117 research outputs found

    Fortification and Frontier: The Project Drawn up by Juan Martín Zermeño for Puebla de Sanabria in 1766

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    Following the death of engineer General Jorge Próspero de Verboom in 1744 and after a few years of transition in the management of Spanish fortifications, Juan Martín Zermeño took on the role, initially with a temporary mandate, but then definitively during a second period that ran from 1766 until his death in 1772. He began this second period with a certain amount of concern because of what had taken place during the last period of conflict. The Seven Years War (1756–1763) which had brought Spain into conflict with Portugal and England in the Caribbean had also lead to conflict episodes along the Spanish–Portuguese border. Zermeño’s efforts as a planner and general engineer gave priority to the northern part of the Spanish–Portuguese border. After studying the territory and the existing fortifications on both sides of the border, Zermeño drew up three important projects in 1766. The outposts that needed to be reinforced were located, from north to south, at Puebla de Sanabria, Zamora and Ciudad Rodrigo, which is where he is believed to have come from. This latter township already had a modern installation built immediately after the war of the Spanish Succession and reinforced with the Fort of La Concepción. However, Zamora and Puebla de Sanabria had some obsolete fortifications that needed modernising. Since the middle of the 15th century Puebla de Sanabria had had a modern castle with rounded turrets, that of the counts of benavente. During the 16th and 17th centuries it had also been equipped with a walled enclosure with small bastions. During the war of the Spanish Succession the Portuguese had enlarged the enclosure and had erected a tentative offshoot to the west. In order to draw up the ambitious Puebla de Sanabria project Zermeño had the aid of some previous reports and projects, such as those by the count of robelin in 1722, the one by Antonio de Gaver in 1752, and Pedro Moreau’s report dated June 1755. This study includes a technical analysis of Zermeño’s project and its strategic position within the system of fortifications along the Spanish–Portuguese border

    Fortification project for Pamplona by Juan Martín Zermeño in 1756: a review of the General Plans put forward by Verboom

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    Tras el estallido de la Guerra de los Siete Años Juan Martín Zermeño elaboró un nuevo proyecto para las fortificaciones de Pamplona en 1756. La importancia estratégica de esta plaza requirió una modernización del Proyecto General de Verboom de 1726. Zermeño se limitó a hacer una revisión de este proyecto. Mantuvo la estrategia de situar fuertes destacados, a pesar de la tendencia de la época de aplicar las tesis de Montalembert. Destacó la calidad del proyecto de Verboom, el mejor que se había hecho, pero criticó algunas de sus decisiones. Este proyecto fue el más importante que se redactó durante esos años y uno de los más relevantes de la dilatada carrera de Zermeño.In 1756, following the start of the Seven Years War, Juan Martín Zermeño developed a new design for the fortifications in Pamplona. The strategic importance of this stronghold called for modernization of the General Plans put forward by Verboom in 1726. Zermeño limited himself to simply reviewing the plans. He kept strategy at the forefront, despite the trend of the time to implement Montalembert ideas. He praised the quality of the plan put forward by Verboom, which was the best that had been carried out, but criticised some of his decisions. This project was the most significant being written about during that time and one of the most important in Zermeño's long career.Este trabajo se ha realizado en el marco del proyecto de investigación sobre las fortificaciones de plazas españolas, financiado por el Vicerrectorado de Investigación de la Universidad de Alicante (ref. ACIE13-02)

    Reality and representation of the fortifications in the sixteenth century. Fratín’s projects for the citadel of Pamplona

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    El proyecto y construcción de la ciudadela de Pamplona requirió la delineación de numerosos planos por parte de los más prestigiosos ingenieros militares de la época. Tras el proyecto inicial elaborado por Jacobo Palear Fratín en 1571 se sucedieron numerosas disputas sobre aspectos técnicos del diseño de ciudadelas en los que diferían las diversas escuelas y sagas familiares. La necesidad de lograr la máquina perfecta de defensa, y resolver estas contrapuestas opiniones en materia de fortificación, obligó a elaborar planos cada vez más precisos en su definición. A través de esta documentación gráfica el Consejo de Guerra pudo tomar las decisiones oportunas a distancia, siempre bajo el paradigma de la ciudadela de Amberes. La existencia en cada proyecto una relación íntima entre el discurso escrito y el discurso en imágenes hace posible reconstruir la historia de la construcción.The design and construction of the citadel of Pamplona required the delineation of numerous drawings by the most prestigious military engineers of the time. After the initial draft, prepared by Jacobo Palear Fratín in 1571, numerous disputes about technical aspects of the design of citadels happened between the different schools and family sagas. The search for the perfect machine of defence and the solution of the conflict between the different design opinions, forced to develop an increasingly accurate maps. Through this graphic documentation, the Council of War could take appropriate decisions in the distance, always under the paradigm of the citadel of Antwerp. The existing intimate relationship between written discourse and the image discourse in each project makes possible to reconstruct the history of the building

    The General Project for the Fortifications of Alicante in 1721

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    El auge de la actividad portuaria en Alicante, y los acontecimientos bélicos que sufrió la ciudad durante la Guerra de Sucesión, despertaron el interés por modernizar su obsoleto recinto amurallado. Este artículo describe el proyecto general de 1721 para las fortificaciones de esta ciudad —hasta la fecha desconocido— y valora su calidad técnica. Fue sin duda el mejor proyecto que se realizó para la modernización de las fortificaciones de Alicante durante el siglo XVIII. No tenemos noticia de la memoria que debió de elaborarse, pero sí un plano de 1721 que se conserva en el Servicio Geográfico del Ejército, hasta el momento considerado anónimo. El hecho de que el Ingeniero General Jorge Próspero de Verboom visitara Alicante en esa fecha, además de otras valoraciones técnicas, permite atribuir su autoría a dicho ingeniero. Se describen también otros proyectos coetáneos de ingenieros militares elaborados por orden de Verboom.The boom in activity at the Port of Alicante and events in the city during the War of Succession sparked interest in modernising its obsolete walled enclosure. This article describes the general project for the city’s fortifications from 1721, which until now remained unknown, and assesses its technical quality. It was undoubtedly the finest project of those undertaken in the 18th century to modernise Alicante’s fortifications. No record exists of the report that must have been produced, but there is a surviving map from 1721 kept at the Army’s Geographic Service that until recently had been considered anonymous. The fact that General Engineer Jorge Próspero de Verboom visited Alicante at this time, together with other technical considerations, means the report can be attributed to him. Other contemporary projects by military engineers produced by order of Verboom are also described.Este trabajo se ha realizado en el marco del proyecto de investigación sobre el castillo y las fortificaciones de Alicante financiado por la Generalitat Valenciana (ref. GV07/150), la Fundación Manuel Peláez y del Vicerrectorado de investigación de la Universidad de Alicante (ref. ACIE11-02)

    The siege of Alicante and the mine made by Spanish-French troops under the castle in 1708-1709: “une des plus fortes que jamais ait été faitte”

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    Cuando el ejército Aliado tomó la plaza y el castillo de Alicante en 1706 sus fortificaciones se mostraron totalmente inoperantes. La guarnición inglesa acometió importantes obras de fortificación. El general francés D’Asfeld recuperó la plaza de Alicante para la causa de Felipe V en diciembre de 1708. Para hacerse con el castillo, elevado sobre una montaña rocosa que dominaba el mar, ideó la realización de una mina siguiendo el método establecido por Vauban. Pocas veces se había acometido una empresa tan arriesgada y compleja técnicamente. Este artículo describe la realización técnica de la mina a través de algunos planos y documentos inéditos. Fue uno de los hechos más sobresalientes de la Guerra de Sucesión.When the Allied army took control of the city of Alicante and its castle in 1706, its fortifications were completely inoperative. The English garrison undertook notable fortification projects. The French general D’Asfeld recovered the city of Alicante for Philip V’s cause in 1708. In order to gain control of the castle, built on top of a rocky mountain that dominated the sea, he devised a plan to construct a mine following the method established by Vauban. Such a risky and technically complex venture had rarely been undertaken. This article describes the technical execution of the mine using information discovered in some unpublished plans and documents. It was one of the most outstanding events to take place during the War of the Spanish Succession

    To Be a Box or Not to Be a Box: The Multiple Meanings of the Metaphor in Antoni Tàpies

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    The reality that surrounds us throws us continuous messages that are perceived by our senses. In this perception, sight is configured as a principal sense capable of obtaining many of these messages and generating, from these perceptions, numerous thoughts, feelings and emotions. In this way, the routine of I see-thought-question- is established. The education of the gaze then becomes a matter of first order to favor the understanding of our world. Art, as a form of reality, or as an adaptation of reality, can be used as a tool to promote a different way of looking, it can be a discipline that can help to understand our reality. The following article studies the metaphor as a possible resource for the awareness of reality. An example of a metaphor, its possibility of inquiry, and discovery of meaning is the artwork Composicio amb cistella made in 1996 by Antonio Tàpies, which is part of the collection of the University of Navarra Museum. The Catalan artist uses metaphor in this sculpture trying to deceive the eye that looks at it, in an attempt to encourage participation and reflexive activation of visitors to the Museum. The conceptualization of the sculpture is specifically studied, in a synthetic way, through a philosophical approach on the aesthetic and the metaphor contributed by José Ortega y Gasset. The aim is to get support from aesthetic- philosophical which helps explore the possibilities of the metaphor as an aesthetic resource for the awareness of reality

    Social Conflicts in Coastal Touristic Cities. Holistic Renovation of Buildings in Benidorm

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    Mediterranean Touristic populated areas in the 70s pose great disadvantages when it comes to renovating. The transformation of such tourist resorts into permanent residence implies problems derived from the lack of design flexibility, excess of regulation and environmental issues. These holiday apartments, due to their dimensions and current conditions, are quite economical within the current housing market. However, the problems mentioned above can be seen when one has a close look at the high energetic consumption, the small dimension of the inhabited places, the lack of security against fire and the low level of hygrothermal comfort. Benidorm underwent a large development in the 70s. As many other coastal Mediterranean cities, it has problems in providing its citizens and tourists with their needs. Many conflicts arise from sharing a common space, like the ones abovementioned. It is also worth mentioning that inhabited flats and houses have originated several social problems. This paper intends to show a holistic strategy of intervention in a specific building that can also be implemented in other blocks of flats. This intervention is meant to redistribute the building both internally and externally, so the useful floor area is increased. Security in case of fire is solved by adding a second staircase, with two evacuation routes. There will also be a renovation with a new structural framework that will give a better climatic regulation function, and thus better energy efficiency. Besides, action will be taken over the resort gardens to produce a sustainable building outlook. In this way, there will be an improvement in the quality of life of the permanent employees working for the big number of tourists in this city

    Territory, floods and defence in Flanders: Verboom and Vauban's designs for the Lier fortifications in 1702

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    La Guerra de Sucesión en Flandes fue un escenario idóneo para la formación técnica del ingeniero militar Jorge Próspero Verboom. Si durante la Guerra de la Cuádruple Alianza se enfrentó a Vauban en el asedio y defensa de plazas, ambos ingenieros trabajaron juntos para la causa felipista al inicio del siglo XVIII. Pronto se vio la necesidad de realizar un ambicioso proyecto para la ciudad de Lier, que modificaba su implantación en el territorio, y la gestión de las inundaciones de áreas circundantes a la ciudad a través de un complejo sistema de esclusas. Lier se incorporaba así a la generación de una línea de fortificaciones —la ligne de Boufflers— que se prestaban apoyo logístico mutuo en la frontera norte de Flandes con Holanda. Estas páginas analizan el proyecto que redactó Verboom, y que Vauban alabó por su calidad técnica y adaptación a los recursos disponibles. Se aporta una valiosa planta, ejemplo excepcional en historia de la ingeniería militar, que recoge las propuestas de Verboom y las correcciones que estableció Vauban.The War of Succession in Flanders provided the perfect setting for the technical training of military engineer Jorge Próspero Verboom. Although he opposed Vauban in the siege and defense of strongholds during the War of the Quadruple Alliance, the two engineers worked together for the cause of Philip V of Spain at the beginning of the eighteenth century. An ambitious design was soon required for the city of Lier, which modified its implementation in the territory and the management of floods in surrounding areas of the city through a complex system of locks. Lier became involved in the generation of a line of fortifications —the Boufflers Line— which lent mutual logistical support on the northern border of Flanders with the Netherlands. This article analyses the design produced by Verboom, which Vauban praised for its quality and adaptation to the resources available. A valuable ground plan is provided, an exceptional example in the history of military engineering, which includes Verboom's proposals and the corrections made by Vauban.Este trabajo se ha realizado en el marco de los proyectos de investigación en archivos históricos y militares sobre ingenieros militares del siglo XVIII en Bruselas y París, de referencias ACIE11-02 y ACIE15-04, financiados por el Vicerrectorado de Investigación de la Universidad de Alicante

    The defensive strategic plan of Jorge Próspero Verboom on the western Spanish-French border (1725-1726)

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    El proceso de modernización de las fortificaciones militares de España, iniciado por Jorge Próspero Verboom en 1715, tuvo un capítulo relevante en la frontera hispano-francesa occidental. El ingeniero general llegó a Pamplona en 1725, y redactó un ambicioso proyecto general, basado principalmente en la disposición de tres fuertes exteriores en lugares estratégicos. Además potenció en Frente de Francia y el sistema defensivo de la ciudadela pentagonal de Felipe II. Este proyecto se ejecutó en su mayor parte a lo largo del siglo XVIII, y elevó a Pamplona al máximo grado de calidad en materia de fortificación en España. Además concibió un plan estratégico de apoyo entre las tres plazas más relevantes de la región: Pamplona, San Sebastián –cuyo proyecto general fue redactado por su hijo Isidro– y Fuenterrabía, para la que corrigió el proyecto de Luis de Langot. Esta investigación analiza el proyecto para Pamplona de forma comparativa frente a la labor proyectual previa del ingeniero para plazas de Flandes como Lier, en que los sistemas de inundaciones y esclusas fueron las herramientas clave, y otros para Alicante, Ceuta o Cádiz. Verboom demostró una gran capacidad de adaptación al terreno y maestría en adoptar las técnicas de fortificación más adecuadas a la importancia estratégica de la plaza, los recursos económicos y los accidentes naturales.The process of modernization of the military fortifications of Spain, initiated by Jorge Próspero Verboom in 1715, had an important chapter in the western Spanish-French border. The general engineer arrived in Pamplona in 1725 and drafted an ambitious general project, based mainly on the provision of three outer forts in strategic locations. He also strengthened the Front de France and the defensive system of the pentagonal citadel of Philip II. This project was carried out mostly throughout the eighteenth century, and elevated Pamplona to the highest quality in terms of fortification in Spain. He also drew up a strategic support plan between the three most important squares in the region: Pamplona, San Sebastián – the general project of which was written by his son Isidro – and Fuenterrabía, for which he corrected Luis de Langot’s project. This research analyses the project for Pamplona comparing such project to the previous projects by the engineer for squares in Flanders, such as Lier, where the flood and lock systems were key tools, and others for Alicante, Ceuta or Cádiz. Verboom demonstrated a great ability to adapt to the terrain and mastery in adopting the most appropriate fortification techniques to the strategic importance of the square, economic resources and natural accidents

    Jorge Próspero Verboom's design for the Fuenterrabia fortifications in 1725

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    Tras su regreso de las campañas de Córcega y Nápoles y su estancia en algunas plazas del Mediterráneo, el Ingeniero General Jorge Próspero de Verboom se estableció en Pamplona en agosto de 1725 para redactar proyectos de fortificación en tres plazas de la frontera hispano-francesa: Fuenterrabía, San Sebastián y Pamplona. El Ingeniero Director Luis de Langot elaboró un primer proyecto para Fuenterrabía, que fue corregido de forma magistral por Verboom. Esta investigación atribuye a Verboom la autoría intelectual del proyecto inédito firmado por Pedro Moreau, al tiempo que analiza de forma comparativa los aspectos técnicos de ambos proyectos, y expone las disputas entre ambos ingenieros.Following his return from the campaign of Sicily and his stay in various Mediterranean strongholds, the Engineer General Jorge Próspero de Verboom settled down in Pamplona in July 1725 to produce designs for the fortification of three strongholds on the Spain-France border: Fuenterrabía, San Sebastian and Pamplona. Chief Engineer Luis de Langot produced a preliminary design for Fuenterrabia, which was perfected by Verboom. This research acknowledges Verboom as the intellectual author of the unprecedented design signed by Pedro Moreau, at the same time as analysing the technical aspects of both designs through comparison and explaining the dispute between the two engineers