38 research outputs found


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    Bu araştırmada, aşındırıcı (abrasiv) olarak İzmir-Menderes yöresi pomza cevherinin kullanılmasıyla, Muğla Beyaz ve Ege Bej mermerlerinin aşındırılabilirliği araştırılmıştır. Menderes pomzasının, benzer kimyasal özellikte ancak farklı mineralojik yapıda ve sertlikteki mermerlerin aşındırılmasında abrasiv olarak kullanılabileceği belirlenmiştir. Sınıflandırılmış Menderes pomza cevheri kullanılarak her iki mermer örneğine yapılan aşındırma testlerinde, Menderes pomza cevherinin optimum tane boyutunun -0,5+0,3 mm fraksiyonu olduğu belirlenmiştir. Muğla Beyaz mermer örneğine göre daha sert olan Ege bej mermer örneğinin, sınıflandırılmış Menderes pomza cevheri ile aşındırılmasıyla kalınlık ve hacim azalması yönünden daha düşük aşınma kaybı değerleri elde edilmiştir. In this research, it has been investigated that Menderes (Izmir) pumice ore can be used as an abrasive for abrading of Mugla white and Ege Beige marbles. It was found that the abrading of marbles possessed to similar chemical properties but different mineralogical structures and hardness scales were provided by Menderes pumice used as abrasive. It was determined that the optimum particle size fraction was -0,5+0,3 mm according to the results of abrading tests carried out with classified Menderes pumice ore. Low loss with abrading scales in terms of reducing of thickness and volume were produced due to the abrading of Ege Beige samples having more hardness to Mugla White with classified pumice ore

    Avascular Peripheral Retina in Infants

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    Avascular peripheral retina in an infant is a common characteristic of numerous pediatric retinal vascular disorders and often presents a diagnostic challenge to the clinician. In this review, key features of each disease in the differential diagnosis, from retinopathy of prematurity, familial exudative vitreoretinopathy, Coats disease, incontinentia pigmenti, Norrie disease, and persistent fetal vasculature, to other rare hematologic conditions and telomere disorders, will be discussed by expert ophthalmologists in the field

    Le climat motivationnel et les stratégies de coping collectif chez les jeunes sportifs

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    Cette recherche avait pour but d'étudier l'impact du climat motivationnel et des stratégies de coping collectif sur la cohésion d'équipe et la motivation individuelle chez les jeunes sportifs. Elle s'inscrit dans la continuité des travaux dans la psychologie du sport et plus précisément dans le sport collectif, qui constitue un domaine très peu étudié. Cette recherche s'appuie à la fois sur la théorie de l'autodétermination, et du modèle théorique cognitif-motivationnel-relationnel (TCMR) de Lazarus & Folkman (1984). Nous avions prédit un effet du climat motivationnel sur les stratégies de coping collectif. Un climat soutenant l'autonomie va permettre une plus grande utilisation des stratégies de coping collectif. Lorsque l'ensemble de l'équipe utilise ces stratégies de coping collectif, nous trouverons une meilleure cohésion de l'équipe et une plus grande motivation individuelle. Les résultats de notre étude, réalisée auprès de 44 jeunes sportifs de Genève, vont dans le sens de nos hypothèses


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    In this study, the usage of pumice ores as filtration raw material was investigated to remove phenol and reduce chemical oxygen demand (COD) from olive-mill wastewater (OMW) Some properties covering physical, chemical, mineralogical, microscopic and structural characteristics of pumice ores received from Menderes-Izmir were determined A relationship between these properties and filtration recovery was investigated The removal of phenol and COD from olive-mill wastewater increased with the use of different Menderes pumice ore samples P-a sample containing larger pores gave better results than P-b sample The removal of phenol and COD from OMW increased as the dosages of P-a were raised The removal from OMW with the use of 30% P-a was 41 49% for phenol and 65 52% for CO


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    In this study, the removal of black smoke emitted from diesel engine exhaust was investigated with the utilization of pumice ore as a filtration raw material. Black smoke involves fine and ultrafine particles containing elemental carbon and organic compounds. The harmful effects on the environment and human health of these particles are better understood in recent years. The characterization of pumice ore received from Menderes-Izmir found out in terms of its physical, chemical, mineralogical, thermal and microscopic properties in order to define the filtration properties of it. The filtration efficiency of black smoke from diesel engine exhaust increased with the decreasing particle size fractions of pumice ore and the best result was obtained in 1x0.5 mm size fractions. The filtration efficiency was increased with the increasing operating time of six-cylinder diesel truck engine and it reached to 95.00% at 150 minutes

    γA gene repeats polymorphism for the analysis of haplotypes of abnormal hemoglobins

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    Aim of this study was to analyze γ A gene repeat polymorphism for the analysis of haplotypes of hemoglobin (Hb) variants such as Hb S, Hb D-Punjab, Hb O-Arab. Sickle cell cases had mainly Benin and Arab/Indian haplotype. We found three different haplotypes among Hb S, Hb O Arab and Hb D-Punjab cases. We named these three variants as Anatolian-1 and Anatolian-2 and Asian. Our data revealed that Hb O Arab may arise twice one from Asia and the other from Europe

    A comparison of inpainting techniques in image reanimation

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    Inpainting applications include object removal on images and videos, crack filling, error concealment, texture synthesis, where in this paper, its usage for image coherence and perspective emphasis on video frames in 2D image-to-video conversion system is analysed. Besides, the performance of different techniques in object removal and image reconstruction is compared using visual experiments and quality metrics

    Effect of pre-agglomeration on the flotation of fine-sized gold particles in the presence of vegetable oils

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    In this study, the effect of pre-agglomeration on the flotation of fine-sized gold ore containing 11.3 g/t Au was investigated using olive and soybean oils. Firstly, the ore was floated using only collectors. Secondly, the ore was floated in the presence of vegetable oils and collectors. Finally, the effect of pre-agglomeration with graphite particles was tested again in the presence of two vegetable oils and collectors. In the first case, 93.8% gold recovery with 28.0 g/t Au grade was achieved. The gold recovery decreased to 79.8% with increased gold grade of 46.0 g/t Au when olive oil was used in flotation. Finally, the gold recovery decreased to 75.2% with an increased gold grade of 51.5 g/t when pre-agglomeration step was applied with the use of olive oil. Under the same flotation conditions, pre-agglomeration stage reduced the gold recovery but with increased gold grades

    Kameralı güvenlik sistemleri için kalite ölçümü

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    Günümüzde çok farklı alanlarda güvenlik amaçlı kameralar kullanılmaktadır. Değişik firmalar tarafından üretilen bu ürünlerin farklı ortamlardaki performansları ve üretilen görüntülerin kalitesiyle ilgili pek az yönlendirme vardır. Bu tür cihazlar için bazı standart çalışmaları bulunmaktadır fakat her firma ürününün bu standart ile uyumlu olup olmadığını da test etmemektedir. Aynı zamanda testleri yapacak uzman personelleri de bulunmamaktadır. Bu projede amaç güvenlik amaçlı kameralar ile ilgili çeşitli ölçümleri kullanarak cihazlar, modeller ve üreticiler arasında objektif bir karşılaştırmaya olanak sağlayan kolay kullanılabilen tek bir araç oluşturmaktır