7 research outputs found
Store sales recording activity is an important thing. By record the sell, the seller can minimize errors in calculating profit and loss due to items that are not recorded. The seller also compares number of each product which sold at a time and can make plans to plan the next sales strategy. By adopting the ADDIE method which in its stages goes through Analyze, Design, Development & Implementation, and Evaluation phases, the author develops a store sales recording application that has CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) as the main feature of number of sales recording compiled with a MySQL database. Bar charts and pie charts are displayed as a visualization of product sales data using Bootstrap.Aktivitas pencatatan penjualan pada toko merupakan hal yang penting. Dengan pencatatan penjualan, penjual dapat meminimalisir kesalahan perhitungan untung dan rugi karena barang yang tidak dicatat. Penjual juga membandingkan jumlah dari masing-masing produk yang terjual dalam suatu waktu dan dapat membuat perencanaan untuk merencanakan strategi penjualan berikutnya. Dengan mengadopsi metode ADDIE yang dalam tahapannya melalui fase Analyze, Design, Development & Implementation, dan Evaluation, penulis mengembangan aplikasi pencatatan penjualan yang memiliki fitur utama CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) sebagai fitur utama pencatatan jumlah penjualan yang disusun dengan database MySQL. Diagram batang dan diagram lingkaran ditampilkan sebagai visualisasi dari data jumlah penjualan produk menggunakan Bootstrap
Bencana gempa disertai longsor yang menimbun permukiman warga BabakanCaringin membutuhkan pertimbangan penentuan lokasi untuk relokasi danresettlement, serta rencana tapak; dan rancangan rumah dalam waktu yangcepat dengan dana yang terjangkau. Untuk itu penelitian ini mencakup kajianperbandingan antara 2 lahan yaitu tanah desa dan tanah PERHUTANI; sertapembuatan rencana tapak dan rancangan rumah bambu bagi pengungsi ekswarga babakan Caringin yang terkena longsor di desa Cikangkareng KecamatanCibinong Kabupaten Cianjur, sesuai aspirasi mereka.Hasil kajian ini sangat penting dan berguna bagi semua pihak yang selanjutnyaberkiprah dalam pelaksanaan relokasi dan resettlement tersebut, sehinggapenanganan perumahan pengungsi dapat berjalan dengan baik
The Importance of Eurekan Mountains on Cenozoic Sediment Routing on the Western Barents Shelf
The importance of topography generated by Eocene Eurekan deformation as a sediment source for sandstones deposited on the western Barents Shelf margin is evaluated through a sediment provenance study conducted on wellbore materials retrieved from Spitsbergen and from the Vestbakken Volcanic Province and the Sørvestsnaget Basin in the southwest Barents Sea. A variety of complementary techniques record a provenance change across the Paleocene-Eocene boundary in wellbore BH 10-2008, which samples Paleogene strata of the Central Tertiary Basin in Spitsbergen. Sandstones containing K-feldspar with radiogenic Pb isotopic compositions, chrome spinel in the heavy mineral assemblage, and detrital zircons and rutiles with prominent Palaeoproterozoic and Late Palaeozoic—Early Mesozoic U-Pb age populations are up-section replaced by sandstone containing albitic plagioclase feldspar, metasedimentary schist rock fragments, a heavy mineral assemblage with abundant chloritoid, metamorphic apatite with low REE contents, metapelitic rutile with Silurian U-Pb ages and zircons with predominantly Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic U-Pb age populations. Our results clearly demonstrate the well-known regional change in source area from an exposed Barents Shelf terrain east of the Central Tertiary Basin during the Paleocene to the emerging Eurekan mountains west and north of the Central Tertiary Basin during the Eocene. Eocene sandstones deposited in the marginal basins of the southwestern Barents Shelf, which were sampled in wellbores 7316/5-1 and 7216/11-1S, contain elements of both the Eurekan and the eastern Barents Shelf provenance signatures. The mixing of the two sand types and delivery to the southwest margin of the Barents Shelf is consistent with a fill and spill model for the Central Teritary Basin, with transport of Eurekan-derived sediment east then south hundreds of kilometres across the Shelf