32 research outputs found

    Design and validation of a 90K SNP genotyping assay for the water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)

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    Background: The availability of the bovine genome sequence and SNP panels has improved various genomic analyses, from exploring genetic diversity to aiding genetic selection. However, few of the SNP on the bovine chips are polymorphic in buffalo, therefore a panel of single nucleotide DNA markers exclusive for buffalo was necessary for molecular genetic analyses and to develop genomic selection approaches for water buffalo. The creation of a 90K SNP panel for river buffalo and testing in a genome wide association study for milk production is described here. Methods: The genomes of 73 buffaloes of 4 different breeds were sequenced and aligned against the bovine genome, which facilitated the identification of 22 million of sequence variants among the buffalo genomes. Based on frequencies of variants within and among buffalo breeds, and their distribution across the genome, inferred from the bovine genome sequence, 90,000 putative single nucleotide polymorphisms were selected to create an Axiom® Buffalo Genotyping Array 90K. Results: This 90K "SNP-Chip" was tested in several river buffalo populations and found to have ∼70% high quality and polymorphic SNPs. Of the 90K SNPs about 24K were also found to be polymorphic in swamp buffalo. The SNP chip was used to investigate the structure of buffalo populations, and could distinguish buffalo from different farms. A Genome Wide Association Study identified genomic regions on 5 chromosomes putatively involved in milk production. Conclusion: The 90K buffalo SNP chip described here is suitable for the analysis of the genomes of river buffalo breeds, and could be used for genetic diversity studies and potentially as a starting point for genome-assisted selection programmes. This SNP Chip could also be used to analyse swamp buffalo, but many loci are not informative and creation of a revised SNP set specific for swamp buffalo would be advised.Daniela Iamartino, Ezequiel L. Nicolazzi, Curtis P. Van Tassell, James M. Reecy, Eric R. Fritz-Waters, James E. Koltes, Stefano Biffani, Tad S. Sonstegard, Steven G. Schroeder, Paolo Ajmone-Marsan, Riccardo Negrini, Rolando Pasquariello, Paola Ramelli, Angelo Coletta, José F. Garcia, Ahmad Ali, Luigi Ramunno, Gianfranco Cosenza, Denise A.A. de Oliveira, Marcela G. Drummond, Eduardo Bastianetto, Alessandro Davassi, Ali Pirani, Fiona Brew, John L. William

    Infecção por Eimeria spp. em búfalos jovens e avaliação de esquemas terapêuticos metafiláticos

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    Exportado OPUSMade available in DSpace on 2019-08-12T16:46:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 tese_eduardo_bastianetto_23_8.pdf: 1137498 bytes, checksum: a5bdde8fae079ef8d9dc1cc5c4c7a49b (MD5) Previous issue date: 28O impacto da infecção por parasitos em búfalos é reconhecido em todo o mundo, onde a eimeriose em animais jovens se destaca dentre os demais pela sua alta morbidade e mortalidade. Em decorrência das circunstâncias envolvidas no desenvolvimento da doença causada pela infecção de bezerros búfalos, por protozoários do gênero Eimeria sp., foram analisados os fatores predisponentes a esse tipo de infecção. Realizaram-se estudos epidemiológicos do curso da infecção por Eimeria sp. em animais expostos à infecção natural; análise das alterações clínicas nos animais parasitados; estudo do impacto da doença sobre a produtividade no rebanho bubalino e, também, verificação da eficiência da administração de sulfaquinoxalina sódica, amprólio, toltrazuril e decoquinato em bezerros para o controle da infecção. A eficácia dos tratamentos foi constatada através da comparação do número de oocistos de Eimeria sp., diagnosticados nas fezes dos animais que compuseram os grupos experimentais por intermédio do exame de fezes. A identificação das espécies de Eimeria sp presentes, através da análise de suas características morfológicas, permitiu comprovar a eficácia das drogas para cada espécie e, também, correlacionar as alterações clínicas observadas nos animais com as espécies presentes. Foram identificadas as espécies E. auburnensis, E.bovis, E.cylindrica, E.bareillyi, E.zuernii, E.ellipsoidalis, E.subsferica e E.canadensis infectando bezerros búfalos. As metodologias de controle analisadas foram eficientes para a redução da mortalidade dos animais. Houve diversidade nas respostas dos animais em relação às diferentes drogas avaliadas e, ainda, no grupo controle não medicado. O tratamento dos animais com toltrazuril, via oral, na dosagem única de 15 mg/kg de peso corporal ao sétimo dia de vida em bezerros bubalinos, expostos à infecção natural por Eimeria SP., apresentou melhor eficácia para o controle da infecção natural por Eimeria sp., em relação aos demais protocolos avaliados.Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) breeding is nowadays a growing activity in several continents not only for its best fitting to tropical conditions but also for its milk and meat production demands. Physiological features of the bubaline species combined with handling practices in use to raise cattle propitiate young animal infection by parasites of gender Eimeria. The impact of the infection by parasites on buffaloes is acknowledged worldwide wherever eimeriosis in young animals is prominent for its high morbidity and mortality. For the analysis of the circumstances involved in the development of the disease caused by the protozoan genus Eimeria infection of buffalo calves, predisposition factors to this kind of disease were assessed. Epidemiological studies of the infection course by Eimeria sp. in animals exposed to the natural infection, the analysis of the clinical alterations in infected animals, the efficacy of the administration of sulfaquinoxaline sodium, amprolium, toltrazuril and decoquinate in calves for infection control, besides the analysis of the disease impact on the productivity of the bubaline cattle were made. The efficacy of treatments was assessed through the comparison of the number of Eimeria sp. oocysts diagnosed in the feces examination of the animals composing the experimental groups. The identification of the Eimeria species found by the analysis of its morphological characteristics verified both the efficacy of the drugs for each species and allowed to establish a mutual relation of the clinical alterations observed in animals with the existing species. The analyzed control methodologies were efficient for the animal mortality decrease, and different responses were assessed both in the relation animals / evaluated drugs, and in the control group, not medicated. The treatment of bubaline calves with oral toltrazuril in single dosage of 15mg/kg of body weight on the seventh day of life when the animals had been exposed to the natural infection by Eimeria sp. Proved increased efficiency for the control of the natural infection by Eimeria sp as compared to the other assessed protocols

    Helmintoses de bufalinos no município de Dores do Indaiá - Minas Gerais.

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    Exportado OPUSMade available in DSpace on 2019-08-10T13:33:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 disserta__o_eduardo_bastianetto.pdf: 1524931 bytes, checksum: 21c62275505ab7753bc32eeaf091ca95 (MD5) Previous issue date: 27Foi pesquisado o curso das helmintoses em bezerros bufalinos durante 11 meses a partir do nascimento do primeiro animal no ano de 2003. Foram estudados três grupos experimentais: o primeiro grupo foi tratado com ivermectina, o segundo com fenbendazole e o terceiro grupo serviu como testemunha. Verificaram-se o desenvolvimento ponderal e a influência das parasitoses no perfil hematológico dos animais. No final do experimento, à necropsia de um animal, foram encontradas as seguintes espécies de helmintos: Toxocara vitulorum, Strongyloides papillosus, Cooperia punctata, Haemonchus similis, Haemonchus contortus, Oesophagostomum radiatum, Ostertagia trifurcata e Paracooperia nodulosa. Verificou-se a evolução do número de ovos por grama de fezes (O.P.G.) durante o período experimental. Diferenças estatisticamente significativas foram encontradas, entre os tratamentos e propriedades, em relação a alguns dos parâmetros hematológicos, desenvolvimento ponderal e na evolução do numero de O.P.G., durante o período de avaliação.The course of helminthosis in bubaline calves was researched for 11 months as of the birth of the first animal in 2003. Three experimental groups were studied: the first group was treated with irvermectin , the second with phenbendazole and the third group was used as the control group. The ponderal development and the influence of parasitoses were verified in the hematological profile of the animals. At the end of the experiment, at the time of the necropsy of one of the animals, the following species of helminth species were found: Toxocana vitulorum, Strongyloides papillosus, Cooperia punctata, Haemonchus similes, Haemonchus contortus, Oesophagostornnum radiatum, Ostertagia trifurcata and Paracooperia nodulosa. The evolution of the number of eggs per gram of feces ( O.P.G.) was verified during the experimental period. Significant statistical differences were found, among the treatment and properties with regard to some of the hematological parameters, ponderal development and the evolution of the number of O.P.G. during the period of evaluation

    Impacto econômico das doenças parasitárias na pecuária

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    A visão econômica sobre intervenção na saúde do rebanho deve ser considerada para adotar decisões financeiras em relação ao investimento que será aplicado na atividade pecuária. As doenças causam impactos na produção, seja devido ao custo relacionado ao tratamento e prevenção ou relacionado às perdas produtivas ligadas ao sistema de exploração. Essa revisão de literatura abordará os aspectos da análise financeira dos custos de controle, estratégias de manejo sanitário e sua eficiência econômica para atividade pecuária. Palavras-chave: doenças parasitárias, impacto econômico, pecuária

    Possibilidade de ocorrência de resistência adquirida em cães sucessivamente infestados por ninfas de Amblyomma cajennense (Fabricius, 1787) (Acari: Ixodidae) Possible acquired resistance of dogs successively infested by Amblyomma cajennense (Fabricius, 1787) (Acari: Ixodidae) nymphs

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    O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a ocorrência de resistência imune em cães, frente a infestações sucessivas por ninfas de Amblyomma cajennense. Para tanto, cinco animais foram submetidos a quatro infestações consecutivas por ninfas de A. cajennense em intervalos de quatorze dias. Foram aplicadas 50 ninfas em cada animal por infestação e os dados referentes aos períodos parasitários e não parasitários, foram registrados. As taxas médias de recuperação de ninfas ingurgitadas, verificadas nas sucessivas infestações foram de 52,0, 29,2, 9,6 e 12,8%, sendo observada uma redução significativa (p The present study aimed to evaluate the occurrence of immune resistance in dogs successively infested with Amblyomma cajennense nymphs. Five animals were submitted to four consecutive infestations with A. cajennense nymphs, at fourteen-day intervals. For each infestation, 50 nymphs were used per animal and data on the parasitic and non-parasitic periods were recorded. The average recovering rate of engorged nymphs in the successive infestations were 52.0, 29.2, 9.6 and 12.8%, respectively, with a significant reduction (p < 0.05) of this parameter from the second infestation onwards. The modal drop-off day of engorged nymphs was Day 4 of parasitism in all infestations. The average mortality rates of nymphs seen on the first, second, third and fourth infestations were 3.6, 3.2, 2.0 and 2.8%, respectively, with no significant differences among them (p < 0.05). In addition, no significant differences were seen among the ecdysis rates for specimens recovered from successive parasitic challenges. The study results suggest that the acquired resistance of infested dogs had a negative effect on recovery rate of A. cajennense nymphs; however, it did not affect the other biological parameters evaluated

    Pregnancy Monitoring of In Vitro Produced Embryos in Buffaloes

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    In the present study, pregnancies obtained from 115 in vitro produced embryos were monitored by ultrasonography on days 30 and 60 after embryo transfer (ET), and at calving. Additionally, the health of newborns and recipients were also evaluated. On day 30 after ET, positive pregnancy was diagnosed in 50 animals (43.5%). A total of 8 fetal mortalities (16.0%) were verified from 30 days until calving, in which 2 occurred from 30 to 60 days after ET (4.0%), and 6 occurred from 60 days until calving (12.0%). In this last period of pregnancy, 3 pregnancy losses were due to abortion, and the other 3 were stillbirth. One additional animal was eliminated from the study, remaining 41 pregnancies. From these 41 pregnancies, a total of 20 female calves (48.8%) and 21 male calves (51.2%) were born. Pregnancies from female and male calves had a mean length of 309.8 and 310.9 days, respectively (range 300 to 328 days, and 297 to 320 days, respectively). Weight at calving was a mean of 31.4 and 33.8 kg for female and male calves, respectively. All calving occurred without intervention and dystocia was not observed in any case. No large offspring syndrome, hydramnios, hydroallantois, or umbilical cord anomalies were observed in calves. Delivery was normal in all recipients, and no puerperal infections, or retained placenta occurred. Suckling assistance was not necessary in any newborn. All genetic pedigree was confirmed later by DNA tests

    Efficiency of OPU-IVEP-ET of Fresh and Vitrified Embryos in Buffaloes

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    The present study aims to report ovum pickup (OPU), in vitro embryo production (IVEP) and embryo transfer (ET) outcomes of fresh and vitrified buffalo embryos. For this purpose, 36 buffalo donors were submitted to 11 OPU sessions (n = 201). A total of 998 oocytes (5.0 +/- 0.5/donor/session) and 584 viable oocytes (2.9 +/- 0.3/donor/session) were recovered. Viable oocytes (grades 1, 2 and 3) were subjected to IVM, IVF (D0) and IVC. On D2, 54.5% of cleavage rate was obtained. Embryo yield on D7 was 44.9% (grade 1: 229 embryos, grade 2: 5 embryos and grade 3: 28 embryos). From this total, 115 fresh (grades 1 to 3) and 70 vitrified embryos (only grade 1) were transferred into recipients previously synchronized with fixed time embryo transfer (FTET) protocol. Vitrification was performed using the cryotop method. Pregnancy diagnosis in fresh and in vitrified groups were, respectively: 43.5% (50/115) and 37.1% (26/70) on 30 days after embryo transfer, and 41.7% (48/115) and 31.4% (22/70) on 60 days after embryo transfer. In conclusion, our results demonstrate the possibilities for commercial use of the techniques of OPU, IVEP and ET of fresh and vitrified embryos in buffaloes

    Frequency of benzimidazole resistance inHaemonchus contortus populations isolated from buffalo, goat and sheep herds

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    Anthelmintic resistance is an increasing problem that threatens livestock production worldwide. Understanding of the genetic basis of benzimidazole resistance recently allowed the development of promising molecular diagnostic tools. In this study, isolates of Haemonchus contortus obtained from goats, sheep and buffaloes raised in Brazil were screened for presence of the polymorphism Phe200Tyr in the β-tubulin 1 gene, which confers resistance to benzimidazole. The allelic frequency of the mutation conferring resistance ranged from 7% to 43%, and indicated that resistance to benzimidazole could be found in nematodes isolated from all the ruminant species surveyed. Although significant variation in the frequency of the F200Y mutation was observed between different herds or host species, no significant variation could be found in populations isolated from animals within the same herd. These findings suggest that screening of samples from a few animals has the potential to provide information about the benzimidazole resistance status of the entire herd, which would enable a considerable reduction in the costs of diagnosis for the producer. Molecular diagnosis has practical advantages, since it can guide the choice of anthelmintic drug that will be used, before its application in the herd, thus reducing the economic losses driven by anthelmintic resistance


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    Embora a infecção natural de búfalos por agentes infecciosos que acometem a espécie bovina (Bos taurus) e outros ruminantes possa ocorrer em bubalinos, estes parecem ser menos susceptíveis à infecção pelo vírus da leucose bovina (VLB). O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a ocorrência da infecção pelo vírus da leucose bovina em bubalinos. Foram coletadas amostras sanguíneas de 670 búfalas Murrah sadias, criadas sob manejo semi-intensivo, em 10 propriedades leiteiras do Estado de Minas Gerais. A imunodifusão em gel de Agar (IDGA) foi realizada para detecção de anticorpos contra o BLV e todos os animais testados mostraram resultados negativos. Tais resultados indicam que os bubalinos parece não se infectaram pelo VLB com a mesma frequência que os bovinos, mesmo quando criados em contato com animais dessa espécie infectados