62 research outputs found

    On the importance of solid deformations in convection-dominated liquid/solid phase change of pure materials

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    summary:We analyse the effect of the mechanical response of the solid phase during liquid/solid phase change by numerical simulation of a benchmark test based on the well-known and debated experiment of melting of a pure gallium slab counducted by Gau & Viskanta in 1986. The adopted mathematical model includes the description of the melt flow and of the solid phase deformations. Surprisingly the conclusion reached is that, even in this case of pure material, the contribution of the solid phase to the balance of the momentum of the system influences significantly the numerical solution and is necessary in order to get a better match with the experimental observations. Here an up-to-date list of the most meaningful mathematical models and numerical simulations of this test is discussed and the need is shown of an accurate revision of the numerical simulations of melting/solidification processes of pure materials (e.g. artificial crystal growth) produced in the last thirty years and not accounting for the solid phase mechanics

    Finite volume modelling of an icefield with subglacial lake

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    Momentum, mass and energy balance laws provide the tools for the study of the evolution of an icefield covering a subglacial lake. The ice is described as a non-Newtonian fluid with a power-law constitutive relationship with temperature- and stress-dependent viscosity (Glen?s law) [1]. The phase transition mechanisms at the air/ice and ice/water interfaces yield moving boundary formulations, and lake hydrodynamics requires equation reduction for treating the turbulence

    Utjecaj olujnog vjetra na Jadransko more u uvjetima klimatskih promjena

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    In this work we assess the quality of the wind fields provided over the Adriatic Sea by the Regional Climate Model COSMO-CLM with reference to a control (CTR) period from 1971 to 2000 and to a future period from 2071 to 2100 under IPCC RCP 8.5 scenario (SCE), focusing on the implications for wave climate characterisation. Model skills have been assessed by comparing CTR results in terms of gross statistical properties and storm features against wind data from coastal observatories along the whole Italian Adriatic coast, showing a satisfactory capability of capturing the main features of mean observed seasonal variability. Significant achievements with reference to existing climatological models have been observed especially in terms of wind directionality, with unprecedented performances in reproducing the bimodal dominance of Bora (from northeast) and Sirocco (from southeast) in the northern basin, and the typical patterns of Bora jets flowing from the mountain ridges enclosing the Adriatic Sea on its eastern side. Future projections generally confirm the tendency to a decreasing energy trend envisaged by previous studies, with a more marked effect for extreme events in the northern basin. Based on the comparison between climatological wind fields and the results of a SWAN wave model run forced by COSMO-CLM, we also define and test a criterion for a rapid identification of some relevant case studies for dedicated wave modelling experiments, without the need of running entire climatological wave simulations. This permits to focus the analysis of climatological oceanographic extreme events to a limited number of selected cases, allowing remarkable saving of computational effort especially if an ensemble approach is desired.U ovom radu ocjenjujemo kvalitetu polja vjetra nad Jadranskim morem dobivenog primjenom Regionalnog klimatskog modela COSMO-CLM za kontrolno razdoblje (CTR) od 1971. do 2000. i za buduće razdoblje od 2071. do 2100. uz pretpostavku klimatskog scenarija IPCC RCP 8.5 (SCE), s posebnim osvrtom na posljedice za valnu klimu. Kvaliteta modela procijenjena je usporedbom njegovih rezultata za CTR-a s podacima vjetra s obalnih opservatorija duž cijelog talijanskog dijela jadranske obale na temelju ukupnih statističkih i olujnih svojstava. Usporedba je pokazala zadovoljavajuće rezultate modela pri reproduciranju glavnih obilježja srednje opažene sezonske varijabilnosti. Značajna unapređenja u odnosu na postojeće klimatske modele dobivena su posebice u reproduciranju smjera vjetra, kao i pri uspješnoj reprodukciji bimodalne dominacije bure (sa sjeveroistoka) i juga (s jugoistoka) u sjevernom bazenu, te tipičnim obrascima bure s jakim intenzitetima ispred planinskih prijevoja duž istočne obale Jadranskoga mora. Buduće projekcije općenito potvrđuju negativni trend energije predviđen i prethodnim studijama, s izrazitijim učinkom na ekstremne događaje u sjevernom bazenu. Na temelju usporedbe klimatoloških valnih polja i rezultata valnog modela SWAN forsiranog izlaznim poljima COSMO-CLM modela, definirani i testirani su kriteriji za brzu identifikaciju relevantnih situacija u modeliranju valova bez potrebe za izvođenjem cijele klimatološke simulacije valova. To dozvoljava da se analiza klimatoloških oceanografskih ekstremnih događaja usredotoči na ograničeni broj odabranih slučajeva, čime se omogućava značajna ušteda računalnih resursa pogotovo ako se želi primjeniti ansambl modela

    The snow load in Europe and the climate change

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    It is often assumed that, as a consequence of global warming, a reduction of snow load on the ground should be expected. In reality, snow load is often depending on local orographic situations that can determine an increase of its height, even when the average snow height over the surrounding areas is reduced. Large snow loads on roofs during the winter season of 2005–2006 led to over 200 roof collapses in Central Europe. To proceed with the adaptation of the European standards for important buildings and infrastructures to the implications of climate change, the expected changes in the climatic loading shall be assessed in terms of the Eurocodes concept for characteristic values of variable climatic actions. The paper presents a procedure for derivation of snow load on ground from data on daily temperatures and precipitation. In addition, it allows to derive the characteristic snow loads from climate change projections and thus to evaluate the future trends in variation of snow loading. Analysis of these trends for the Italian territory is performed by comparing the results for several subsequent time periods of thirty years, with those obtained for the reference period 1951–1980. Results presented show a significant increase in the snow loading for the period 1981–2010 in many regions in north and east Italy in comparison with the reference period. It is suggested that a European project on snow load map shall be started, in order to help National Competent Authorities to redraft the national snow load maps for design with the Eurocodes

    Local effects of depth-dependent water content of ice and snow and firn layers temperature on a conjectured subglacial lake below Amundsenisen Icefield (Svalbard)

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    It is known that the Amundsenisen Icefield in Southern Spitzbergen (Svalbard achipelago) is temperate with an upper layer of snow and firn. It is an accumulation area and, though ice/water mass balance is clearly subject to time evolution, observation data on the long-term elevation changes over the past 40 years (Nuth et al., 2010) allow to assume constant icefield surface. Within our study of the plausibility of a subglacial lake (Glowacki et al., 2007), here, we focus on the sensitivity of the system to the thermal effect of the firn and snow layers

    Extreme events in high resolution CMCC regional and global climate models

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    Within the framework of the FUME EU project a set of climate projections covering the period 1970-2100 has been performed using a global General Circulation model (CMCC-Med) and a Regional Climate model (CMCC-CLM). Simulation outputs have been post-processed in order to investigate extreme events based on three principal weather parameters: precipitation, surface temperature and 10 metre wind. Using these parameters, several indexes for extreme event characterizations have been computed on daily time basis over 4 seasons. Trends and variability have been computed and examined both for the global and regional model

    Plausibility of a subglacial lake under Amundsenisen Icefield (Svalbard): spatially variable water content and sensitivity to thermal effect of snow and firn layers

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    Within our study of the plausibility of a subglacial lake under the Amundsenisen Icefield in Southern Spitzbergen, Svalbard achipelago (Glowacki et al., 2007), here we focus on the sensitivity of the system to the thermal effect of the firn and snow layers. Rough heat balance analysis shows that the firn layer plays an important role by driving the heat release to the atmosphere, so that its influence on the ice-water phase transition cannot be neglected (Bucchignani et al., 2012)

    Evaluating the Urban Canopy Scheme TERRA_URB in the COSMO Model for Selected European Cities

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    The increase in built surfaces constitutes the main reason for the formation of the Urban Heat Island (UHI), that is a metropolitan area significantly warmer than its surrounding rural areas. The urban heat islands and other urban-induced climate feedbacks may amplify heat stress and urban flooding under climate change and therefore to predict them correctly has become essential. Currently in the COSMO model, cities are represented by natural land surfaces with an increased surface roughness length and a reduced vegetation cover, but this approach is unable to correctly reproduce the UHI effect. By increasing the model resolution, a representation of the main physical processes that characterize the urban local meteorology should be addressed, in order to better forecast temperature, moisture and precipitation in urban environments. Within the COSMO Consortium a bulk parameterization scheme (TERRA_URB or TU) has been developed. It parametrizes the effects of buildings, streets and other man-made impervious surfaces on energy, moist and momentum exchanges between the surface and atmosphere, and additionally accounts for the anthropogenic heat flux as a heat source from the surface to the atmosphere. TU implements an impervious water-storage parameterization, and the Semi-empirical Urban canopy parametrization (SURY) that translates 3D urban canopy into bulk parameters. This paper presents evaluation results of the TU scheme in high-resolution simulations with a recent COSMO model version for selected European cities, namely Turin, Naples and Moscow. The key conclusion of the work is that the TU scheme in the COSMO model reasonably reproduces UHI effect and improves air temperature forecasts for all the investigated urban areas, despite each city has very different morphological characteristics. Our results highlight potential benefits of a new turbulence scheme and the representation of skin-layer temperature (for vegetation) in the model performance. Our model framework provides perspectives for enhancing urban climate modelling, although further investigations in improving model parametrizations, calibration and the use of more realistic urban canopy parameters are needed