459 research outputs found

    Rising protectionist threat creates risks for Texas

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    Expanding trade has brought jobs and business to Texas, but has left the state particularly vulnerable to antitrade actions. Texas would suffer greatly if the U.S. and other countries implement protectionist measures.Economic conditions - Texas ; International trade ; Free trade ; North American Free Trade Agreement

    (SNP099) Edward S. Nicholson interviewed by Dorothy Noble Smith and Robin Minter, transcribed by Sharon G. Marston

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    Records an interview with Edward Nicholson, who lived in the mountains of Madison County, Virginia until the establishment of Shenandoah National Park. Describes daily life in the mountains, the means of growing and preserving food and other aspects of the local economy. Discusses popular pastimes, herbal remedies, holidays, courtship, and the moonshine trade. Also discusses his memories of local entrepreneur, George Freeman Pollock, owner of Skyland resort. Mr. Nicholson\u27s wife, Nellie, (née Dodson), is also present for the interview and contributes throughout.https://commons.lib.jmu.edu/snp/1081/thumbnail.jp

    Ruthenium and osmium carbonyl clusters incorporating stannylene and stannyl ligands

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    The reaction of [Ru₃ (CO)₁₂] with Ph₃SnSPh in refluxing benzene furnished the bimetallic Ru-Sn compound [Ru₃(CO)₈(μ-SPh)₂(μ3-SnPh₂)(SnPh₃)₂] 1 which consists of a SnPh₂ stannylene bonded to three Ru atoms to give a planar tetra-metal core, with two peripheral SnPh₃ ligands. The stannylene ligand forms a very short bond to one Ru atom [Sn-Ru 2.538(1) Å] and very long bonds to the other two [Sn-Ru 3.074(1) Å]. The germanium compound [Ru₃(CO)₈(μ-SPh)₂(μ₃-GePh₂)(GePh₃)₂] 2 was obtained from the reaction of [Ru₃ (CO)₁₂] with Ph₃GeSPh and has a similar structure to that of 1 as evidenced by spectroscopic data. Treatment of [Os₃(CO)₁₀(MeCN)₂] with Ph₃SnSPh in refluxing benzene yielded the bimetallic Os-Sn compound [Os₃(CO)₉(μ-SPh)(μ₃-SnPh₂)(MeCN)(ƞ¹-C₆H₅)] 3. Cluster 3 has a superficially similar planar metal core, but with a different bonding mode with respect to that of 1. The Ph₂Sn group is bonded most closely to Os(2) and Os(3) [2.7862(3) and 2.7476(3) Å respectively] with a significantly longer bond to Os(1), 2.9981(3) Å indicating a weak back-donation to the Sn. The reaction of the bridging dppm compound [Ru₃(CO)₁₀(μ-dppm)] with Ph₃SnSPh afforded [Ru₃(CO)₆(μ-dppm)(μ₃-S)(μ₃-SPh)(SnPh₃)] 5. Compound 5 contains an open triangle of Ru atoms simultaneously capped by a sulfido and a PhS ligand on opposite sides of the cluster with a dppm ligand bridging one of the Ru-Ru edges and a Ph₃Sn group occupying an axial position on the Ru atom not bridged by the dppm ligand

    Flux motion in lead-indium wires with longitudinal magnetic fields /

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    Federalism and Beyond: The Uncertain Nature of Federal/State Relationships in a Restructuring World

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    Federalism in the restructuring context has certainly been controversial and filled with uncertainty -- some would say perilous. Some would say the shifts in jurisdiction between federal and state governments are so serious and of such concern that we should really pause before restructuring the electric industries. Some say we have not done the right thing in the telecommunications industry either. This area is certainly filled with potential for competitors and for lawyers. To help us sort it out, we have four distinguished panelists who are going to identify some of the key state/federal jurisdictional issues in the telecommunications and electric industries - how those issues are being resolved and how they are likely to be resolved in the future. And because the telecommunications industry is further along than electricity, we are going to start with those panelists first

    An electron-deficient triosmium cluster containing the thianthrene ligand: Synthesis, structure and reactivity of [Os₃(CO)₉(μ3-η2-C₁₂H₇S₂)(μ-H)]

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    Reaction of [Os₃(CO)₁₀(CH₃CN)₂] with thianthrene at 80 °C leads to the nonacarbonyl dihydride compound [Os₃(CO)₉(μ-3,4-η²-C₁₂H₆S₂)(μ-H)₂] (1) and the 46-electron monohydride compound [Os₃(CO)₉(μ₃-η²-C₁₂H₇S₂)(μ-H)] (2). Compound 2 reacts reversibly with CO to give the CO adduct [Os₃(CO)₁₀(μ-η²-C₁₂H₇S₂)(μ-H)] (3) whereas with PPh₃ it gives the addition product [Os₃(CO)₉)(PPh₃)(μ-η²-C₁₂H₇S₂)(μ-H)] (4) as well as the substitution product 1,2-[Os₃(CO)₁₀ ((PPh₃)₂] (5) Compound 2 represents a unique example of an electron-deficient triosmium cluster in which the thianthrene ring is bound to cluster by coordination of the sulfur lone pair and a three-center-two-electron bond with the C(2) carbon which bridges the same edge of the triangle as the hydride. Electrochemical and DFT studies which elucidate the electronic properties of 2 are reported

    Supply chain management in the dry bulk shipping industry

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    Thesis (S.M. in Ocean Systems Management)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2006.Includes bibliographical references.This paper is intended to show the importance of supply chain management in the dry-bulk shipping industry. A hypothetical company, the Texas Grain and Bakery Corporation, was created. The values and calculations used are artificial but representative of the industry. A well defined fleet analysis of Texas Intercoastal Transport's vessels and supply chain infrastructure show that an increase in productivity and profitability are possible with proper implementation. A systems approach of tying together the subsidiaries of Texas Grain and Bakery is used. This analysis is broken into seven sections: (1) Overview of the Systems Approach, which breaks down the seven step process. (2) Establishing a Baseline, which shows an annualized view of cargo movement of the core trade based on the first half of 2005. (3) Analysis of "Ideal" Allocation of Current Fleet, which defines assumptions used in the model and proposes a core trade fleet. (4) Analysis of Intermediate Fleet Allocation, which is a fleet analysis executable within the next 18 months.(cont.) (5) Analysis of Long-Term Fleet Allocation, which is a fleet analysis executable around 2009. Two new-build vessels are added into the core trade along with sharply increasing the amount of grain moved. (6) Analysis of Delays, which goes over historical data from the Texas Intercoastal Transport fleet that warrants further future study. (7) Conclusions and Recommendations, which summarizes the results of the seven step process and makes recommendations for implement ion of results into the core trade of Texas Grain and Bakery. The paper concludes with several findings. Conservatively, there is an estimated savings of $4 - 6 Million savings per year throughout Texas Grain and Bakery. There are certain inefficiencies that do exist in the system and cannot be remedied; they can only be minimized. Finally, additional study into mechanical delays is suggested in order to further increase fleet productivity and profitability in the future.by Bryan E. Nicholson.S.M.in Ocean Systems Managemen

    Ultrafast Spin Density Wave Transition in Chromium Governed by Thermalized Electron Gas

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    The energy and momentum selectivity of time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy is exploited to address the ultrafast dynamics of the antiferromagnetic spin density wave (SDW) transition photoexcited in epitaxial thin films of chromium. We are able to quantitatively extract the evolution of the SDW order parameter Δ through the ultrafast phase transition and show that Δ is governed by the transient temperature of the thermalized electron gas, in a mean field description. The complete destruction of SDW order on a sub-100 fs time scale is observed, much faster than for conventional charge density wave materials. Our results reveal that equilibrium concepts for phase transitions such as the order parameter may be utilized even in the strongly nonadiabatic regime of ultrafast photoexcitation


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    Noise is one of the main pollutants affecting the health and quality of life of the population, in the city, due to its constant economic growth and technological development. Panama, due to its socioeconomic characteristics, is a developing country and this pollutant is chronically affecting the population. Therefore, this study seeks to quantify the perception of the population through a survey and to measure the sound pressure levels and their spatial distribution in the hospital area of La Exposition in Panama City. Preliminarily revealing that the study area is exposed to levels that exceed 65 dB, recommended by WHO, in addition, the survey made evident the lack of general knowledge on the subject. This allows us to recommend to the competent authorities the need to review the application and supervision of the existing norms in our country, to facilitate a better control of this pollutantEl ruido es uno de los principales contaminantes que afecta la salud y calidad de vida de la población, principalmente de la urbe; por su constante crecimiento económico y desarrollo tecnológico. Panamá por sus características socioeconómicas es un país en desarrollo y este contaminante está afectando a la población, de manera crónica. Por ello, este estudio busca cuantificar la percepción de la población, mediante una encuesta y medir los niveles de presión sonora y su distribución espacial, en la zona hospitalaria del barrio La Exposición en la ciudad de Panamá. Revelando preliminarmente que el área de estudio se encuentra expuesta a niveles que sobrepasan los 65 dB, recomendados por la OMS, además, la encuesta hizo evidente la carencia de conocimientos generales del tema. Lo que permite recomendar a las autoridades competentes la necesidad de realizar una revisión a la aplicación y supervisión de las normas existentes en nuestro país, que facilite un mejor control a este contaminante.&nbsp


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    El ruido es uno de los principales contaminantes que afecta la salud y calidad de vida de la población, principalmente de la urbe; por su constante crecimiento económico y desarrollo tecnológico. Panamá por sus características socioeconómicas es un país en desarrollo y este contaminante está afectando a la población, de manera crónica. Por ello, este estudio busca cuantificar la percepción de la población, mediante una encuesta y medir los niveles de presión sonora y su distribución espacial, en la zona hospitalaria del barrio La Exposición en la ciudad de Panamá. Revelando preliminarmente que el área de estudio se encuentra expuesta a niveles que sobrepasan los 65 dB, recomendados por la OMS, además, la encuesta hizo evidente la carencia de conocimientos generales del tema. Lo que permite recomendar a las autoridades competentes la necesidad de realizar una revisión a la aplicación y supervisión de las normas existentes en nuestro país, que facilite un mejor control a este contaminante.