92 research outputs found


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    El objetivo general de la presente investigación fue determinar si existe relación entre el marketing mix y la fidelización de los clientes de la Empresa E & M Transportes Diversos S.A.C. - Santa Anita – 2016. El estudio se realizó utilizando el enfoque cuantitativo tipo aplicada, de corte transversal y de nivel descriptivo. La muestra estudiada fue de 40 trabajadores. La técnica de recolección de los datos fue el censo utilizando el cuestionario como instrumento, el mismo que consta de 30 preguntas por cada variable con una escala ordinal tipo Likert. El muestreo utilizado fue no probabilístico a criterio del investigador. Los resultados principales permiten afirmar que de acuerdo al análisis de la hipótesis general que con los resultados estadísticos fue confirmada por la prueba estadística Rho de Spearman que muestra un coeficiente de correlación de 0.659 con un nivel de significación bilateral de 0.000; es decir, si existe una correlación entre estas dos variables. En valores porcentuales el índice de correlación es de 65.9% de correlación entre las dos variables, que podría ser calificada como un nivel de correlación alta. Motivo por el cual se recomienda tomar acciones necesarias que tomen en la postura del cliente que de acuerdo a las evidencias encontradas estiman por conveniente la mejora de aquellos procesos en los que está inmersa la variable, la misma que se detalla en cada uno de los procesos con los que cuenta el Marketing Mix para fidelizar a sus clientes

    Collaboration and Context in the Design of Community-Engaged Research Training

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    Collaboration between academic researchers and community members, clinicians, and organizations is valued at all levels of the program development process in community-engaged health research (CEnR). This descriptive study examined a convenience sample of 30 projects addressing training in CEnR methods and strategies within the Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) consortium. Projects were selected from among posters presented at an annual community engagement conference over a 3-year period. Study goals were to learn more about how community participation in the design process affected selection of training topics, how distinct community settings influenced the selection of training formats, and the role of evaluation in preparing training participants to pursue future health research programming. Results indicated (1) a modest increase in training topics that reflected community health priorities as a result of community (as well as academic) participation at the program design stage, (2) a wide range of community-based settings for CEnR training programs, and (3) the majority of respondents conducted evaluations, which led in turn to revisions in the curricula for future training sessions. Practice and research implications are that the collaboration displayed by academic community teams around CEnR training should be traced to see if this participatory practice transfers to the design of health promotion programs. Second, collaborative training design tenets, community formats and settings, and evaluation strategies should be disseminated throughout the CTSA network and beyond. Third, common evaluative metrics and indicators of success for CEnR training programs should be identified across CTSA institutions

    Oxidación del colorante sintético azoico amaranto para la remoción en cuerpos de agua a nivel de laboratorio, 2023

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    El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar cuál es el agente oxidante más influyente en la oxidación del colorante sintético azoico amaranto para la remoción en cuerpos de agua a nivel laboratorio; para lo cual se aplicó como tipo de estudio una investigación aplicada de diseño experimental. En los objetivos, la eficiencia del agente oxidante peróxido de sodio en la remoción del colorante sintético azoico amaranto de cuerpos de agua es mayor al incrementar el tiempo y la dosis. La eficiencia del agente oxidante sulfato ferroso presentó una eficiencia de remoción con una mayor dosis y un mayor tiempo, siendo que, con un tiempo de 30 minutos, aunque se logró una remoción no se llegó alcanzar un porcentaje mayor al 50%, mientras que con un tiempo de 60 minutos los resultados lograron alcanzar porcentajes del 50% para color, 57% para turbidez y 45% para conductividad, incrementando su eficiencia ligeramente. La dosis optima de los agentes oxidantes fue de 10 g. siendo que con esta dosis se logró remociones por encima del 90%, obteniendo una concentración final de 2.4 UC siendo su concentración inicial de 27.5 UC, obteniendo a simple vista un líquido completamente claro

    Effect of Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Humanistic and Interpersonal Training vs Internet-Based General Health Education on Adolescent Depression in Primary Care A Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Importance Although 13% to 20% of American adolescents experience a depressive episode annually, no scalable primary care model for adolescent depression prevention is currently available. Objective To study whether competent adulthood transition with cognitive behavioral humanistic and interpersonal training (CATCH-IT) lowers the hazard for depression in at-risk adolescents identified in primary care, as compared with a general health education (HE) attention control. Design, Setting, and Participants This multicenter, randomized clinical trial, a phase 3 single-blind study, compares CATCH-IT with HE. Participants were enrolled from 2012 to 2016 and assessed at 2, 6, 12, 18, and 24 months postrandomization in a primary care setting. Eligible adolescents were aged 13 to 18 years with subsyndromal depression and/or history of depression and no current depression diagnosis or treatment. Of 2250 adolescents screened for eligibility, 446 participants completed the baseline interview, and 369 were randomized into CATCH-IT (n = 193) and HE (n = 176). Interventions The internet-based intervention, CATCH-IT, is a 20-module (15 adolescent modules and 5 parent modules) online psychoeducation course that includes a parent program, supported by 3 motivational interviews. Main Outcomes and Measures Time to event for depressive episode; depressive symptoms at 6 months. Results Of 369 participants (mean [SD] age, 15.4 [1.5] years; 251 women [68%]) included in this trial, 193 were randomized into CATCH-IT and 176 into HE. Among these participants, 28% had both a past episode and subsyndromal depression; 12% had a past episode only, 59% had subsyndromal depression only, and 1% had borderline subsyndromal depression. The outcome of time to event favored CATCH-IT but was not significant with intention-to-treat analyses (unadjusted hazard ratio [HR], 0.59; 95% CI, 0.27-1.29; P = .18; adjusted HR, 0.53; 95% CI, 0.23-1.23; P = .14). Adolescents with higher baseline Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression scale (CES-D10) scores showed a significantly stronger effect of CATCH-IT on time to event relative to those with lower baseline scores (HR 0.82; 95% CI, 0.67-0.99; P = .04). For example, the hazard ratio for a CES-D10 score of 15 was 0.20 (95% CI, 0.05-0.77), compared with a hazard ratio of 1.44 (95% CI, 0.41-5.03) for a CES-D10 score of 5. In both CATCH-IT and HE groups, depression symptoms declined and functional scores increased. Conclusions and Relevance For preventing depressive episodes CATCH-IT may be better than HE for at-risk adolescents with subsyndromal depression. Also CATCH-IT may be a scalable approach to prevent depressive episodes in adolescents in primary care. Trial Registration ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT0189374

    Prevention of Adolescent Depression in Primary Care: Barriers and Relational Work Solutions

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    Background and Purpose: Depression affects millions of adolescents in the United States each year. This population may benefit from targeted preventive interventions. We sought to understand the internal factors that affect the ability of healthcare organizations to implement an intervention that involves mental health screening and depression prevention treatment of at-risk adolescents in primary care settings. Methods: From November 2011 to July 2016 we conducted a study of the implementation of a multisite (N=30) phase 3 randomized clinical trial of an Internet-based depression prevention intervention program (CATCH-IT). We describe the prevalence of internal barriers on the screening and enrollment process by reporting REACH (the proportion of target audience exposed to the intervention). Results: A total of 369 adolescents were randomized into the intervention or control program. Mean REACH values for the study clinics were 0.216 for screening and 0.181 for enrollment to CATCH-IT. Mean REACH enrollment lost due to internal barriers was 0.233. This translated to 4,691 adolescents lost at screening and 2,443 adolescents lost at enrollment due to internal barriers. Conclusion: We propose a model of the implementation process that emphasizes the importance of positive relational work that assists in overcoming internal barriers to REACH. We also provide implications for policy and practice

    Report on CTSA Consortium Use of the Community Engagement Consulting Service: Carter-Edwards et al. ·Community Engagement Consultation Service

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    The CTSA Community Engagement Consultative Service (CECS) is a national partnership designed to improve community engaged research (CEnR) through expert consultation. This report assesses the feasibility of CECS and presents findings from 2008–2009

    Mechanisms Underlying Interferon-γ-Induced Priming of Microglial Reactive Oxygen Species Production.

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    Microglial priming and enhanced reactivity to secondary insults cause substantial neuronal damage and are hallmarks of brain aging, traumatic brain injury and neurodegenerative diseases. It is, thus, of particular interest to identify mechanisms involved in microglial priming. Here, we demonstrate that priming of microglia with interferon-γ (IFN γ) substantially enhanced production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) following stimulation of microglia with ATP. Priming of microglial ROS production was substantially reduced by inhibition of p38 MAPK activity with SB203580, by increases in intracellular glutathione levels with N-Acetyl-L-cysteine, by blockade of NADPH oxidase subunit NOX2 activity with gp91ds-tat or by inhibition of nitric oxide production with L-NAME. Together, our data indicate that priming of microglial ROS production involves reduction of intracellular glutathione levels, upregulation of NADPH oxidase subunit NOX2 and increases in nitric oxide production, and suggest that these simultaneously occurring processes result in enhanced production of neurotoxic peroxynitrite. Furthermore, IFNγ-induced priming of microglial ROS production was reduced upon blockade of Kir2.1 inward rectifier K+ channels with ML133. Inhibitory effects of ML133 on microglial priming were mediated via regulation of intracellular glutathione levels and nitric oxide production. These data suggest that microglial Kir2.1 channels may represent novel therapeutic targets to inhibit excessive ROS production by primed microglia in brain pathology

    Prospección geoquímica de segunda fase en la cuenca del río Apurímac: subcuencas, Santo Tomás, Chalhuanca, Antabamba y Vilcabamba - [Boletín B 46]

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    Durante el año 2013, se ha desarrollado la prospección geoquímica de segunda fase en la cuenca del río Apurímac a fin de continuar con los estudios de prospección geoquímica regional. La zona de estudio presenta rocas con edades que van desde el Neoproterozoico hasta el Cuaternario; es así que el dominio metamórfico del Neoproterozoico y Paleozoico es el más antiguo. Asimismo, se distinguen unidades sedimentarias que van desde del Carbonífero hasta el Paleógeno. Por otro lado, las unidades volcánicas representan edades de emplazamiento entre el Permiano y el Neógeno, mientras que los dominios intrusivos definen un rango de edad que va del Permiano superior al Paleógeno-Neógeno. El contexto metalogenético regional denota cinco franjas metalogenéticas, entre las que destacan la franja XV de pórfidosskarns de Cu-Mo (Au, Zn) y depósitos de Cu-Au-Fe relacionados con intrusiones del Eoceno-Oligoceno, y la franja XXI correspondiente a epitermales de Au-Ag del Mioceno hospedados en rocas volcánicas cenozoicas. Se han recolectado un total de 445 muestras de sedimento fluvial en la cuenca del río Apurímac, las mismas que han sido tamizadas con la malla 200 y analizadas por ICP-MS y ensayo al fuego +absorción atómica; es así que se cuenta con resultados de 53 elementos (incluyendo el oro). El pH de las aguas superficiales oscila entre 6 y 10, siendo mayormente básico; sin embargo, se han registrado valores ácidos entre 2.37 y 5.9 en el extremo sureste del área de estudio. La conductividad eléctrica en la mayoría de las estaciones de muestreo no es superior a 1500 µS/cm, salvo las quebradas de primer y segundo orden que pertenecen a las localidades de Cachora y Curahuasi, cuyas aguas muestran conductividades superiores a 1500 µS/cm. En cada población estadística definida se describen las distribuciones y principales anomalías geoquímicas de As, Co, Cu, Cr, Hg, Ni, Au, Ag, Pb y Zn, las cuales suman un total de 173. De acuerdo con el catastro minero (al 10/03/2014), ambientes litoestratigráficos regionales, minas, proyectos mineros, prospectos mineros, ocurrencias minerales y anomalías geoquímicas y espectrales, se han definido cuatro áreas o bloques de interés prospectivo, denominados como río Aquilano, Puruchaja, Santa Rosa y río Chisi. En dichos bloques de interés destacan asociaciones geoquímicas de plomo-zinc-arsénico-cobalto, níquelcobalto, oro-cobre, oro-mercurio, cobre-zinc-arsénico y plomozinc-plata

    Estudio geoquímico en el norte del Perú: una herramienta exitosa en prospección minera y líneas de base geoambiental

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    La Dirección de Recursos Minerales y energéticos del INGEMMET es la encargada de realizar la investigación de la ocurrencia, génesis, localización y distribución de los depósitos minerales metálicos, industriales (no metálicos) y geoenergéticos del país, destinados a poner en evidencia el potencial minero y de recursos de interés nacional. Es así que una de las principales líneas de investigación la conforma el Programa de Geoquímica, a través del cual se vienen realizando estudios de prospección geoquímica regional de sedimentos de quebrada, con el objetivo de definir el paisaje geoquímico regional, determinar zonas de interés mediante la definición de anomalías geoquímicas, así como para elaborar el Atlas Geoquímico del Perú

    Effects of season and reproductive state on lipid intake and fatty acid composition of gastrointestinal tract contents in the European hare

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    We investigated lipid content and fatty acid (FA) composition of gastrointestinal tract contents in free-living, herbivorous European hares (Lepus europaeus). Mean crude fat content in hare stomachs and total gastrointestinal (GI) tracts was higher than expected for typical herbivore forages and peaked in late fall when hares massively deposited body fat reserves. Changes of FA proportions in different parts of the GI-tract indicated a highly preferential absorption of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). A further reduction of PUFA content in the caecum, along with the appearance of odd-chained FAs in caecum, caecotrophes, and colon content, pointed to a biohydrogenation of PUFA in the hare’s hindgut. GI-tract contents showed significant seasonal changes in their FA composition. Among PUFA, α-linolenic acid peaked in spring while linoleic acid was predominant in late summer and fall, which probably reflected changes in the plant composition of forage. However, independent of seasonal changes, GI-tracts of lactating females showed a significantly (+33%) higher content of linoleic acid, a FA that is known to increase reproductive performance in European hares. This finding suggests that lactating females actively selected dietary plants rich in linoleic acid, a PUFA that may represent a limited resource for European hares