26 research outputs found

    MAPlex: A massively parallel sequencing ancestry analysis multiplex for Asia-Pacific populations

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    © 2019 The Authors Current forensic ancestry-informative panels are limited in their ability to differentiate populations in the Asia-Pacific region. MAPlex (Multiplex for the Asia-Pacific), a massively parallel sequencing (MPS) assay, was developed to improve differentiation of East Asian, South Asian and Near Oceanian populations found in the extensive cross-continental Asian region that shows complex patterns of admixture at its margins. This study reports the development of MAPlex; the selection of SNPs in combination with microhaplotype markers; assay design considerations for reducing the lengths of microhaplotypes while preserving their ancestry-informativeness; adoption of new population-informative multiple-allele SNPs; compilation of South Asian-informative SNPs suitable for forensic AIMs panels; and the compilation of extensive reference and test population genotypes from online whole-genome-sequence data for MAPlex markers. STRUCTURE genetic clustering software was used to gauge the ability of MAPlex to differentiate a broad set of populations from South and East Asia, the West Pacific regions of Near Oceania, as well as the other globally distributed population groups. Preliminary assessment of MAPlex indicates enhanced South Asian differentiation with increased divergence between West Eurasian, South Asian and East Asian populations, compared to previous forensic SNP panels of comparable scale. In addition, MAPlex shows efficient differentiation of Middle Eastern individuals from Europeans. MAPlex is the first forensic AIM assay to combine binary and multiple-allele SNPs with microhaplotypes, adding the potential to detect and analyze mixed source forensic DNA

    DNA Methods to Identify Missing Persons

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    Human identification by DNA analysis in missing person cases typically involves comparison of two categories of sample: a reference sample, which could be obtained from intimate items of the person in question or from family members, and the questioned sample from the unknown person-usually derived from the bones, teeth, or soft tissues of human remains. Exceptions include the analysis of archived tissues, such as those held by hospital pathology departments, and the analysis of samples relating to missing, but living persons. DNA is extracted from the questioned and reference samples and well-characterized regions of the genetic code are amplified from each source using the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), which generates sufficient copies of the target region for visualization and comparison of the genetic sequences obtained from each sample. If the DNA sequences of the questioned and reference samples differ, this is normally sufficient for the questioned DNA to be excluded as having come from the same source. If the sequences are identical, statistical analysis is necessary to determine the probability that the match is a consequence of the questioned sequence coming from the same individual who provided the reference sample or from a randomly occurring individual in the general population. Match probabilities that are currently achievable are frequently greater than 1 in 1 billion, allowing identity to be assigned with considerable confidence in many cases

    Performance of ancestry-informative SNP and microhaplotype markers

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    © 2019 Elsevier B.V. The use of microhaplotypes (MHs) for ancestry inference has added to an increasing number of ancestry-informative markers (AIMs) for forensic application that includes autosomal single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and insertions/deletions (indels). This study compares bi-allelic and tri-allelic SNPs as well as MH markers for their ability to differentiate African, European, South Asian, East Asian, and American population groups from the 1000 Genomes Phase 3 database. A range of well-established metrics were applied to rank each marker according to the population differentiation potential they measured. These comprised: absolute allele frequency differences (δ); Rosenberg's informativeness for (ancestry) assignment (In); the fixation index (FST); and the effective number of alleles (Ae). A panel consisting of all three marker types resulted in the lowest mean divergence per population per individual (MDPI = 2.16%) when selected by In. However, when marker types were not mixed, MHs were the highest performing markers by most metrics (MDPI < 4%) for differentiation between the five continental populations

    Inter-laboratory evaluation of the EUROFORGEN Global ancestry-informative SNP panel by massively parallel sequencing using the Ion PGM™

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    The EUROFORGEN Global ancestry-informative SNP (AIM-SNPs) panel is a forensic multiplex of 128 markers designed to differentiate an individual's ancestry from amongst the five continental population groups of Africa, Europe, East Asia, Native America, and Oceania. A custom multiplex of AmpliSeq (TM) PCR primers was designed for the Global AIM-SNPs to perform massively parallel sequencing using the Ion PGM (TM) system. This study assessed individual SNP genotyping precision using the Ion PGM (TM), the forensic sensitivity of the multiplex using dilution series, degraded DNA plus simple mixtures, and the ancestry differentiation power of the final panel design, which required substitution of three original ancestry-informative SNPs with alternatives. Fourteen populations that had not been previously analyzed were genotyped using the custom multiplex and these studies allowed assessment of genotyping performance by comparison of data across five laboratories. Results indicate a low level of genotyping error can still occur from sequence misalignment caused by homopolymeric tracts close to the target SNP, despite careful scrutiny of candidate SNPs at the design stage. Such sequence misalignment required the exclusion of component SNP rs2080161 from the Global AIM-SNPs panel. However, the overall genotyping precision and sensitivity of this custom multiplex indicates the Ion PGM (TM) assay for the Global AIM-SNPs is highly suitable for forensic ancestry analysis with massively parallel sequencing. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

    Mass spectrometric base composition profiling: Implications for forensic mtDNA databasing

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    In forensic genetics mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is usually analyzed by direct Sanger-type sequencing (STS). This method is known to be laborious and sometimes prone to human error. Alternative methods have been proposed that lead to faster results. Among these are methods that involve mass-spectrometry resulting in base composition profiles that are, by definition, less informative than the full nucleotide sequence. Here, we applied a highly automated electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) system (PLEX-ID) to an mtDNA population study to compare its performance with respect to throughput and concordance to STS. We found that the loss of information power was relatively low compared to the gain in speed and analytical standardization. The detection of point and length heteroplasmy turned out to be roughly comparable between the technologies with some individual differences related to the processes. We confirm that ESI-MS provides a valuable platform for analyzing mtDNA variation that can also be applied in the forensic context. (C) 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

    Building a forensic ancestry panel from the ground up: The EUROFORGEN Global AIM-SNP set

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    Emerging next-generation sequencing technologies will enable DNA analyses to add pigmentation predictive and ancestry informative (AIM) SNPs to the range of markers detectable from a single PCR test. This prompted us to re-appraise current forensic and genomics AIM-SNPs and from the best sets, to identify the most divergent markers for a five population group differentiation of Africans, Europeans, East Asians, Native Americans and Oceanians by using our own online genome variation browsers. We prioritized careful balancing of population differentiation across the five group comparisons in order to minimize bias when estimating co-ancestry proportions in individuals with admixed ancestries. The differentiation of European from Middle East or South Asian ancestries was not chosen as a characteristic in order to concentrate on introducing Oceanian differentiation for the first time in a forensic AIM set. We describe a complete set of 128 AIM-SNPs that have near identical population-specific divergence across five continentally defined population groups. The full set can be systematically reduced in size, while preserving the most informative markers and the balance of population-specific divergence in at least four groups. We describe subsets of 88, 55, 28, 20 and 12 AIMs, enabling both new and existing SNP genotyping technologies to exploit the best markers identified for forensic ancestry analysis. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

    Inter-laboratory evaluation of SNP-based forensic identification by massively parallel sequencing using the Ion PGM (TM)

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    Next generation sequencing (NGS) offers the opportunity to analyse forensic DNA samples and obtain massively parallel coverage of targeted short sequences with the variants they carry. We evaluated the levels of sequence coverage, genotyping precision, sensitivity and mixed DNA patterns of a prototype version of the first commercial forensic NGS kit: the HID-Ion AmpliSeq (TM) Identity Panel with 169-markers designed for the Ion PGM (TM) system. Evaluations were made between three laboratories following closely matched Ion PGM (TM) protocols and a simple validation framework of shared DNA controls. The sequence coverage obtained was extensive for the bulk of SNPs targeted by the HID-Ion AmpliSeq (TM) Identity Panel. Sensitivity studies showed 90-95% of SNP genotypes could be obtained from 25 to 100 pg of input DNA. Genotyping concordance tests included Coriell cell-line control DNA analyses checked against whole-genome sequencing data from 1000 Genomes and Complete Genomics, indicating a very high concordance rate of 99.8%. Discordant genotypes detected in rs1979255, rs1004357, rs938283, rs2032597 and rs2399332 indicate these loci should be excluded from the panel. Therefore, the HID-Ion AmpliSeq (TM) Identity Panel and Ion PGM (TM) system provide a sensitive and accurate forensic SNP genotyping assay. However, low-level DNA produced much more varied sequence coverage and in forensic use the Ion PGM (TM) system will require careful calibration of the total samples loaded per chip to preserve the genotyping reliability seen in routine forensic DNA. Furthermore, assessments of mixed DNA indicate the user's control of sequence analysis parameter settings is necessary to ensure mixtures are detected robustly. Given the sensitivity of Ion PGM (TM), this aspect of forensic genotyping requires further optimisation before massively parallel sequencing is applied to routine casework. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

    Evaluation of the predictive capacity of DNA variants associated with straight hair in Europeans

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    DNA-based prediction of hair morphology, defined as straight, curly or wavy hair, could contribute to an improved description of an unknown offender and allow more accurate forensic reconstructions of physical appearance in the field of forensic DNA phenotyping. Differences in scalp hair morphology are significant at the worldwide scale and within Europe. The only genome-wide association study made to date revealed the Trichohyalin gene (TCHH) to be significantly associated with hair morphology in Europeans and reported weaker associations for WNT10A and FRAS1 genes. We conducted a study that centered on six SNPs located in these three genes with a sample of 528 individuals from Poland. The predictive capacity of the candidate DNA variants was evaluated using logistic regression; classification and regression trees; and neural networks, by applying a 10-fold cross validation procedure. Additionally, an independent test set of 142 males from six European populations was used to verify performance of the developed prediction models. Our study confirmed association of rs11803731 (TCHH), rs7349332 (WNT10A) and rs1268789 (FRAS1) SNPs with hair morphology. The combined genotype risk score for straight hair had an odds ratio of 2.7 and these predictors explained similar to 8.2% of the total variance. The selected three SNPs were found to predict straight hair with a high sensitivity but low specificity when a 10-fold cross validation procedure was applied and the best results were obtained using the neural networks approach (AUC = 0.688, sensitivity = 91.2%, specificity = 23.0%). Application of the neural networks model with 65% probability threshold on an additional test set gave high sensitivity (81.4%) and improved specificity (50.0%) with a total of 78.7% correct calls, but a high non-classification rate (66.9%). The combined TTGGGG SNP genotype for rs11803731, rs7349332, rs1268789 (European frequency = 4.5%) of all six straight hair-associated alleles was identified as the best predictor, giving >80% probability of straight hair. Finally, association testing of 44 SNPs previously identified to be associated with male pattern baldness revealed a suggestive association with hair morphology for rs4679955 on 3q25.1. The study results reported provide the starting point for the development of a predictive test for hair morphology in Europeans. More studies are now needed to discover additional determinants of hair morphology to improve the predictive accuracy of this trait in forensic analysis. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

    Forensic ancestry analysis with two capillary electrophoresis ancestry informative marker (AIM) panels:Results of a collaborative EDNAP exercise

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    There is increasing interest in forensic ancestry tests, which are part of a growing number of DNA analyses that can enhance routine profiling by obtaining additional genetic information about unidentified DNA donors. Nearly all ancestry tests use single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), but these currently rely on SNaPshot single base extension chemistry that can fail to detect mixed DNA. Insertion-deletion polymorphism (Indel) tests have been developed using dye-labeled primers that allow direct capillary electrophoresis detection of PCR products (PCR-to-CE). PCR-to-CE maintains the direct relationship between input DNA and signal strength as each marker is detected with a single dye, so mixed DNA is more reliably detected. We report the results of a collaborative inter-laboratory exercise of 19 participants (15 from the EDNAP European DNA Profiling group) that assessed a 34-plex SNP test using SNaPshot and a 46-plex Indel test using PCR-to-CE. Laboratories were asked to type five samples with different ancestries and detect an additional mixed DNA sample. Statistical inference of ancestry was made by participants using the Snipper online Bayes analysis portal plus an optional PCA module that analyzes the genotype data alongside calculation of Bayes likelihood ratios. Exercise results indicated consistent genotyping performance from both tests, reaching a particularly high level of reliability for the Indel test. SNP genotyping gave 93.5% concordance (compared to the organizing laboratory's data) that rose to 97.3% excluding one laboratory with a large number of miscalled genotypes. Indel genotyping gave a higher concordance rate of 99.8% and a reduced no-call rate compared to SNP analysis. All participants detected the mixture from their Indel peak height data and successfully assigned the correct ancestry to the other samples using Snipper, with the exception of one laboratory with SNP miscalls that incorrectly assigned ancestry of two samples and did not obtain informative likelihood ratios for a third. Therefore, successful ancestry assignments were achieved by participants in 92 of 95 Snipper analyses. This exercise demonstrates that ancestry inference tests based on binary marker sets can be readily adopted by laboratories that already have well-established CE regimes in place. The Indel test proved to be easy to use and allowed all exercise participants to detect the DNA mixture as well as achieving complete and concordant profiles in nearly all cases. Lastly, two participants successfully ran parallel next-generation sequencing analyses (each using different systems) and achieved high levels of genotyping concordance using the exercise PCR primer mixes unmodified. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved