101 research outputs found

    Megacystis-Microcolon-Intestinal Hypoperistalsis Syndrome: A Case Report

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    Megacystis Microcolon Intestinal Hypoperistalsis Syndrom (MMIHS) is a quite rare congenital and fatal disease which was firstly defined by Berdon and his colleagues. It appears through a widely enlarged bladder and microcolon and its cause is unknown (Berdon et al., 1976; Carmelo et al., 2005; Makhija et al., 1999; Loening-Baucke and Kimura 1999; Redman et al., 1984; Hsu et al., 2003; Yigit et al., 1996; Srikanth et al., 1993). The disease is found in females three or four times more than in males (Srikanth et al., 1993; Sen et al., 1993; Hirato et al., 2003). Most of the cases die within the early months of their lives (Yigit et al., 1996; Srikanth et al., 1993; Sen et al., 1993; Hirato et al., 2003). We present the case of a female newborn with antenatal ultrasound revealing intestinal mass and bilateral hydroureteronephrosis. The case was admitted for intestinal obstruction after birth

    New immunohistochemical markers in the differential diagnosis of nonsmall cell lung carcinoma

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    Background/aim: The aim of this study was to investigate Napsin-A, NTRK-1, NTRK-2, Desmoglein-3, and Desmocollin-3 in the differential diagnosis and prognosis of nonsmall cell lung cancer. Materials and methods: The expression of Napsin-A, NTRK-1, NTRK-2, and Desmoglein-3 was examined by immunohistochemistry in 50 squamous cell carcinomas and 50 adenocarcinomas. Desmocollin-3 was investigated in 29 squamous cell carcinoma and 29 adenocarcinoma cases. Associations between expression profiles of Napsin-A, NTRK-1, NTRK-2, Desmoglein-3, and Desmocollin-3 in lung cancers and clinicopathological variables were analyzed. Results: Napsin-A staining was statistically significant in detecting adenocarcinomas versus squamous cell carcinomas. The sensitivity of Napsin-A for adenocarcinomas was 96% and the specificity was 100%. NTRK-2 and Desmocollin-3 staining were statistically significant in detecting squamous cell carcinomas versus adenocarcinomas. Desmoglein-3, Napsin-A, and NTRK-2 had no effect on survival. Disease-free survival time was significantly shorter in cases that were moderately positive with NTRK-1. Conclusion: Our data suggest that Napsin-A, NTRK-2, and Desmocollin-3 are useful markers in the differentiation of nonsmall cell lung cancer. © TÜBİTAK

    A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Practices Exposing Humans to Avian Influenza Viruses, Their Prevalence, and Rationale

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    Almost all human infections by avian influenza viruses (AIVs) are transmitted from poultry. A systematic review was conducted to identify practices associated with human infections, their prevalence, and rationale. Observational studies were identified through database searches. Meta-analysis produced combined odds ratio estimates. The prevalence of practices and rationales for their adoptions were reported. Of the 48,217 records initially identified, 65 articles were included. Direct and indirect exposures to poultry were associated with infection for all investigated viral subtypes and settings. For the most frequently reported practices, association with infection seemed stronger in markets than households, for sick and dead than healthy poultry, and for H7N9 than H5N1. Practices were often described in general terms and their frequency and intensity of contact were not provided. The prevalence of practices was highly variable across studies, and no studies comprehensively explored reasons behind the adoption of practices. Combining epidemiological and targeted anthropological studies would increase the spectrum and detail of practices that could be investigated and should aim to provide insights into the rationale(s) for their existence. A better understanding of these rationales may help to design more realistic and acceptable preventive public health measures and messages

    OK-432 treatment results of lymphangiomas in children

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    Amaç: Lenfanjiomlarda önceki yıllarda tedavinin temeli cerrahi rezeksiyondu fakat belirgin yara izi, yüksek nüks ve organ hasarları gibi önemli komplikasyonlarla karsılasılıyordu. Son yıllarda alternatif tedavi olarak sklerozan madde OK-432 kullanımı ön plandadır. Iki ayrı çocuk cerrahisi merkezinde OK-432 skleroterapisi ile tedavi gören olgu serimizi sunuyoruz. Hastalar ve yöntem: 1999-2004 yılları arasında iki ayrı çocuk cerrahisi merkezinde OK-432 enjeksiyonu ile tedavi gören olguların dosyaları geriye dönük olarak incelendi. Bulgular: 5 yıllık bu dönemde 8 çocuk OK-432 ile skleroterapi uygulanarak tedavi edildi. 6 çocukta servikal bölgede, bir çocukta aksilla ve bir çocukta inguinal bölgede lenfanjiom saptandı. Olgularımıza ortalama 3 enjeksiyon uygulandı. OK-432 uygulaması sırasında en büyük kistin saptanması, aspirasyon ve enjeksiyon için ultrasonografiden faydalanıldı. Makrokistik lezyonlarda basarı yüz güldürücü iken mikrokistik ve miks yapılı lezyonlarda basarı düsüktü. Sonuç: OK-432 ile skleroterapi lenfanjiomlarda özellikle makrokistik olanlarda güvenilir ve etkili bir tedavi yöntemidir. OK-432 tam yanıt alınamayan olgularda lezyon çevresinde fibrozis yaratmadıgı için daha sonra yapılacak olan cerrahi islemi güçlestirmemektedir.Objective: Surgery has previously been the mainstay of treatment for lymphangiomas but has attendant problems of marked scarring, high chance of recurrence and potential tissue damage. In recent years alternative management for these lesions involves the intralesional injection of OK-432. We present our series of lymphangiomas treated in two different pediatric surgery centers with OK-432 sclerotheraphy. Patients and method: A retrospective chart review was carried out of children undergoing intralesional OK-432 therapy from two Pediatric Surgery Centers between the years 1999-2004. Results: Eight children underwent OK-432 therapy requiring mean three injections each. Six children had lesions involving in the neck, one involved axilla and one child had an inguinal lesion. Ultrasound was used to localize the major cyst for aspiration and injection. Macrocystic lesions responded well to OK-432 therapy but the response of microcystic or mixed lesions to OK-432 was disappointing. Conclusion: OK-432 appears to be a safe and effective treatment for lymphangiomas especially the macrocystic ones. Another advantage of OK-432 is absence of sclerosis or fibrosis outside the cyst in cases where surgery is later required

    Use of complementary and alternative medicines by a sample of Turkish women for infertility enhancement: a descriptive study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Infertility patients are a vulnerable group that often seeks a non-medical solution for their failure to conceive. World-wide, women use CAM for productive health, but only a limited number of studies report on CAM use to enhance fertility. Little is known about traditional and religious forms of therapies that are used in relation to conventional medicine in Turkey. We investigated the prevalence and types of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) used by infertile Turkish women for fertility enhancement.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A face-to-face questionnaire inquiring demographic information and types of CAM used for fertility enhancement were completed by hundred infertility patients admitted to a primary care family planning centre in Van, Turkey between January and July 2009.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The vast majority of infertile women had used CAM at least once for infertility. CAM use included religious interventions, herbal products and recommendations of traditional "hodja's" (faith healers). Of these women, 87.8% were abused in the last 12 months, 36.6% felt not being supported by her partner and 80.5% had never spoken with a physician about CAM.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Infertile Turkish women use complementary medicine frequently for fertility enhancement and are in need of information about CAM. Religious and traditional therapies are used as an adjunct to, rather than a substitute for, conventional medical therapy. Physicians need to approach fertility patients with sensitivity and should be able to council their patients about CAM accordingly.</p

    Meyve ağaçları

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    Eserde "Ticaret Mekteb-İ Âlisi Kütübhanesi" Ve "Yüksek İktisat Ve Ticaret Mektebi Kütüphanesi" Mühürleri Vardır

    Meyve ağaçları

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    Mekatib-i ibtidaiye birinci sınıf muallimlerine mahsus

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    Eser Adı Başında "Mekatib-İ İbtidaiye Birinci Sınıf Muallimlerine Mahsus". Eserde "İstanbul Eğitim Enstitüsü Kitaplığı" Mührü Vardır

    cross-sectional study

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate perceptions of nursing students about honour crimes and examine their beliefs about inquiring information from the victims of honour crimes. A questionnaire including demographic data was administered to a sample of 225 male and female final-year students in a nursing school. Among them, we found that significantly more male students than female students justify honour crimes. Although the majority of both male and female nursing students believed that asking for honour crimes is useful, significantly more male than female nursing students were against screening for honour crimes. This study supports the belief that gender has an influence on nurses' perceptions, attitudes and tolerance of honour crimes

    Hanedan ve millet

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    Eserde "İstanbul Eğitim Enstitüsü Kitaplığı" Ve "Konya Erkek Muallim Mektebi [Kütübhanesi]" Mühürleri Vardır