90 research outputs found

    Manipulation of lipid rafts in neuronal cells

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    Lipid rafts are specialized plasma membrane micro-domains highly enriched in cholesterol, sphingolipids and glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchored proteins. Lipid rafts are thought to be located in the exofacial leaflet of plasma membranes. Functionally, lipid rafts are involved in intracellular trafficking of proteins and lipids, secretory and endocytotic pathways, signal transduction, inflammation and in cell-surface proteolysis. There has been substantial interest in lipid rafts in brain, both with respect to normal functioning and with certain neurodegenerative diseases. Based on the impact of lipid rafts on multitude biochemical pathways, modulation of lipid rafts is used to study related disease pathways and probably offers a target for pharmacological intervention. Lipid rafts can be targeted by modulation of its main components, namely cholesterol and sphingolipids. Other approaches include the modulation of membrane dynamics and it has been reported that protein-lipid interactions can vary the occurrence and composition of these membrane micro-domains. The present review summarizes the possibilities to modulate lipid rafts with focus on neuronal cells. Keywords: Lipid raft, cholesterol, membrane fluidity, statin, cyclodextrine, docosahexaenoic acid

    Mitochondriale Dysfunktion bei Alzheimer-Demenz : das Zusammenspiel von Hirnalterung und genetischen Risikofaktoren

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    Typische neuropathologische Befunde bei der Alzheimer-Demenz (AD) sind die Bildung von Beta-Amyloid-Plaques, die Akkumulation von intrazellulĂ€ren neurofibrillĂ€ren BĂŒndeln (Tangles) und ein ausgeprĂ€gter Verlust der Nervenzellen im Gehirn (siehe Estifanos Ghebremedhin und Thomas Deller »Risikofaktoren der Alzheimer-Krankheit. Was verraten uns die Gene?«, Seite 90). Insbesondere die AnhĂ€ufung von Beta-Amyloid-Peptid (Aß) scheint eine zentrale Rolle in der in der in der Pathogenese zu spielen und kausal fĂŒr den Zelluntergang verantwortlich zu sein. Befunde unserer Arbeitsgruppe deuten darauf hin, das Aß zu mitochondrialer Dysfunktion in den Nervenzellen fĂŒhrt. Wir untersuchen die Kaskade der Mechanismen, die von der Bildung von Aß ĂŒber mitochondriale Dysfunktion letztlich zu Synapsenverlust und Zelltod fĂŒhren, mithilfe von Zelllinien und MĂ€usestĂ€mmen mit Alzheimer-typischen Merkmalen. Ziel ist, einen Angriffspunkt fĂŒr die medikamentöse Behandlung der Alzheimer-Demenz zu finden. Als vielversprechend hat sich die Wirkung von Statinen erwiesen, die als Cholesterinhemmer eingesetzt werden. ..

    SchĂŒtzen Statine vor Schlaganfall und Alzheimer? : neue Therapiemöglichkeiten im Zentralnervensystem

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    Statine stellen heute Medikamente der ersten Wahl bei zu hohen Cholesterin- Blutwerten dar. Denn sie hemmen die Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA Reduktase (HMG-CoA Reduktase), ein wichtiges SchlĂŒsselenzym, das fĂŒr die körpereigene Herstellung von Cholesterin notwendig ist. Bei der pharmakologischen Bewertung der Statine muss allerdings auch der Cholesterinstoffwechsel im Gehirn berĂŒcksichtigt werden, dem cholesterinreichsten Organ des menschlichen Körpers. Bislang existieren nur wenige Daten zu den Effekten dieser Medikamente im zentralen Nervensystem. Im Rahmen eines Leitprojekts des Zentrums fĂŒr Arzneimittelforschung, -Entwicklung und Sicherheit (ZAFES) wird derzeit die Pharmakologie der Statine im Gehirn intensiv untersucht, um die therapeutischen Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Statinen im Zusammenhang mit der Therapie von Erkrankungen, wie Schlaganfall und Alzheimer-Demenz, aufzuklĂ€ren und gegebenenfalls zu erweitern

    Geistig fit durch mediterrane Kost? : Wie Menschen gesĂŒnder alt werden können

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    In sĂŒdlichen Gefilden wĂ€chst so manches, was in Maßen genossen dem Wohlbefinden dient. Dies gilt nicht nur fĂŒr HeilkrĂ€uter und Rotwein, sondern vermutlich auch fĂŒr andere fĂŒr den Mittelmeerraum typische GetrĂ€nke und Speisen. Auf der Suche nach diesen "natĂŒrlichen Apotheken" erfassen Wissenschaftler aus Deutschland und sechs weiteren europĂ€ischen LĂ€ndern derzeit seltene Unterarten bewĂ€hrter Nutzpflanzen wie Thymian, Olive, Wein und Orange. Sie erforschen, ob die seit Jahrhunderten ĂŒberlieferten Schutzund HeilungskrĂ€fte der GewĂ€chse einer wissenschaftlichen PrĂŒfung standhalten und worauf sie beruhen. Die Frankfurter Gruppe um Prof. Dr. Walter MĂŒller hat dabei insbesondere Stoffe im Blick, die das Nervensystem beeinflussen. Macht mediterrane Kost wirklich geistig fit

    Rice bran derivatives alleviate microglia activation: possible involvement of MAPK pathway

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    (A-C). Effects of RBE on the phosphorylation of p38MAPK, ERK, and JNK in non-activated microglia. Cells were treated with RBE (50–300 Όg/ml) for 24 h followed by cell lyses and protein estimation. During stimulation, one of the wells in 6-well plate was incubated with LPS (10 ng/ml) for 30 min to be used as positive control to validate the functionality of antibodies against activated state of kinases. Whole cell lysates were subjected to western blots analyses. Representative blots (upper panel) and densitometry analyses (lower panel) are shown: A) p38 MAPK, B) pERK, and C) pJNK. Statistical analyses were carried out by using one-way ANOVA with post hoc Student-Newman-Keuls test (multiple comparisons). Results are expressed as means ± SEM of three independent experiments. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001 compared control cells. (TIF 963 kb

    The role of biofactors in the prevention and treatment of age‐related diseases

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    The present demographic changes toward an aging society caused a rise in the number of senior citizens and the incidence and burden of age‐related diseases (such as cardiovascular diseases [CVD], cancer, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease [NAFLD], diabetes mellitus, and dementia), of which nearly half is attributable to the population ≄60 years of age. Deficiencies in individual nutrients have been associated with increased risks for age‐related diseases and high intakes and/or blood concentrations with risk reduction. Nutrition in general and the dietary intake of essential and nonessential biofactors is a major determinant of human health, the risk to develop age‐related diseases, and ultimately of mortality in the older population. These biofactors can be a cost‐effective strategy to prevent or, in some cases, even treat age‐related diseases. Examples reviewed herein include omega‐3 fatty acids and dietary fiber for the prevention of CVD, α‐tocopherol (vitamin E) for the treatment of biopsy‐proven nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, vitamin D for the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases, thiamine and α‐lipoic acid for the treatment of diabetic neuropathy, and the role of folate in cancer epigenetics. This list of potentially helpful biofactors in the prevention and treatment of age‐related diseases, however, is not exhaustive and many more examples exist. Furthermore, since there is currently no generally accepted definition of the term biofactors , we here propose a definition that, when adopted by scientists, will enable a harmonization and consistent use of the term in the scientific literature

    SK channel-mediated metabolic escape to glycolysis inhibits ferroptosis and supports stress resistance in C. elegans

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    Metabolic flexibility is an essential characteristic of eukaryotic cells in order to adapt to physiological and environmental changes. Especially in mammalian cells, the metabolic switch from mitochondrial respiration to aerobic glycolysis provides flexibility to sustain cellular energy in pathophysiological conditions. For example, attenuation of mitochondrial respiration and/or metabolic shifts to glycolysis result in a metabolic rewiring that provide beneficial effects in neurodegenerative processes. Ferroptosis, a non-apoptotic form of cell death triggered by an impaired redox balance is gaining attention in the field of neurodegeneration. We showed recently that activation of small-conductance calcium-activated K+ (SK) channels modulated mitochondrial respiration and protected neuronal cells from oxidative death. Here, we investigated whether SK channel activation with CyPPA induces a glycolytic shift thereby increasing resilience of neuronal cells against ferroptosis, induced by erastin in vitro and in the nematode C. elegans exposed to mitochondrial poisons in vivo. High-resolution respirometry and extracellular flux analysis revealed that CyPPA, a positive modulator of SK channels, slightly reduced mitochondrial complex I activity, while increasing glycolysis and lactate production. Concomitantly, CyPPA rescued the neuronal cells from ferroptosis, while scavenging mitochondrial ROS and inhibiting glycolysis reduced its protection. Furthermore, SK channel activation increased survival of C. elegans challenged with mitochondrial toxins. Our findings shed light on metabolic mechanisms promoted through SK channel activation through mitohormesis, which enhances neuronal resilience against ferroptosis in vitro and promotes longevity in vivo
