36,768 research outputs found


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    Nel presente studio si pubblica e si commenta la relazione di GiovanniMalipiero, Provveditore General e Capitanio di Corfù (1 gennaio 1741), trattadall' Archivio di Stato di Venezia.Giovanni Malipiero, nella sua relazione, si riferisce su vari aspetti dellasituazione economica dell' isola, e più precisamente sui dazi, sull' agricoltura,sul commercio e sulla navigazione.I dati contenuti in questa relazione sono importanti per le informazioniche offrono tanto sullo stato dell' economia locale, quanto sulla storia diCorfù, nella prima metà del XVIII secolo

    Implementation of community cohesion policy in Italy and its role in elimination of regional disparities

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    The objective of this paper is to present the contribution of Community regional policy funds to achieving socio-economic cohesion of Italian regions eligible under Objective 1, as well as to discuss future development barriers and opportunities of these regions. The paper also provides a description of Italy's adjustment to the Community policy, the funds exploited by cohesive regions during the 2000-2006 programming period and their efficiency in the elimination of regional disparities.Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie znaczenia, jakie środki wspólnotowej polityki regionalnej odegrały w osiąganiu spójności społeczno - gospodarczej przez włoskie regiony Celu 1 oraz pokazanie barier i szans rozwojowych dla tych terytoriów w przyszłości. W części pierwszej przedstawiony został proces dostosowawczy Włoch do polityki wspólnotowej, głównie pod względem zgodności prowadzonej polityki z zasadami polityki regionalnej oraz dostosowań instytucjonalnych. W części drugiej przedstawiona została analiza porównawcza wielkości funduszy wykorzystanych przez regiony kohezyjne w okresie programowania 2000 - 2006 z założonymi wielkościami, a także próba odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy środki te w istotnej mierze wpłynęły na zmniejszenie się różnic miedzy biedniejszymi regionami Południa a bogatszymi Północy - Centrum. W ostatniej części pokazano możliwości i bariery rozwojowe, przed którymi stoją włoskie regiony kohezyjne

    Il valore educativo del capitale umano

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    Il valore educativo del capitale umano richiama esplicitamente, ma insieme capovolge, il titolo di un noto saggio di Schultz (The Economic Value of Education, 1963), inserendosi cos\uec in una nuova linea di riflessione nelle ultime ricerche di economia dell\u2019istruzione tese a dare un diverso valore al capitale umano, considerato come il risultato di tutto un percorso educativo, a partire dall\u2019infanzia. Il volume \ue8 suddiviso in tre parti. Nella prima vengono presentate le pionieristiche teorie del capitale umano elaborate negli anni \u201960 del secolo scorso dai tre famosi economisti dell\u2019Universit\ue0 di Chicago, T.W. Schultz, J. Mincer e G.S. Becker e viene analizzato il tasso di rendimento quale metodo per valutare la redditivit\ue0 dell\u2019investimento educativo. Nella seconda \ue8 approfondito il legame tra istruzione e crescita economica, con un\u2019attenzione particolare al tema della qualit\ue0 della scuola, per finire con le pi\uf9 promettenti linee di ricerca di economia dell\u2019istruzione offerte dai contributi di Dagum e Heckman. L\u2019ultima parte, infine, approfondisce il rapporto economia e pedagogia: l\u2019approccio storico-strutturale permette di evidenziare il cambiamento che esso subisce nel tempo nella direzione di una progressiva autonomia dell\u2019educazione dall\u2019economia. In questo processo le teorie del capitale umano hanno avuto un ruolo rilevante

    EU rural policy: proposal and application of an agricultural sustainability index

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    In this paper I propose an Agricultural Sustainability Index (ASI) starting from a ‘political’ perspective: European legislation in the rural sector. I try to answer these questions. How can we measure sustainability in agriculture? How do we measure the enhancement (if any) of the European policy for sustainability in agriculture? Why do some geographical areas perform better than others? Considering these questions, the paper suggests a model for measuring sustainability in agriculture and an approach to compare performances among different geographical contexts. The model puts together different dimensions of sustainability in agriculture, combining Geographical Information System (GIS) analysis and Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA). Using eighteen agricultural indicators divided into three dimensions, social, economic and environmental, the model incorporates the following stages: (i) indicator specification and definition of the decisional framework; (ii) indicators' normalisation by means of transformation functions based on the fuzzy logic approach; (iii) indicators weighted by Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) techniques; (iv) indicators aggregated to obtain the ASI. The model is tested on a specific area: Alta Val d’Agri, a rural area in the southern Basilicata Region. Final results show that ASI consistently synthesises the evolution of thirty years of rural development policy.Agricultural sustainability, Indicators, GIS-MCA

    Italy and China Agri-Food Trade: Integration, Similarity and Competition

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    The paper looks at the increasing integration of China into the world market, with a specific focus on agricultural and food trade and on the Italian market. Agricultural trade among Italy and China has been limited to secondary products, especially originated in the livestock sector. However, in the last decade exchanges have been constantly increasing and the set of products changing deeply. Specifically, Italian exports to China have been specialising towards the typical "Made in Italy" processed products, showing a potential market for Italian agricultural and food products. In order to test the opportunity and the risks of the integration of China into the world agro-food markets, some similarity indices have been calculated, with refer to two different markets: the EU-15 and the Chinese market. In the first case the similarity of Chinese exports with those of some EU partners on the EU-15 market was considered; in the second the similarity of exports of some EU Member States to China was calculated. Taking into account the different level of quality of agro-food products, the main result of the analysis is that Chinese products entering EU are more complementary than similar to the EU products; at the same time, China is a great potential market for EU products, and Italy will compete with other EU countries in the gain of quotas on the Chinese agro-food market.International trade, similarity index, agri-food trade, International Relations/Trade, F1, Q17,

    Globalization: an open door for the knowledge economy

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    Globalization refers to an emphasized process of global integration and spreading a set of ideas related to the economical activity and goods’ production, the premises being the liberalization of international commerce and the capital flows, the speeding up of the technological progress and informational society. The cognitive society is more and more obvious and unanimously accepted, which actually proves its efficiency. If traditional, conservative communities, which are not open to change and reject from the start anything new on the horizon, still exist today, they are isolated cases that will eventually be "converted" by this wave of information that has become indispensable to any development because in its absence resources could not be used efficiently. Taking into consideration these elements, this paper wishes to give arguments to the fact that globalization can be seen as being an open door for the cognitive society.globalization, knowledge economy, multinational organizations

    Teoria della distruzione del valore

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    ‘Teoria della Distruzione del Valore’: teoria elaborata da Massimo Morigi afferente al ‘Repubblicanesimo Geopolitico’, al ‘Repubblicanesimo’, al ‘Neo-repubblicanesimo’, al ‘Marxismo’ e al ‘Neo-marxismo’. Pur condividendo la critica di Karl Marx all’individualismo metodologico dell’economia classica (in specie la critica ad Adam Smith e David Ricardo, individualismo metodologico che poi sarà in seguito trasmesso anche all’economia neoclassica o marginalismo), la ‘Teoria della Distruzione del Valore’ rovescia la teoria del plusvalore di Karl Marx, affermando che il rapporto sociale che va sotto il nome di ‘capitalismo’ non opera una sottrazione del valore del lavoro erogato dal lavoratore a vantaggio del capitale ma, invece, una distruzione del valore di questo lavoro, distruzione del valore che si evidenzia sul “libero mercato” dove s’incontrano – entrambi formalmente liberi – gli operai (decisori omega-strategici), che apportano su questo mercato un lavoro svalutato (distrutto quindi nel suo valore) originatosi proprio dalla libertà di questo mercato (ossia dalla sua mancanza di regole) e i datori di lavoro capitalisti (decisori alfa-strategici) che così possono avvalersi di questo valore-lavoro effettivamente svalutato (o, meglio, distrutto)

    Italian export capacity in the long run perspective (1861-2009): a tortuous path to keep the position

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    The paper focuses on the evolution of the capacity of Italian goods to reach international markets from the Unification (1861) up to now. In so doing we provide a wide range of new series on the topic. On one hand we present the general trends of macroeconomic data related to trade, on the other hand we provide the evolution of Italian foreign trade focusing, in particular, on the characteristics of export flows. The paper illustrates the Italian tortuous path to keep the position amongst the most advanced countries in spite of its peculiar specialisationItalian trade, Export capacity, Technological specialization, Economic growth, trade policies

    Structural Change And Economic Convergence Across The Eu-15 Regions: Can The Agricultural Sector Play a Role?

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    Economic and agricultural convergence across the EU regions has for a long time attracted the attention of economists and more so in the recent decade following the EU enlargement. Empirical contributions have referred explicitly or implicitly to the Solows model of economic growth testing absolute and conditional b-convergence. The recent literature suggests that the prevailing neoclassical and sectoral approach is not suitable to face the implication of structural change on economic convergence whose understanding is key within the current process of significant marginalization of agriculture and partly of industry in favour of the service sector. In this context the aim of the paper is the understanding the size and evolution of this change, the way in which it has affected aggregate economic convergence and if the agricultural sector has influenced the process despite its small and decreasing contribution to total GDP comparing the results from the neoclassical and Paci, Pigliaru approachAgricultural and Food Policy, International Development,

    Il ritorno del rentier: Salario, rendita e profitto nel capitalismo cognitivo

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    L'attuale mutazione del capitalismo è segnata da un ritorno in forza della rendita che va di pari passo con uno sgretolamento della distinzione tradizionale tra rendita e profitto. Per dimostrare questa tesi, l'articolo è diviso in due parti. Nella prima ritorneremo sulla definizione delle categorie di salario, rendita e profitto. In questa riflessione, insisteremo, sia dal punto di vista teorico che storico, sulle frontiere flessibili e mobili che separano la categoria della rendita da quella del profitto. Per fare ciò ci appoggeremo su alcuni spunti che Marx svolge nel III libro del Capitale, quando abbozza una teoria del divenire rendita del capitale, teoria che può essere messa in relazione e dare nuova luce all'attualità dell'ipotesi del General Intellect. Nella seconda parte, proporremo una griglia di lettura sintetica delle trasformazioni del rapporto capitale-lavoro che, nella transizione dal capitalismo industriale verso il capitalismo cognitivo, hanno condotto contemporaneamente a una crescita di potenza della rendita e a uno affievolimento della distinzione tra rendita e profitto