168 research outputs found

    Cholinergic and GABAergic pathways in fly motion vision

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    BACKGROUND: The fly visual system is a highly ordered brain structure with well-established physiological and behavioral functions. A large number of interneurons in the posterior part of the third visual neuropil, the lobula plate tangential cells (LPTCs), respond to visual motion stimuli. In these cells the mechanism of motion detection has been studied in great detail. Nevertheless, the cellular computations leading to their directionally selective responses are not yet fully understood. Earlier studies addressed the neuropharmacological basis of the motion response in lobula plate interneurons. In the present study we investigated the distribution of the respective neurotransmitter receptors in the fly visual system, namely nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) and GABA receptors (GABARs) demonstrated by antibody labeling. RESULTS: The medulla shows a laminar distribution of both nAChRs and GABARs. Both receptor types are present in layers that participate in motion processing. The lobula also shows a characteristic layering of immunoreactivity for either receptor in its posterior portion. Furthermore, immunostaining for nAChRs and GABARs can be observed in close vicinity of lobula plate tangential cells. Immunostaining of GABAergic fibers suggests that inhibitory inputs from the medulla are relayed through the lobula to the lobula plate rather than through direct connections between medulla and lobula plate. CONCLUSIONS: The interaction of excitatory and inhibitory pathways is essential for the computation of visual motion responses and discussed in the context of the Reichardt model for motion detection

    Characterization of an invertebrate nicotinic acetylcholine receptor gene: The ard gene of Drosophila melanogaster

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    AbstractThe ard gene encodes a neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) protein from Drosophila (ARD protein). Cytogenetically this gene maps at position 64B/C on the left arm of the 3rd chromosome. Five introns interrupt the protein coding region of the gene, and one is found upstream of the translation start site. The ard gene thus contains less introns than vertebrate muscle AChR genes, but, with one exception, the positions of the resident introns are precisely conserved. Implications for the evolution of AChR genes are discussed

    The neuronal scaffold protein Shank3 mediates signaling and biological function of the receptor tyrosine kinase Ret in epithelial cells

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    Shank proteins, initially also described as ProSAP proteins, are scaffolding adaptors that have been previously shown to integrate neurotransmitter receptors into the cortical cytoskeleton at postsynaptic densities. We show here that Shank proteins are also crucial in receptor tyrosine kinase signaling. The PDZ domain–containing Shank3 protein was found to represent a novel interaction partner of the receptor tyrosine kinase Ret, which binds specifically to a PDZ-binding motif present in the Ret9 but not in the Ret51 isoform. Furthermore, we show that Ret9 but not Ret51 induces epithelial cells to form branched tubular structures in three-dimensional cultures in a Shank3-dependent manner. Ret9 but not Ret51 has been previously shown to be required for kidney development. Shank3 protein mediates sustained Erk–MAPK and PI3K signaling, which is crucial for tubule formation, through recruitment of the adaptor protein Grb2. These results demonstrate that the Shank3 adaptor protein can mediate cellular signaling, and provide a molecular mechanism for the biological divergence between the Ret9 and Ret51 isoform

    Association of Caldendrin splice isoforms with secretory vesicles in neurohypophyseal axons and the pituitary

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    AbstractCaldendrin is a neuronal calcium-binding protein, which is highly enriched in the postsynaptic density fraction and exhibits a prominent somato-dendritic distribution in brain. Two additional splice variants derive from the caldendrin gene, which have unrelated N-termini and were previously only detected in the retina. We now show that these isoforms are present in neurohypophyseal axons and on secretory granules of endocrine cells. In light of the described interaction of the Caldendrin C-terminus with Q-type Cav2.1 calcium channels these data suggest that this interaction takes place in neurohypophyseal axons and pituitary cells indicating functions of the short splice variants in triggering Ca2+ transients to a vesicular target interaction

    Piccolo modulation of Synapsin1a dynamics regulates synaptic vesicle exocytosis

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    Active zones are specialized regions of the presynaptic plasma membrane designed for the efficient and repetitive release of neurotransmitter via synaptic vesicle (SV) exocytosis. Piccolo is a high molecular weight component of the active zone that is hypothesized to participate both in active zone formation and the scaffolding of key molecules involved in SV recycling. In this study, we use interference RNAs to eliminate Piccolo expression from cultured hippocampal neurons to assess its involvement in synapse formation and function. Our data show that Piccolo is not required for glutamatergic synapse formation but does influence presynaptic function by negatively regulating SV exocytosis. Mechanistically, this regulation appears to be calmodulin kinase II–dependent and mediated through the modulation of Synapsin1a dynamics. This function is not shared by the highly homologous protein Bassoon, which indicates that Piccolo has a unique role in coupling the mobilization of SVs in the reserve pool to events within the active zone

    Molecular dissection of the photoreceptor ribbon synapse: physical interaction of Bassoon and RIBEYE is essential for the assembly of the ribbon complex

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    The ribbon complex of retinal photoreceptor synapses represents a specialization of the cytomatrix at the active zone (CAZ) present at conventional synapses. In mice deficient for the CAZ protein Bassoon, ribbons are not anchored to the presynaptic membrane but float freely in the cytoplasm. Exploiting this phenotype, we dissected the molecular structure of the photoreceptor ribbon complex. Identifiable CAZ proteins segregate into two compartments at the ribbon: a ribbon-associated compartment including Piccolo, RIBEYE, CtBP1/BARS, RIM1, and the motor protein KIF3A, and an active zone compartment including RIM2, Munc13-1, a Ca2+ channel α1 subunit, and ERC2/CAST1. A direct interaction between the ribbon-specific protein RIBEYE and Bassoon seems to link the two compartments and is responsible for the physical integrity of the photoreceptor ribbon complex. Finally, we found the RIBEYE homologue CtBP1 at ribbon and conventional synapses, suggesting a novel role for the CtBP/BARS family in the molecular assembly and function of central nervous system synapses

    CtBP1-Mediated Membrane Fission Contributes to Effective Recycling of Synaptic Vesicles

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    Compensatory endocytosis of released synaptic vesicles (SVs) relies on coordinated signaling at the lipid-protein interface. Here, we address the synaptic function of C-terminal binding protein 1 (CtBP1), a ubiquitous regulator of gene expression and membrane trafficking in cultured hippocampal neurons. In the absence of CtBP1, synapses form in greater density and show changes in SV distribution and size. The increased basal neurotransmission and enhanced synaptic depression could be attributed to a higher vesicular release probability and a smaller fraction of release-competent SVs, respectively. Rescue experiments with specifically targeted constructs indicate that, while synaptogenesis and release probability are controlled by nuclear CtBP1, the efficient recycling of SVs relies on its synaptic expression. The ability of presynaptic CtBP1 to facilitate compensatory endocytosis depends on its membrane-fission activity and the activation of the lipid-metabolizing enzyme PLD1. Thus, CtBP1 regulates SV recycling by promoting a permissive lipid environment for compensatory endocytosis

    DLGS97/SAP97 is developmentally upregulated and is required for complex adult behaviors and synapse morphology and function

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    The synaptic membrane-associated guanylate kinase (MAGUK) scaffolding protein family is thought to play key roles in synapse assembly and synaptic plasticity. Evidence supporting these roles in vivo is scarce, as a consequence of gene redundancy in mammals. The genome of Drosophila contains only one MAGUK gene, discs large (dlg), from which two major proteins originate: DLGA [PSD95 (postsynaptic density 95)-like] and DLGS97 [SAP97 (synapse-associated protein)-like]. These differ only by the inclusion in DLGS97 of an L27 domain, important for the formation of supramolecular assemblies. Known dlg mutations affect both forms and are lethal at larval stages attributable to tumoral overgrowth of epithelia. We generated independent null mutations for each, dlgA and dlgS97. These allowed unveiling of a shift in expression during the development of the nervous system: predominant expression of DLGA in the embryo, balanced expression of both during larval stages, and almost exclusive DLGS97 expression in the adult brain. Loss of embryonic DLGS97 does not alter the development of the nervous system. At larval stages, DLGA and DLGS97 fulfill both unique and partially redundant functions in the neuromuscular junction. Contrary to dlg and dlgA mutants, dlgS97 mutants are viable to adulthood, but they exhibit marked alterations in complex behaviors such as phototaxis, circadian activity, and courtship, whereas simpler behaviors like locomotion and odor and light perception are spared. We propose that the increased repertoire of associations of a synaptic scaffold protein given by an additional domain of protein-protein interaction underlies its ability to integrate molecular networks required for complex functions in adult synapses

    Linking epileptic phenotypes and neural extracellular matrix remodeling signatures in mouse models of epilepsy

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    Epilepsies are multifaceted neurological disorders characterized by abnormal brain activity, e.g. caused by imbalanced synaptic excitation and inhibition. The neural extracellular matrix (ECM) is dynamically modulated by physiological and pathophysiological activity and critically involved in controlling the brain's excitability. We used different epilepsy models, i.e. mice lacking the presynaptic scaffolding protein Bassoon at excitatory, inhibitory or all synapse types as genetic models for rapidly generalizing early-onset epilepsy, and intra-hippocampal kainate injection, a model for acquired temporal lobe epilepsy, to study the relationship between epileptic seizures and ECM composition. Electroencephalogram recordings revealed Bassoon deletion at excitatory or inhibitory synapses having diverse effects on epilepsy-related phenotypes. While constitutive Bsn mutants and to a lesser extent GABAergic neuron-specific knockouts (BsnDlx5/6cKO) displayed severe epilepsy with more and stronger seizures than kainate-injected animals, mutants lacking Bassoon solely in excitatory forebrain neurons (BsnEmx1cKO) showed only mild impairments. By semiquantitative immunoblotting and immunohistochemistry we show model-specific patterns of neural ECM remodeling, and we also demonstrate significant upregulation of the ECM receptor CD44 in null and BsnDlx5/6cKO mutants. ECM-associated WFA-binding chondroitin sulfates were strongly augmented in seizure models. Strikingly, Brevican, Neurocan, Aggrecan and link proteins Hapln1 and Hapln4 levels reliably predicted seizure properties across models, suggesting a link between ECM state and epileptic phenotype
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