5,062 research outputs found

    Quantum density anomaly in optically trapped ultracold gases

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    We show that the Bose-Hubbard Model exhibits an increase in density with temperature at fixed pressure in the regular fluid regime and in the superfluid phase. The anomaly at the Bose-Einstein condensate is the first density anomaly observed in a quantum state. We propose that the mechanism underlying both the normal phase and the superfluid phase anomalies is related to zero point entropies and ground state phase transitions. A connection with the typical experimental scales and setups is also addressed. This key finding opens a new pathway for theoretical and experimental studies of water-like anomalies in the area of ultracold quantum gases

    Investimento direto externo na China após sua abertura econômica

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Sócio-Econômico. Economia.Desde o fim do século XX uma nova potência econômica tem emergido. A China mostra uma média de crescimento poucas vezes vista antes na história mundial e hoje já se aproxima aos países desenvolvidos em vários fatores econômicos e sociais. Neste trabalho buscou-se entender como foi todo o processo de reforma iniciado em 1979 por Deng Xiaoping que transformou um país socialista, rural em uma potência econômica. Juntamente com a reforma, procurou-se ver qual foi e ainda é o papel do Investimento Direto Externo dentro das mudanças e como que ele foi incentivado e trabalhado para que essa “nova China” tenha sido possível

    Prevalência do uso de benzodiazepínicos nos idosos residentes na comunidade do Pântano do Sul, em Florianópolis, Santa Catarina.

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Curso de Medicina. Departamento de Saúde Pública

    Vacuum Energy in Modern Cosmology: an analysis of quantum field theory in curved spaces and its application to cosmological spacetimes

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    The last decades have witnessed an unprecedented advancement in our knowledge of the large scale universe. In particular, increasingly accurate cosmological observations have allowed us to discover a form of "dark energy", which presently dominates the expansion of the universe. On the other hand, fundamental problems in the standard cosmological model point towards the possibility of a primordial inflationary period. Both these expansion phases have in common the fact that they should be governed by forms of energy with properties much similar to those of vacuum energy of classical or quantum fields. In the meanwhile, quantum field theory in curved spaces (QFTCS) has proved a rich framework to analyze phenomena of a quantum nature in regimes where spacetime curvature is relevant, but not too extreme; particularly, it yields novel insights on the structure and dynamics of quantum vacuum. In this dissertation, we make a thorough exposition of the fundamentals of QFTCS and present some of its applications in cosmological spacetimes. Particular attention is given to the construction of an empirical notion of particles through an idealized model of particle detectors, and to the phenomenon of particle creation in expanding FLRW spacetimes. Further, we develop the procedure of adiabatic renormalization, and use it to compute the renormalized stress tensor in these spacetimes. For a noninteracting scalar field in de Sitter spaces, we find that it takes the form of a cosmological constant, although a quantitatively self-consistent value with the background expansion can only be found at Planckian densities. We also present a construction of a simple inflationary model, driven by a self-interacting classical scalar field, and show how the quantized fluctuations of this field could give rise to a nearly scale-invariant power spectrum, like the one that is currently observed in the CMB.Comment: 246 page

    MyIPB Mobile - REST services aggregator for mobile application centered on student

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    Recently COVID-19 emerged and was soon declared as a pandemic due to the high rate of infection. As a result of the public policies arising from COVID-19, millions of people have their daily lives changed. In the case of students, the learning process was impacted. To address this problem, information technology comes into action with solutions such as electronic and mobile learning. In this context, there are several Learning Management System (LMS) that can assist in the learning process, such as Moodle, Blackboard, and Sakai. However, not all LMS have a mobile application to assist students and teachers in accessing their content, thus losing a powerful mechanism to support the learning process. This work proposes three architectures to aggregate and provides a mobile application to LMSs, one that uses the Serverless model and two that uses the Self-hosted model. Each one is composed of a backend and a mobile application. As a result, a performance test is executed on the Serverless architecture to verify the best way to implement the features in terms of performance

    Objetos de aprendizagem para o ensino de matemática: reflexôes

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    As inovações tecnológicas têm causado mudanças em todos os segmentos da sociedade, inclusive na educação. A escola, professores e alunos estão inseridos em um novo contexto onde as tecnologias se fazem presentes e devem ser utilizadas como instrumentos didáticos eficazes. No ensino de matemática, a utilização destas tecnologias (o foco deste estudo são os Objetos de Aprendizagem como recursos digitais) vem tomando espaço e enriquecendo o processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Desta forma, se faz necessário uma reflexão sobre a forma de desenvolvimento e utilização dos Objetos de Aprendizagem e a postura do professor nesta nova realidade para a completude do ensino de matemática

    Health social organizations as a way of public/private management

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    O presente tem como objetivo analisar o processo de implementação das organizações sociais de saúde (OSS), no Estado de São Paulo, focalizando o papel desempenhado por fatores como autonomia administrativa e financeira, direcionamento proposto pelo contrato de gestão e o emprego de instrumentos e práticas gerenciais inovadoras, como fatores que condicionam o ganho de eficiência destas (OSS) frente às unidades da administração direta (AD). A abordagem adotada foi a do estudo comparativo, que propõe estabelecer possibilidades de, a partir da confrontação entre duas unidades (HOSS e HAD), identificar os elementos capazes de explicar esta diferença de desempenho entre os dois modelos de gestão. A investigação aponta para a influência positiva da autonomia administrativa e financeira, da direcionalidade imprimida aos processos de trabalho pelas metas estabelecidas no contrato de gestão e de tecnologias gerenciais inovadoras com uso intensivo da informação como base para a tomada de decisão. Este resultado, longe de indicar a completa conversão da AD para a publicização por meio do modelo OSS, aponta para as possibilidades e limites de desenvolvimento da AD, pela incorporação de tecnologias gerenciais implementadas no âmbito das OSS.This work has as objective to analyze the implementation process of the Health Social Organizations (OSS), in the State of São Paulo, focusing the role played by factors as administrative and financial autonomy, direction proposed by the Management Contract and the use of instruments and innovative management practices, as factors that give condition to the gain of efficiency of these OSS facing the Direct Administration units (AD). The adopted approach was the Comparative Study, which proposes the establishment of possibilities, from the confrontation between two units (HOSS and HAD), to identify the elements capable of explaining this difference of performance between the two models of management. The research points to the positive influence of the administrative and financial autonomy, to the direction given to the work processes by goals setting in the Management Contract and innovative management technologies with the intensive use of the information as base for taking decisions. This result, far from indicating the complete conversion of AD to the publicizing by the OSS model, points to the possibilities and limits of development of AD, by the incorporation of management technologies in the OSS environment