134 research outputs found

    Presenting Walt Whitman: Leaves-Droppings as Paratext

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    Uses Gerard Genette\u27s theory of the paratext to examine how Whitman manipulates the elements surrounding Leaves of Grass and turns them into \u27Leaves-Droppings\u27 (the group of nine reviews of Leaves, Emerson\u27s letter to Whitman, and Whitman\u27s reply to Emerson) appended to the 1856 edition of Leaves and arranged by Whitman so as to build a narrative of the virtues of the American rude tongue

    "Radiochemical studies of the fission of thorium by 14 mev neutrons"

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    The relative yields of 14 mass chains* in the fission of thorium by 14 MeV neutrons have been measured radio- chemically. Fission-product sources were counted with an end-window β-proportional counter which was- absolutely calibrated for as many of the nuclides measured as was, practicable. The measured relative yields were corrected to total chain yields on application of the equal charge displacement hypothesis, and a mass-yield curve produced with two narrow peaks and a broad trough. Peak maxima occur at mass numbers 91 and 137.4, with a peak width at half-height of 12.5 mass units. The occurrence of a subsidiary maximum in the centre of the trough is considered, although insufficient evidence is, available to delineate this completely. The relative yields were converted to absolute yields on imposition of the condition that the sum of the yields of all the fission-products must be 200%. The value obtained, for the absolute yield of mass number 91 is 6.48 + 0.33?%. *Mass Numbers: 83, 84, 91, 93, 97, 99, 105, 111, 112, 113, 129, 132, 139, 143

    American Bards: James M. Whitfield, Eliza R. Snow, John Rollin Ridge, and Walt Whitman

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    Despite recent efforts to recover a diverse range of nineteenth-century American poets, the aura that continues to surround Walt Whitman as the quintessential American bard has yet to be sufficiently challenged. This dissertation defamiliarizes the Whitman mystique of the national outsider-<i>cum</i>-national bard-the author as "one of the roughs" who also claims to be a representative American poet-by reinterpreting <i>Leaves of Grass</i> through the careers of three poets on the margins of national culture whose projects for American poetry parallel the central aspects of Whitman's own. During the 1850s, African American separatist James M. Whitfield, Mormon pioneer Eliza R. Snow, and Anglo-Cherokee journalist John Rollin Ridge claimed to speak for the United States as American bards despite the fact that they were only tenuously connected to the nation which they claimed to represent. Two years before Whitman first attempted to poetically contain a contradictory nation in the first (1855) edition of <i>Leaves of Grass</i>, James M. Whitfield recorded the conflicts of a nation riven by the contradictions of slavery in <i>America and Other Poems</i> (1853). Similarly, at the same time that Whitman was announcing himself as the poet of a new American religion, Eliza R. Snow had already been recognized as the poet laureate of a faith that observers such as Leo Tolstoy referred to as "the American religion." While Whitman would be characterized as "the first white aboriginal" by D. H. Lawrence in the early twentieth century, in the 1850s John Rollin Ridge had already constructed a poetic persona that attempted to mediate the United States' nostalgia for an indigenous past with its faith in national progress. By claiming to speak as national representatives to a nation that rejected them, Whitfield, Snow, and Ridge not only provide alternatives to a Whitman-centered approach to antebellum American poetry, they also offer insight into the contested nature of national identity at a time when poets in the United States were anxious to define their nation both politically and artistically

    The Crowded Page

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    The Crowded Page is an Internet-based humanities computing project whose goal is to create data-mining and visualization tools that will allow researchers to map out the intricate connections between the members of artistic and literary communities. In most accounts of literary and art history, a work of art or literature is said to be the product of a single creative mind. In an effort to make visible what is often obscured in traditional histories of art and literature, The Crowded Page seeks to take advantage of the unique capabilities of the digital medium to foreground the ways in which a complex network of friends, editors, neighbors, lovers, and fellow artists and writers informs the creative process

    Coastline Evolution Modeling: Implications of Mega-Nourishments and Groin Fields

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    As many coastal areas suffer from chronic erosion, innovative solutions beyond traditional local nourishment must be explored. One such solution is mega-nourishment (MN) where a large sediment volume is deposited in a single location and redistributed via natural processes thereby feeding adjacent beaches. However, only one MN, the Dutch Sand Motor, has been built to date, and potential MN coastline interactions with engineered features such as groins are unknown. To investigate this, one-line numerical modeling approaches of MN evolution are presented using the Coastline Evolution Model (CEM) and GenCade. CEM is modified to allow for a much more detailed parameterization and higher resolution operation to address MNs specifically. Both models are parameterized for the Sand Motor to explore the feasibility of the MN approach. The models are then used to identify the implications of combining a MN with a groin field (GF). This is accomplished by re-writing CEM in MATLAB and adding highly robust groin-simulating algorithms. Both models are able to reproduce the morphological patterns observed at the Sand Motor. GenCade produces mean measured-modeled differences on the order of 50 m showing relatively accurate absolute shoreline positions. CEM captures the 400-meter-feature tip migration due to its wave shadowing algorithm. CEM groin algorithms are validated using measured shorelines from Galveston Island. The idealized MN-GF interaction scenarios are modeled using similar baseline conditions. Results also show that a MN placed adjacent to a GF results in sediment feeding of beaches on both sides of the MN and on the far side of the GF on multidecadal time scales. MN feeding rates are highly dependent on the offshore wave climate, with climates rich in high angle waves slowing MN diffusion and feeding rates. Model results also indicate that shoreline advance can be maximized in areas of erosional hot spots near a GF by building a MN on top of a groin field or directly downdrift of it. The advances made to CEM allow its use in future MN research, which should include the examination of different MN/GF parameters as well as temporal variability in forcings

    An Investigation of the Relationship Between Psychological Strengths and the Perception of Bullying in Early Adolescents in Schools

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    This study explored the association between psychological strengths and perceptions of being a victim of a bullying relationship in the school environment. Using self-report questionnaires with grades 7 and 8 students, the role of psychological strengths as potential protective factors against various forms of bullying were examined including the patterns of strengths associated with the bullying experience. The results showed no significant association between global indices of strengths and perceptions of victimization. However, significant relationships did emerge between specific strengths and victimization. Strengths in school functioning among boys but not girls and strengths in personality functioning for both sexes were associated with lower perceived victimization. In contrast, strengths in spiritual and cultural identification were associated with perceptions of increased victimization. The implications of these results for anti-bullying strategies are discussed.Cette étude a porté sur l'association entre les forces psychologiques et les perceptions d'être victime d'intimidation à l'école. En nous appuyant sur des questionnaires d'auto-évaluation auprès d'élèves en 7e et 8e année, nous avons examiné le rôle des forces psychologiques comme facteurs potentiels de protection contre diverses formes d'intimidation. L'étude a également porté sur les modèles de forces associés à l'expérience de l'intimidation. Les résultats n'ont indiqué aucune association entre les indices globaux de forces et les perceptions de l'intimidation. Toutefois, des relations significatives sont ressorties entre des forces spécifiques et l'intimidation. Des forces relatives à l'école chez les garçons mais pas les filles, et des forces relatives à la personnalité chez les garçons et les filles, étaient associées à une perception amoindrie de la victimisation. Par contre, des forces relatives à l'identification spirituelle et culturelle étaient associées à des perceptions accrues de victimisation. Nous discutons des répercussions de ces résultats sur les stratégies contre l'intimidation

    SOCIAL SCIENCE COMPUTER REVIEW Brent et al. / SOCIOLOGY: A COMPUTATIONAL APPROACH Sociology A Computational Approach to Sociological Explanations

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    The capacity to explain important elements of social life is central both to the development of sociological theory and to teaching sociology. This research seeks to expand our understanding of sociological explanation through a computational approach. Explanations commonly encountered in introductory sociology texts are used to develop a typology of explanatory forms. A computational strategy that represents sociological knowledge using a combination of frames, semantic networks, and procedural rules is described. It is then demonstrated that this approach can generate the full range of these explanations for all logical combinations of conditions and for the full scope of sociological knowledge. This approach is also shown to be capable of identifying appropriate explanations, assessing the quality of explanations, and generating new insights

    Two-year real-world outcome data from a single tertiary centre shows reduced ustekinumab persistence in a non-bio-naïve Crohn's disease cohort with penetrating disease, -ostomies and sarcopenia

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    BACKGROUND: Ustekinumab was approved in 2016 for the treatment of moderate-severe Crohn's disease (CD). Clinical trials and real-world studies have suggested ustekinumab to be a safe and effective treatment; however, studies to date infrequently use imaging techniques to predict response to biologics in CD. OBJECTIVES: We assessed the 2-year real-world effectiveness and safety of ustekinumab in a tertiary CD cohort with the use of novel imaging techniques. DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study. METHODS: Retrospective data were collected between 2016 and 2021. Study end points included ustekinumab persistence, biological and/or clinical response and remission at 12, 18 and 24 months. Statistical analysis included demographic and inferential analyses. RESULTS: In all, 131 CD patients [57.3% female, median age of 26.0 (21.0-37.0)] were included. Patients were non-bio naïve, and the majority received ustekinumab as third- or fourth-line treatment. At 24 months, 61.0% (80/131) persisted with ustekinumab [52.7% (69/131) steroid free]. Clinical response was reported in 55.2% (37/67), clinical remission in 85.7% (57/67), biological response in 46.8% (22/47) and biological remission in 31.9% (15/47) of patients at 24 months. The low outcome numbers were attributable to missing data. Improvements in routine disease markers, including C-reactive protein and Harvey-Bradshaw Index, were also reflected in magnetic resonance imaging-derived disease scores. The presence of penetrating CD, an -ostomy and sarcopenia were all predictors of poorer ustekinumab outcomes (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Ustekinumab is effective in non-bio-naïve CD patients with non-stricturing, non-penetrating disease with an unremarkable safety profile but may be less effective in those with penetrating disease, -ostomies and sarcopenia

    Institutional legacies and HRM: similarities and differences in HRM practices in Portugal and Mozambique

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    This is a study of institutional change and continuity, comparing the trajectories followed by Mozambique and its formal colonial power Portugal in HRM, based on two surveys of firm level practices. The colonial power sought to extend the institutions of the metropole in the closing years of its rule, and despite all the adjustments and shocks that have accompanied Mozambique’s post-independence years, the country continues to retain institutional features and associated practices from the past. This suggests that there is a post-colonial impact on human resource management. The implications for HRM theory are that ambitious attempts at institutional substitution may have less dramatic effects than is commonly assumed. Indeed, we encountered remarkable similarities between the two countries in HRM practices, implying that features of supposedly fluid or less mature institutional frameworks (whether in Africa or the Mediterranean world) may be sustained for protracted periods of time, pressures to reform notwithstanding. This highlights the complexities of continuities which transcend formal rules; as post-colonial theories alert us, informal conventions and embedded discourse may result in the persistence of informal power and subordination, despite political and legal changes
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