15 research outputs found

    Karakteristik Morfologi Tanaman Sukun (Artocarpus alltilis Forst) Di Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat

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    Morphological characteristics are inherent properties of plants and are indicated by plant structural components and are related to organs that can be observed and can be characterized. This study aims to characterize the morphology of breadfruit plants in the West Seram District. The morphological characters observed included tree shapes, leaves, flowers, and fruit. Morphological characterization refers to Key Characterization and Evaluation Descriptors: Methodologies for the Assessment of 22 Crops. Dendogram formed based on hierarchical cluster analysis. Plant height reaches ± 37m, with a stem diameter of 193cm, leaf length of 75cm, width of 45cm, petiole length of 9 cm, the longest male flower length is 13cm and flower diameter is 70cm, the longest fruit length is 28cm, and the fruit weight is 1,310 kg, stalk longest flower 9 cm. There is a diversity of morphology with different similarity indices

    Morphological Diversity of Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis Park. Fosberg) in Ambon Bay District

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the diversity of breadfruit plants in the Ambon Bay District based on their morphological characteristics. The breadfruits plant descriptors used refer to the International Board Plant Genetic Resources Institute and key characterization and evaluation descriptors: Methodologies for the assessment of 22 crops. There are various morphological characteristics of breadfruit in 31 observational variables. At a similarity value of 27,47, three clusters were formed, namely the first cluster Rumah Tiga, Poka, the second cluster Wainani, Hunut, and the third cluster Tawiri, Hative Besar 2, and Hative Besar 1. Each cluster that forms into one cluster has relatively homogeneous characteristics, while between clusters have different characteristics

    Strategi Nafkah Petani Perkotaan Pulau Kecil (Studi Kasus Kecamatan Leitimur Selatan Kota Ambon)

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    The objective of this research was to analyze livelihood strategies designed by the societies in small islands. Research was located in South Leitumur District, Ambon City. Site of research was two sub-districts, namely Hutumuri and Leahari. Sample of farmers were determined purposively from both sub-districts, resulting in 69 farmers, precisely 51 farmers in Hutumuri and 18 farmers in Leahari. Data were collected from depth interview, and analyzed with simple tabulation accompanied with descriptive explanation. Result of research indicated that there are three livelihood strategies designed by coastal societies in South Leitimur District, respectively: developing natural/farming resource potentials by increasing the quantity of commodities that have potential capability to satisfy daily necessities; developing natural/farming resource potentials in wider sense, which concerns with developing potentials of coastal area as fishing spot; and developing human resource potentials by providing job opportunity out of farming and improving the existing skills owned by farmer household

    Ketahanan Enam Varietas Padi Terhadap Penyakit Blas (Pyricularia oryzea Cav.) pada Lahan Sawah Irigasi dan Sawah Tadah Hujan

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    Rice (Oryza sativa L) is an economically important carbohydrate-producing plant that ranks second only to wheat. In Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and several other countries, rice is used as a staple food source. The commodity projection is expected in the coming years to grow to reach 70 percent. Blast disease is known as one of the main obstacles in rice cultivation today. Recommended control alternative to the disease was through the utilization of economically beneficial and environmentally friendly resistant varieties. The study used six varieties tested on different cultivated land and designed using a split plot experiment. The results showed that the resistance of the six varieties of rice to blast disease, with the criteria from susceptible to resistance was: Kabir07 (5%) and IPB8G (3%) classified as susceptible, followed by IPB9G 1.8% (moderate resistance), Inpari32 1.8% (moderate resistant), Fas Memeye 1.8% (moderate resistant), and IPB3S 1.2% (resistant). The study found that irrigated rice fields had a higher severity of blast disease than rain-fed rice fields. Keywords: blast disease, resistant variety, rice fields irrigated, rice rainfed lowland   ABSTRAK Padi (Oryza sativa L) adalah tanaman penghasil karbohidrat penting secara ekonomi yang menempati peringkat kedua setelah gandum. Di Indonesia, Malaysia, Filipina, dan beberapa negara lain, padi digunakan sebagai sumber makanan pokok. Proyeksi komoditas tersebut diharapkan pada tahun-tahun mendatang tumbuh mencapai 70 persen. Penyakit blas dikenal sebagai salah satu kendala utama dalam budidaya padi saat ini. Alternatif yang direkomendasikan untuk pengendalian terhadap penyakit ini adalah melalui varietas tahan yang bermanfaat secara ekonomi dan ramah lingkungan. Penelitian bertujuan mengevaluasi ketahanan enam varietas padi pada lahan padi sawah dan sawah tadah hujan terhadap penyakit blas. Penelitian ini menggunakan enam varietas diuji pada lahan budidaya yang berbeda dan dirancang menggunakan percobaan petak terpisah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat ketahanan keenam varietas padi terhadap penyakit blas, dengan kriteria dari rentan sampai tahan adalah: Kabir07 (5%) dan IPB8G (3%) tergolong rentan, diikuti oleh IPB9G 1,8% (moderat tahan), Inpari32 1,8% (moderat tahan), Fas Memeye 1,8% (moderat tahan), dan IPB3S 1,2% (tahan). Ditemukan bahwa lahan sawah irigasi memiliki keparahan penyakit blas lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan sawah tadah hujan. Kata kunci: penyakit blas, sawah tadah hujan, sawah irigasi, varietas resiste

    Korelasi Genotipe dan Fenotipe Antar Sifat Kuantitatif Pada Populasi Segregasi Transgresif Kacang Hijau

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    Mung bean (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek) is one of the food plants as a source of vegetable protein for humans. One of these is a population of transgressive segregation resulting from crossing in mung beans. This research aims to estimate the correlation between genotype and phenotype values ​​between quantitative traits in the transgressive segregation population of mung beans. Genetic material was 11 lines of transgressive segregated in the selection generation S2:2 of varieties Mamasa Lere Butnem × Lasafu Lere Butnem crosses. Genotype correlation analysis was obtained from the decomposition of genetic variance components from the results of the analysis of variance according to a randomized complete design with sub-sampling, consisting of 13 genotypes (including check varieties) which were two replications. The results showed a genotype correlation between the quantitative traits of mung beans that indicated the possibility of direct selection of the populations of transgressive segregation lines on yields and indirectly through easily observable traits such as harvest age, number of pods, and number of seeds. Keywords: genetic correlation, mungbeans, quantitative traits   ABSTRAK Kacang hijau (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek) merupakan salah satu tanaman pangan sebagai sumber protein nabati bagi manusia. Salah satu diantaranya adalah populasi segregasi transgresif hasil persilangan pada kacang hijau. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menduga nilai korelasi genotipe dan fenotipe antar sifat-sifat kuantitatif pada populasi segregasi transgresif kacang hijau. Bahan genetik adalah 11 galur segregan transgresif pada generasi seleksi S2:2 zuriat persilangan varietas Mamasa Lere Butnem × Lasafu Lere Butnem. Analisis korelasi genotipe diperoleh dari penguraian komponen ragam-peragam genetik dari hasil analisis peragam sesuai model acak rancangan acak lengkap dengan anak contoh, terdiri atas 13 genotipe (termasuk varietas penguji) yang diulang dua kali. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan adanya korelasi genotipe antar sifat-sifat kuantitatif kacang hijau yang mengindikasikan kemungkinan seleksi langsung populasi galur segregasi transgresif terhadap hasil maupun tak-langsung melalui sifat yang mudah diamati seperti umur panen, jumlah polong dan jumlah biji. Kata Kunci: kacang hijau, korelasi genetik, sifat kuantitati

    Keragaan dan Keragaman Genetik Sifat-sifat Kuantitatif Kedelai (Glycine max L. Merrill) pada Generasi Seleksi F6 Persilangan Varietas Slamet x Nakhonsawan1

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    A field experiment to obtain new improved soybean varieties with higher yield and seed size was conducted by crossing Slamet Variety (high yield, small seed size) with Nakhonsawan (large seed size) in order to produce F6 selected generation. The process of selection and evaluation was conducted during a 3.5 month period, from August to December 2003 in KP IPB Sindang Barang Bogor. The pedigree selection method was used in the experiments. Data was analyzed based on information of set of total data, relatives and individually. The results showed that low performance for all traits compared to the Slamet variety except seed size and seed production traits, and higher than Nakhonsawan variety except seed size. However, genetic variances and heritabilities were high for all traits except number of branch. On the other hand, distribution of genetic variances and heritabilities on all levels of relatives were small except for the within-family F6 generations. This indicated that there was an effect of over-dominance gene action. Conclusion of analysis showed existence of two families with high seed production and seed size if compared to Slamet variety.   Key words: Soybean, selection, performance, genetic variability, and heritabilities

    Strategi Nafkah Petani Perkotaan Pulau Kecil (Studi Kasus Kecamatan Leitimur Selatan Kota Ambon)

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    The objective of this research was to analyze livelihood strategies designed by the societies in small islands. Research was located in South Leitumur District, Ambon City. Site of research was two sub-districts, namely Hutumuri and Leahari. Sample of farmers were determined purposively from both sub-districts, resulting in 69 farmers, precisely 51 farmers in Hutumuri and 18 farmers in Leahari. Data were collected from depth interview, and analyzed with simple tabulation accompanied with descriptive explanation. Result of research indicated that there are three livelihood strategies designed by coastal societies in South Leitimur District, respectively: developing natural/farming resource potentials by increasing the quantity of commodities that have potential capability to satisfy daily necessities; developing natural/farming resource potentials in wider sense, which concerns with developing potentials of coastal area as fishing spot; and developing human resource potentials by providing job opportunity out of farming and improving the existing skills owned by farmer household

    Indikator dan Kriteria Seleksi pada Generasi Awal untuk Perbaikan Hasil Biji Kacang Hijau Berumur Genjah

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    ABSTRAKPerbaikan hasil kacang hijau dapat dilakukan melalui seleksi langsung maupun seleksi tak langsung berdasarkankriteria seleksi dari satu atau beberapa sifat kuantitatif sebagai indikator seleksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memilihindikator seleksi bagi hasil biji dan menentukan kriteria seleksi bagi indikator seleksi tersebut pada populasi generasi awalkacang hijau berumur genjah. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak tak lengkap berblok bersekat-tersarang 1-tahap.Analisis lintas dan regresi aditif serta genotipik masing-masing digunakan untuk memilih dan menentukan indikator seleksi dan kriteria seleksi. Hasil analisis pengaruh langsung memperlihatkan jumlah biji bernas dan umur berbunga merupakanindikator seleksi bagi hasil biji dengan kriteria seleksi 200 biji pada kisaran umur berbunga 40-46 hari, untuk memperolehhasil > 12 g tanaman. Sebaliknya, hasil analisis pengaruh tak langsung memperlihatkan tinggi tanaman, jumlah cabangdan lama hari panen dapat pula dimasukkan sebagai indikator seleksi. Kriteria seleksi bagi masing-masing indikator seleksiini adalah dua cabang dengan lama hari panen 16-20 hari dan tinggi tanaman sekitar 85 cm untuk menghasilkan 200 biji.Bila dipilih tanaman yang lebih pendek, kriteria seleksi tinggi tanaman 75-80 cm dapat digunakan, namun lama hari panenmenjadi 22-26 hari.-1Kata kunci: analisis regresi, analisis lintas, BLUP, seleksi generasi awa

    Perluasan Indeks Seleksi Nilai Fenotipe Untuk Indeks Seleksi Nilai Pemuliaan

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    Indeks seleksi merupakan salah satu prosedur seleksi sifat berganda yang penting dalam prog­ram pemuliaan tanaman. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsi dan menduga parameter-parameter skor indeks dari metode-metode indeks seleksi nilai fenotipe, dan kemungkinan perluasannya bagi metode indeks seleksi nilai pemuliaan BLUP. Peragam fenotipe dan genotipe dari indeks basis dan Smith-Hazel digunakan sebagai landasan statistik untuk pendugaan parameter dan perluasan pengguna­an indeks. Penurunan rumus menghasilkan peragam aditif dan fenotipe bagi indeks seleksi berbasis nilai eigen, dan memperoleh parameter indeks seperti heritabilitas, koefisien deter­minasi, respons seleksi, respons seleksi tak langsung dan respons komponen sifat-sifat kuantitatif bagi semua metode indeks nilai fenotipe. Parameter peragam nilai pemuliaan sebenarnya dapat diduga dari analisis eigen dan keakuratan nilai pemuliaan BLUP yang memungkinkan metode indeks seleksi nilai fenotipe dapat diterapkan dengan prosedur yang sama pada nilai pemuliaan BLUP. Terakhir, heritabilitas dan koefisien determinasi indeks dapat digunakan dalam simulasi pembobot ekonomis untuk menghasilkan indeks terbaik