma ĂĄrea limĂ­trofe entre dois municĂ­pios. Apesar de o trabalho ter sido desenvolvido durante dois anos, hĂĄ dĂșvidas se ele contribuiu para a melhoria do acesso da população, em função das questĂ”es polĂ­ticas que envolvem o tema. No entanto, toda a problemĂĄtica detectada durante o desenvolvimento da pesquisa foi apresentada e debatida com os gestores de ambos os municĂ­pios.This study analyses access to health services. The concept of access is described as a characteristic of the health services and it may be approached in different ways. Therefore, access to health services must be determined by each Primary Care Unit with the participation of local staff and the community. The qualitative methodology was employed through action research, and data collection was conducted through interviews and focus groups. The study was conducted with the managers of two primary care units " Confisco, in Belo Horizonte, and Estrela Dalva, in Contagem -, and dwellers in the units' catchment area. The community's access to health services was difficult for it was a borderline area between two cities. Although the study lasted two years, doubts remain about whether it contributed to improve the access of the population, due to political matters involving the topic. However, all problems detected during the research were presented and debated with the administrators of both cities

    Empoderamento e qualidade de vida de adolescentes trabalhadores assistidos por uma entidade filantrĂłpica de apoio ao adolescente

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi medir o empoderamento de adolescentes trabalhadores e testar sua possível associação com a qualidade de vida. Estudo transversal realizado com 363 adolescentes trabalhadores assistidos por uma Entidade Filantrópica de Apoio ao Adolescente. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio da aplicação de dois questionårios, sendo um utilizado para mensurar a qualidade de vida (WHOQoL-Bref) e as questÔes sobre empoderamento do Questionårio Integrado para Medir Capital Social do Banco Mundial (QIMCS). A variåvel dependente (empoderamento) foi construída pelo agrupamento dos participantes, por meio da anålise de segmentação. O teste Kruskal-Wallis foi utilizado para a comparação dos escores dos domínios do WHOQoL-Bref (físico, psicológico, relaçÔes sociais e meio ambiente) entre os clusters, com 5% de significùncia. Em relação à anålise de segmentação, 126 (34,7%) adolescentes foram classificados como de baixo empoderamento, 161 (44,4%) formaram o grupo moderado e 70 (19,3%) possuíam maior empoderamento. O cluster com alto empoderamento apresentou as maiores médias dos escores de qualidade de vida em todos os domínios. O teste Kruskal-Wallis revelou diferenças estaticamente significantes entre os clusters para os domínios psicológico (p=0,001), relaçÔes sociais (p=0,003) e global (p=0,024). Concluiu-se que melhores escores de qualidade de vida foram encontrados no grupo de adolescentes com maior empoderamento