463 research outputs found

    Determination of the basic parameters of the dwarf nova EY Cygni

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    High-dispersion spectroscopy of EY Cyg obtained from data spanning twelve years show, for the first time, the radial velocity curves from both emission and absorption line systems, yielding semi-amplitudes K_{em}=24+/- 4 km s^-1 and K_{abs}=54+/- 2 km s^-1. The orbital period of this system is found to be 0.4593249(1)d. The masses of the stars, their mass ratio and their separation are found to be M_1 sin^3 i = 0.015+/-0.002 M_sun, M_2 sin^3 i = 0.007+/-0.002 M_sun, q = K_1/K_2 = M_2/M_1 = 0.44+/-0.02 and a sin i = 0.71+/-0.04 R_sun. We also found that the spectral type of the secondary star is around K0,consistent with an early determination by Kraft(1962). From the spectral type of the secondary star and simple comparisons with single main sequence stars, we conclude that the radius of the secondary star is about 30 per cent larger than a main sequence star of the same mass. We also present VRI CCD photometric observations, some of them simultaneous with the spectroscopic runs. The photometric data shows several light modulations, including a sinusoidal behaviour with twice the frequency of the orbital period, characteristic of the modulation coming from an elongated, irradiated secondary star. Low and high states during quiescence are also detected and discussed. From several constrains, we obtain tight limits for the inclination angle of the binary system between 13 and 15 degrees, with a best value of 14 degrees obtained from the sinusoidal light curve analysis. From the above results we derive masses M_1 = 1.10+/-0.09 M_sun, M_2 = 0.49+/-0.09 M_sun, and a binary separation a = 2.9+/- 0.1 R_sun.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication on A&

    On the Orbital Period of the Intermediate Polar 1WGA J1958.2+3232

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    Recently, Norton et al. 2002, on the basis of multiwavelength photometry of 1WGA J1958.2+3232, argued that the -1 day alias of the strongest peak in the power spectrum is the true orbital period of the system, casting doubts on the period estimated by Zharikov et al. 2001. We re-analyzed this system using our photometric and spectroscopic data along with the data kindly provided by Andy Norton and confirm our previous finding. After refining our analysis we find that the true orbital period of this binary system is 4.35h.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, Accepted for publication in A&A Letter

    El papel del beneficio en el ordenamiento económico-societario y su repercusión en la configuración empresarial

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    En el mundo de la empresa el beneficio constituye un concepto con muy diversas acepciones y con grandes dificultades, o mejor dicho, con enorme imposibilidad para determinarlo en función de las múltiples premisas que le afectan. Aquí no nos vamos a ocupar de su determinación empresarial, de sus problemas y valoraciones. Vamos más bien a entrar en el papel que juega el beneficio tanto en el ordenamiento económico-social como en las perspectivas económicas y empresariales, así como en sus consideraciones éticas y societarias en los actuales momentos de cambio y de transformación.-----In the business world, it's hard to define profit. It's a very complex concept with different meanings and various conditioning factors. Here we will not take care of business its determination, its problems and values. Because of this complexity in this work we will not approach the definition of the concept. Instead we will focus on the role of the profit in the socioeconomic system (business and economy) and the aftermath of ethics and society at the present time of change and transformation

    New Spectroscopy of U Gem

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    We present new optical spectroscopic observations of U Geminorum obtained during a quiescent stage. We performed a radial velocity analysis of three Balmer emission lines yielding inconsistent results. Assuming that the radial velocity semi amplitude accurately reflects the motion of the white dwarf, we arrive at masses for the primary which are in the range of M_wd= 1.21 - 1.37 M_Sun. Based on the internal radial velocity inconsistencies and results produced from the Doppler tomography -- wherein we do not detect emission from the hot spot, but rather an intense asymmetric emission overlaying the disc, reminiscent of spiral arms -- we discuss the possibility that the overestimation of the masses may be due to variations of gas opacities and a partial truncation of the disc.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, 3 tables, to be published on RevMexAA. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2112.0343

    The Expanding Nebular Remnant of the Recurrent Nova RS Ophiuchi (2006): II. Modeling of Combined Hubble Space Telescope Imaging and Ground-based Spectroscopy

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    We report Hubble Space Telescope imaging, obtained 155 and 449 days after the 2006 outburst of the recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi, together with ground-based spectroscopic observations, obtained from the Observatorio Astron\'omico Nacional en San Pedro M\'artir, Baja California, M\'exico and at the Observatorio Astrof\'isico Guillermo Haro, at Cananea, Sonora, M\'exico. The observations at the first epoch were used as inputs to model the geometry and kinematic structure of the evolving RS Oph nebular remnant. We find that the modeled remnant comprises two distinct co-aligned bipolar components; a low-velocity, high-density innermost (hour glass) region and a more extended, high-velocity (dumbbell) structure. This overall structure is in agreement with that deduced from radio observations and optical interferometry at earlier epochs. We find that the asymmetry observed in the west lobe is an instrumental effect caused by the profile of the HST filter and hence demonstrate that this lobe is approaching the observer. We then conclude that the system has an inclination to the line of sight of 3910+1^{+1}_{-10} degrees. This is in agreement with the inclination of the binary orbit and lends support to the proposal that this morphology is due to the interaction of the outburst ejecta with either an accretion disk around the central white dwarf and/or a pre-existing red giant wind that is significantly denser in the equatorial regions of the binary than at the poles. The second epoch HST observation was also modeled. However, as no spectra were taken at this epoch, it is more difficult to constrain any model. Nevertheless, we demonstrate that between the two HST epochs the outer dumbbell structure seems to have expanded linearly.Comment: 33 pages, 9 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in Ap

    Estudio del climaterio en una muestra de mujeres uruguayas

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    Durante el climaterio la mujer experimenta una serie de cambios fisiológicos, que causan frecuentemente tanto patologías físicas como manifestaciones psicosomáticas, conocidas como “síndrome climatérico”. Nuestro país posee escasos antecedentes de estudios sobre este tema, a pesar de la importancia que dicha fase de vida tiene para la población femenina. Para este estudio se analizan los datos obtenidos a partir de fichas médicas y de encuestas aplicadas a una muestra de 200 mujeres entre 40 y 65 años de edad, residentes en Montevideo y otras poblaciones del interior del país. Se observa la influencia de diferentes variables que inciden en los síntomas que se presentan durante el período climatérico: el historial reproductivo, hábitos de vida y nutrición, así como también indicadores socioeconómicos.Asociación de Antropología Biológica de la República Argentin