20 research outputs found

    Influência das bainhas na resistência das almas das vigas de concreto protendido

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    CEB Recommendations preconize that in case of verification of the web strength of the prestressed concrete bearns against the shear force, it might be taken into account the effective web thickness (by deduction of the half sum of the ducts diameters) in the considered region (bwef = bw - 1/2 ∑Ф). With the purpose of verifying this recommendation, fifteen reinforced concrete beams were tested until the crushing of the concrete web, in the direction of the diagonal cracks. The beams had the same geometrical charactheristics and the sarne transversal and longitudinal reinforcement. The variable parameters were the diameters of the ducts and their injection, or not, with mortar. We have concluded that in the cases in which the injection is reliable, a reduction of the value of the web thickness would not be necessary, and that in the cases in which the full efficiency of the injection cannot be trusted, the reduction preconized by CEB-1978 (bwef=bw-1/2∑Ф) is recommended.As recomendações do CEB preconizam que no caso da verificação da resistência das almas das vigas de Concreto Protendido ao esforço cortante, deve ser levada em conta a espessura efetiva da alma (deduzindo metade do somatório dos diâmetros das bainhas) na região considerada (bwef = bw - 1/2 ∑Ф). Com o intuito de verificar esta recomendação, foram ensaiadas até à ruptura por esmagamento da biela 15 vigas de concreto armado. Todas as vigas tinham as mesmas características geométricas e a mesma armadura longitudinal e transversal. Os únicos parâmetros variados foram os diâmetros das bainhas e a injeção ou não destas com pasta de cimento. Concluímos que para os casos em que podemos confiar na eficiência da injeção não seria necessária uma redução do valor da espessura da alma e que para os casos em que a total eficiência da injeção não pode ser levada em conta, é recomendável a redução apresentada pelo CEB-1978 com bwef=bw-1/2∑Ф

    Influência da substituição parcial de cimento por cinza ultrafina da casca de arroz com elevado teor de carbono nas propriedades do concreto

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    Este trabalho descreve o emprego de cinza ultrafina da casca de arroz com elevado teor de carbono em concretos de resistência convencional e de alta resistência. Estudou-se a influência do emprego da cinza ultrafina (10%, 15% e 20% de substituição de cimento, em massa) nas propriedades reológicas (tensão de escoamento e viscosidade plástica), na resistência à compressão (7, 28, 90 e 180 dias) e na penetração acelerada de íons cloreto. Além disso, a elevação adiabática da temperatura de um concreto convencional com 15% de cinza ultrafina foi comparada com a elevação de um concreto de referência. Os resultados indicaram que a cinza ultrafina produz melhorias significativas nas propriedades dos concretos para ambas as classes de resistência

    Production of silica gel from residual rice husk ash

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    This paper presents a study on the production of silica gel in hydrothermal process using residual rice husk ash. Measurements of the chemical composition, X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, particle size distribution, and pozzolanic activity were carried out in order to characterize the obtained material, and the optimal silica gel was selected for use as a mineral additive in cement pastes. The compressive strengths were determined for cement pastes containing silica gel (0.0, 2.5 or 5% by mass) in different times. The results indicate that the mixtures containing silica gel showed improved mechanical behavior over all time periods evaluated.FAPEAMCoordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES)CNP

    Bond Behavior of a Bio-Aggregate Embedded in Cement-Based Matrix

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    This paper investigates the bond behavior between a bio-aggregate and a cement-based matrix. The experimental evaluation comprised physical, chemical, image, and mechanical characterization of the bio-aggregate. The image analyses about the bio-aggregate’s outer structure provided first insights to understand the particularities of this newly proposed bio-aggregate for use in cementitious materials. A mineral aggregate (granitic rock), largely used as coarse aggregate in the Brazilian civil construction industry, was used as reference. The bond behavior of both aggregates was evaluated via pull-out tests. The results indicated that both aggregates presented a similar linear elastic branch up to each respective peak loads. The peak load magnitude of the mineral aggregate indicated a better chemical adhesion when compared to the bio-aggregate’s. The post-peak behavior, however, indicated a smoother softening branch for the bio-aggregate, corroborated by the microscopy image analyses. Although further investigation is required, the macaúba crushed endocarp was found to be a thriving bio-material to be used as bio-aggregate

    Estudo da hidratação de pastas de cimento Portland contendo resíduo cerâmico por meio de análise térmica

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    In this paper, the influence of the use of waste from the ceramic industry (calcined clay brick) on the hydration products of Portland cement pastes. The content of chemically bound water was determined using thermo-gravimetric analysis (TG) and differential thermal analysis (DTA). Five cement pastes were used, including the reference paste and four cement pastes containing 10% to 40% of calcined clay brick as cement replacement, in mass. The water/cement ratio was kept constant and equal to 0.40. The TG and DTG curves were obtained from hydrated cement pastes after 28 days of curing at 21±1 oC. The results indicate a reduction in the content of water chemically combined due to calcium hydroxide with the increase of cement replacement by calcined clay brick. An increase in the content of chemically combined water was observed, corresponding to all hydration products for the cement paste containing 10% of calcined clay brick in the mixture.Neste trabalho, foi avaliada a influência da utilização do resíduos da indústria cerâmica (tijolo cerâmico calcinado) na quantidade de produtos hidratados em pastas de cimento Portland. O teor de água quimicamente combinada nos produtos hidratados presentes nas pastas foi avaliado através de análise termogravimétrica (TG) e termogravimétrica derivada (DTG). Foram produzidas cinco pastas, uma pasta de referência e quatro pastas contendo tijolo cerâmico calcinado em teores de substituição variando de 10% a 40% em relação à massa de cimento. A relação entre água e aglomerante permaneceu constante e igual a 0,40. As curvas TG e DTG foram obtidas em pastas hidratadas com 28 dias de cura aos 21±1 oC. Os resultados indicam que há redução do teor de água quimicamente combinada, relativo ao hidróxido de cálcio, com o aumento do teor de substituição de cimento por resíduo cerâmico, sendo 10% de substituição o teor que apresenta a maior quantidade de água quimicamente combinada

    Caracterização de cinza do bagaço de cana-de-açúcar para emprego como pozolana em materiais cimentícios Characterization of sugar cane bagasse ash for use as pozzolan in cementitious materials

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    <abstract language="eng">This work presents the results of morphological and physical-chemical characteristics of a sugar cane bagasse ash material sample produced under controlled burning conditions. The investigation was carried out by analyzing chemical composition, X-ray diffraction, 29Si nuclear magnetic resonance, morphology, thermal analysis, particle size, specific surface, and density. Moreover, the pozzolanic activity of the ash was evaluated by pozzolanic activity index and Chapelle's method. The results suggest that the sugar cane bagasse ash has adequate properties to be used as pozzolan in construction materials