315 research outputs found

    Immiscible fluid: Heat of fusion heat storage system

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    Both heat and mass transfer in direct contact aqueous crystallizing systems were studied as part of a program desig- ned to evaluate the feasibility of direct contact heat transfer in phase change storage using aqueous salt system. Major research areas, discussed include (1) crystal growth velocity study on selected salts; (2) selection of salt solutions; (3) selection of immiscible fluids; (4) studies of heat transfer and system geometry; and (5) system demonstration

    Microscopic features of moving traffic jams

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    Empirical and numerical microscopic features of moving traffic jams are presented. Based on a single vehicle data analysis, it is found that within wide moving jams, i.e., between the upstream and downstream jam fronts there is a complex microscopic spatiotemporal structure. This jam structure consists of alternations of regions in which traffic flow is interrupted and flow states of low speeds associated with "moving blanks" within the jam. Empirical features of the moving blanks are found. Based on microscopic models in the context of three-phase traffic theory, physical reasons for moving blanks emergence within wide moving jams are disclosed. Structure of moving jam fronts is studied based in microscopic traffic simulations. Non-linear effects associated with moving jam propagation are numerically investigated and compared with empirical results.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figure

    Circular 102

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    In 1989, a systematic evaluation of woody and herbaceous perennial landscape plants was begun at the University of Alaska Fairbanks Georgeson Botanical Garden (64°51’N, 147°52’W). These evaluations were expanded to include annual flowers in 1992 and ferns in 1993. The purpose of this research is to identify hardy perennials capable of surviving in subarctic environments; to evaluate the ornamental potential of perennials and annuals; and to fulfill a growing demand for information on landscape plant materials by homeowners, commercial growers, and landscapers.Introduction -- Explanation of Plant Evaluation Tables -- Table 1. Weather records for the test years -- Table 2. All plant materials evaluated in 1994: Herbaceous perennials; Ferns; Ornamental grasses; Woody perennials -- Table 4. Plantings from 1994 that have not yet been evaluated for winter survival: Herbaceous perennials; Ferns; Woody perennials -- Table 5. Annual flowers evaluated in 1994 -- Appendix 1. Commercial Sources and Organizations -- Map of GB

    Do Buyouts (Still) Create Value?

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    This paper examines whether, and how, leveraged buyouts from the most recent wave of public to private transactions created value. For a sample of 192 buyouts completed between 1990 and 2006, we show that these deals are somewhat more conservatively priced and lower levered than their predecessors from the 1980s. For the subsample of deals with post-buyout data available, median market adjusted returns to pre- and post-buyout capital invested are 78% and 36%, respectively. In contrast, gains in operating performance are either comparable to or slightly exceed those observed for benchmark firms. We examine the relative contribution of several potential determinants of returns; in addition to gains in operating performance, returns are strongly related to increases in industry valuation multiples. Overall, our results provide insights into how transactions from the most recent wave of leveraged buyouts created value.

    Pengaruh Laju Pengadukan dalam Pembuatan Bioetanol dari Limbah Serabut Buah Sawit Menggunakan Saccharomyces Cerevisiae

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    The development of new and renewable energy resources of government's strategies to reduce CO2 emission from industry waste and declining for national dependence of oil fuel. One of alternative energy that use to substitute a fuel oil is bioethanol. Palm fruit fibre waste is the one of potential source because of the biggest feedstock in Indonesia and the less uses that waste well. Some of type process used to convert bioethanol from industry waste, such as fermentation. The purpose of this experiment is decide the effect of fermentation in bioethanol production from palm fruit fibre waste to get an optimum bioethanol product. This experiment had pretreatments like delignification with ash extract palm fruit bunch and purification with H2O2 3% that were used to remove lignin in palm fruit fibre waste compound to get a lot of cellulose compound. The fermentation that use in this experiment is Separate Hydrolysis Fermentation (SHF) which is hydrolysis and fermentation done separately. Hydrolysis process using H2SO4 2 M for convert cellulose become glucose then will be done by anaerob fermentation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The variation of agitation speed (100, 150, 200, and 250 rpm) while fermentation learned to get an optimum bioethanol percentage. The result of experiment showed that in agitation speed at 200 rpm while 96 hours can convert a bioethanol 5 % (v/v) 39,465 g/L

    Fluid Flow In Porous Media: NMR Imaging And Numerical Simulation

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    We use nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging to obtain a three-dimensional image of the pore structure in a limestone core, 4.5 mm in diameter and 10 mm in length, with a resolution of 40 μm. This image is converted into boundary conditions for simulation of fluid flow through the rock using the lattice gas method. The computed permeability is several orders of magnitude lower than the laboratory measured permeability, most likely a result of the image resolution being too coarse to resolve the smaller pore throats, which are believed to be significant for flow in this sample.Saudi AramcoMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Borehole Acoustics and Logging ConsortiumMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Earth Resources Laboratory. Reservoir Delineation Consortiu

    The Effect Of Image Resolution On Fluid Flow Simulations In Porous Media

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    Realistic simulations of flow in porous media are dependent upon having a three-dimensional, high resolution image of pore structure which is difficult to obtain. So, we ask the question, "How fine a resolution is necessary to adequately model flow in porous media?" To find the answer, we take a 7.5 p,m resolution image and coarsen it to five different resolutions. Lattice gas simulations are performed on each image. From the simulation results, we observe changes in permeability and velocity fields as the resolution is altered. The results show permeability varies by a factor of 5 over the resolution range. Flow paths change as the resolution is changed. We also find that the image processing has a large impact on the outcome of the simulations.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Borehole Acoustics and Logging ConsortiumMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Earth Resources Laboratory. Reservoir Delineation Consortiu

    Circular 98

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    In 1989, a systematic evaluation of woody and herbaceous perennial landscape plants was begun at the University of Alaska Fairbanks Georgeson Botanical Garden (64051’N, 147°52’W). These evaluations were expanded to include annual flowers in 1992 and ferns in 1993. The purpose of this research is to identify hardy perennials capable of surviving in subarctic environments; to evaluate the ornamental potential of perennials and annuals; and to fulfill a growing demand for information on landscape plant materials by homeowners, commercial growers, and landscapers.Introduction -- Explanation of Plan Evaluation Tables -- Table 1. Weather records for the test years -- Table 2. All plant materials evaluated in 1992: Herbaceous perennials; Ornamental grasses; Woody perennials -- Table 3. All plants that have been evaluated but did not survive the minimum number of test years: Hebaceous perennials; Ornamental grasses; Woody perennials -- Table 4. Plantings from 1993 that have not yet been evaluated for winter survival: Herbaceous perennials; Ferns; Ornamental grasses; Woody perennials -- Table 5. Annual flowers evaluated in 1993 -- Appendix 1. Commercial Sources and Organizations -- Map of GB

    National clothes – a human man cultural development factor

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    В статье рассматриваются вопросы эволюции крымско-татарской национальной одежды, как фактор развития культуры народа; влияние и использование идей исторического национального костюма в современных изделиях.У статті розглядаються питання еволюції кримськотатарського національного одягу, як чинник розвитку культури народу; вплив і використання ідей історичного національного костюма у сучасних виробах.The article considers the evolution of the Crimean Tatar national clothes as a cultural development factor, its influence and use of ideas of a national dress in modern clothing