358 research outputs found

    Foveal analysis and peripheral selection during active visual sampling

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    Human vision is an active process in which information is sampled during brief periods of stable fixation in between gaze shifts. Foveal analysis serves to identify the currently fixated object and has to be coordinated with a peripheral selection process of the next fixation location. Models of visual search and scene perception typically focus on the latter, without considering foveal processing requirements. We developed a dual-task noise classification technique that enables identification of the information uptake for foveal analysis and peripheral selection within a single fixation. Human observers had to use foveal vision to extract visual feature information (orientation) from different locations for a psychophysical comparison. The selection of to-be-fixated locations was guided by a different feature (luminance contrast). We inserted noise in both visual features and identified the uptake of information by looking at correlations between the noise at different points in time and behavior. Our data show that foveal analysis and peripheral selection proceeded completely in parallel. Peripheral processing stopped some time before the onset of an eye movement, but foveal analysis continued during this period. Variations in the difficulty of foveal processing did not influence the uptake of peripheral information and the efficacy of peripheral selection, suggesting that foveal analysis and peripheral selection operated independently. These results provide important theoretical constraints on how to model target selection in conjunction with foveal object identification: in parallel and independently

    Object Detection Through Exploration With A Foveated Visual Field

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    We present a foveated object detector (FOD) as a biologically-inspired alternative to the sliding window (SW) approach which is the dominant method of search in computer vision object detection. Similar to the human visual system, the FOD has higher resolution at the fovea and lower resolution at the visual periphery. Consequently, more computational resources are allocated at the fovea and relatively fewer at the periphery. The FOD processes the entire scene, uses retino-specific object detection classifiers to guide eye movements, aligns its fovea with regions of interest in the input image and integrates observations across multiple fixations. Our approach combines modern object detectors from computer vision with a recent model of peripheral pooling regions found at the V1 layer of the human visual system. We assessed various eye movement strategies on the PASCAL VOC 2007 dataset and show that the FOD performs on par with the SW detector while bringing significant computational cost savings.Comment: An extended version of this manuscript was published in PLOS Computational Biology (October 2017) at https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.100574

    Evolution and Optimality of Similar Neural Mechanisms for Perception and Action during Search

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    A prevailing theory proposes that the brain's two visual pathways, the ventral and dorsal, lead to differing visual processing and world representations for conscious perception than those for action. Others have claimed that perception and action share much of their visual processing. But which of these two neural architectures is favored by evolution? Successful visual search is life-critical and here we investigate the evolution and optimality of neural mechanisms mediating perception and eye movement actions for visual search in natural images. We implement an approximation to the ideal Bayesian searcher with two separate processing streams, one controlling the eye movements and the other stream determining the perceptual search decisions. We virtually evolved the neural mechanisms of the searchers' two separate pathways built from linear combinations of primary visual cortex receptive fields (V1) by making the simulated individuals' probability of survival depend on the perceptual accuracy finding targets in cluttered backgrounds. We find that for a variety of targets, backgrounds, and dependence of target detectability on retinal eccentricity, the mechanisms of the searchers' two processing streams converge to similar representations showing that mismatches in the mechanisms for perception and eye movements lead to suboptimal search. Three exceptions which resulted in partial or no convergence were a case of an organism for which the targets are equally detectable across the retina, an organism with sufficient time to foveate all possible target locations, and a strict two-pathway model with no interconnections and differential pre-filtering based on parvocellular and magnocellular lateral geniculate cell properties. Thus, similar neural mechanisms for perception and eye movement actions during search are optimal and should be expected from the effects of natural selection on an organism with limited time to search for food that is not equi-detectable across its retina and interconnected perception and action neural pathways

    In vivo measures of cartilage deformation: patterns in healthy and osteoarthritic female knees using 3T MR imaging

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    ObjectiveTo explore and to compare the magnitude and spatial pattern of in vivo femorotibial cartilage deformation in healthy and in osteoarthritic (OA) knees.MethodsOne knee each in 30 women (age: 55 ± 6 years; BMI: 28 ± 2.4 kg/m(2); 11 healthy and 19 with radiographic femorotibial OA) was examined at 3Tesla using a coronal fat-suppressed gradient echo SPGR sequence. Regional and subregional femorotibial cartilage thickness was determined under unloaded and loaded conditions, with 50% body weight being applied to the knee in 20° knee flexion during imaging.ResultsCartilage became significantly (p < 0.05) thinner during loading in the medial tibia (-2.7%), the weight-bearing medial femur (-4.1%) and in the lateral tibia (-1.8%), but not in the lateral femur (+0.1%). The magnitude of deformation in the medial tibia and femur tended to be greater in osteoarthritic knees than in healthy knees. The subregional pattern of cartilage deformation was similar for the different stages of radiographic OA.ConclusionOsteoarthritic cartilage tended to display greater deformation upon loading than healthy cartilage, suggesting that knee OA affects the mechanical properties of cartilage. The pattern of in vivo deformation indicated that cartilage loss in OA progression is mechanically driven

    Minimum joint space width and tibial cartilage morphology in the knees of healthy individuals: A cross-sectional study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The clinical use of minimum joint space width (mJSW) and cartilage volume and thickness has been limited to the longitudinal measurement of disease progression (i.e. change over time) rather than the diagnosis of OA in which values are compared to a standard. This is primarily due to lack of establishment of normative values of joint space width and cartilage morphometry as has been done with bone density values in diagnosing osteoporosis. Thus, the purpose of this pilot study is to estimate reference values of medial joint space width and cartilage morphometry in healthy individuals of all ages using standard radiography and peripheral magnetic resonance imaging.</p> <p>Design</p> <p>For this cross-sectional study, healthy volunteers underwent a fixed-flexion knee X-ray and a peripheral MR (pMR) scan of the same knee using a 1T machine (ONI OrthOne™, Wilmington, MA). Radiographs were digitized and analyzed for medial mJSW using an automated algorithm. Only knees scoring ≤1 on the Kellgren-Lawrence scale (no radiographic evidence of knee OA) were included in the analyses. All 3D SPGRE fat-sat sagittal pMR scans were analyzed for medial tibial cartilage morphometry using a proprietary software program (Chondrometrics GmbH).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of 119 healthy participants, 73 were female and 47 were male; mean (SD) age 38.2 (13.2) years, mean BMI 25.0 (4.4) kg/m<sup>2</sup>. Minimum JSW values were calculated for each sex and decade of life. Analyses revealed mJSW did not significantly decrease with increasing decade (p > 0.05) in either sex. Females had a mean (SD) medial mJSW of 4.8 (0.7) mm compared to males with corresponding larger value of 5.7 (0.8) mm. Cartilage morphometry results showed similar trends with mean (SD) tibial cartilage volume and thickness in females of 1.50 (0.19) μL/mm<sup>2 </sup>and 1.45 (0.19) mm, respectively, and 1.77 (0.24) μL/mm<sup>2 </sup>and 1.71 (0.24) mm, respectively, in males.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These data suggest that medial mJSW values do not decrease with aging in healthy individuals but remain fairly constant throughout the lifespan with "healthy" values of 4.8 mm for females and 5.7 mm for males. Similar trends were seen for cartilage morphology. Results suggest there may be no need to differentiate a t-score and a z-score in OA diagnosis because cartilage thickness and JSW remain constant throughout life in the absence of OA.</p

    Optimal sampling of MRI slices for the assessment of knee cartilage volume for cross-sectional and longitudinal studies

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    BACKGROUND: MRI slices of 1.5 mm thickness have been used in both cross sectional and longitudinal studies of osteoarthritis, but is difficult to apply to large studies as most techniques used in measuring knee cartilage volumes require substantial post-image processing. The aim of this study was to determine the optimal sampling of 1.5 mm thick slices of MRI scans to estimate knee cartilage volume in males and females for cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. METHODS: A total of 150 subjects had a sagittal T1-weighted fat-suppressed MRI scan of the right knee at a partition thickness of 1.5 mm to determine their cartilage volume. Fifty subjects had both baseline and 2-year follow up MRI scans. Lateral, medial tibial and patellar cartilage volumes were calculated with different samples from 1.5 mm thick slices by extracting one in two, one in three, and one in four to compare to cartilage volume and its rate of change. Agreement was assessed by means of intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and Bland & Altman plots. RESULTS: Compared to the whole sample of 1.5 mm thick slices, measuring every second to fourth slice led to very little under or over estimation in cartilage volume and its annual change. At all sites and subgroups, measuring every second slice had less than 1% mean difference in cartilage volume and its annual rate of change with all ICCs ≥ 0.98. CONCLUSION: Sampling alternate 1.5 mm thick MRI slices is sufficient for knee cartilage volume measurement in cross-sectional and longitudinal epidemiological studies with little increase in measurement error. This approach will lead to a substantial decrease in post-scan processing time

    Atypical blood glucose response to continuous and interval exercise in a person with type 1 diabetes: a case report

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    BackgroundTherapy must be adapted for people with type 1 diabetes to avoid exercise-induced hypoglycemia caused by increased exercise-related glucose uptake into muscles. Therefore, to avoid hypoglycemia, the preexercise short-acting insulin dose must be reduced for safety reasons. We report a case of a man with long-lasting type 1 diabetes in whom no blood glucose decrease during different types of exercise with varying exercise intensities and modes was found, despite physiological hormone responses.Case presentationA Caucasian man diagnosed with type 1 diabetes for 24 years performed three different continuous high-intensity interval cycle ergometer exercises as part of a clinical trial (ClinicalTrials.gov identifier NCT02075567). Intensities for both modes of exercises were set at 5% below and 5% above the first lactate turn point and 5% below the second lactate turn point. Short-acting insulin doses were reduced by 25%, 50%, and 75%, respectively. Measurements taken included blood glucose, blood lactate, gas exchange, heart rate, adrenaline, noradrenaline, cortisol, glucagon, and insulin-like growth factor-1. Unexpectedly, no significant blood glucose decreases were observed during all exercise sessions (start versus end, 12.97 ± 2.12 versus 12.61 ± 2.66 mmol L−1, p = 0.259). All hormones showed the expected response, dependent on the different intensities and modes of exercises.ConclusionsPeople with type 1 diabetes typically experience a decrease in blood glucose levels, particularly during low- and moderate-intensity exercises. In our patient, we clearly found no decline in blood glucose, despite a normal hormone response and no history of any insulin insensitivity. This report indicates that there might be patients for whom the recommended preexercise therapy adaptation to avoid exercise-induced hypoglycemia needs to be questioned because this could increase the risk of severe hyperglycemia and ketosis

    The EMT transcription factor ZEB1 governs a fitness-promoting but vulnerable DNA replication stress response

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    The DNA damage response (DDR) and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) are two crucial cellular programs in cancer biology. While the DDR orchestrates cell cycle progression, DNA repair and cell death, EMT promotes invasiveness, cellular plasticity and intratumor heterogeneity. Therapeutic targeting of EMT transcription factors, such as ZEB1, remains challenging, but tumor-promoting DDR alterations elicit specific vulnerabilities. Using multi-omics, inhibitors and high-content microscopy, we discover a chemoresistant ZEB1 high expressing sub-population (ZEB1hi) with co-rewired cell cycle progression and proficient DDR across tumor entities. ZEB1 stimulates accelerated S-phase entry via CDK6, inflicting endogenous DNA replication stress. However, DDR buildups involving constitutive MRE11-dependent fork resection allow homeostatic cycling and enrichment of ZEB1hi cells during TGFβ-induced EMT and chemotherapy. Thus, ZEB1 promotes G1/S transition to launch a progressive DDR benefitting stress tolerance, which concurrently manifests a targetable vulnerability in chemoresistant ZEB1hi cells. Our study thus highlights the translationally relevant intercept of the DDR and EMT

    Salience-based selection: attentional capture by distractors less salient than the target

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    Current accounts of attentional capture predict the most salient stimulus to be invariably selected first. However, existing salience and visual search models assume noise in the map computation or selection process. Consequently, they predict the first selection to be stochastically dependent on salience, implying that attention could even be captured first by the second most salient (instead of the most salient) stimulus in the field. Yet, capture by less salient distractors has not been reported and salience-based selection accounts claim that the distractor has to be more salient in order to capture attention. We tested this prediction using an empirical and modeling approach of the visual search distractor paradigm. For the empirical part, we manipulated salience of target and distractor parametrically and measured reaction time interference when a distractor was present compared to absent. Reaction time interference was strongly correlated with distractor salience relative to the target. Moreover, even distractors less salient than the target captured attention, as measured by reaction time interference and oculomotor capture. In the modeling part, we simulated first selection in the distractor paradigm using behavioral measures of salience and considering the time course of selection including noise. We were able to replicate the result pattern we obtained in the empirical part. We conclude that each salience value follows a specific selection time distribution and attentional capture occurs when the selection time distributions of target and distractor overlap. Hence, selection is stochastic in nature and attentional capture occurs with a certain probability depending on relative salience
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