35 research outputs found

    Professional burnout of doctors in Poland and in the world. Research review

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    The work of a doctor is one of the most demanding. It requires not only a great deal of knowledge, but also a lot of commitment, responsibility and often devoting one's private life. It is called a prestigious job for a reason. Unfortunately, it is also very absorbing both mentally and physically. Increasing stress leads to emotional exhaustion, and its consequence may be burnout

    Location and interpretation of post-forest-fire sediments – case studies

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    Forest fires are common phenomenon in many countries, including Poland. Forest divisions are the institutions responsible for their monitoring and control. Their task is to detect, fight and counteract the fire forest effects. For a long time forest divisions have maintained the database of forest fires, since 2010 in digital version (Information System of the State Forests – SILP, Llas.2). The information gathered in SILP includes the classification, size and location of fires. The Information for the years 2010–2014 was obtained from the Forest Division Suchedniów (Świętokrzyskie province). Most fires were small, often limited to undergrowth and soil cover (less than 1 ha), two of them were classified as medium-size fires (over 1 ha). In post-fire areas a series of shallow geological borings was made. In most profiles no fire traces (layers of charcoal, individual coals etc.) where found. Such traces were preserved on flood plains, under the edges of terraces, where post-fire layer was covered by colluvial deposits. The study of forest soil pH indicate that fires which occurred many years ago did not leave any significant changes in the pH level, while in fire areas several years old pH level was lower. The results of contemporary post-fire sediments studys may be helpful in paleogeographical and geoarchaeological reconstructions (e.g. O’Connor, Evans 2005). In geological profiles it is common to find single charcoals, rarely layers. Their presence, changing the amount of sediment raises a number of controversies and problems with interpretation. In the Druć River valley (Belarus) the layer (0.2–0.35 cm) of post-fire charcoal (14C dating: younger than 200 years old) is covered with sandy colluvia (thickness 30 cm) with numerous of Neolithic and Iron Age artifacts. In this case the thickness of post-fire sediment many times exceeds sediments observed in Suchedniów Forest District, and suggests the occurrence of a very large forest fire (probably anthropogenic). After the fire, intensive soil erosion began in the burnt area, which in a short time covered fossilized charcoals layer by colluvium containing the artifacts.Pożary lasów są częstym zjawiskiem w wielu krajach, w tym i w Polsce. Instytucjami odpowiedzialnymi za ich monitorowanie i kontrolę są nadleśnictwa. Ich zadaniem jest wykrycie oraz przeciwdziałanie skutkom pożaru lasu. Nadleśnictwa prowadzą od dłuższego czasu, od 2010 roku w formie cyfrowej (System Informacji Lasów Państwowych – SILP, Llas.2), bazy danych dotyczące klasyfikacji, wielkości i lokalizacji pożarów lasów. Informacje za lata 2010–2014 pozyskano z Nadleśnictwa Suchedniów (woj. świętokrzyskie). Przeważnie pożary były małe, często ograniczone do podszycia i pokrywy glebowej (poniżej 1 ha), dwa z nich zostały sklasyfikowane jako pożary średnie (ponad 1 ha). Na terenach popożarowych wykonano szereg płytkich wierceń geologicznych. W większości profili nie odnotowano żadnych śladów po pożarach (warstw węgla, pojedynczych węgli etc.). Takie ślady zachowały się na terenach zalewowych, pod krawędziami teras, gdzie warstwa po pożarze była przykryta deluwiami. Badania pH gleby leśnej wskazują na to, że pożary sprzed wielu lat nie pozostawiły żadnych znaczących zmian w poziomie pH, natomiast w miejscach, gdzie pożary miały miejsce kilka lat temu poziom pH był niższy. Wyniki badań współczesnych warstw pożarowych mogą być pomocne w paleogeograficznych i geoarcheologicznych rekonstrukcjach (np. O’Connor, Evans 2005). W profilach geologicznych powszechne są pojedyncze węgle, rzadziej warstwy. Ich obecność, zmienna ilość osadów budzi jednak szereg kontrowersji i problemów interpretacyjnych. Przykładem może być stanowisko w dolinie Druci (Białoruś), gdzie warstwa (0,2–0,35 cm) węgli popożarowych (datowanie 14C – osady młodsze niż 200 lat) jest przykryta piaszczystymi deluwiami (grubość 30 cm) z licznymi artefaktami neolitycznymi i z epoki żelaza. W tym przypadku miąższość warstwy pożarowej wielokrotnie przewyższa osady obserwowane na terenie Nadleśnictwa Suchedniów, sugerując wystąpienie bardzo dużego pożaru lasu (prawdopodobnie antropogenicznego). Po pożarze, na odsłoniętej powierzchni, doszło do intensywnej erozji gleby, co doprowadziło w krótkim czasie do przykrycia warstwy węgla przez deluwia zawierające redeponowane artefakty

    Hospital infections - medical, legal, economic and ethical issues

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    The aim is to present factors that threaten the health and life of the patient staying in a hospital setting. Objects and tools that, as a result of human error, penetrate the patient's tissues and body cavities, cause a high risk of infection. These include surgical instruments, gynecological instruments, needles, syringes, catheters, and dressings. The requirements for the cleanliness of equipment, objects and tools are manifold, depending on the degree of risk of infection. The sterility of the equipment and tools is maintained thanks to the proper handling of the material before sterilization, properly carried out sterilization process, compliance with transport and storage rules. Analysis of deactivation conditions and assessment of its effectiveness provides a guarantee of prevention of nosocomial infections [4]

    Assess the knowledge level of POZ patients on the diagnosis and treatment of type 2 diabetes

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    Żebrowska Małgorzata, Medak Edyta, Pachuta Małgorzata, Brodowicz-Król Magdalena. Assess the knowledge level of POZ patients on the diagnosis and treatment of type 2 diabetes. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2017;7(7):338-356. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.831845 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/4632 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 1223 (26.01.2017). 1223 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7 © The Authors 2017; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 01.07.2017. Revised: 02.07.2017. Accepted: 15.07.2017. Ocena poziomu wiedzy pacjentów POZ na temat rozpoznawania i leczenia cukrzycy typu 2 Assess the knowledge level of POZ patients on the diagnosis and treatment of type 2 diabetes 1Małgorzata Żebrowska 2Edyta Medak 3Małgorzata Pachuta 4Magdalena Brodowicz-Król Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie Autor do korespondencji: Edyta Medak Ul. Obarowska 23/16 04-337 Warszawa e-mail: [email protected] Streszczenie Wprowadzenie: Cukrzyca uznana jest za chorobę cywilizacyjną. Stanowi obecnie jeden z głównych problemów współczesnego świata. Powoduje to ogromny problemem zdrowotny, społeczny i ekonomiczny. Przyczyną tak znacznego wzrostu zachorowań jest poza starzeniem się społeczeństwa, niewłaściwy tryb życia: sposób odżywiania i małą aktywności fizyczna. Cukrzyca dotyka ludzi w różnym wieku. Zachorowanie na tę chorobę oznacza bardzo poważny problem dla pacjenta. Zmienia w zasadniczy sposób jego życie, wymaga długotrwałego leczenia, właściwej pielęgnacji i zmiany stylu życia. Cel pracy: Określenie poziom wiedzy pacjentów POZ na temat rozpoznawania i leczenia cukrzycy typu 2. Materiał i metoda: Grupę badawczą stanowiły pacjenci zgłaszający się do przychodni POZ przy Samodzielnym Publicznym Zakładzie Opieki Zdrowotnej w Bychawie. Grupę badawczą stanowiło 36 kobiet i 37 mężczyzn. Narzędziem badawczym był autorski kwestionariusz ankiety, który zawierał łącznie 47 pytań, z czego 11 stanowiła metryczka, zaś pozostałe 36 dotyczyły wiedzy na temat cukrzycy. Pytania miały charakter pytań zamkniętych. Wyniki badań zostały poddane analizie statystycznej. Wartości analizowanych parametrów mierzalnych przedstawiono przy pomocy wartości średniej, odchylenia standardowego, wartości minimalnych i maksymalnych oraz dla niemierzalnych cech przy pomocy liczności i odsetek. Odchylenie standardowe to popularna miara rozproszenia odzwierciedlająca stopień rozproszenia pomiarów wokół średniej arytmetycznej. Do sprawdzenia zależności pomiędzy zmiennymi wykorzystano korelację rang Spermana (R). Został przyjęty poziom istotności p<0,05 wskazujący na istnienie istotnych statystycznie różnic lub zależności. Bazę danych i badania statystyczne przeprowadzono w oparciu o oprogramowanie komputerowe Statistica 9.1. (StatSoft, Polska). Wyniki: Wiedza chorych odnośnie leczenia i rozpoznawania cukrzycy typu II jest niepełna oraz wysoka, dość często badani posiadają wiedzę w tym zakresie. Większa część ankietowanych posiada ogólną wiedzę na temat leczenia i rozpoznawania cukrzycy Wnioski: Poziom wiedzy osób chorych na cukrzycę jest niewystarczający. Ankietowani pacjenci mają niepełną wiedzę na temat rozpoznawania cukrzycy typu 2. Istnieje związek pomiędzy posiadaną wiedzą na temat rozpoznawania i leczenia cukrzycy typu 2 a cechami badanej populacji. Osoby z wykształceniem średnim i wyższym mają wyższy poziom wiedzy na temat rozpoznawania cukrzycy typu II niż osoby z wykształceniem podstawowym i zawodowym. Podobnie przedstawiają się wyniki na temat leczenia cukrzycy, osoby z wyższym wykształceniem mają większą wiedzę. Słowa kluczowe: cukrzyca typu 2, rozpoznawanie cukrzycy, leczenie cukrzycy, wiedza pacjentów POZ Abstract Background: Diabetes is considered a civilization disease. It is now one of the major problems of the modern world. More than 123 million people suffer from it. About 3.5% of the general population suffer from this disease every year. This causes a huge health, social and economic problem. The reason for such a high incidence of illness is beyond the aging population, poor lifestyle: diet and low physical activity. Diabetes affects people of all ages. Having a disease means a very serious problem for the patient. It essentially changes its life, requires long-term treatment, proper care and lifestyle changes. Aim: Defining the knowledge level of POZ patients on the diagnosis and treatment of type 2 diabetes. Material and method: The study group consisted of patients reporting to the POZ clinic at the Independent Public Health Care Unit in Bychawa. The research group comprised 36 women and 37 men. The research tool was an author's questionnaire, which included a total of 47 questions, 11 of them metric, and the remaining 36 related to knowledge about diabetes. Questions were closed questions. The results of the study were statistically analyzed. The values of the measured measurable parameters are expressed by means of mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum values, and non-measurable characteristics by means of numerical and interest. Standard deviation is a popular measure of dispersion reflecting the degree of dispersion of measurements around the arithmetic mean. The correlation between variables was used to correlate Sperman (R) rankings. The significance level p <0.05 has been assumed to indicate the existence of statistically significant differences or dependencies. The database and statistical studies were based on Statistica 9.1 computer software. (StatSoft, Poland). Results: The knowledge of patients with type II diabetes mellitus is incomplete and high, and quite often they have knowledge in this field. Most respondents have general knowledge about the treatment and diagnosis of diabetes Conclusions: The knowledge level of people with diabetes is insufficient. Respondents have incomplete knowledge about the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. There is a connection between knowledge about the diagnosis and treatment of type 2 diabetes and the characteristics of the study population. People with secondary and tertiary education have a higher level of knowledge about recognizing type II diabetes than people with primary and vocational education. Likewise, the results of treatment for diabetes are similar, and higher education holders have more knowledge. Key words: diabetes mellitus type 2, diabetes diagnosis, treatment of diabetes, knowledge of POZ patient

    HPLC determination of perfluorinated carboxylic acids with fluorescence detection

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    Nursing practice with the patient before complete removal of the stomach from cancer

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    Background: Gastric cancer (RZ) is the second leading cause of cancer in the world leading to death. Although each year the incidence of RZ is lower, it is still one of the highest in the group of most common malignancies. Due to the fact that cancer patients have similar symptoms to other gastrointestinal diseases, it is often detected at an advanced stage.This cancer can be located in different parts of the stomach and often has an unusual course. Surgical treatment of patients with RZ is most often associated with complete gastric excision and causes numerous ailments. Correct preparation of patients for surgery has a significant impact on therapeutic success. A nurse who carries a cancer patient is not only concerned with assessing his / her current state of health, executing medical orders, education on post-hospital leave, but also providing emotional support before surgery. [1,2,3,16].Aim of the study: Evaluation of patient treatment before complete removal of the stomach from cancer.Material and method: The study was conducted in the period from 17.09.2012 to 15.05.2013 in the group of 60 patients (35 men and 25 women) of the II Department and Clinic of General Surgery, Gastroenterology and Gastrointestinal Cancer of the Independent Public Clinical Hospital No. 1 in Lublin. Patients have been qualified for total abdominal surgery for cancer. The research tool was the author's questionnaire survey. The results of the study were statistically analyzed.Results: According to data obtained, more than half (60%) of patients presenting with gastric resection at the Clinic of General Surgery, Gastroenterology and Gastrointestinal Diseases of the Independent Public Clinical Hospital No. 1 in Lublin have a high level of care in this department. There was no case for the patient to underestimate nursing care.Conclusions: The majority of patients rated nursing care performed prior to surgery at a high level

    The Polish State of transplantation

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    Organ transplantation is a life-saving people affected, which the body is unwieldy to live. This method involves the implantation, the person get an organ from another man. It is used in the case of end-stage organ failure, among other things, such as the kidneys, heart, liver, lung, pancreas, intestines. This treatment allows you to return to your health about 1-1.5 thousands of people per year. Currently used in transplantation organs mainly come from donors. Only the kidneys and portions of livers can be retrieved from living donors, but the proportion of this kind of downloads is relatively small. It is estimated that in the world which fourteen minutes another person is qualified for surgery, and a daily fifteen people die without being able to look forward to

    New Analytical Methods Developed for Determination of Perfluorinated Surfactants in Waters and Wastes

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    Perfluorinated organic compounds have been recognized in recent years as globally distributed persistent organic pollutants of an entirely anthropogenic origin, but present already even in the most remote places of the globe, including organisms of wild fauna. Numerous studies have also shown that they are contained in human organisms all over the world. In this work a special attention is given to perfluorinated carboxylic acids (PFCAs), widely used in various areas of modern life. New methods developed for their determination using the HPLC with fluorescence detection and capillary electrophoretic methods are discussed, as well as the new method for the determination of total organic fluorine (TOF). (doi: 10.5562/cca1776

    The buffering effect of spirituality at work on the mediated relationship between job demands and turnover intention among teachers

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    The purpose of this study was to examine whether spirituality at work moderates the direct and indirect (through burnout) effects of quantitative and emotional job demands on turnover intention among teachers. The sample consisted of 952 Polish primary and secondary school teachers. Burnout mediated the relationship between both types of job demands and turnover intention. In the model with quantitative job demands as an independent variable, spirituality at work moderated the second stage path of the indirect effect, i.e., the relationship between burnout and turnover intention (b = −0.022; SE = 0.004; p < 0.001; β = −0.14). In the model with emotional job demands as an independent variable, spirituality at work moderated the first and second stage paths of the indirect effect, i.e., the relationship between emotional job demands and burnout (b = −0.001; SE = 0.001; p = 0.032; β = −0.05) and the relationship between burnout and turnover intention (b = −0.020; SE = 0.004; p < 0.001; β = −0.14). In both models, the indirect effect of job demands on turnover intention through burnout weakened as spirituality at work increased. The results of the study support the inclusion of spirituality at work as a subcategory of personal resources in studies using the job demands-resources model