130 research outputs found

    Enzootic bovine leukosis: prevalence of seric antibodies on dairy cows breed at Bahia and comparison between results of ELISA tests and ágar gel immunodiffusion tests

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    The prevalence of infection by the Enzootic Bovine Leukosis virus was determined in dairy cows breed in five micro-regions of Bahia State, comparing the efficiency of three serodiagnostic tests for the detection of antibodies anti Enzootic Bovine Leukosis virus: ELISA test, AGID Immunodiffusion test / gp 51 from foreign origin and AGID Immunodiffusion test / gp 51 produced by the Institute of Technology of Paraná - TECPAR. Seven hundred and ninety-six dairy cattle , from 13 bovine flocks were used. The infection for VLB was detected in every flock, with an prevalence of 41,0%, showing an individual flock value variation between 6,3% (4/64) and 65,8% (25/38). The animals were stratified in six age groups: a) 2 - 6 months; b) 7 - 12 months; c) 13 - 24 months; d) 25 - 48 months; e) 49 - 72 months; f) more than 72 months of age, observing that the indexes of infection in the mentioned groups were 8,8%; 16,9%; 17,7%; 50,8%; 54,4% and 56,5% respectively, showing these indexes increased significantly with age. Were used 434 serum samples were used to evaluate the comparative efficiency of the three serodiagnostic tests, considering ELISA as the standard test. In the comparison between ELISA and IDGA test with antigen of foreign origin, were found a sensibility of 85% and specificity of 80%; a positive predictive value (PPV) of 63% and a negative predictive value (NPV) of 93%, with an agreement index of 81%. Comparatively to the ELISA results, IDGA test with antigen of national origin presented a sensibility of 82%, specificity of 93%, PPV of 79% and NPV of 93%, with an agreement index of 85%. The overall results of these studies suggest that IDGA test with antigen of national origin is sufficiently efficient to its use.Determinou-se a prevalência de infecção pelo vírus da Leucose Enzoótica dos Bovinos (LEB) em animais criados na bacia leiteira de cinco micro-regiões do Estado da Bahia, comparando a eficiência de três provas sorológicas para detecção de anticorpos anti-Vírus da LEB: Teste ELISA, prova de Imunodifusão IDGA / gp 51 importado e a IDGA / gp 51 produzido pelo Instituto de Tecnologia do Paraná - TECPAR. Foram utilizados bovinos de 13 propriedades, totalizando 796 animais. A infecção pelo VLB foi detectada em todos os rebanhos, com taxa de prevalência de 41,0%, com variação de 6,3% (4/64) a 65,8% (25/38). Os bovinos foram estratificados em seis grupos etários: a) de dois a seis meses; b) de 7 a 12 meses; c) de 13 a 24 meses; d) entre 25 e 48 meses; e) de 49 a 72 meses; f) com mais de 72 meses de idade, observando-se que os índices de infecção aumentaram significativamente com o desenvolvimento etário e os resultados foram, respectivamente: 8,8%; 16,9%; 17,7%; 50,8%; 54,4% e 56,5%. Em 434 amostras avaliou-se comparativamente a eficiência das três provas sorológicas, considerando-se o Teste ELISA como padrão. Na comparação entre a prova ELISA e o Teste de IDGA / gp 51 importado a sensibilidade foi de 85% e especificidade de 80%, com valor preditivo positivo (VPP) de 63% e o valor preditivo negativo (VPN) de 93%, sendo a concordância igual a 81%. O estudo comparativo do teste ELISA e IDGA / gp 51 - TECPAR apresentou sensibilidade igual a 82% e a especificidade 93%, com VPP de associação igual a 79% e o VPN de 93% , sendo a concordância igual a 85%. Os resultados dos estudos comparativos sugerem IDGA com antígeno de procedência nacional suficientemente eficiente para a sua utilização

    Variations on the proteic levels of the blood of goats during the age development

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    In the following research the authors endeavors to establish the normal blood protein picture in goats (Capra hi reus) raised in the State of São Paulo (Brazil). This planning allows studying the influences of the age factor regarding the proteins constitution of the serum and the plasma in the animals of this species. Once the proteic picture is established for the definite population which, through its distribution should be considered as a standard group, will serve as the basis for comparing the results obtained with animals presenting any affection, infestation or infection. The authors studied 150 healthy female goats (Capra hircus) of different ages, raised in several areas of the State of São Paulo (Brazil), their breedings were Anglo-Nubian (60), Toggenbourg (60) and Angora (30). For the purpose of studying any possible influence of age on the groups, each picture, the 150 goats were devided into 5 different age groups, each one comprised of 30 animals; GROUP I, comprised of 6 months old goats; GROUP II, of goats with ages ranging from 7 to 12 months; GROUP III, comprised of goats with ages ranging from 13 to 24 months; GROUP IV, with animals from 25 to 48 months and finally GROUP V, which was comprised of animals over 48 months old. The author used the Gornall and col. (1949) method to determine the total protein, albumin, globulin and ratio of albumin/globulin in the serum. The original method was modified by precipitating the globulins in a 27 g% sodium sulfite solution. The determination of the gama globulin in the serum was followed by the Frattini turbidimetric method, as recommended by Bacila and col. (1962). The determination of fibrinogen in the plasma was reached by means the Cullen and Van Slyke modified method, as recommended by Quick (1959). In the tables I to VI, there are shown the proteic picture of the goats surveyed, separated in accordance with age. The results are also present in an histogram form.O artigo apresenta resumo em inglês

    Influência de fatôres raciais e alimentares sôbre o quadro protéico do sangue de caprinos

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    In the following research the authors endeavors to establish the normal blood protein picture in goats (Capra hircus), raised in the State of São Paulo (Brazil). The authors studied 150 healthy female goats, raised in several areas of the State of São Paulo (Brazil), their breedings were Anglo Nubian (60), Toggenbourg (60) and Angora (30). For verifying the eventual influence of feeding on the blood proteic picture, the Anglo Nubian and the Toggenbourg goats, were separated in 4 groups of 30 animals, each group; 2 groups of each breeding were submitted to different feedings, one group of each breeding, grazed in pangola grass (Digitaria decumbens) pasture and the other received besides the forrage a supplementary concentrated feed. In order to verify whether the breed factor have some influences upon the proteic contents in the results obtained in the serum of the Anglo Nubian, Toggenbourg and Angora animals submitted to a standard feed and raised under the same conditions. The author used the Gornall and cols. (1949) method to determine the total protein, albumin, globulin and ratio of albumin/globulin in the serum. The original method was modified by precipitating the globulins in a 27 g% sodiumsulfite solutions, as recommended by Birgel (1967). The determination of fibrinogen in the plasma was reached by means the Cullen an Van Slyke modified method as recommended Quick (1959).O artigo apresenta resumo em inglês

    The death of cows poisoned by the trichothecene is reported from a cattle herd of animals fed with citrus pulp containing 7 mg/kg of the micotoxin diacetoxyscirpenol

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    The death of cows poisoned by the trichothecene is reported from a cattle herd of animals fed with citrus pulp containing 7 mg/kg of the micotoxin diacetoxyscirpenolRelata-se a morte de bovinos causada pela ingestão de polpa cítrica contaminada pela micotoxina Diacetoxiscirpenol (7mg/kg), pertencente ao grupo dos tricotecenos

    Valores de referência do leucograma de bovinos da raça Jersey criados no Estado de São Paulo

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    Estabeleceram-se os valores de referência do leucograma de bovinos da raça Jersey, criados no Estado de São Paulo, avaliando-se a influência exercida pelos fatores etários em amostras de sangue colhidas de 253 fêmeas clinicamente sadias e não-reagentes ao antígeno do Vírus da Leucose dos Bovinos. Nas amostras de sangue, que continham EDTA como anticoagulante, foi realizada a contagem do número total de leucócitos, em câmara de Neubauer modificada, utilizando-se o líquido de Thoma como diluidor e a contagem diferencial de leucócitos, efetuada em esfregaços sangüíneos, corados pelo método de Rosenfeld. Demonstrou-se que o leucograma desses bovinos sofria influência dos fatores etários. O número total de leucócitos e linfócitos aumentou até 12 meses de idade, estabilizando-se entre 12 e 24 meses, para, a seguir, diminuir, progressivamente, com o desenvolvimento etário, sendo o quadro leucocitário predominantemente linfocitário. Essas variações foram atribuídas, principalmente, ao comportamento do número absoluto de linfócitos. O número absoluto do total de neutrófilos não demonstrou variações significativas que pudessem ser atribuídas à influência dos fatores etários, mas o número absoluto de neutrófilos com núcleo em bastonete foi maior nos bezerros com até 6 meses de idade. O número absoluto de eosinófilos aumentou gradativamente com o desenvolvimento etário, não se observando variações significativas do número absoluto de basófilos e monócitos. Os valores de referência determinados para o leucograma, expressos em números absolutos, foram os seguintes: leucócitos- 11.847 ± 3.374 células/mm³; neutrófilos bastonete- 80 ± 122 células/mm³; neutrófilos segmentado- 2.457 ± 1.311 células/mm³; total de neutrófilos- 2.537 ± 1.354 células/mm³; eosinófilos- 335 ± 415 células /mm³; basófilos- 84 ± 108 células/mm³; linfócitos- 8.716 ± 3.028 células/mm³; monócitos- 174 ± 132 células/mm³.The article has no abstract

    Biochemical Profile and Productive Performance in Dairy Cows with Lameness During Postpartum Period

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    Background: Lameness in dairy cows is classified as a gait change caused by multifactorial process. The phase of the peripartum causes intense physiological changes for the adaptation of late gestation and onset of lactation. The aim of this study was to characterize the changes in the biochemical profile and productive performance in dairy cows with lameness during postpartum period.Materials, Methods & Results: This study was conducted at the University of São Paulo farm, in Pirassununga, São Paulo State, Brazil, from January to March 2017. A total, of 48 multiparous (2 to 3 lactations and 3-4 years old) dairy cows, that had the milk production of 9,200 kg/ dairy cow in a period of 305 days in the previous lactation, were included in the study. All cows were managed under the same conditions and nutritional regimen. Evaluation of body condition score was performed by a single person on -18, -12, -8, -5, and -2 days before parturition, at parturition, and on days 1, 7, 14, 21, 30, 45 and 60 after parturition. Milk production was recorded on days 7, 14, 21, 30, 45 and 60 after parturition and saved in the software program. Blood samples were performed on -18, -12, -8, -5, and -2 days before parturition, at parturition, and on days 1, 7, 14, 21, 30, 45 and 60 after parturition. Blood samples were assayed for albumin, calcium, cholesterol, triglycerides, non-esterified fatty acids, β-hydroxybutyrate, urea, creatinine, gamma-glutamil-transferase and total protein concentrations. Dairy cows were divided into a lame group (11) and normal group (37) based on locomotion score from parturition to seven days postpartum. Lame cows was classified if their score was > 2, and normal cows was classified if their score was ≤ 2 and free of any disease. Dairy cows that suffer by any health disorder other than lameness were excluded from this study. Cow diagnosed with lameness outside the diagnostic period were excluded from this study. The averages of the milk production, body condition score and biochemical profile were compared with the Tukey’s test. Lame cows showed lower (P < 0.05) concentrations of albumin (on days -18 -12, -8, -5, -2 relative to parturition, at parturition, and on days 7, 14, 21, 45 and 60 after parturition) calcium (on days -18, -12, -8, -5 and -2 before parturition, and on days 7, 14, 21, 45 and 60 after parturition), cholesterol (on days -12, -8, -5 before parturition and on days 7, 14, 21, 30, 45 and 60 after parturition) than normal cows. Cow with lameness showed higher (P < 0.05) concentration of triglyceride (on days 7, 14, 21, 30, 45 and 60 after parturition), non-esterified fatty acids (on days 1, 7, 14, 21, 30, 45 and 60 after parturition) and β-hydroxybutyrate (on days -12, -5 and -2 before parturition, at parturition, and on days 1, 14, 21 and 30 after parturition) than normal group. Cows with lameness presented higher (P < 0.05) values of body condition score on days -18, -12 and -8 before parturition, and lower (P < 0.05) values on days 7, 14, 21, 30, 45 and 60 after parturition than normal cows. Milk production was lower (P < 0.05) for cows with lameness (on days 7, 14, 21, 30, 45 and 60 after parturition) than normal cows.Discussion: The overall prevalence of lameness in the evaluated period was 22.92% (11/48). Among lame cows, 07 presented laminitis, 02 had interdigital hyperplasia and 02 had sole ulcer. Our findings prove that the biochemical profile and productivity of dairy cows during the peripartum and postpartum period were affected by lameness at the early lactation.

    The influence of retained fetal membranes on the hemogram of Holstein cows

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    Analisou-se o hemograma de 177 amostras de sangue de fêmeas bovinas da raça Holandesa nos primeiros 90 dias pós-parto. As amostras foram colhidas de vacas não reagentes ao antígeno (GP 51) do vírus da leucose dos bovinos, distribuídas em dois grupos (I: puerpério fisiológico; II: puerpério com retenção dos anexos fetais) e subdivididas em quatro grupos de acordo com o momento de colheita. Nos primeiros 10 dias após o parto, o eritrograma não sofreu influência da retenção dos anexos fetais. Com a evolução do puerpério, observou-se, nas vacas com retenção dos anexos fetais, anemia de grau leve entre o 10º e 30º dia pós-parto. O leucograma dos animais com retenção dos anexos fetais foi predominantemente linfocitário, caracterizado por leucopenia, neutropenia com desvio à esquerda degenerativo e eosinopenia. A partir do 10º dia após o parto, o leucograma não foi influenciado pela retenção dos anexos fetaisHematological profiles of 177 blood samples from Holstein cows were determined during the first 90 days after parturition. Blood samples were collected from cows that were non-reactive to the bovine leukosis virus (GP 51) antigen. The animals were divided into two groups (group I: physiological puerperium and group II: puerperim with retained fetal membranes), and subdivided into four groups, based on the time that the samples were collected. During the first 10 days after parturition, retained fetal membranes did not influence the erythrogram. However, with the evolution of the puerperium period, a mild anemia was observed from the 10th to the 30th day postpartum in cows with retained fetal membranes. The leukocyte profile was predominantly lymphocytic, characterized by leucopenia induced by neutropenia with a left degenerative shift and eosinopenia. From the 10th day postpartum, the retained fetal membranes did not influence the leukogra

    Influência dos fatores raciais na função hepática de bovinos da raça Holandesa e Jersey

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    Para avaliar a influência de fatores raciais sobre a função hepática de bovinos foram colhidas 134 amostras de sangue, sendo 67 animais da raça Jersey e 67 da raça Holandesa, criados em São Paulo. No soro sangüíneo realizaram-se as seguintes determinações: proteinograma; atividade enzimática da aspartato aminotransferase (AST), gama glutamiltransferase (GGT), bilirrubinas indireta, direta e total. A avaliação do proteinograma demonstrou a influência dos fatores raciais, pois os valores médios da proteína total dos bovinos da raça Jersey (6,37±0,90 g/dl) foram menores do que os animais da raça Holandesa (6,82±0,97 g/dl).Essas variações foram decorrentes as frações protéicas que correspondem as globulinas, sendo os teores médios obtidos para bovinos da raça Jersey (3,13 ± 0,81g/dl) menores do que os encontrados para bovinos da raça Holandesa (3,73 ± 0,99 g/dl). Os valores das alfa-, beta- e gama-globulinas obtidos nos animais da raça Jersey (iguais a 0,89±0,14 g/dl; 0,71±0,14 g/dl; 2,03±0,38 g/dl) foram menores do que os encontrados para bovinos da raça Holandesa (iguais a 1,00±0,16 g/dl; 0,76±0,15 g/dl; 2,20±0,45 g/dl). A avaliação da atividade enzimática revelou a influência dos fatores raciais nos resultados da AST, sendo os valores dos bovinos Jersey (49,27±17,87 U/l) maiores do que os da raça Holandesa (34,76±10,61 U/l), enquanto para a GGT não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os resultados da raça Jersey (19,46±33,11 U/l) e da raça Holandesa (19,08±33,26 U/l). A avaliação dos teores séricos de bilirrubinas evidenciou variações sob influência racial para os teores de bilirrubinas indireta e total, sendo os valores obtidos para a raça Jersey (0,40±0,33 mg/dl de bilirrubina indireta e 0,44±0,33 mg/dl de bilirrubina total) maiores do que os observados para a raça Holandesa (0,22±0,19 mg/dl de bilirrubina indireta e 0,25±0,19 mg/dl de bilirrubina total).With the purpose to evaluate the breed factor inf1uence on the hepatic function of cattle, 134 blood samples from, 67 Jersey and 67 Holstein cattle in São Paulo, Brazil, were collected . The hepatic function was studied through the determination of proteinogram; activities of the aspartate aminotransferase (AST), gamma glutamyltransferase (GG1) and dosage of total, direct and inditect bilirrubin in sorology .The evaluation of the proteinogram demonstrated the inf1uence of the breed factor: the values of total protein in Jersey (6.37±0.90 g/dl) was lower than in Holstein (6.82±0.97g/dl). The analysis of proteins showed the differences between the Jersey and the Holstein animals resulting of the globulins concentrations presents in serum, the values of globulins in Jersey (3.13±0..81g/dl) were lower than in Holstein (3.73±0.99g/dl). Values of alpha-, beta- and gamma-globulins were obtained through the eletrophoresis. In Jersey the values were lower (0.89±0,14g/dl; 0.71±0.14g/dl, 2.03±0.38g/dl) than in Holstein (1.00±0.16g/dl; 0.76±0.15g/dl; 2.20±0.45g/dl). The evaluation of breed factor inf1uence on the AST and GGT seric enzimatic activity showed this inf1uence in AST, but not in GGT. Values of AST in Jersey (49.27±17.87U/l) were higher than in Holstein (34.76±10.61U/l). Values of GGT did not show differences between the Jersey (19.46±33.11U/l) and Holstein (19.08±33.26U/l). The evaluation of seric bilirrubins concentrations showed differences on the total and indirect bilirrubin. Hygher values of indirect bilirrubin (0.40±0.33mg/dl; total bilirrubin 0.44±0.33mg/dl) were seen in Jersey than in Holstein

    Quadro protéico de fêmeas da espécie crapina (Capra hircus), criadas no Estado de São Paulo

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    No presente trabalho os autores estabeleceram o quadro protéico normal para os caprinos criados no Estado de São Paulo. Estudaram amostras de soro sanguíneo de 150 cabras, pertencentes a 3 raças (Anglo-Nubiana, Toggenbourg e Angorá), de diferentes idades e alimentadas com ou sem suplementação de ração concentrada. A proteína total e albumina foram determinadas pelo métodos de Gornall e cols. (1949). A Gama globulina foi dosado segundo o método de Frattini, como recomenda Bacila e cols. (1962). A estimativa dos valores populacionais médios em têrmos de desvio padrão da média para os 150 animais estudados foram: Proteína total - 6,44 ± 0,067 g%; Albumina - 2,37 ± 0,043 g%; Globulinas - 4,07 ± 0,090 g% e relação albumina/globulinas - 0,66 ± 0,028.The authors studied 150 healthy female goats (Capra hircus) of different ages, raised in several areas of the state of São Paulo, Brazil, their breeding was Anglo-Nubian (60), Toggenbourg (60) and Angora (30). The authors used Gornall et col. (1949) method to determine the total protein, albumin, globulins and the ratio between albumin/globulins in the serum. The original method was modified by precipitating the globulins in a 27 g% sodium sulfate solution. The determination of the gama globulina in the serum was determined by the Frattini turbidimetric method, as recommended by Bacila et al. (1962). The results are shown in table I and table II — III a sums up the results found in the literature concerning the normal goat, including the results secured in the present research. The estimated mean values of all animals in relation to the mean standard deviation were: Total protein — 6.44 ± 0.067 g%, Albumin — 2.37 ± 0.043 g%, Globulina — 4.07 ± 0.090 g%, Gamaglobulin — 1.54 ± 0.035 g%, Ratio Albumin/globulin — 0.66 ± 0.028

    Influência da parição e do puerpério no leucograma de caprinos (Capra hircus) da raça Saanen, criados no Estado de São Paulo

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    Com o objetivo de avaliar a influência da parição e do puerpério no leucograma de caprinos da raça Saanen foram colhidas 360 amostras de sangue de 20 cabras, sendo os resultados apresentados em 18 grupos experimentais: 32, 16, 8, 4, 3, 2, 1 e ½ dias antes do parto, imediatamente após a parição, ½, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 16, 32 e 64 dias após o parto. Nas amostras de sangue colhidas em frascos contendo EDTA, foram realizadas as seguintes provas: contagem do número total de leucócitos, em câmara de Neubauer modificada, utilizando-se o líquido de Thoma como diluidor e contagem diferencial de leucócitos, efetuada em esfregaços sangüíneos, corados pelo método de Rosenfeld. A avaliação dos resultados obtidos demonstrou que o leucograma sofreu influência da parição e do puerpério, sendo que durante todo o experimento o quadro leucocitário foi predominantemente neutrofílico. Nos últimos três dias de gestação observou-se gradual aumento do número de leucócitos, em decorrência das variações observadas no número de neutrófilos. No momento do parto o leucograma era caracterizado por leucocitose devido à neutrofilia associado a linfopenia. Nas primeiras 24 horas após o parto foi observado a existência de leucocitose por neutrofilia que desapereceu nos dias subseqüentes, passando o quadro leucocitário a assemelhar-se entre o 2º e 64º dia após o parto àquele observado na fase final da gestação.With the intention of evaluating the influence of parturition and puerperium on the leukogram of Saanen goats (Capra hircus) 360 blood samples were collected from 20 goats and allotted into 18 experimental groups as described: 32, 16, 8, 4, 3, 2, 1 e ½ days before parturition, immediately after parturition, ½, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 16, 32 e 64 days after parturition. The blood samples were collected with EDTA and submitted to the following tests: total leukocyte counts, at the modified Neubauer hemocytometer, using Thomas liquid as a dilute and differential leukocyte count, made up with blood smears stained with Rosenfeld method. The evaluation of the leukogram showed significant variation that could be attributed to parturition and the puerperium. The leucograma became mostly neutrophilic at the end of pregnancy and puerperium. On the last three days of pregnancy, a gradual raise on the number of leukocytes was observed due to same changes on the total number of neutrophils. At the moment of parturition the leukogram was characterized by a leukocytosis due to neutrhophilia and lymphopenia. On the first 24 hours after parturition, it was still possible to observe this leukocytosis due to neutrophilia that disappeared on the subsequent days making the leukogram look similar to taht obseved at the late pregnancy until the end of puerperium