13 research outputs found

    Traditional Practices Influence Student’ Motivation at School and in School Athletics in the Republic of Benin

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    In their daily activities, men are influenced by various factors. These factors, which can be environmental, social and/or cultural, vary according to the types of activities in which these people are engaged. For the Beninese, everything has meaning, which is why, they regularly practice their traditional cultural heritage, as it strengthens their morale during professional activities. Students from this environment can not escape this reality. Therefore, they do not hesitate to call on traditional, cultural practices to manage stress more effectively and increase their motivation. The results of two questionnaires that were administered to 271 non-sports students and to 138 student athletes, revealed that the Beninese traditional cultural practices (prayers, charms and offerings), are making their entry to school and into school athletic associations. The presence of such practices in secondary schools varies between rural and urban students and between animist, Christian and Muslim students.Key words: Traditional practices; Stress; Motivation; School; Spor

    Indicators and vectors related to malaria transmission in the Kozah and Doufel gou (Kara region, North Togo)

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    Malaria is a vector-borne disease transmitted by Anopheles mosquitoes, in particular Anopheles gambiae s.l. To identify malaria vectors and establish a link between the presence of malaria vectors and malaria prevalence, a study was carried out in 7 localities of the Kara region: Lassa-Bas, Sarakawa, and Kpindi in the Kozah prefecture and Siou, Défalé, Ténéga and Broukou in the Doufelgou prefecture. Two malaria indicators were evaluated including the prevalence rate as well as consultation rate among children aged under 5 and pregnant women in the above-mentioned areas. Additionally, adult mosquitoes were collected using Human Landing Catch and Spray Catch techniques in the following localities: Lassa-Bas, Sarakawa, Siou, and Ténéga. Malaria prevalence rate was globally > 70%, the consultation rate was also > 50% among children under 5 years in the two prefectures. In pregnant women, the prevalence was > 60% while the consultation rate was 45%. A total of 592 mosquitoes were collected, divided into 3 genera: Anopheles, 521 (88%); Culex, 54 (9%); and Aedes, 17 (3%). Of the overall Anopheles mosquitoes collected, Anopheles gambiae s.l. represented 100% in all the localities (Lassa-Bas, 140; Sarakawa, 62; Ténéga, 303; and Siou, 16), followed by Aedes aegypti, Aedes sp, and Culex spp. The high rate of malaria prevalence could be potentially linked to the abundance of Anopheles mosquitoes


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    Context: In general, well-conducted psychomotor activities promote harmonious development and have a positive impact on children's health. These activities also condition the acquisition and improvement of the child's global motor skills. In the Commune of Porto-Novo, incomplete motor skills are observed among primary school children in both the public and private sectors. This is why the present study aims to investigate the causes of this observation in kindergarten in order to propose approaches to remedy it. Materials and Method: Twenty-seven (27) teachers from both public kindergartens with at least 100 pupils (15) and private kindergartens with at least 70 pupils (12) were randomly selected. They were grouped according to spontaneous, hidden and evoked interventions. Spontaneous and hidden interventions represent practices that are not conducive to children's psychomotor development, whereas evoked intervention was found to be the best option for promoting children's psychomotor development. Data were collected through individual semi-directive interviews and open observation in the classrooms. These data were analyzed and the percentages were compared. Results: Only 8 teachers (29.63%) practiced an evoked intervention. However, 19 teachers (70.37%) practiced either spontaneous (11) or covert (8) intervention. The comparison of these observed percentages shows a significant difference (p<0.05) at the 5% risk. Conclusion: The incomplete achievements observed at the primary level are due to the lack of space, and teaching materials and especially to the lack of knowledge of the concept of psychomotricity and its implications. Initial training that deviates from these requirements does not seem to be conducive to the harmonious psychomotor development of kindergarten children.  Article visualizations

    Asymmetry and transmission of international price shocks of cocoa and coffee in Togo

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    This study assesses the mechanism of the transmission of international price shocks to producer prices of coffee and cocoa in Togo. A threshold autoregressive (TAR) model was estimated using monthly series of international and producer prices of coffee and cocoa in Togo from 1994 to 2018. The results show that there is asymmetric transmission of international price shocks to producer prices. Domestic prices respond less quickly to international price increase than decreases. The asymmetric price transmission is similar in term of the speed of adjustment for the two commodities. In order to deal with this phenomenon, further investigations need to be done to detect the reasons for the asymmetry in price transmission between domestic and international coffee and cocoa markets

    Ruolo dell’intelligenza emozionale nei comportamenti aggressivi nel settore sportivo

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    International audienceDie emotionale Intelligenz (EI), definiert als eine Anzahl von Kompetenzen, die die Identifikation, das Verständnis, den Ausdruck, die Regulation und den Gebrauch von Emotion bei sich und bei anderen betreffen, wird oft als eine individuelle Dimension betrachtet, die für das soziale, affective und professionelle Leben determinierend ist. Im Bereich des Sports haben sich seit einigen Jahren die sportpsychologischen Arbeiten, zur Leistung, emotionalen Erfahrungen und Verhaltensweisen in Stresssituationen vervielfacht. Aber es ist interessant zu beobachten, dass Arbeiten zu Zusammenhängen zwischen emotionalen Kompetenzen und Gewalt im Sport selten sind, obwohl aggressive und gewalttätige Verhaltensweisen ständig in den Stadien und auf den Zuschauerrängen zunehmen. Ziel dieses Artikels ist es deshalb, die EI als eine Determinante aggressiven Verhaltens im Sport zu erforschen und Forschungsperspektiven auf diesem noch relativ unerforschten Feld aufzuzeigen.Defined as a set of skills regarding the identification, the understanding, the expression, the regulation and the use of one’s emotions and others’, emotional intelligence (EI) has often been considered as a decisive individual dimension of our social, affective and professional lives. In the sports sphere, psychology of sport and physical activity studies have multiplied for a few years and looked into the performances, emotions felt and behaviors in the face of events perceived as stressful. Yet it is surprising to note that while aggressive and violent behaviors keep increasing on and off the field, works raising links between emotional skills and violence in sports are rare. This article thus aims at showing the interest of studying IE as one of the contributing factors of aggressive behaviors in sports, and to suggest research prospects in this relatively unexplored field.La inteligencia emocional (IE) es definida como un conjunto de competencias relacionadas a la identificación, la comprensión, la expresión, la regulación y el control de las emociones de sí mismo como la de los otros, comúnmente es considerada como una dimensión individual determinante en la vida social, afectiva y profesional. En el campo de las prácticas deportivas, en los últimos años los trabajos en psicología del deporte y la actividad física se han incrementado centrándose especialmente en el rendimiento como sentimientos emocionales y de comportamientos estresantes. Sin embargo es importante observar que los trabajos se vinculan entre las competencias emocionales y la violencia en el deporte es rara, mientras que los comportamientos agresivos y violentos aumentan alrededor de las canchas. El objetivo de este artículo es mostrar el interés de estudiar las IE como una de las determinantes de los comportamientos agresivos en el ambiente el deporte, y proponer algunas perspectivas de investigación en este dominio poco explorado.L’intelligence émotionnelle (IE), définie comme un ensemble de compétences concernant l’identification, la compréhension, l’expression, la régulation et l’utilisation de ses émotions et de celles des autres, a souvent été considérée comme une dimension individuelle déterminante dans la vie sociale, affective et professionnelle. Dans le domaine des pratiques sportives, les travaux se sont multipliés depuis quelques années en s’intéressant à la performance, au ressenti émotionnel, aux réponses et aux comportements face aux événements perçus comme stressants. Mais il est surprenant d’observer que les travaux évoquant les liens entre ces compétences émotionnelles et la violence dans le sport sont rares, alors que les comportements agressifs et violents ne cessent d’augmenter sur et autour des terrains. L’objectif de cet article est ainsi de montrer les liens entre l’IE et les comportements transgressifs en sport et de proposer des perspectives de recherche dans ce domaine encore peu exploré en psychologie du sport et de l’activité physique.L’intelligenza emozionale (IE), definita come un insieme di competenze riguardanti l’identificazione, la comprensione, l’espressione, la regolazione e l’utilizzazione delle sue emozioni e di quelle degli altri, è spesso stata considerata come una dimensione individuale determinante della vita sociale, affettiva e professionale. Nell’ambito delle pratiche sportive, i lavori in psicologia dello sport e dell’attività fisica si sono moltiplicati da alcuni anni interessandosi alla performance, alle sensazioni emozionali e ai comportamenti di fronte agli avvenimenti percepiti come stressanti, ma è sorprendente osservare che i lavori evocanti i legami tra le competenze emozionali e la violenza nello sport sono rari, mentre i comportamenti aggressivi e violenti non cessano di aumentare su e attorno i terreni. L’obiettivo di questo articolo è quello di mostrare l’interesse di studiare l’IE come una delle determinanti dei comportamenti aggressivi nell’ambito dello sport e di proporre delle prospettive di ricerca in questo settore ancora poco esplorato

    L’avantage du jeu à domicile : un phénomène entretenu par les arbitres ?

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    International audienceLa victoire à domicile, une responsabilité des arbitres ? Jouer à domicile constitue un avantage pour une équipe, et ce chapitre permet d'éclaircir le rôle des arbitres dans cette situation, en abordant les questions suivantes, parfois épineuses. Le fait qu'une équipe gagne à domicile peut-il constituer une intérêt économique, et si c'est le cas, qui peut en tirer parti ? Des pressions peuvent-elles être effectuées sur les arbitres ? Et enfin, les arbitres eux-mêmes peuvent-ils avoir un avantage économique à favoriser les équipes jouant à domicile

    Décisions arbitrales en football et performances physiques en situation écologique : indicateurs comportementaux et physiologiques

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    Processus décisionnels et demande physique chez les arbitres : mise en relation de la fréquence cardiaque et de la vitesse de déplacement avec les décisions arbitrales d'arbitres de football expérimentés

    Insecticide resistance intensity and efficacy of synergists with pyrethroids in Anopheles gambiae (Diptera: Culicidae) from Southern Togo

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    Abstract Background This study was designed to provide insecticide resistance data for decision-making in terms of resistance management plans in Togo. Methods The susceptibility status of Anopheles gambiae sensu lato (s.l.) to insecticides used in public health was assessed using the WHO tube test protocol. Pyrethroid resistance intensity bioassays were performed following the CDC bottle test protocol. The activity of detoxification enzymes was tested using the synergists piperonyl butoxide, S.S.S-tributlyphosphorotrithioate and ethacrinic acid. Species-specific identification of An. gambiae s.l. and kdr mutation genotyping were performed using PCR techniques. Results Local populations of An. gambiae s.l. showed full susceptibility to pirimiphos methyl at Lomé, Kovié, Anié, and Kpèlè Toutou. At Baguida, mortality was 90%, indicating possible resistance to pirimiphos methyl. Resistance was recorded to DDT, bendiocarb, and propoxur at all sites. A high intensity of pyrethroid resistance was recorded and the detoxification enzymes contributing to resistance were oxidases, esterases, and glutathione-s-transferases based on the synergist tests. Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto (s.s.) and Anopheles coluzzii were the main species identified. High kdr L1014F and low kdr L1014S allele frequencies were detected at all localities. Conclusion This study suggests the need to reinforce current insecticide-based malaria control interventions (IRS and LLINs) with complementary tools