18 research outputs found

    Tratamento de efluentes de uma industria citrica pelo processo de escoamento superficial no solo

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    Orientador: Roberto Feijo de FigueiredoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de CampinasResumo: Neste trabalho foi feita a aplicação do processo de escoamento superficial no solo ao tratamento de efluentes da industria cítrica. Foram construídas três rampas medindo em media 6 por 60 metros cada, plantadas com uma gramínea e tendo declividade de quatro porcento. Os resultados indicaram boa remoção de sólidos sedimentáveis e suspensos, DQO, DBO e fósforo total, porém o desempenho tende a piorar com valores de pH acima de 12. A melhor taxa de aplicação foi de 0.200 m³ /h.m para um período de aplicação de 12 h/dia. A remoção de fósforo total foi melhor para valores menores que aquela taxaAbstract: The overland flow process was used to treat a citrus processing industry effluent. Three slopes 6 by 60 meters each. and with a gradient of 4 percent, were construct the industry wastewater treatment plant. Grass was used as vegetation to cover the slopes. Results indicated a good percent removal of suspended and settle able solids, COD, BOD and total phosphorus, but total efficiency would get worse for pH values higher than 12. The best application rate was of 0,200 m³/h.m for an application period of h/day. Total phosphorus removal efficiency was better for application rates lower than thatMestradoMestre em Engenharia Civi

    Nitrogen removal in combined anoxic-aerobic system with imobilized biomass

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    Este trabalho visa estudar o desempenho de um sistema combinado na remoção de matéria orgânica e nitrogênio de esgoto sanitário, por meio da recirculação interna do efluente. Os reatores, em escala de bancada, foram: filtro anóxico (32,6 L), biofiltro aerado submerso (17,6 L) e decantador secundário (7,2 L). As razões de recirculação foram 0,5; 1,5; 2,0 e 4,0 sem adição de carbono externo ou alcalinizante. Na razão de recirculação de 4,0 foram aplicadas taxas de carregamento orgânico e de nitrogênio ao sistema de 0,7±0,3 Kg DQO.m-3.d-1 e 0,08±0,02 kg N-NH4 +.m-3.d-1, atingindo remoções de demanda química de oxigênio e nitrogênio total de 92±4% e 83±8%, respectivamente. Os resultados mostram viabilidade do uso da recirculação do efluente, uma vez que as concentrações finais de nitrogênio total (12±3 mg N.L-1) estão abaixo do valor estipulado pela Resolução CONAMA nº 430/20112015564This work aims to study the performance of a combined system in the removal of organic matter and nitrogen from sanitary sewage through internal recirculation of the effluent. The bench scale reactors were: anoxic filter (32.6 L), submerged aerated biofilter (17.6 L) and secondary settler (7.2 L). The recirculation rates were 0.5; 1.5; 2.0 and 4.0 without added external-carbon or alkalising. In 4.0 recirculation rate, the organic and nitrogen loading rates applied to the system were 0.7±0.3 kg chemical oxygen demand.m-3.d-1 and 0.08±0.02 kg N-NH4 +.m-3.d-1, reaching removals of chemical oxygen demand and total nitrogen of 92±4% and 83±8%, respectively. The results show the feasibility of using recirculation of effluent, once the final concentrations of total nitrogen (12±3 mg.L-1) are below the value stipulated by CONAMA Resolution nº 430/201

    Degradation of formaldehyde treated in conjunction with municipal sewage in combined anaerobic-aerobic system

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    O estudo visou a investigação da degradação de formaldeído em um sistema combinado anaeróbio-aeróbio, de fluxo ascendente e com biomassa imobilizada, constituindo-se por um filtro anaeróbio seguido de biofiltro aerado submerso. As concentrações de formaldeído aplicadas ao sistema variaram de 26 a 1.055 mg HCHO.L-1, resultando em eficiências de remoção de formaldeído de 97±3% e de DQO de 90±6%. A partir dos resultados obtidos, conclui-se que o sistema combinado se apresentou adequado para o tratamento de esgoto sanitário contendo formaldeído, uma vez que além de eficiências de remoção representativas, apresentou estabilidade de operação durante o decorrer do estudo201103110The study aimed to investigate the degradation of formaldehyde in an anaerobic-aerobic combined system, upflow and with immobilized biomass, consisting of an Anaerobic Filter (AF) followed by Aerated Submerged Biofilter (ASB). The concentrations of formaldehyde applied to the system ranged from 26 to 1,055 mg HCHO.L-1, resulted in a removal efficiency of formaldehyde of 97±3% and chemical oxygen demand (COD) of 90±6%. From the results, it is concluded that the combined system was suitable for treating wastewater containing formaldehyde, since besides representative removal efficiencies; operation was stable during the course of the stud

    Desempenho de sistema combinado anaeróbio-aeróbio na remoção de nitrogênio no tratamento de esgoto sanitário

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    Este trabalho relata a avaliação do desempenho de um sistema anaeróbio-aeróbio constituído por filtro anaeróbio seguido de biofiltro aerado submerso operado sem e com recirculação do efluente tratado para amenizar os efeitos desfavoráveis das taxas de carregamento orgânico (TCO) sobre a nitrificação e propiciar a redução do Nitrogênio Total. Nas duas primeiras etapas a TCO aplicada no BAS variou entre 0,49 ± 0,27 e 0,31 ± 0,08 kg DBO m-3 d-1 devido à redução da taxa de aplicação superficial (TAS) de 60 para 44 m3 m-2 d-1. Na terceira etapa, com recirculação, a TCO e a TAS foram de 0,29 ± 0,02 kg DBO m-3 d-1 e 65,8 m3 m-2 d-1, o que permitiu ao sistema reduzir 43 ± 10% da concentração inicial média de 72 mg L-1 de Nitrogênio Total. A aplicação de taxas de carregamento orgânico no BAS, superiores a 0,30 kg DBO m-3 d-1 inibiram a nitrificação devido à competição por oxigênio35213113

    Earthworm avoidance behavior to antimicrobial sulfadiazine on tropical artificial soil

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    Veterinary pharmaceuticals can reach the soil via animal excretions and cause impacts on aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. In this work, we employed a standardized avoidance behavior test to assess the sublethal effects of antimicrobial sulfadiazine on the earthworm Eisenia andrei. Cultivation of red worms was based on an alternative substrate made of mostly household vegetable wastes and dry leaves. The bioassays were performed with tropical artificial soil spiked with the tests substance at five different concentrations ranging from 0.01 to 100 mg sulfadiazine kg-1. The outcome resulted in avoidance response of 30% (maximum) and a nonlinear concentration-response curve, differing from classical pollutant responses and correlating with those asymmetric responses over the environment caused by some rare xenobiotics. Avoidance tests were validated with reference substance, resulting in an EC50-48h of 819 mg boric acid kg-1 (628-1066 mg boric acid kg-1 95% confidence interval). We concluded that the avoidance test with E. andrei is useful as a standardized tool for a rapid ecotoxicological screening of soil

    Earthworm avoidance behavior to antimicrobial sulfadiazine on tropical artificial soil

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    Veterinary pharmaceuticals can reach the soil via animal excretions and cause impacts on aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. In this work, we employed a standardized avoidance behavior test to assess the sublethal effects of antimicrobial sulfadiazine on the earthworm Eisenia andrei. Cultivation of red worms was based on an alternative substrate made of mostly household vegetable wastes and dry leaves. The bioassays were performed with tropical artificial soil spiked with the tests substance at five different concentrations ranging from 0.01 to 100 mg sulfadiazine kg-1. The outcome resulted in avoidance response of 30% (maximum) and a nonlinear concentration-response curve, differing from classical pollutant responses and correlating with those asymmetric responses over the environment caused by some rare xenobiotics. Avoidance tests were validated with reference substance, resulting in an EC50-48h of 819 mg boric acid kg-1 (628-1066 mg boric acid kg-1 95% confidence interval). We concluded that the avoidance test with E. andrei is useful as a standardized tool for a rapid ecotoxicological screening of soil132697

    Anaerobic-aerobic baffled reactor treating real municipal wastewater in a low income community

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    Inadequate sanitation and poor infrastructure for waterborne sanitation are common in many developing countries. The anaerobic/aerobic baffled reactor (AABR) is a sustainable option for water sanitation in developing countries. In the present study, a 2.50 m3 AABR reactor working with real municipal wastewater was monitored. Four sequenced chambers, the first three being anaerobic and the fourth aerobic composed the AABR reactor. AABR efficiency and performance were examined during four different periods. Organic and hydraulic load increases were adequately absorbed, provoking no instability in the system and demonstrating good configuration for absorbing organic impacts. The AABR had a promising effect on COD removal, which led removal values of total COD up to 74%, and total suspended solid (TSS) removal up to 79%. Regardless of the value on entering, the pH from the reactor effluent remained close to 7 during the four periods, indicating good stability in the reactor17352953

    ADM1 approach to the performance optimisation and biogas H2S prediction of a large-scale anaerobic reactor fed on sugarcane vinasse

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    In this paper, we present extensions to the Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1 (ADM1) to simulate hydrogen sulphide in biogas and solids retention efficiency. The extended model was calibrated and validated against data from a large-scale covered in-ground anaerobic reactor (CIGAR), processing sugarcane vinasse. Comparative scenarios and set-ups of a CIGAR with and without a settling tank unit (settler) were simulated to investigate the reactor's performance. Biogas flow, methane content, and yield with settler were 15,983 Nm(3)/d, 57%, and 0.198 Nm(3)CH(4)/kgCOD, respectively, which were 9.4%, 1.8%, and 11.64%, higher than without the settler. Improvements are combination of influent flow rate 116% higher and increased solids retention time by using a settler. The optimised modelled reactor, the volume of which was reduced by 50%, was able to produce 83% more methane per volume of reactor with half the retention time. After model calibration and validation, we assessed the quality of predictions and its utility. The overall quality of predictions was assessed as high accuracy quantitative for CH4 and medium for H2S and biogas flow. A practical demonstration of ADM1 to industrial application is presented here to identify the potential optimisation and behaviour of a large-scale anaerobic reactor, reducing, consequently, expenditure, risk, and time8091774178