27 research outputs found

    Oncological Outcomes in Rats Given Nephrocarcinogenic Exposure to Dietary Ochratoxin A, Followed by the Tumour Promoter Sodium Barbital for Life: A Pilot Study

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    The potent experimental renal carcinogenesis of ochratoxin A (OTA) in male rats makes the dietary contaminant a potential factor in human oncology. We explored whether the tumour promoter sodium barbitate could shorten the otherwise long latency between exposure to toxin and tumourigenesis. Young rats, of a hybrid in which mononuclear leukaemia was rare, were given feed contaminated (5 ppm) with OTA for 36 weeks to initiate renal tumourigenesis. Some individuals were thereafter given sodium barbitate (500 ppm in drinking water) for life. Pathological outcomes were studied at or near the end of natural life. Renal tumours in males given barbitate became evident after latency of one year, but only slightly before those without barbitate. In contrast, female mammary tumourigenesis was advanced by at least 6 months synchronously in all rats given the OTA-barbitate regimen compared to tumourigenesis in controls. Diagnosis of malignant mammary angiosarcoma in a female given the OTA-barbitate regimen is a new finding in the rat. The long latency of OTA-induced renal tumourigenesis was not notably susceptible to accelerated promotion by barbitate, contrasting with an apparently marked effect of barbitate on development of mammary tumours

    Adipocyte-derived extracellular vesicles increase insulin secretion through transport of insulinotropic protein cargo

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    Adipocyte-derived extracellular vesicles (AdEVs) are membranous nanoparticles that convey communication from adipose tissue to other organs. Here, to delineate their role as messengers with glucoregulatory nature, we paired fluorescence AdEV-tracing and SILAC-labeling with (phospho)proteomics, and revealed that AdEVs transfer functional insulinotropic protein cargo into pancreatic β-cells. Upon transfer, AdEV proteins were subjects for phosphorylation, augmented insulinotropic GPCR/cAMP/PKA signaling by increasing total protein abundances and phosphosite dynamics, and ultimately enhanced 1st-phase glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) in murine islets. Notably, insulinotropic effects were restricted to AdEVs isolated from obese and insulin resistant, but not lean mice, which was consistent with differential protein loads and AdEV luminal morphologies. Likewise, in vivo pre-treatment with AdEVs from obese but not lean mice amplified insulin secretion and glucose tolerance in mice. This data suggests that secreted AdEVs can inform pancreatic β-cells about insulin resistance in adipose tissue in order to amplify GSIS in times of increased insulin demand

    Structural basis of TIR-domain-assembly formation in MAL- and MyD88-dependent TLR4 signaling

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    Toll-like receptor (TLR) signaling is a key innate immunity response to pathogens. Recruitment of signaling adapters such as MAL (TIRAP) and MyD88 to the TLRs requires Toll/interleukin-1 receptor (TIR)-domain interactions, which remain structurally elusive. Here we show that MAL TIR domains spontaneously and reversibly form filaments in vitro. They also form cofilaments with TLR4 TIR domains and induce formation of MyD88 assemblies. A 7-Ã…-resolution cryo-EM structure reveals a stable MAL protofilament consisting of two parallel strands of TIR-domain subunits in a BB-loop-mediated head-to-tail arrangement. Interface residues that are important for the interaction are conserved among different TIR domains. Although large filaments of TLR4, MAL or MyD88 are unlikely to form during cellular signaling, structure-guided mutagenesis, combined with in vivo interaction assays, demonstrated that the MAL interactions defined within the filament represent a template for a conserved mode of TIR-domain interaction involved in both TLR and interleukin-1 receptor signaling

    New functions for the NHERF family of proteins

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