13 research outputs found

    The improvement of food quality and safety of fish skin crackers in Serangan Bali

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    Indonesia’s government is attempting to improve the leading economic sectors such as the fishing industry, together with its processed products that could strengthen the national economy. Therefore, small industries should be able to improve the quality and security of their products for consumers’ assurance. Fish Skin Cracker is one of the products from domestic industry in Serangan, Bali, which made from Tuna and Shark. Those kinds of crackers are processed by adding spices, in which the spices would be different among processors and result in different quality. This research was aimed to investigate the best-quality fish skin cracker among the processors, based on the microbiological, chemical, and organoleptic analyzes. This research used Descriptive Method. Based on the results of analyzes, it was discovered that the best Tuna Skin Crackers were those from processor number 2 with values of quality analyzes; Moisture Content 6.1%, Ash Content 0.04%, Protein Content 59.33%, Fat Content 25.98%, TVB 14.21mg N %, TMA 7.45mg N%, Micro Analysis 4.9 x 104 Colony/gr, Organoleptic rates: texture 6, taste 7, aroma 6, and color 6. Processor number 2 used garlic, salt, and flavor enhancer as the seasoning. Meanwhile, the best Shark Skin Crackers were those from Processor number 5 with values of quality analyzes; Moisture Content 9.3%, Ash Content 0.04%, Protein Content 86.94%, Fat Content 3.7%, TVB 20.08mg N%, TMA 10.64mg N%, Micro Analysis 2.1 x 104 colony/gr, Organoleptic rates: texture 6, taste 6, smell 6, and color 6. Processor number 5 used garlic, coriander, turmeric, flavor enhancer, and lime juice as the seasoning

    Potensi Pengembangan Budidaya Rumput Laut Eucheuma Cottonii Di Kawasan Perairan Kelurahan Serangan Kota Denpasar Berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis

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    Distric of Serangan in Denpasar City Bali Province is an area that has economic, social and ecological value that is very meaningful for the survival of the surrounding community. Considering the potential of seaweed cultivation of Eucheuma cottonii that is not yet optimal in Serangan Village area, it needs to be optimized to measure the potential of seaweed cultivation, to map and determine the location of the potential of seaweed cultivation, to make recommendation of potential sea cultivation location. This research aims (1) To know the potential of seaweed cultivation in Serangan urban area, Denpasar City; (2) To be able to know the area for the development of seaweed cultivation which is potential in Serangan Urban Village Denpasar area. The process of determining the suitability of the area is done by using spatial operation by utilizing GIS application. The method of determining the research point for field observation is done by purposive random sampling, where the determination of research point is done deliberately based on certain considerations. Considerations taken include the current location of cultivation areas, the ideal seaweed cultivation criteria, transportation, safety of researchers, time and cost. All the data collected from the field is analyzed digitally using software QGIS 2.14.0 and Cygwin64 Terminal with interpolasi technique. The result of this research shows that the potential of seaweed cultivation of Eucheuma cottonii in Eucheuma cottonii seaside area is 873,400 sqm. The potential area for the development of seaweed cultivation of Eucheuma cottonii in Serangan Village area of 873,400 sqm if the utilization is 30% of the proper location, then the area that can be used is 262.020 m2, now has been utilized for the cultivation of seaweed Eucheuma cottonii covering 27,488 m2 so that the remaining potential areas to be developed as the location of seaweed cultivation Eucheuma cottonii covering an area of 234,531 m2

    Analysis of Microbial Contamination in Oreochromis Niloticus in Waduk Muara Nusa Dua

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    This study aims to determine the microbiological contamination in the main water source of the Muara Nusa Dua Reservoir, the Tukad Badung River, and to determine the microbiological quality of fresh Oreochromis niloticus caught in the Muara Nusa Dua Reservoir in Denpasar. The study was conducted in May-August 2019 at the Denpasar Veterinary Laboratory. The method used is a descriptive method that aims to describe or describe the condition of the Tukad Badung watershed which empties into the Muara Nusa Dua Reservoir (Estuary Dam). Objective tests include the total bacterial test, the Coliform test, and the Escherichia coli contamination test. Water quality measurements are also carried out as supporting data from this study. The results of the study stated that there was microbiological contamination in the water source of the Muara Nusa Dua Reservoir, the Tukad Badung river, which also had an impact on the waters of the Muara Nusa Dua Reservoir. Microbiological contamination research results showed the microbiological quality of ten samples of Oreochromis niloticus in the form of the highest total bacteria was at 2.2x104, the highest total Coliform was 1.9x104 and the highest Escherichia coli contamination was at 93 APM / g with an average reservoir water quality Muara Nusa Dua in the form of temperature 27.3 °C, salinity 0.208 ‰, degree of acidity (pH) 6.5, dissolved oxygen (DO) 5,97 ppm. Organoleptic observations included the appearance, smell, and texture of Oreochromis niloticus with good results because when testing Oreochromis niloticus is still aliv

    Pengaruh Pemberian Kombinasi Pakan Pelet Dan Pakan Alami Terhadap Pertumbuhan Benih Ikan Gabus (Channa striata)

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    Snakehead fish (Channa striata) is a freshwater fishery commodity in Indonesia which has a high protein content. Many studies on the benefits of snakehead fish have resulted in an increase in the amount of demand for these fish. One of the production factors that support fish farming is feed. The snakehead fish seeds have an average length of 2 cm, with rudimentary digestive organs. Therefore, the most suitable feed as seed feed is natural food. Commonly used natural feed is water fleas (Daphnia sp.)  and silk worms (Tubifex sp.). This study aims to determine the effect of a combination of feed on the growth of snakehead fish seeds and to determine the combination of feed that gives the highest growth in snakehead fish seeds. This research was conducted at the Fisheries Resources Development Laboratory, Warmadewa University for 60 days, from March to April 2020. The method used in this study was an experimental study using a completely randomized design (CRD) with six treatments and three replications. The analysis used in this study was Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and continued with the Least Significant Difference (LSD) test. The results showed that there was an effect of combination feeding on the growth of snakehead fish as indicated by the increase in absolute weight and length. And the sixth treatment is a combination of feed that provides the highest growth in snakehead fish seeds

    Temperature and storage long cob (Auxis thazard) fermented on the quality

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    Food products resulting from fermentation are foods that experience changes in their initial properties due to the breakdown of several compounds in foodstuffs. In Fermentation. The most important microbes are Lactic Acid Bacteria. The role of Lactic Acid Bacteria in fermentation is to improve the taste of the product and also reduce the pH of the substrate so that it can suppress the microbial life of Pathogens. The research method used is descriptive method. Using two types of treatment, namely storage temperature treatment and the second treatment is storage time. The results showed the best results were storage at cold temperatures with a storage time of three weeks with the results that Organoleptic 7 (Very like) Moisture content 54.125%, Dissolved protein 7.940%, Lactic acid 1.617%, Acetic acid 0.84% ??and Butyric acid. 1.49% and FFA 1.16

    The improvement of food quality and safety of fish skin crackers in Serangan Bali

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    Indonesia’s government is attempting to improve the leading economic sectors such as the fishing industry, together with its processed products that could strengthen the national economy. Therefore, small industries should be able to improve the quality and security of their products for consumers’ assurance. Fish Skin Cracker is one of the products from domestic industry in Serangan, Bali, which made from Tuna and Shark. Those kinds of crackers are processed by adding spices, in which the spices would be different among processors and result in different quality. This research was aimed to investigate the best-quality fish skin cracker among the processors, based on the microbiological, chemical, and organoleptic analyzes. This research used Descriptive Method. Based on the results of analyzes, it was discovered that the best Tuna Skin Crackers were those from processor number 2 with values of quality analyzes; Moisture Content 6.1%, Ash Content 0.04%, Protein Content 59.33%, Fat Content 25.98%, TVB 14.21mg N %, TMA 7.45mg N%, Micro Analysis 4.9 x 104 Colony/gr, Organoleptic rates: texture 6, taste 7, aroma 6, and color 6. Processor number 2 used garlic, salt, and flavor enhancer as the seasoning. Meanwhile, the best Shark Skin Crackers were those from Processor number 5 with values of quality analyzes; Moisture Content 9.3%, Ash Content 0.04%, Protein Content 86.94%, Fat Content 3.7%, TVB 20.08mg N%, TMA 10.64mg N%, Micro Analysis 2.1 x 104 colony/gr, Organoleptic rates: texture 6, taste 6, smell 6, and color 6. Processor number 5 used garlic, coriander, turmeric, flavor enhancer, and lime juice as the seasoning

    The improvement of food quality and safety of fish skin crackers in Serangan Bali

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    Indonesia’s government is attempting to improve the leading economic sectors such as the fishing industry, together with its processed products that could strengthen the national economy. Therefore, small industries should be able to improve the quality and security of their products for consumers’ assurance. Fish Skin Cracker is one of the products from domestic industry in Serangan, Bali, which made from Tuna and Shark. Those kinds of crackers are processed by adding spices, in which the spices would be different among processors and result in different quality. This research was aimed to investigate the best-quality fish skin cracker among the processors, based on the microbiological, chemical, and organoleptic analyzes. This research used Descriptive Method. Based on the results of analyzes, it was discovered that the best Tuna Skin Crackers were those from processor number 2 with values of quality analyzes; Moisture Content 6.1%, Ash Content 0.04%, Protein Content 59.33%, Fat Content 25.98%, TVB 14.21mg N %, TMA 7.45mg N%, Micro Analysis 4.9 x 104 Colony/gr, Organoleptic rates: texture 6, taste 7, aroma 6, and color 6. Processor number 2 used garlic, salt, and flavor enhancer as the seasoning. Meanwhile, the best Shark Skin Crackers were those from Processor number 5 with values of quality analyzes; Moisture Content 9.3%, Ash Content 0.04%, Protein Content 86.94%, Fat Content 3.7%, TVB 20.08mg N%, TMA 10.64mg N%, Micro Analysis 2.1 x 104 colony/gr, Organoleptic rates: texture 6, taste 6, smell 6, and color 6. Processor number 5 used garlic, coriander, turmeric, flavor enhancer, and lime juice as the seasoning

    Pengaruh Pemberian Pakan Yang Berbeda Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Sintasan Juvenil Udang Galah (Microbachiium Rosenbergii De Man)

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    The gaff (macrobrachium rosenbergi DE man) is a type A highly cultivated freshwater shrimp that is kept in freshwater pools, lakes, and even in the ebb and flow of upstream and downstream. The stick shrimp has a larger size than other freshwater shrimps, which are relatively slow, so it takes a natural expert to increase growth and survive the natural food-fodder fodder worms that are used in Hong Kong worms and silk worms. The study is aimed at seeing how different types of feeding different types affect the growth and survival of the spear shrimps. This research was done in br. The full - time ministry of October 2020 to November 2020. The method used in this study is an experimental method with a full random design study (ral) With 5 (5) treatment and 3 (3) times deuteronomy. Analyze which Used in the study is a variable analysis (anova), and followed by UI BNT Studies have shown that there has been an effect of feeding on the growth and survival of the spear's prawn, an increase in absolute weight and absolute length Juvenile spear shrimp

    Pengaruh Pemberian Tepung Maggot Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Tingkat Kelulushidupan Kepiting Bakau (Scylla serrata) Di Area Ekowisata Wanasari, Tuban, Bali

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    Salah satu faktor terpenting dalam usaha budidaya kepiting bakau (Scylla serrata) adalah pakan. Pakan kepiting harus memiliki kandungan nutrient yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan kepiting, seperti protein, karbohidrat, lemak, vitamin, dan mineral, yang mana sumber nutrient ini dapat berasal dari bahan alami seperti tepung maggot BSF. Tepung maggot dapat menjadi pakan alternatif dikarenakan maggot BSF tidak membawa maupun menjadi agen penyakit, serta maggot mengandung kadar protein yang cukup tinggi, berkisar antara 40% - 50%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian persentase tepung maggot sebagai pakan pengganti terhadap pertumbuhan dan tingkat kelulushidupan kepiting bakau. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret hingga Mei 2021, di area Ekowisata Kelompok Nelayan Wanasari Tuban, Bali. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen dengan rancangan penelitian Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis ragam ANOVA yang dilanjutkan dengan uji BNT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian persentase tepung maggot berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan bobot kepiting bakau, akan tetapi tidak berpengaruh terhadap tingkat kelulushidupan kepiting bakau.One of the most important factor in mud crab’s (Scylla serrata) aquaculture is feed. Crab’s feeds must contain nutrients which needed by crabs, such as protein, carb, fat, vitamin, and mineral which can be found in BSF maggot flour. BSF maggot flour could be alternative feed since BSF maggot does not bring or being disease agent and maggot contain high protein, between 40% - 50%. This research investigate about BSF maggot flour percentage influence as substitute feed for mud crab’s weight growth rate and survival rate. This research was conducted from March to May 2021 in the Wanasari Fisherman Group’s Ecotourism Areas, Tuban, Bali. The method used in this research is experimental method with completely randomized design. The obtained data were analyzed by using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and continued by Least Significance Different (LSD) test. The research result showed that the use of BSF maggot flour percentage has influenced on mud crab’s weight growth, but it has no effect on the mud crab’s survival rate