1,464 research outputs found

    Soft gamma rays from black holes versus neutron stars

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    The recent launches of GRANAT and GRO provide unprecedented opportunities to study compact collapsed objects from their hard x ray and gamma ray emissions. The spectral range above 100 keV can now be explored with much higher sensitivity and time resolution than before. The soft gamma ray spectral data is reviewed of black holes and neutron stars, radiation, and particle energization mechanisms and potentially distinguishing gamma ray signatures. These may include soft x ray excesses versus deficiencies, thermal versus nonthermal processes, transient gamma ray bumps versus power law tails, lines, and periodicities. Some of the highest priority future observations are outlines which will shed much light on such systems

    Analisis Permintaan dan Penawaran Beras di Propinsi Jambi

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    The rice production growth that was gotten by Jambi Province with production growth rate of 0,54% can not fully contribute society need that was continuously increasing. Therefore, it can cause unbalance between supply and demand. The objective of research is to know the picture of rice supply and demand and influenced variables on rice supply and demand in Jambi. The simultan model was used to predict factors that influenced rice supply and demand. The research was conducted in Jambi Province on September to December 2009. The primary data needed in this research was time series data from 1996 – 2008. The research result showed that simultaneously rice price factor, the number population and income per capita was significant on demand. And also factor of average rice price, Bangkok rice price, import rice price, hybrid seed, acreage, season, and time trend were influencing significantly on supply. From elasticity value was fortunately all variables that was influencing rice demand and supply in Jambi Province was inelastic

    Observational constraints on black hole accretion disks

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    We review the empirical constraints on accretion disk models of stellar-mass black holes based on recent multiwavelength observational results. In addition to time-averaged emission spectra, the time evolutions of the intensity and spectrum provide critical information about the structure, stability, and dynamics of the disk. Using the basic thermal Keplerian disk paradigm, we consider in particular generalizations of the standard optically thin disk models needed to accommodate the extremely rich variety of dynamical phenomena exhibited by black hole candidates ranging from flares of electron-positron annihilations and quasiperiodic oscillations in the X-ray intensity to X-ray novae activity. These in turn provide probes of the disk structure and global geometry. The goal is to construct a single unified framework to interpret a large variety of black hole phenomena. This paper will concentrate on the interface between basic theory and observational data modeling

    The Effect of Temulawak Extract on Alkohol Fermentation From Molase Substrate by Saccharomyces Cerevisiae

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    Temulawak dimanfaatkan untuk meningkatkan nafsu makan dan pelindung hati bagi manusia. Ekstrak Temulawak memiliki potensi sebagai antimikrobia dalam konsentrasi yang besar. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan sari temulawak dalam proses fermentasi alkohol dari molase menggunakan Saccharomyces cerevisiae komersial, dan berharap adanya peningkatan konsumsi gula- molase yang diiringi peningkatan alkohol oelah adanya peningkatan nafsu makan khamir. Substrat larutan molase 30% sebanyak 300 ml ditambah sari temulawak pekat (10, 20, 30,40 ml/ per 300 ml) diulang dua kali, kemudian ditambah 1 gram Saccharomyces cerevisiae lalu diinkubasikan dengan kondisi suhu kamar dan karbondioksida ditampung dalam akuades. Parameter yang diukur adalah total sel, pH, kadar gula metode spektrofotometri, kadar karbondioksida secara titrimetri, dan total akolhol metode gas kromatografi setelah tujuh hari fermentasi. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa ada Perubahan yangbtidak signifikan pada total sel khamir, pH dan residu gula, sedangkan Perubahan yang nyata pada produksi karbodioksida (meningkat sampai tiga kali lipat), dan alkohol ( menurun sampai 3%) pada pada penambahan sari temulawak 20 dan 40ml. Simpulannya sari temulawak tidak membunuh Saccharomyces cerevisiae dan menyebabkan Perubahan fermentasi alkohol akibat penambahan sari temulawak, namun tidak ada pola yang jelas

    An SU(5)\otimesZ_{13} Grand Unification Model

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    We propose an SU(5) grand unified model with an invisible axion and the unification of the three coupling constants which is in agreement with the values, at MZM_Z, of α\alpha, αs\alpha_s, and sin2θW\sin^2\theta_W. A discrete, anomalous, Z13Z_{13} symmetry implies that the Peccei-Quinn symmetry is an automatic symmetry of the classical Lagrangian protecting, at the same time, the invisible axion against possible semi-classical gravity effects. Although the unification scale is of the order of the Peccei-Quinn scale the proton is stabilized by the fact that in this model the standard model fields form the SU(5) multiplets completed by new exotic fields and, also, because it is protected by the Z13Z_{13} symmetry.Comment: 14 pages, more typos correcte

    Análisis de los proyectos del sector agropecuario financiados por Colciencias durante el año 2010

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    Objetivo. Analizar los proyectos del sector agropecuario financiados por Colciencias durante el año 2010. Materiales y métodos. Se utilizó la base de datos de registro de proyectos correspondientes al Programa Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Agropecuarias para identificar las propuestas presentadas, elegibles y financiadas de las convocatorias del año 2010. Los proyectos se clasificaron con base en la nomenclatura Internacional de la UNESCO para los campos de la ciencia y la tecnología. Se identificó la convocatoria, campos, disciplinas, rama productiva, entidades participantes, departamento de ejecución y montos financiados. Resultados. Durante el año 2010 Colciencias recibió un total de 4.725 propuestas para financiación, de éstas, 790 correspondieron al Programa Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Agropecuaria. Las disciplinas de los proyectos financiados, fueron en su mayoría pertenecientes al subsector agrícola, seguido por el pecuario y el agroindustrial. Las universidades públicas fueron el tipo de entidad ejecutora al que se le financió un mayor número de proyectos. Los departamentos en los cuales se ejecutó la mayoría de las propuestas financiadas fueron Antioquia, Cundinamarca, Boyacá y Tolima. Conclusiones. El Programa Nacional de Ciencia Tecnología e Innovación Agropecuaria recibió el 16.7% del total de proyectos recibidos por Colciencias en sus convocatorias del año 2010. El mayor número de proyectos recibidos, elegibles y financiables fueron del subsector agrícola y estuvieron presentados y ejecutados por universidades públicas. La inversión total de Colciencias en proyectos del sector agropecuario fue de 32.923.594.000conunaportedecontrapartidade32.923.594.000 con un aporte de contrapartida de 33.225.740.000

    Nonthermal accretion disk models around neutron stars

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    We consider the structure and emission spectra of nonthermal accretion disks around both strongly and weakly magnetized neutron stars. Such disks may be dissipating their gravitational binding energy and transferring their angular momentum via semicontinuous magnetic reconnections. We consider specifically the structure of the disk-stellar magnetospheric boundary where magnetic pressure balances the disk pressure. We consider energy dissipation via reconnection of the stellar field and small-scale disk turbulent fields of opposite polarity. Constraints on the disk emission spectrum are discussed