195 research outputs found

    The enigmatic mode of action of the lantibiotic epilancin 15X

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    Epilancin 15X is a lantibiotic that has an antimicrobial activity in the nanomolar concentration range towards Staphylococcus simulans. Such low MICs usually imply that these peptides employ a mechanism of action (MoA) involving high affinity targets. Here we studied this MoA by using epilancin 15X's ability to dissipate the membrane potential of intact S. simulans cells. These membrane depolarization assays showed that treatment of the bacteria by antibiotics known to affect the bacterial cell wall synthesis pathway decreased the membrane depolarization effects of epilancin 15X. Disruption of the Lipid II cycle in intact bacteria using several methods led to a decrease in the activity of epilancin 15X. Antagonism-based experiments on 96-well plate and agar diffusion plate pointed towards a possible interaction between epilancin 15X and Lipid II and this was confirmed by Circular Dichroism (CD) based experiments. However, this interaction did not lead to a detectable effect on either carboxyfluorescein (CF) leakage or proton permeability. All experiments point to the involvement of a phosphodiester-containing target within a polyisoprene-based biosynthesis pathway, yet the exact identity of the target remains obscure so far

    Substitutions in PBP2b from β-lactam resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae have different effects on enzymatic activity and drug reactivity

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    Pneumococcus resists β-lactams by expressing variants of its target enzymes, the penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs), with many amino acid substitutions. Up to 10% of the sequence can be modified. These altered PBPs have a much reduced reactivity with the drugs but retain their physiological activity of cross-linking the peptidoglycan, the major constituent of the bacterial cell wall. However, as β-lactams are chemical and structural mimics of the natural substrate, resistance mediated by altered PBPs raises the following paradox: how PBPs that react poorly with the drugs maintain a sufficient level of activity with the physiological substrate? This question is addressed for the first time in this study, which compares the peptidoglycan cross-linking activity of PBP2b from susceptible and resistant strains with their inhibition by different β-lactams. Unexpectedly, the enzymatic activity of the variants did not correlate with their antibiotic reactivity. This finding indicates that some of the numerous amino acid substitutions were selected to restore a viable level of enzymatic activity by a compensatory molecular mechanism

    Real time monitoring of peptidoglycan synthesis by membrane-reconstituted penicillin binding proteins

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    Peptidoglycan is an essential component of the bacterial cell envelope that surrounds the cytoplasmic membrane to protect the cell from osmotic lysis. Important antibiotics such as β-lactams and glycopeptides target peptidoglycan biosynthesis. Class A penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) are bifunctional membrane-bound peptidoglycan synthases that polymerize glycan chains and connect adjacent stem peptides by transpeptidation. How these enzymes work in their physiological membrane environment is poorly understood. Here, we developed a novel Förster resonance energy transfer-based assay to follow in real time both reactions of class A PBPs reconstituted in liposomes or supported lipid bilayers and applied this assay with PBP1B homologues from Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Acinetobacter baumannii in the presence or absence of their cognate lipoprotein activator. Our assay will allow unravelling the mechanisms of peptidoglycan synthesis in a lipid-bilayer environment and can be further developed to be used for high-throughput screening for new antimicrobials

    Brevibacillin 2V, a Novel Antimicrobial Lipopeptide With an Exceptionally Low Hemolytic Activity

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    Bacterial non-ribosomally produced peptides (NRPs) form a rich source of antibiotics, including more than 20 of these antibiotics that are used in the clinic, such as penicillin G, colistin, vancomycin, and chloramphenicol. Here we report the identification, purification, and characterization of a novel NRP, i.e., brevibacillin 2V (lipo-tridecapeptide), from Brevibacillus laterosporus DSM 25. Brevibacillin 2V has a strong antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive bacterial pathogens (minimum inhibitory concentration = 2 mg/L), including difficult-to-treat antibiotic-resistant Enterococcus faecium, Enterococcus faecalis, and Staphylococcus aureus. Notably, brevibacillin 2V has a much lower hemolytic activity (HC(50) > 128 mg/L) and cytotoxicity (CC(50) = 45.49 ± 0.24 mg/L) to eukaryotic cells than previously reported NRPs of the lipo-tridecapeptide family, including other brevibacillins, which makes it a promising candidate for antibiotic development. In addition, our results demonstrate that brevibacillins display a synergistic action with established antibiotics against Gram-negative bacterial pathogens. Probably due to the presence of non-canonical amino acids and D-amino acids, brevibacillin 2V showed good stability in human plasma. Thus, we identified and characterized a novel and promising antimicrobial candidate (brevibacillin 2V) with low hemolytic activity and cytotoxicity, which can be used either on its own or as a template for further total synthesis and modification

    Brevibacillin 2V Exerts Its Bactericidal Activity via Binding to Lipid II and Permeabilizing Cellular Membranes

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    Lipo-tridecapeptides, a class of bacterial non-ribosomally produced peptides, show strong antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive pathogens, including antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus spp. However, many of these lipo-tridecapeptides have shown high hemolytic activity and cytotoxicity, which has limited their potential to be developed into antibiotics. Recently, we reported a novel antimicrobial lipo-tridecapeptide, brevibacillin 2V, which showed no hemolytic activity against human red blood cells at a high concentration of 128 mg/L, opposite to other brevibacillins and lipo-tridecapeptides. In addition, brevibacillin 2V showed much lower cytotoxicity than the other members of the brevibacillin family. In this study, we set out to elucidate the antimicrobial mode of action of brevibacillin 2V. The results show that brevibacillin 2V acts as bactericidal antimicrobial agent against S. aureus (MRSA). Further studies show that brevibacillin 2V exerts its bactericidal activity by binding to the bacterial cell wall synthesis precursor Lipid II and permeabilizing the bacterial membrane. Combined solid-state NMR, circular dichroism, and isothermal titration calorimetry assays indicate that brevibacillin 2V binds to the GlcNAc-MurNAc moiety and/or the pentapeptide of Lipid II. This study provides an insight into the antimicrobial mode of action of brevibacillin 2V. As brevibacillin 2V is a novel and promising antibiotic candidate with low hemolytic activity and cytotoxicity, the here-elucidated mode of action will help further studies to develop it as an alternative antimicrobial agent

    Two separate mechanisms are involved in membrane permeabilization during lipid oxidation

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    Lipid oxidation is a universal degradative process of cell membrane lipids that is induced by oxidative stress and reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) in multiple pathophysiological situations. It has been shown that certain oxidized lipids alter membrane properties, leading to a loss of membrane function. Alteration of membrane properties is thought to depend on the initial membrane lipid composition, such as the number of acyl chain unsaturations. However, it is unclear how oxidative damage is related to biophysical properties of membranes. We therefore set out to quantify lipid oxidation through various analytical methods and determine key biophysical membrane parameters using model membranes containing lipids with different degrees of lipid unsaturation. As source for RONS, we used cold plasma, which is currently developed as treatment for infections and cancer. Our data revealed complex lipid oxidation that can lead to two main permeabilization mechanisms. The first one appears upon direct contact of membranes with RONS and depends on the formation of truncated oxidized phospholipids. These lipids seem to be partly released from the bilayer, implying that they are likely to interact with other membranes and potentially act as signaling molecules. This mechanism is independent of lipid unsaturation, does not rely on large variations in lipid packing, and is most probably mediated via short-living RONS. The second mechanism takes over after longer incubation periods and probably depends on the continued formation of lipid oxygen adducts such as lipid hydroperoxides or ketones. This mechanism depends on lipid unsaturation and involves large variations in lipid packing. This study indicates that polyunsaturated lipids, which are present in mammalian membranes rather than in bacteria, do not sensitize membranes to instant permeabilization by RONS but could promote long-term damage.</p

    Analyzing mechanisms of action of antimicrobial peptides on bacterial membranes requires multiple complimentary assays and different bacterial strains

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    Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) commonly target bacterial membranes and show broad-spectrum activity against microorganisms. In this research we used three AMPs (nisin, epilancin 15×, [R4L10]-teixobactin) and tested their membrane effects towards three strains (Staphylococcus simulans, Micrococcus flavus, Bacillus megaterium) in relation with their antibacterial activity. We describe fluorescence and luminescence-based assays to measure effects on membrane potential, intracellular pH, membrane permeabilization and intracellular ATP levels. The results show that our control peptide, nisin, performed mostly as expected in view of its targeted pore-forming activity, with fast killing kinetics that coincided with severe membrane permeabilization in all three strains. However, the mechanisms of action of both Epilancin 15× as well as [R4L10]-teixobactin appeared to depend strongly on the bacterium tested. In certain specific combinations of assay, peptide and bacterium, deviations from the general picture were observed. This was even the case for nisin, indicating the importance of using multiple assays and bacteria for mode of action studies to be able to draw proper conclusions on the mode of action of AMPs

    Enhanced Membrane Pore Formation through High-Affinity Targeted Antimicrobial Peptides

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    Many cationic antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) target the unique lipid composition of the prokaryotic cell membrane. However, the micromolar activities common for these peptides are considered weak in comparison to nisin, which follows a targeted, pore-forming mode of action. Here we show that AMPs can be modified with a high-affinity targeting module, which enables membrane permeabilization at low concentration. Magainin 2 and a truncated peptide analog were conjugated to vancomycin using click chemistry, and could be directed towards specific membrane embedded receptors both in model membrane systems and whole cells. Compared with untargeted vesicles, a gain in permeabilization efficacy of two orders of magnitude was reached with large unilamellar vesicles that included lipid II, the target of vancomycin. The truncated vancomycin-peptide conjugate showed an increased activity against vancomycin resistant Enterococci, whereas the full-length conjugate was more active against a targeted eukaryotic cell model: lipid II containing erythrocytes. This study highlights that AMPs can be made more selective and more potent against biological membranes that contain structures that can be targeted

    Teixobactin analogues reveal enduracididine to be non-essential for highly potent antibacterial activity and lipid II binding

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    Abstract. Teixobactin is a highly promising antibacterial depsipeptide consisting of four D-amino acids and a rare L-allo-enduracididine amino acid. L-allo-enduracididine is reported to be important for the highly potent antibacterial activity of teixobactin. However, it is also a key limiting factor in the development of potent teixobactin analogues due to several synthetic challenges such as it is not commercially available, requires a multistep synthesis, long and repititive couplings (16-30 hours). Due to all these challenges, the total synthesis of teixobactin is laborious and low yielding (3.3%). In this work, we have identified a unique design and developed a rapid synthesis (10 min μwave assisted coupling per amino acid, 30 min cyclisation) of several highly potent analogues of teixobactin with yields of 10-24% by replacing the L-allo-enduracididine with commercially available non-polar residues such as leucine and isoleucine. Most importantly, the Leu10-teixobactin and Ile10-teixobactin analogues have shown highly potent antibacterial activity against a broader panel of MRSA and Enterococcus faecalis (VRE). Time-kill kinetics data indicate that both these compounds are superior to vancomycin against MRSA (16 times more potent). Furthermore, these synthetic analogues displayed identical antibacterial activity to natural teixobactin (MIC 0.25 μg/ml) against MRSA ATCC 33591 despite their simpler design and ease of synthesis. Detailed NMR analyses have provided us with further insight into the 3D structures of these important analogues. We have confirmed lipid II binding and measured the binding affinities of individual amino acid residues of Ala10-teixobactin towards geranyl pyrophosphate (a lipid II mimic) by NMR to understand the nature and strength of binding interactions of the amino acid residues. An antagonization assay further confirms a lipid II mediated mode of action. Contrary to current understanding, we have shown that a cationic amino acid at position 10 is not essential for target (lipid II) binding and potent antibacterial activity of teixobactin. We thus provide strong evidence contrary to the many assumptions made about the mechanism of action of this exciting new antibiotic. Introduction of a non-cationic residue at position 10 allows for tremendous diversification in terms of the design and synthesis of highly potent teixobactin analogues and lays the foundations for the development of teixobactin analogues as new drug-like molecules to target MRSA and Mycobacterium tuberculosis