41 research outputs found

    La sociedad Mapuche y su relación con el Estado-nación, Argentina y Chile

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    Con el objeto de entregar una visión amplia y aportar a una mejor comprensión de la actual problemática Mapuche, por medio de esta investigación nos propondremos entonces identificar la relación entre Estado-Nación, chileno y argentino, con sus respectivas comunidades Mapuche, durante los últimos 20 años, ya que para el caso chileno los movimientos Mapuche vuelven a tomar fuerza después del fin de la dictadura, es decir, durante los gobiernos de la Concertación. Como se mencionó anteriormente nuestra principal problemática va a ser ¿Cuál ha sido la relación Estado-Nación-Comunidades Mapuche, en el caso argentino y chileno, durante los últimos 20 años?, en respuesta a esto plantearemos la hipótesis de que ambos Estados han mantenido a los Mapuche en una relación de dominación y subordinación. Esta afirmación será fundamentada a través de los planteamientos de Jorge Pinto, José Marimán, quienes se han dedicado al estudio del conflicto Mapuche con los organismos estatales de dominación, lo que es aplicable tanto al caso argentino como al chileno

    Construction project A Zapateira viewpoint and urbanization and improvement of calles Varsovia and Praga and its surroundings in A Coruña (Spain)

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    [Resumen:] La finalidad del presente Proyecto radica en la búsqueda de soluciones a la falta de zonas verdes y déficit de plazas de aparcamiento en el entorno de las calles Praga y Varsovia, en A Zapateira en el T.M. de A Coruña; así como llevar a cabo la humanización de una zona muy utilizada por vecinos y gente procedente de Concellos limítrofes. La zona de actuación se encuentra en la parroquia de Elviña, en la urbanización Valaire. Se accede a la zona de Proyecto mediante la DP-3006 (Avenida de Nueva York), a la altura de la glorieta con las calles Oporto y La Haya. La construcción de la primera fase de esta urbanización data del año 2002, sin que desde aquella se haya realizado ninguna actuación en la zona referida que subsanase las carencias vistas desde el principio. Este estado de abandono llega al punto de que no hay ni aceras ni un mínimo de seguridad para la circulación, ni siquiera hay señalización vertical u horizontal. Los únicos servicios existentes en la zona es una pequeña red de alumbrado aérea en una zona, por lo que se plantea la construcción de una red completa de alumbrado. No hay ningún tipo de aparcamiento o zona habilitada para el aparcamiento de vehículos a motor, por lo que los vecinos de la zona se ven obligados a aparcar en las explanadas de terreno natural en terrenos privados. Las principales necesidades a cubrir son la ordenación de los accesos a la zona, la construcción de aceras y carril bici que conecte con las sendas existentes en el entorno, la rehabilitación y ampliación de las calles Praga, Luxemburgo y Varsovia y la creación de nuevas zonas de aparcamiento. Además, se habilitarán más de 10.000 m2 de espacios abiertos mediante la rehabilitación integral de la zona con la creación de sendas peatonales, zonas verdes y un parque infantil. Aprovechando la actuación, se incluye dentro los trabajos la inclusión de una red de pluviales inexistente en la actualidad, y que garantice el correcto drenaje en los viales y plazas proyectadas. Para la rehabilitación de los viales, la ampliación de la calzada en la calle Varsovia y para la creación de las zonas verdes, se parte de la premisa de mantener las rasantes y pendientes existentes en la actualidad. El Proyecto tendrá un plazo de ejecución de SEIS (6) MESES, y un Presupuesto Base Licitación sin IVA de 1.072.017,37 €.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.ETSECCP). Enxeñaría de Obras Públicas. Curso 2021/202

    All-dielectric chiral metasurfaces based on crossed-bowtie nanoantennas

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    Circular dichroism spectroscopy is a technique used to discriminate molecular chirality, which is essential in fields like biology, chemistry, or pharmacology where different chiral agents often show different biological activities. Nevertheless, due to the inherently weak molecular-chiroptical activity, this technique is limited to high concentrations or large analyte volumes. Finding novel ways to enhance the circular dichroism would boost the performance of these techniques. So far, the enhancement of light?matter interaction mediated by plasmons is the most common way to develop chiral plasmonic structures with extraordinarily strong chiroptical responses. However, absorptive losses of metals at optical frequencies has hindered its practical use in many scenarios. In this work, we propose an all-dielectric low-loss chiral metasurface with unit cells built by high-refractive-index crossed-bowtie nanoantennas. These unit cells, built of silicon, strongly increase the chiroptical effect through the simultaneous interaction of their electric and magnetic modes, which in contrast to other recent proposals shows at the same time a high concentration of the electric field in its gap that leads to the presence of hotspots. The proposed structure exhibits a circular dichroism spectra up to 3-fold higher than that of previous proposals that use complex plasmonic or hybrid nanostructures, making it a clear alternative to develop low-loss metasurfaces with potential applications in chiral target sensing/biosensing. For completeness, single triangular shaped and symmetric (achiral) bowtie nanostructures were also studied as possible candidates for a detection up to the single-molecule level due the lack of a circular dichroism background of the nanostructures themselves.J.R.M.-S. acknowledges the financial support from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development-CNPq (305958/2018-6, 429496/2018-4). F.R.G. thanks the financial support from the Colombian agency COLCIENCIAS. P.A. acknowledges funding from the Ramon y Cajal Fellowship RYC-2016-20831 and from Programa Viera y Clavijo de la Agencia Canaria de Investigacion, Innovacion y Sociedad de la Informacion (ACIISI). This work was also partially supported by RNP, with resources from MCTIC, Grant No. 01250.075413/2018-04, under the Radiocommunication Reference Center (Centro de Referência em Radiocomunicações -CRR) project of the National Institute of Telecommunications (Instituto Nacional de Telecomunicações Inatel), Brazil

    Percentage, Bacterial Etiology and Antibiotic Susceptibility of Acute Respiratory Infection and Pneumonia among Children in Rural Senegal

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    Acute respiratory infections (ARI) are still a major health problem in most developing countries. So far no study has evaluated the importance of childhood ARI in rural Senegal. We prospectively studied ARI, the percentage of pneumonia and related mortality, as well as the bacterial composition of nasopharyngeal flora using nasopharyngeal aspirates in 114 children, aged 2-59 months, presenting at Ndioum's pediatric ward. Excluded from the trial were those children that had had antimicrobial therapy in the previous 2 weeks. The Kirby-Bauer method was used to determine antibiotic resistance throughout the study. The percentage of ARI and pneumonia among the population tested was 24 per cent and 11 per cent respectively. Streptococcus pneumonia was often resistant to cotrimoxazole (31 per cent) but only 9 per cent were resistant to chloramphenicol and 14 per cent to penicillin. Haemophilus influenzae (HI) was uniformly sensitive to ampicillin, and only 4 per cent were resistant to chloramphenicol and 11 per cent to cotrimoxazole. We conclude that SP and HI resistance to cotrimoxazole is important and warrants larger clinical trials using chloramphenicol. Information campaigns and intense management of comorbidities are desirable in this type of population. Comorbidities (tuberculosis, malaria, HIV‐AIDS, severe malnutrition) are determinant variables in many ARI cases and carry a high negative prognosis valu

    Surface inspection by monitoring spectral shifts of localized plasmon resonances

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    We present a numerical study of the spectral variations of localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPR) in a 3D-probe metallic nanoparticle scanned over an inhomoegeneous dielectric surface. The possibilities for both, index monitoring and lateral resolution at nanoscale level are explored, with special attention paid to the shape of the probe and the profile of the near field underneath

    Giant enhancement of the transverse magneto-optical Kerr effect through the coupling of -near-zero and surface plasmon polariton modes

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    We demonstrate a concept for the giant enhancement of the transverse magneto-optical Kerr effect (TMOKE), with amplitudes reaching the maximum theoretical values of The concept exploits the strong electromagnetic field localization in near-zero metamaterials to excite surface plasmon resonances with no need of a prism or grating coupler, thus opening routes for magneto-optical devices amenable to miniaturization. A demonstration of the capability of the enhancement mechanism is presented in which giant TMOKE values can be used for sensing and biosensing.We acknowledge the financial support from the Colombian agency COLCIENCIAS and the Brazilian agencies CNPq and FAPESP (Grants No. 2013/14262-7 and No. 2016/12311-9). P.A. acknowledges Programa “Viera y Clavijo” de la Agencia Canaria de Investigación, Innovación y Sociedad de la Información (ACIISI) y la Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC)

    Spectral behavior of the linear polarization degree at right-angle scattering configuration for nanoparticle systems

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    We present a numerical study of the spectral evolution of the linear polarization degree at right-angle scattering configuration (PL(90º)) for two different particle systems: an isolated nanosphere and a nanodimer composed of two finite size spherical particles separated by a gap distance d. We shall focus on the influence of charge oscillation modes other than the dipolar on the linear polarization degree of the scattered light. The possibility of using this alternative parameter for characterizing nanoparticle systems and particle interaction is analyzed.We acknowledge financial support from USAITCA (US Army International Technology Center—Atlantic) under the project R&D1390-PH-01 and from the Ministry of Education of Spain under the project FIS2007-60158

    Enhanced chiroptical activity with slotted high refractive index dielectric nanodisks

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    In this paper we employ finite difference time-domain (FDTD) calculations to demonstrate the enhancement of chiroptical activity in high refractive index dielectric slotted nanodisks. The chiral enhancement mechanism consists of pairing the electric and magnetic modes of the slit cavity with the resonances of the rest of the disk, i.e., the weak chiroptical activity (∼10−1) inside the chiral gap region (which is chiral itself) is enhanced through the interaction with the electric and magnetic resonances in the nanodisk. These results are extended to a two-dimensional periodic arrangement of slotted nanosdisks forming a metasurface. The chiral electromagnetic near field at the slotted region can be harnessed for increasing the asymmetry in energy absorption of circularly polarized light (CPL). This chiral enhancement makes this novel metasurface useful for sensing or to control the optical forces that can be exerted on chiral molecules placed in those slotted regions. The latter can be relevant to the pharmaceutical industry since distinct enantiomers of racemic drugs frequently exhibit different biological activities.This work was partially supported by RNP, with resources from MCTIC, Grant No. 01250.075413/2018-04, under the Radiocommunication Reference Center (Centro de Referência em Radiocomunicações - CRR) project of the National Institute of Telecommunications (Instituto Nacional de Telecomunicações - Inatel), Brazil. Financial support was given by FAPESP (2013/14262-7). J.R.M.-S. also wishes to acknowledge the financial support from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development – CNPq (305958/2018-6, 429496/2018-4). P.A. acknowledges funding from the Ramon y Cajal Fellowship RYC-016-20831. F.R.G. thanks the financial support from the Colombian agency COLCIENCIAS

    CDDA: extension and analysis of the discrete dipole approximation for chiral systems

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    Discrete dipole approximation (DDA) is a computational method broadly used to solve light scattering problems. In this work, we propose an extension of DDA that we call Chiral-DDA (CDDA), to study light-chiral matter interactions with the capability of describing the underlying physics behind. Here, CDDA is used to solve and analyze the interaction of a nanoantenna (either metallic or dielectric) with a chiral molecule located in its near field at different positions. Our method allowed to relate near field interactions with far field spectral response of the system, elucidating the role that the nanoantenna electric and magnetic polarizabilities play in the coupling with a chiral molecule. In general, this is not straightforward with other methods. We believe that CDDA has the potential to help researchers revealing some of the still unclear mechanisms responsible for the chiral signal enhancements induced by nanoantennas.Ramon y Cajal Fellowship (RYC-2016- 20831); Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (PGC2018-096649-B-I); Horizon 2020 Framework Programme (899598)

    Polar decomposition of Mueller matrices for 2D-structured surfaces

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    In this research, the Polar Decomposition (PD) has been applied to the Mueller matrices (MMs) of the light scattered by linear ribs of rectangular profile on a flat substrate. Although photo-lithographic technique produces a silicon surface, metallic character is acquired by sputtering with gold some of the samples. With a dual rotating compensator polarimeter the MMs are obtained by Fourier Transform analysis. The samples have been numerically modeled by using both FDTD and Extinction Theorem (ET) and MMs have been computed from the results. The scattering depends strongly on the geometry and composition of the ribs, and this sensitivity is noticed for instance in M11 element. But information offered by PD parameters is shown to be more apprehensible, like the substrate-induced depolarization or the retardance associated to the rib width.This research has been supported by the Ministry of Education of Spain under project FIS2007-60158 and by USAITCA through R&D 1390-PH-01