3,405 research outputs found

    Erupted Complex Odontoma Mimicking a Mandibular Second Molar

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    Complex odontoma (CO) is considered one of the most common odontogenic lesions, composed by a miscellaneous of dental tissue such as enamel, dentin, pulp and sometimes cementum. They may interfere with the eruption of an associated tooth, being more prevalent in the posterior mandible. CO has been rarely reported as erupted, being considered an intraosseous lesion. This is a case report of a 17-year-old male with a benign fibro-osseous lesion consistent with CO that was located at the left second molar region, above the crown of the impacted mandibular second molar tooth. The lesion was surgically removed, and the tooth had to be extracted, since there was no indication that it could erupt naturally or with orthodontic traction. The histopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of CO and after 6 months complete bone formation was observed radiographically. An early diagnosis will provide a better treatment option, avoiding tooth extraction or a more damaging surgery

    Gauge invariance of the background average effective action

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    Using the background field method for the functional renormalization group approach in the case of a generic gauge theory, we study the background field symmetry and gauge dependence of the background average effective action, when the regulator action depends on external fields. The final result is that the symmetry of the average effective action can be maintained for a wide class of regulator functions, but in all cases the dependence of the gauge fixing remains on-shell. The Yang-Mills theory is considered as the main particular example.Comment: Fits the version accepted in EPJ

    Assessing agriculture pollution in the Beja aquifer using nitrogen isotopes, South Portugal

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    This paper intent to give scientific support for political decisions, considering the sustainable development of rural regions under semiarid conditions exploiting shallow aquifers, and promote appropriate use of nitrogen fertilizers, based on EC Water Framework Directive and EC Groundwater Framework Directive in the context of vulnerable aquifers. Stable nitrogen isotopes (15N/14N ratios) can offer a direct way to identify the pollutant sources in groundwater systems. In the research area two major sources of nitrate were identified, fertilizer and manure, which present different isotopic d15N signatures. The relative contributions of these two sources to groundwater or surface water can be estimated by mass balance. The analysis of nitrate d18O together with d15N improves the ability to trace nitrate sources and cycling. According field practice in the rural area of Beja, major cause of pollution comes from fertilizers. Isotope results are not conclusive about the possibility that major source of nitrate-N in groundwater comes from agriculture as expected. Further work is required regarding seasonality sampling and laboratory techniques with sufficient precision accuracy

    Innovation in micro and small enterprises: a conceptual proposal for research

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    Micro and Small Enterprises (MSE) are considered the most dynamic and elastic forms of activity. In the economy, the foundation and development of these are important for the creation of the so-called "normal" economic environment. In the recent past it was enough for companies to meet their needs in a profitable way to stay in the market, but that scenario has changed dramatically. At present it’s necessary to be one step ahead towards the future, because the strategies that have worked well in the past are not guarantees of sustainable success. The key to longevity and business competitiveness lies in innovation. Accordingly, the main objective of the present research was to present a conceptual model of innovation research in Micro and Small Enterprises to analyze (1) the degree of innovation of Micro and Small Companies, (2) how the innovation presents itself in the MSE as a result of its business environments and (3) the determining factors of the innovation according to the geographical location. This research is of particular interest to Micro and Small Enterprises in developing countries, such as Brazil, given the greater relevance of innovation activities than innovation itself, and can provide subsidies for the formulation of innovation policies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Utilização de isótopos de azoto na avaliação e caracterização do impacte da agricultura na qualidade da água subterrânea : resultados preliminares do Sistema Aquífero dos Gabros de Beja

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    Apresentam-se os resultados preliminares da utilização de isótopos de azoto na avaliação e caracterização do impacte da agricultura na qualidade da água subterrânea no âmbito das preocupações com a extensão da contaminação difusa no Sistema Aquífero dos Gabros de Beja e recente publicação da Zona Vulnerável de Beja (Portaria 1100/2004 de 3 Setembro). Os trabalhos de investigação são financiados pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (POCTI/AGG/47223/2002) e decorrem na região de Beja (2004-2007). Os isótopos estáveis de azoto (ratio 15N/14N) podem ser usados na identificação das origens da contaminação difusa das águas subterrâneas, dado que nas áreas agrícolas as duas principais causas de nitrato na água subterrânea são a fertilização e a pecuária, que apresentam diferente assinatura isotópica de d15N. A contribuição relativa das duas principais origens de poluição das águas subterrâneas e superficiais podem ser medidas por balanço de massa. A análise conjunta dos isótopos d18O e d15N do ião nitrato constitui um processo válido na identificação das fontes da poluição. Os resultados preliminares obtidos não são conclusivos relativamente à origem agrícola do N-NO3 na água subterrânea. Será necessário realizar trabalhos adicionais em situação de ano hidrológico normal. Pretende-se com o projecto adquirir conhecimentos científicos inovadores no sentido de apoiar as decisões políticas relacionadas com o desenvolvimento sustentável e a preservação dos recursos hídricos em regiões afectadas por contaminação agrícola difusa e contribuir para a aplicação da legislação nacional e directivas comunitárias no domínio das Zonas Vulneráveis e da Directiva Quadro da Água

    Measuring the degree of innovation in micro and small enterprises In the northeast of Brazil

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    As empresas não operam em total isolamento do meio em que estão inseridas. O entorno ao mesmo tempo em que é influenciado pelas organizações influencia na conduta e desempenho das mesmas, sobretudo, no que diz respeito à prática da inovação. As pequenas e médias empresas são o motor do desenvolvimento económico, principalmente em países em desenvolvimento como o Brasil. Nessa conformidade, o principal objetivo desta pesquisa foi apresentar e testar um modelo de pesquisa de inovação em Micro e Pequenas Empresas proposto por Walter, Veloso e Fernandes (2017) para analisar: (1) o grau de inovação das Micro e Pequenas Empresas e (2) como a inovação é apresentada nas Micro e Pequenas Empresas como resultado de seus ambientes de negócios. Para isso, o estudo baseou-se em uma amostra de 617 MPE distribuídas em 6 cidades do Estado do Piauí. Os dados foram coletados através da aplicação do Radar de Inovação. Foram utilizadas técnicas estatísticas de natureza descritiva, exploratória e inferencial. Os resultados mostraram que as MPE têm capacidade de inovação entre “Pouco Inovadoras" e “Inovadoras Ocasionais", devido à maior expressividade de inovações organizacionais e de marketing, e que a média e a distribuição da inovação são as mesmas entre as MPE analisadas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    HLA-DR and HLA-DQ typing: a comparative study using serology and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis

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    Embora as tipificações sorológicas dependam da expressão adequada de moléculas HLA de classe II, nas superfícies celulares, da viabilidade celular e da presença de um painel adequado de anti-soros, esse método tem sido utilizado há muitos anos e as tipificações por biologia molecular têm suplantado os problemas. A avaliação do polimorfismo dos genes HLA por intermédio da variação do tamanho dos fragmentos gerados pós digestão com enzimas de restrição (RFLP) foi o primeiro método molecular a ser utilizado para esse fim. A sorologia e o método utilizando RFLP definem os alelos HLA sem muita resolutividade, no entanto, o método utilizando RFLP tem sido considerado melhor do que a sorologia. Assim, neste estudo, fizemos análise das tipificações dos antígenos/alelos HLA de classe II (HLA-DR e HL-DQ), comparando os dois métodos.Serology has been used for HLA typing for many decades; however, serological typing of histocompatibility class II molecules depends on the adequate expression of these molecules on the surface of B lymphocytes, the availability of viable cells and a complete set of antisera. HLA typing at the genomic level has supplanted these pitfalls. The utilization of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) was the first approach to the HLA typing at molecular level. Although serology and RFLP methods define HLA specificities at low resolution level, RFLP has been considered to be better than serology. In this study, we performed HLA class II (HLA-DR and DQ) typing comparing these two methods

    Antígenos HLA na febre reumática

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    Antígenos HLA de classe I (HLA-A e HLA-B) e II (HLA-DR) foram tipificados em um grupo de 91 pacientes com as principais formas de apresentação da febre reumática, ou seja, coréia, cardite ou artrite. Desses pacientes, 33 tinham apenas coréia, 26 apenas cardite, 16 apenas artrite e 16 cardite e artrite. Os antígenos HLA foram tipificados, utilizando-se o teste de microlinfocitotoxicidade dependente de complemento. As freqüências dos antígenos HLA-B49 e HLA-DR1 estavam significantemente aumentadas nos pacientes, quando considerados como um todo, e, ainda, em todos os subgrupos estudados, excetuando-se aquele com coréia, no qual a freqüência do antígeno HLA-DR1 não estava aumentada. Esses resultados indicam que a susceptibilidade imunogenética à febre reumática pode variar de acordo com as manifestações clínicas, apresentadas pelos pacientes.In this study we typed HLA class I and II antigens in a series of patients presenting with the distinct major clinical manifestations of rheumatic fever (RF), i.e, chorea, carditis or arthritis. Ninety-one patients with RF were evaluated for HLA-A, -B and -DR antigens. Thirty- three had pure chorea, 26 pure carditis, 16 pure arthritis, and 16 carditis plus arthritis. HLA antigens were typed by a complement-dependent microlymphocytotoxicity assay. HLA-B49 and HLA-DR1 antigens were overrepresented in the total group of patients with RF and in all the subgroups studied, excluding the chorea subgroup in which the frequency of HLA-DR1 antigen was not increased. The results reported here indicate that immunogenetic susceptibility to RF may vary according to the major clinical manifestation presented by the patient

    Measuring the degree of innovation in retail and services’ micro and small enterprises

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    Micro and small enterprises (MSEs) are considered the most dynamic and flexible arrangement of activity. In the economy, the foundation and development of these features is important for the creation of the so-called “normal” economic environment. The main objective of this research is to present a research model of innovation in MSEs to analyse: first, the degree of innovation of MSEs, and second, how the innovation is handled by existing MSEs as a result of its business environment. The research made is based on a sample of 550 MSEs distributed over six cities across the Brazilian State of Piauí. The data were collected using the Innovation Radar application, which is owned by the SEBRAE Local Innovation Agents program. Statistical techniques of descriptive, exploratory, and inferential nature were used for corresponding data treatment and results validation. The results obtained suggest that MSEs have innovation capacity between the “Little Innovative” and “Occasional Innovative” range, and also that the average and the distribution of innovation levels are similar amongst MSEs analyzed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio