380 research outputs found

    Determinants of timber exports in Nigeria: an error correction modeling approach

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    Abstract This study analyzed the factors influencing the exports of timber in Nigeria with the aid of Error Correction Model (ECM) representation procedures. The analysis was carried out with the data collected on roundwood and sawnwood over 33 years (1970 – 2003) using the long run restricted ECM. The statistical significance of the ECM terms for roundwood (-1.110) and sawnwood (-1.772) validates the existence of relationship among the variables. This suggests the short run dynamic effect of the changes in export quantities of roundwood are determined by one-year lagged export quantity of roundwood & domestic output-consumption ratio of roundwood, domestic output-consumption ratio of roundwood and domestic-international price ratio of roundwood, while that of sawnwood is determined by lagged values of the official exchange rate, domestic consumption-output, domestic consumption-output and world export-output ratios of the sawnwood. Efforts to boost timber export from Nigeria needs to incorporate policy measures that will improve the quantity and quality of timber products in order to meet the local and foreign demands.Roundwood; Sawnwood; Nigeria; Exports; Co-integration and Error-correction model

    Desenvolvimento e estudo dinâmico de radiador espacial integrado a tubos de calor de condutância variável /

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    Tese (Doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico.Investigação numérica e experimental de um radiador para satélites de comunicação, cuja temperatura de operação é controlada por tubos de calor de condutância variável com carga de gás não condensável em reservatórios externos, frios e não forrados. Enfoca o comportamento dinâmico do sistema em dependência de interações entre os tubos e reações dos respectivos reservatórios de gás. Desenvolvimento de um modelo do tipo frente de vapor/gás plana para o espaço de vapor, considerando partida de operação e fluxo de massa entre tubo e reservatório. Validação experimental do modelo usando um protótipo de um tubo de calor em temperatura ambiente resfriado com ar comprimido e o radiador com três tubos resfriado por radiação em câmara de vácuo. Casos de interesse especial: performance do radiador em condições próximas de sobre-carga e após a falha de um tubo exterior. Variação de parâmetros: potências térmicas aplicadas e massas de gás em todos os tubos, redução da condutividade térmica axial das placas radiantes

    Tackling Access to a Healthier Life

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    Obesity is a known risk factor for complications during childhood and later in adult life. While numerous factors play a role in the prevalence of obesity, this project focused on better intervention for obesity management in the family medicine clinic located in Plattsburgh, NY. Interviews and literature searches were conducted to determine possible strategies to better assist patients in attaining their sustainable weight loss goals and an overall healthier lifestyle

    The guerrilla in town : influences on content production in exiled media

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    On 21 June 2011 Reeyot Alemu was detained by the Federal Police and later was charged with terrorism and sentenced for five years. Her detention is one of the several incidents in Ethiopia that illustrate how journalists function in their daily routine ever since the Ethiopian People Democratic Revolutionary Front party took power in 1991. Her detention generated waves of protest among press freedom advocates and human rights groups. She was freed after four years of imprisonment. Just like many journalists before her, Reeyot fled her country and join Ethiopian exiled media institution. Ethiopia has vibrant exiled media organizations working from Europe and North America. This study examines factors that influence content creation on mass media especially in Ethiopian Satellite Television and Radio (ESAT) and Oromia Media Network (OMN). Findings show even if governmental pressure impacts all exiled media at the same time the content production process both in ESAT and OMN take sharp edge on ideological lineage. In addition, both institutions depend on anonymous reporters or stringers while leveraging on their media content credibility. The result suggests that influences that shape exiled media content production also impacted the Ethiopian media culture.Includes bibliographical references

    Intelectuais hoje : novas respostas, velhos dilemas?

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    Afirma que o perfil e o papel do intelectual, sua relação com a sociedade, sua missão e até a sua refuncionalização e/ou desaparacimento tem sido discutida frequentemente neste início de milênio, considerado um tempo de incertezas. Alega que se vem cobrando dos que lidam com a cultura uma postura crítica, uma missão política, e ponderações sobre os problemas da humanidade e dos menos favorecidos. Cita a ditadura militar no Brasil e o período pós-ditaduras na América Latina. Comenta sobre Carolina Maria de Jesus e sua definição para as moradias desfavorecidas, bem como os trabalhos de Clarice Lispector (1977) , Osman Lins (1976) e João Antônio (1986). Analisa os trabalhos de Lispector e Lins como sendo o levantamento de problemas sociais, como veículos de não conformismo com a situação que não é apenas do imaginário do escritor. Avalia os trabalhos literários que mostram um novo perfil de sujeito, que tenta se firmar sem a mediação de alguém que fale por ele. Menciona Beatriz Sarlo (1997) e Edward Said (2003), e suas críticas/ reflexões acerca do papel do intelectual como uma voz reflexiva advinda da arte, e sua posição perante questões distantes de sua realidade

    Fractionated look and expressionist face : the construction of the character in Samuel Rawet

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    O artigo visa discutir a presença das artes plásticas e da fotografia na construção da personagem Ida do conto “A prece” de Samuel Rawet. Pergunta-se sobre o significado do emprego de diversos recursos de picturalidade, notadamente as alusões ao Cubismo e ao Expressionismo, para narrar a história da imigrante judia. Questiona-se o motivo pelo qual ela é vista e mostrada de forma seccionada e deformada. Com base nas teorias sobre translação e transposição entre artes (Moser, Clüver, Louvel), aponta-se para alguns sentidos pelos quais se passa de uma arte a outra, entendendo o tema da imigração como o catalizador de muitos deles.The article aims to discuss the presence of painting and photography in the construction of the character Ida of the short story “A prece” by Samuel Rawet. We ask about the meaning of the use of various resources of painting, notably the allusions to Cubism and Expressionism, to narrate the story of the Jewish immigrant. It is questioned why she is seen and shown in a sectioned and deformed form. Based on the theories of translation and transposition between arts (Moser, Clüver, Louvel), we point to some meanings from one art to another, understanding the subject of immigration as the catalyst for many of them

    O jornalista na literatura brasileira contemporânea : algumas notas

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    Analisa o perfil do jornalista na literatura brasileira em uma perspectiva histórica. Afirma que poucos trabalhos discutem os problemas da profissão. Comenta a constituição de gêneros narrativos e o processo de maior democratização da literatura. Cita o impasse da criação artística de jornalistas que produziam literatura, geralmente divididos entre o uso da sofisticação na linguagem e o coloquialismo jornalístico. Atenta para a constante presença do jornalista-autor-personagem nos trabalhos literários, relacionada ao jornalista que também é escritor. Pondera sobre os trabalhos provenientes de experiências vividas por jornalistas (relatos que podem preencher lacunas que a história oficial deixou), o constante envolvimento político de suas obras, e as condições sociais de produção e de recepção dos textos literários

    Potret Kehidupan Suku Togutil dan Kearifan Lokal Khususnya Obat-Obatan Tradisional dari Hutan

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    The study was conducted to find a portrait of the life of the Togutil tribe and the use of forest products in the form of medicines that are used as their daily needs. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The purpose of descriptive research is to describe and understand the behavior patterns of a community as it is in the context of wholeness or a unified whole, and the results of the study show that the existence of the Togutil tribe is still highly dependent on the forest. The use of medicines is hereditary knowledge which is still maintained because it is proven by what is directly accepted by the community

    Évaluation de l’impact de l’approximation de la fonction de production hydroélectrique sur le calendrier de maintenance de groupes turbo-alternateurs

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    RÉSUMÉ : L’optimisation de l’ordonnancement de la maintenance des groupes turbo-alternateurs est un des principaux leviers disponibles pour augmenter la productivité des sites hydroélectriques. À cause du caractère non linéaire et non convexe de la Fonction de Production Hydroéletrique (FPH), les modèles mathématiques couramment utilisés se basent sur des fonctions simplifiées. Dans ce contexte, l’objectif du présent travail de recherche est d’estimer l’impact de la représentation de la FPH sur le problème d’ordonnancement de la maintenance dans le cas déterministe. Trois modèles ont été étudiés. Dans le premier modèle, la FPH est approximée par des hyperplans. Dans le second, c’est une fonction linéaire par morceaux qui est utilisée. Dans le troisième modèle, la FPH est représentée par un polynôme. Ces trois modèles sont testés sur deux systèmes de centrales hydroélectriques réels : un dans le sud-est du Brésil et l’autre à Saguenay au Canada. Les résultats obtenus confirment que les calendriers de maintenance des groupes turboalternateurs sont influencés par la représentation de la FPH utilisée. Toutefois, malgré des décalages conséquents des tâches de maintenance, les trois approches étudiées fournissent une estimation similaire de l’énergie produite.----------ABSTRACT : To increase the productivity of hydroelectric plants, optimization of the maintenance scheduling of turbo-generators is one of the main levers available. Because of the nonlinear and non-convex nature of the HPF, the commonly used mathematical models are simplifying this function. In this context, the objective of this research work is to estimate the impact of the HPF formulation on the maintenance scheduling problem in the deterministic case. Three models have been studied. In the first model, the HPF is approximated by hyperplanes. In the second, a piecewise linear function is used. In the third model, the HPF is represented by a polynomial. These three models are tested on two real hydroelectric power systems: one in southeast Brazil and the other in Saguenay in Canada. The results obtained confirm that the maintenance schedules of the turbo-generators are influenced by the HPF representation used. However, despite significant shifts in maintenance tasks, the three approaches studied provide a similar estimate of the energy produced


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    Togutil tribe is one of marginal society which in other context is sometimes referred to as remote society inhabiting East Halmahera forest. The study was conducted to find out the perception of Togutil people in forest management and non-timber forest product utilization which is utilized as their life necessity without damaging the surrounding nature even though their life pattern all depends on nature.  This research was conducted for three months from September until December 2017 in northern wasilei district of East Halmahera Regency using qualitative descriptive method. Martodirdjo (1991: 74) who said the purpose of descriptive research is to describe and understand the pattern of behavior of a society as it is in the context of wholeness or a unified whole, and from the results of research shows that the existence of Togutil tribe people view the forest not as a place to meet the needs alone but in their perceptions, the forest must be on guard because it has residents of the ancestors who until the moment masi believed sehingg in the activity of demolition of a land must be preceded by performing rituals as a form of permission application to the ancestors