198 research outputs found

    Probing the effect of point defects on the leakage blocking capability of Al0.1Ga0.9N/Si structures using a monoenergetic positron beam

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    Vacancy-type defects in Al0.1Ga0.9N were probed using a monoenergetic positron beam. Al0.1Ga0.9N layers with different carbon doping concentrations ([C] = 5 x 10(17) -8 x 10(19) cm(-3)) were grown on Si substrates by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy. The major defect species in Al0.1Ga0.9N was determined to be a cation vacancy (or cation vacancies) coupled with nitrogen vacancies and/or with carbon atoms at nitrogen sites (C(N)s). The charge state of the vacancies was positive because of the electron transfer from the defects to C-N-related acceptors. The defect charge state was changed from positive to neutral when the sample was illuminated with photon energy above 1.8 eV, and this energy range agreed with the yellow and blue luminescence. For the sample with high [C], the charge transition of the vacancies under illumination was found to be suppressed, which was attributed to the trapping of emitted electrons by C-N-related acceptors. With increasing [C], the breakdown voltage under the reverse bias condition increased. This was explained by the trapping of the injected electrons by the positively charged vacancies and C-N-related acceptors

    Discussion on the figures of merit of identified traps located in the Si film : surface versus volume trap densities

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    The aim of this work is a discussion on the figures of merit of identified traps located in the depletion zone (Si film) of advanced MOSFET devices. Two methodologies to estimate the volume trap densities are investigated, one using the relationship between the surface trap density and volume trap density and a second one based on the temperature evolution at fixed frequency of the generation-recombination plateau level associated to the same trap. By comparing the volume trap densities estimated using these two methods, the results are not agreeing with each other, suggesting that these methods can no longer be used with accuracy in multigate devices. Moreover, they may lead in certain cases to results physically not correct. Even about of the volume defects, the linear evolution between the plateau and the characteristic frequency of the generation-recombination contributions associated to the same trap give us the surface trap density without any additional assumption

    DLTS and FTIR study of quenching induced defects in germanium

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    Due to the high carrier mobility in Ge, it is more and more used as active semiconducting layer in advanced electronic devices on Si substrates [1]. Successful growth, doping and further processing of Ge requires however a good understanding of the intrinsic point defect properties that are unfortunately not well known. The present paper reports on the progress of an effort to determine the formation energy and diffusivity of the vacancy in Ge using thermal quenching techniques [2]. Experimental data on the thermal equilibrium concentration and diffusivity of vacancies in Ge are scarce and most are more than 40 years old. Most of the experimental data were obtained based on thermal quenching experiments assuming that the formed acceptors are due to quenched-in vacancies so that their concentration and formation energy can be determined from measured resistivity changes. The formation energy of the vacancy in its different charge states has recently also been calculated using ab initio calculations which showed that the (double) negatively charged vacancy has the lowest formation energy of about 2 eV in good agreement with the acceptor formation energy determined from the quenching experiments. Based on vacancy mediated dopant diffusion studies, Brotzmann et al [3] also concluded that the double negatively charged vacancy is the most probable charge state of the vacancy. In this contribution, the quenched-in acceptors are studied using deep-level transient spectroscopy. As Cu is known as contaminant which is difficult to avoid when quenching Ge, the electric properties of the quenched-in acceptors are carefully compared with those of substitutional Cu. Although at first glance similarities are striking, remarkable differences are also observed and discussed. [1] J. Vanhellemont and E. Simoen, J. Electrochem. Soc. 154 (2007), p. H572. [2] J. Vanhellemont, J. Lauwaert, A. Witecka, P. Spiewak, I. Romandic and P. Clauws, Physica B 404 (2009), p. 4529. [3] S. Brotzmann and H. Bracht, J. Appl. Phys. 103 (2008), p. 033508

    Carbon-related defects in Si:C/silicon heterostructures assessed by deep-level transient spectroscopy

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    This paper reports on a Deep-Level Transient Spectroscopy (DLTS) study of the electrically active defects in similar to 100 nm Si: C stressors, formed by chemical vapor deposition on p-type Czochralski silicon substrates. In addition, the impact of a post-deposition Rapid Thermal Annealing (RTA) at 850 degrees C on the DLT-spectra is investigated. It is shown that close to the surface at least two types of hole traps are present: one kind exhibiting slow hole capture, which may have a partial extended defect nature and a second type of hole trap behaving like a point defect. RTA increases the concentration of both hole traps and, in addition, introduces a point defect at EV + 0.35 eV in the depletion region of the silicon substrate at some distance from the Si: C epi layer. This level most likely corresponds with CiOi-related centers. Finally, a negative feature is found systematically for larger reverse bias pulses, which could point to a response of trap states at the Si: C/silicon hetero-interface

    Temperature-independent slow carrier emission from deep-level defects in p-type germanium

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    In the deep-level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) spectra of the 3d-transition metals cobalt and chromium in p-type germanium, evidence is obtained that hole emission from defect levels can occur by two parallel paths. Besides classical thermal emission, we observed a second, slower and temperature-independent emission. We show that this extra emission component allows determining unambiguously whether or not multiple DLTS peaks arise from the same defect. Despite similar characteristics, we demonstrate that the origin of the non-thermal emission is not tunnelling but photoionization related to black-body radiation from an insufficiently shielded part of the cryostat

    Insights into the reliability of Ni/Cu plated p-PERC silicon solar cells

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    Selective laser ablation of dielectric layers in combination with plated Ni/Cu/Ag contacts have been investigated by many photovoltaic researchers. Despite that there has been quite some practical progress on improved processing, the reliability of plated Ni/Cu/Ag cells still needs further insight and understanding. In this paper, the impact of laser induced defects that result from a ps-laser (wavelength 355nm) ablation on the performance of p-type PERC cells has been studied. A thermal stress experiment at 235 degrees C is applied. It is shown that the defects formed during the laser ablation process do indeed decrease the cell performance. A higher laser fluence results in lower fill factor and therefore lower efficiency. Moreover, the cells with higher laser fluence ablation degrade faster compared to the cells which had lower laser fluence to open the dielectric layer. The second part of the paper focuses on characterization of the p-n junction of the laser ablated cells by Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy (DLTS) before and after thermal ageing. A hole trap around 80K was found for all samples, which is related to point defects induced during the cell processing. A broad peak around 200K observed for the ablated cells with high laser fluence could correspond to dislocations induced by the laser ablation. This peak is shifted to higher energy (closer to the silicon mid-gap) after annealing, which may be due to impurity decoration during the annealing

    Trap-assisted tunnelling and Shockley-Read-Hall lifetime of extended defects in In.53Ga.47As p+n junction

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    Several In.53Ga.47As p+n junctions with various extended defect densities (EDDs) have been grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE), by carefully controlling the growth conditions. After fabrication, T-dependent J-V, C-V and double DLTS (DDLTS) are performed to extract the electrical field dependence of the extended defect levels. From this characterization, it is derived that the extended defects dominate the electrical field enhancement factor Gamma regardless of the value of the EDD and significantly increases the leakage current under reverse bias (i.e., decrease the Shockley-Read-Hall lifetime). These impacts are strongly connected to a "band-like" density of states of extended defects E2 at E-C-0.32 eV by comparing the DDLTS and T-dependent J-V characteristics. On the other hand, the reference sample (without EDs) surprisingly exhibits an even stronger field dependence with lower leakage current. Nevertheless, no straightforward candidate point defects can be found in this sample and the possible explanation are discussed

    Field-enhanced electron capture by iron impurities in germanium

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    The dependence of electronic properties of a deep level on electric field is relevant for better understanding of its impact on device characteristics. However, direct observation of the field assisted free carrier capture in DLTS is difficult, since in filling pulse experiments, during the applied pulse, no electric field is expected in the neutral part of the semiconducting substrate. For this reason isothermal DLTS measured as a function of pulse duration is an accurate technique to determine capture cross-sections in absence of electric field. On the other hand, when observing the emission of a carrier in conventional DLTS, an electric field ís present. In this work we applied the double pulse DLTS technique to measure the emission rates of Fe(2-/-) for different temperatures and electric fields. Data analysis revealed that an electric field affects the emission rate mainly through the pre-exponential factor, which is proportional to the capture cross section. An empirical electrical field dependence of the electron capture cross section for a negatively charged iron impurity was deduced