262 research outputs found

    The hill prairies of northeast Iowa: vegetation and dynamics

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    Patterns of plant community organization in 35 hill prairies from northeast Iowa were studied. The influence of grazing, woody species invasion and habitat factors on diversity and dominant species distribution was also investigated. The invasive process of the prairies by Juniperus virginiana was assessed by studying spatial distribution, age and size structure of four populations under different ecological conditions;The results indicate that hill prairies from northeast Iowa are part of a continuum that connects them to the tall grass prairie that once covered Iowa. They make up the driest part of the gradient and converge in structure with those hill prairies in Wisconsin, Illinois and Minnesota;Five community-types were distinguished and described. Andropogon gerardii, A. scoparius, Sporobolus heterolepis and Bouteloua curtipendula, the most important grasses, as well as smooth sumac Rhus glabra, behave differently under various conditions of topography, moisture availability and grazing intensity. Invasion of hill prairies by smooth sumac seems to be related with fire suppression. Smooth sumac is probably involved in a facilitation-like mechanism that promotes the establishment of eastern red cedar, Juniperus virginiana, when grazing is eliminated. Progressive or massive invasions of hill prairies by eastern red cedar can culminate in closed communities with total elimination of prairie species

    Estudio operando de acumuladores de litio por acoplamiento de espectroscopia de fotoemisión de rayos X y espectroscopia de impedancia

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    Descargue el texto completo en el repositorio institucional de la Communauté Université Grenoble Alpes: https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-02506388En el contexto actual de los sistemas de almacenamiento de energía, y en especial las baterías, es de vital importancia la comprensión de los procesos interfaciales que conducen a la degradación de la interface entre el litio metálico y el electrolito, produciendo la caída del rendimiento coulómbico y promoviendo el crecimiento de dendritas. En este trabajo se han seleccionado dos líquidos iónicos compuestos por los aniones TFSI⁻ y FSI⁻ asociados con el catión imidazolium C₁C₆Im⁺ en presencia de la sal LiTFSI, para estudiar su reactividad frente al litio metálico. El estudio de referencia ex-situ, llevado a cabo en celdas simétricas electroquímicas litio/litio mediante acoplamiento de técnicas impedancia/XPS han permitido entender los diferentes mecanismos de formación de la interface sólido electrolito (SEI) en función de la naturaleza de los aniones y la modificación del catión y la presencia de aditivos VC y FEC. Además, se han identificado dos diferentes regímenes de crecimiento de dendritas en función de la corriente aplicada a las celdas. Este estudio ex-situ ha permitido establecer un proceso riguroso en la implementación del nuevo protocolo operando XPS que allanará el camino para una mejor comprensión de los cambios en la estructura química de la SI en tiempo real.Perú. Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico, Tecnológico y de Innovación Tecnológica (Fondecyt). Contrato de subvención 232-2015-Fondecy

    Análisis de la condición del campo de fútbol basado en el agrupamiento de k-means

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    Football, a highly popular sport all over the world, requires that professional footballers practice it on a field of play in ideal conditions, which, among other things, includes the usage and maintenance of healthy natural grass. In this study, we present an unsupervised allocator strategy for image analysis of football pitches that uses k-means clustering and color comparison to assess whether a playing field is in good or bad condition. Our approach considers proportions of dominant RGB colors for automatized decision-making. We developed a prototype and tested it with a series of images; this paper offers a comparison between the findings of this test and our expected results.El fútbol, un deporte muy popular en todo el mundo, requiere que los futbolistas profesionales lo practiquen en un campo de juego en condiciones ideales, lo que, entre otras cosas, incluye el uso y mantenimiento de un césped natural saludable. En este estudio, presentamos una estrategia de asignación sin supervisión para el análisis de imágenes de campos de fútbol que utiliza agrupamiento k-means y comparación de colores para evaluar si un campo de juego está en buenas o malas condiciones. Nuestro enfoque considera las proporciones de los colores RGB dominantes para automatizar la toma de decisiones. Para tal fin, se desarrolló un prototipo que se probó con una serie de imágenes; los resultados obtenidos se compararon con los esperados


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    A non-linear optimization model which maximizes total Ecuadorian social welfare, defined as the sum of consumers' and producers' surpluses for the four major crops (corn, bananas, rice and African palm) is developed to evaluate the tradeoff between welfare and environmental degradation in Ecuador. It was found that a total welfare loss of US122million(a11percentreductionfromUS122 million (a 11 percent reduction - from US 1.112 billion to US$ 989.66 million) would be expected from a 30 percent reduction in the total pesticide load on the environment in the production of the four major crops. The distributional impacts of the welfare loss were found, however, to be significantly skewed toward the loss of consumers' surplus. Specifically, a 30 percent reduction of total pesticide load on the environment would result in a reduction of 3.86 percent of producers' total surplus while consumers would be expected to loose 19.46 percent of their total surplus.welfare tradeoff, environmental impacts, non-linear optimization, Environmental Economics and Policy,

    Territory (ies) and multicultural identities. The agoras as spaces of identity in the communities of the Cauca corridor.

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    The Cauca corridor, comprised between Santander de Quilichao and Piendamó populations, is one of the many territorial realities that enrich both cultural and ethnographic diversity of Colombia. Many “new” dynamics are occurred in this region about this diversity, and the project that we present is focused on – from the creation-researching- and by means of a direct interpretation that territorial diversity. Based on the photography and the sound landscape, we pretend to show a possible idea of cultural territory (ies), and it is surrounding the exhibiting sketch that this idea of “habitat” has been forming. The difficulties that the project tackles put the focal point to demonstrate that “other” visions are possible thanks to the reflective spaces suggested by visual design and art; and especially define the problem around the new identitarian narratives arose from post-conflict. Supported by qualitative methodology, ethnographically, the project goes deep into the exploration of the multicultural territoriality. First, developing inspection dynamics and documentation of visual and sound perspectives around the socio-cultural speech and then, implementing from visual fields (photographic image) and sound (soundscapes) a contest understanding, of actors and/ or “places”. We wanted to show a territory self-constructed as a defined cultural imaginary

    Territory (ies) and multicultural identities. The agoras as spaces of identity in the communities of the Cauca corridor.

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    The Cauca corridor, comprised between Santander de Quilichao and Piendamó populations, is one of the many territorial realities that enrich both cultural and ethnographic diversity of Colombia. Many “new” dynamics are occurred in this region about this diversity, and the project that we present is focused on – from the creation-researching- and by means of a direct interpretation that territorial diversity. Based on the photography and the sound landscape, we pretend to show a possible idea of cultural territory (ies), and it is surrounding the exhibiting sketch that this idea of “habitat” has been forming. The difficulties that the project tackles put the focal point to demonstrate that “other” visions are possible thanks to the reflective spaces suggested by visual design and art; and especially define the problem around the new identitarian narratives arose from post-conflict. Supported by qualitative methodology, ethnographically, the project goes deep into the exploration of the multicultural territoriality. First, developing inspection dynamics and documentation of visual and sound perspectives around the socio-cultural speech and then, implementing from visual fields (photographic image) and sound (soundscapes) a contest understanding, of actors and/ or “places”. We wanted to show a territory self-constructed as a defined cultural imaginary

    Triumph of Finlay, one picture useful for preparation the professionals of the health

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    One event for Doctor Carlos J. Finlay Barrés was the motive for the oil painting composition named "Triumph of Finlay" by Master of Art Esteban Valderrama Peña. The picture shows Finlay presenting his theory about the transmission of yellow fever by mosquitoes to the US Army Yellow Fever Commission. He had conceived a new infection way able to explain the propagation of the illness, and added the possibility of their scientific confirmation by experimental method. In 1898 the US army took place in the Cuban`s fighting against the Spanish colonialism. This circumstance beginning the need to improve the sanitary condition in the Island to create favorable hygienic conditions to the stay of the troops. The Military Governor of the Island, general and physician Leonard Wood took Finlay´s theory as center of his attention. He requested the government of his country experts to verify it. One commission heading for Major Walter Reed was sent. Reed was a surgeon of the army and professor of bacteriology in Military Medicine Faculty in Washington. After experimentally investigation, the commission could confirm Finlay´s theory. Valderrama´s picture shows the meeting of Finlay with the experts. This article has like objective to give emphasis about this pictorial by its importance for the Cuba´s medicine and the science history in Cuba. By the esthetic value that contains it must be included in the educational labor towards the preparation the professionals of the health. It is useful for contributing with the general culture integrating art, history, medicine and science

    Evocation of Eusebio Hernández Pérez in the centenary of the University Reform

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    In 2023, the first centenary of the University Reform and the creation of the José Martí Popular University are commemorated, both of them were transcendental events for higher education in Cuba directed by Julio Antonio Mella. Dr. Eusebio Hernández Pérez, a general of the Liberation Army, participated in those events in Cuban university history, which constitutes the reason for carrying out this work. The objective of this work is to evoke the participation of the renowned patriot in those events that transformed university education in the republican period of Cuba. His example is one link between the independence ideal of the patriots who participated in the 19th century wars against Spanish colonialism and that of the university students who faced imperialist domination in the republican period, like one expression of the revolutionary continuity of Cubans. Dr. Eusebio Hernández Pérez is a genuine model of the ethical and patriotic values necessary for educational work in the professional training of military doctors

    Eduardo Odio Pérez, un médico cubano que combatió al fascismo en España

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    En la Guerra Civil Española participaron médicos cubanos que integraron la sanidad militar de las fuerzas republicanas; un tema que ha suscitado diversos estudios, pero del que quedan aún aspectos por investigar. El presente trabajo se enfoca en un médico cubano que participó en la gesta internacionalista en España, el doctor Eduardo Odio Pérez. Nació en Santiago de Cuba y se graduó de médico en los EE. UU. El objetivo es contribuir al conocimiento de los médicos cubanos que participaron en la lucha contra el fascismo en España. Los resultados hacen referencia a su participación como integrante de la sanidad militar de la XV Brigada Internacional Abraham Lincoln. Prestó servicios en hospitales militares, donde se atendieron las bajas sanitarias de importantes acciones combativas del conflicto armado, como la batalla del Jarama. Alcanzó el grado de capitán y solicitó el ingreso al Partido Comunista Español. Su contribución a la lucha contra el fascismo en España es una muestra de internacionalismo y un modelo referencial para el trabajo educativo en la formación médica

    Diseño De Prototipo Concentrador De Datos Modbus Tcp/Ip

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    Proyecto de Graduación (Licenciatura en Ingeniería Electrónica) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería Electrónica, 2013.Últimamente en cualquier industria dedicada a la producción de materia prima, electrónicos, alimentos, juguetes, objetos de vidrio, automóviles, etc. Suelen existir una cantidad considerable de máquinas o controladores programables que hacen ciertos trabajos en forma automatizada, o sea sin la intervención humana, además debido a diversos factores como evolución de tecnología, diversidad de conocimiento o economía, dentro de la misma industria muchas maquinas suelen ser diferentes aunque realicen el mismo objetivo. Esta situación presenta dificultades para interconectar maquinas que fueron hechas para comunicarse con sus similares solamente, es aquí donde se presenta el problema por restricciones de comunicación. La meta de esta solución es lograr interconectar una cantidad específica de máquinas que deben ser controladas mediante un dispositivo principal utilizando algún protocolo que sea estándar entre ellos para así concertar todas las maquinas terminales en un solo dispositivo al que un procesador central pueda accesar. Se implementara esta solución utilizando conexiones estandarizadas tipo Ethernet, que poseen protocolos de aplicación Modbus TCP/IP para tener la capacidad de enfocar todo el tráfico de comunicación. Palabras Clave: PLC, HC900, Ethernet, Control, PID, RED, Switch, programas, retraso, trama, dispositivo, controlador PC