1,051 research outputs found

    "Are you doing well or do you still have kids in school?". On teacher behavior that can cause students and some parents to fall sick

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    Dass Lehrer unter dem Verhalten mancher Schülerinnen und Schüler leiden, ist gängige Rede. Aber dass Kinder und Jugendliche in der Schule in ähnlicher Weise und in erheblichem Umfang unter dem Verhalten ihrer Lehrerinnen und Lehrer leiden, wird deutlich, wenn man Betroffene danach fragt. Das von Lehrern verursachte Leiden der Schüler soll durch diese Untersuchung ins öffentliche Bewusstsein gehoben werden. (DIPF/Orig.)It is common knowledge that teachers suffer because of the behavior of some students. But the fact that conversely, children and youths suffer in similar ways and to a large extent from the behavior of their teachers becomes plain when asking those affected. The study addresses the suffering of students caused by teachers and draws public attention to it. (DIPF/Orig.

    Physiological Effects of Training in Elite German Winter Sport Athletes: Sport Specific Remodeling Determined Using Echocardiographic Data and CPET Performance Parameters

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    Nine ski mountaineering (Ski-Mo), ten Nordic-cross country (NCC), and twelve world elite biathlon (Bia) athletes were evaluated for cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET) performance and pronounced echocardiographic physiological cardiac remodeling as a primary aim of our descriptive preliminary report. In this context, a multicenter retrospective analysis of two-dimensional echocardiographic data including speckle tracking of the left ventricle (LV-GLS) and CPET performance analysis was performed in 31 elite world winter sports athletes, which were obtained during the annual sports medicine examination between 2020 and 2021. The matched data of the elite winter sports athletes (14 women, 17 male athletes, age: 18-32 years) were compared for different CPET and echocardiographic parameters, anthropometric data, and sport-specific training schedules. Significant differences could be revealed for left atrial (LA) remodeling by LA volume index (LAVI, p = 0.0052), LV-GLS (p = 0.0003), and LV mass index (LV Mass index, p = 0.0078) between the participating disciplines. All participating athletes showed excellent performance data in the CPET analyses, whereby significant differences were revealed for highest maximum respiratory minute volume (VE (maximum)) and the maximum oxygen pulse level across the participating athletes. This study on sport specific physiological demands in elite winter sport athletes provides new evidence that significant differences in CPET and cardiac remodeling of the left heart can be identified based on the individual athlete's training schedule, frequency, and physique

    Comparative expression analysis of Shox2 -deficient embryonic stem cell-derived sinoatrial node-like cells

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    The homeodomain transcription factor Shox2 controls the development and function of the native cardiac pacemaker, the sinoatrial node (SAN).Moreover, SHOX2 mutations have been associatedwith cardiac arrhythmias in humans. For detailed examination of Shox2-dependent developmentalmechanisms in SAN cells, we established a murine embryonic stem cell (ESC)-based model using Shox2 as a molecular tool. Shox2+/+ and Shox2−/− ESC clones were isolated and differentiated according to five different protocols in order to evaluate the most efficient enrichment of SAN-like cells. Expression analysis of cell subtype-specific marker genes revealed most efficient enrichment after CD166-based cell sorting. Comparative cardiac expression profiles of Shox2+/+ and Shox2−/− ESCs were examined by nCounter technology. Among other genes, we identified Nppb as a novel putative Shox2 target during differentiation in ESCs. Differential expression of Nppb could be confirmed in heart tissue of Shox2−/− embryos. Taken together, we established an ESC-based cardiac differentiation model and successfully purified Shox2+/+ and Shox2−/− SAN-like cells. This now provides an excellent basis for the investigation of molecular mechanisms under physiological and pathophysiological conditions for evaluating novel therapeutic approaches

    Physical biomarkers for human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells

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    Adhesion of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) to the bone marrow niche plays critical roles in the maintenance of the most primitive HSPCs. The interactions of HSPC−niche interactions are clinically relevant in acute myeloid leukemia (AML), because (i) leukemia-initiating cells adhered to the marrow niche are protected from the cytotoxic effect by chemotherapy and (ii) mobilization of HSPCs from healthy donors' bone marrow is crucial for the effective stem cell transplantation. However, although many clinical agents have been developed for the HSPC mobilization, the effects caused by the extrinsic molecular cues were traditionally evaluated based on phenomenological observations. This review highlights the recent interdisciplinary challenges of hematologists, biophysicists and cell biologists towards the design of defined in vitro niche models and the development of physical biomarkers for quantitative indexing of differential effects of clinical agents on human HSPCs

    The Many Facets of SDF-1α, CXCR4 Agonists and Antagonists on Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells

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    Stromal cell-derived factor-1alpha (SDF-1α) has pleiotropic effects on hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPCs). We have monitored podia formation, migration, proliferation, and cell-cell adhesion of human HPC under the influence of SDF-1α, a peptide agonist of CXCR4 (CTCE-0214), a peptide antagonist (CTCE-9908), and a nonpeptide antagonist (AMD3100). Whereas SDF-1α induced migration of CD34+ cells in a dose-dependent manner, CTCE-0214, CTCE-9908, and AMD3100 did not induce chemotaxis in this concentration range albeit the peptides CTCE-0214 and CTCE-9908 increased podia formation. Cell-cell adhesion of HPC to human mesenchymal stromal cells was impaired by the addition of SDF-1α, CTCE-0214, and AMD3100. Proliferation was not affected by SDF-1α or its analogs. Surface antigen detection of CXCR4 was reduced upon treatment with SDF-1α or AMD3100 and it was enhanced by CTCE-9908. Despite the fact that all these molecules target the same CXCR4 receptor, CXCR4 agonists and antagonists have selective effects on different functions of the natural molecule

    Aging and Replicative Senescence Have Related Effects on Human Stem and Progenitor Cells

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    The regenerative potential diminishes with age and this has been ascribed to functional impairments of adult stem cells. Cells in culture undergo senescence after a certain number of cell divisions whereby the cells enlarge and finally stop proliferation. This observation of replicative senescence has been extrapolated to somatic stem cells in vivo and might reflect the aging process of the whole organism. In this study we have analyzed the effect of aging on gene expression profiles of human mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) and human hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPC). MSC were isolated from bone marrow of donors between 21 and 92 years old. 67 genes were age-induced and 60 were age-repressed. HPC were isolated from cord blood or from mobilized peripheral blood of donors between 27 and 73 years and 432 genes were age-induced and 495 were age-repressed. The overlap of age-associated differential gene expression in HPC and MSC was moderate. However, it was striking that several age-related gene expression changes in both MSC and HPC were also differentially expressed upon replicative senescence of MSC in vitro. Especially genes involved in genomic integrity and regulation of transcription were age-repressed. Although telomerase activity and telomere length varied in HPC particularly from older donors, an age-dependent decline was not significant arguing against telomere exhaustion as being causal for the aging phenotype. These studies have demonstrated that aging causes gene expression changes in human MSC and HPC that vary between the two different cell types. Changes upon aging of MSC and HPC are related to those of replicative senescence of MSC in vitro and this indicates that our stem and progenitor cells undergo a similar process also in vivo

    Evolution and Optimality of Similar Neural Mechanisms for Perception and Action during Search

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    A prevailing theory proposes that the brain's two visual pathways, the ventral and dorsal, lead to differing visual processing and world representations for conscious perception than those for action. Others have claimed that perception and action share much of their visual processing. But which of these two neural architectures is favored by evolution? Successful visual search is life-critical and here we investigate the evolution and optimality of neural mechanisms mediating perception and eye movement actions for visual search in natural images. We implement an approximation to the ideal Bayesian searcher with two separate processing streams, one controlling the eye movements and the other stream determining the perceptual search decisions. We virtually evolved the neural mechanisms of the searchers' two separate pathways built from linear combinations of primary visual cortex receptive fields (V1) by making the simulated individuals' probability of survival depend on the perceptual accuracy finding targets in cluttered backgrounds. We find that for a variety of targets, backgrounds, and dependence of target detectability on retinal eccentricity, the mechanisms of the searchers' two processing streams converge to similar representations showing that mismatches in the mechanisms for perception and eye movements lead to suboptimal search. Three exceptions which resulted in partial or no convergence were a case of an organism for which the targets are equally detectable across the retina, an organism with sufficient time to foveate all possible target locations, and a strict two-pathway model with no interconnections and differential pre-filtering based on parvocellular and magnocellular lateral geniculate cell properties. Thus, similar neural mechanisms for perception and eye movement actions during search are optimal and should be expected from the effects of natural selection on an organism with limited time to search for food that is not equi-detectable across its retina and interconnected perception and action neural pathways