852 research outputs found

    Attributions to Discrimination and Self-Esteem: The Role of Group Identification and Appraisals

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    This study tested the hypothesis that appraisals of discrimination (i.e. its perceived severity, global aspects, stability, and uncontrollability) mediate the relationship between attributions to discrimination and personal self-esteem. It also tested three models of how ethnic group identification is related to discrimination attributions, discrimination appraisals, and personal self-esteem. In a cross-sectional study of 160 Latino-American students, group identification was positively related to attributing ambiguous negative events to discrimination. Discrimination attributions were related to appraising discrimination as more global and severe. These latter appraisals, in turn, were related to lower self-esteem. No direct relationships were observed between self-esteem and either group identification or discrimination attributions. Results illustrate the importance of appraisals in understanding the relationship between perceived discrimination and self-esteem

    The Intersections of Race, Gender, Age, and Socioeconomic Status: Implications for Reporting Discrimination and Attributions to Discrimination.

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    This study employed an intersectional approach (operationalized as the combination of more than one social identity) to examine the relationship between aspects of social identity (i.e., race, gender, age, SES), self-reported level of mistreatment, and attributions for discrimination. Self-reported discrimination has been researched extensively and there is substantial evidence of its association with adverse physical and psychological health outcomes. Few studies, however, have examined the relationship of multiple demographic variables (including social identities) to overall levels self-reported mistreatment as well the selection of attributions for discrimination. A diverse community sample (N = 292; 42.12% Black; 47.26% male) reported on experiences of discrimination using the Everyday Discrimination Scale. General linear models were used to test the effect of sociodemographic characteristics (i.e., race, gender, age, SES) on total discrimination score and on attributions for discrimination. To test for intersectional relationships, we tested the effect of two-way interactions of sociodemographic characteristics on total discrimination score and attributions for discrimination. We found preliminary support for intersectional effects, as indicated by a significant race by age interaction on the selection of the race attribution for discrimination; gender by SES on the age attribution; age by gender on the education attribution; and race by SES on the economic situation attribution. Our study extends prior work by highlighting the importance of testing more than one factor as contributing to discrimination, particularly when examining to what sources individuals attribute discrimination

    Magnetization of undoped 2-leg S = 1/2 spin ladders in La4Sr10Cu24O41

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    Magnetization data of single crystalline La4Sr10Cu24O41 are presented. In this compound, doped spin chains and undoped spin ladders are realized. The magnetization, at low temperatures, is governed by the chain subsystem with a finite interchain coupling which leads to short range antiferromagnetic spin correlations. At higher temperatures, the response of the chains can be estimated in terms of a Curie-Weiss law. For the ladders, we apply the low-temperature approximation for a S=1/2 2-leg spin ladder by Troyer et al.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figure

    The Occurrence of Bioactive Micromonosporae in Aquatic Habitats of the Sunshine Coast in Australia

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    Screening strategies based on the ecological knowledge of antibiotic producing microorganisms and their roles in the natural environment are being increasingly employed in the search for novel antibiotic agents. Micromonosporae are common inhabitants of aquatic habitats and have proved to be a continuing source of novel bioactive compounds including antibacterial and antitumor agents. The ecological distribution and frequency of bioactive micromonosporae in Sunshine Coast region aquatic habitats were studied through a range of selective isolation procedures designed to negatively select against the isolation of unwanted microbial taxa commonly associated with marine environments. It was revealed that bioactive compound producing species of micromonosporae were present in the aquatic habitats of the Sunshine Coast region in Australia

    Spin Dynamics in the Magnetic Chains Arrays of Sr14Cu24O41: a Neutron Inelastic scattering Investigation

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    Below about 150 K, the spin arrangement in the chain arrays of Sr14Cu24O41 is shown to develop in two dimensions (2D). Both the correlations and the dispersion of the observed elementary excitations agree well with a model of interacting dimers. Along the chains, the intra- and inter-dimer distances are equal to 2 and about 3 times the distance (c) between neighboring Cu ions. While the intra-dimer coupling is J about 10 meV, the inter-dimer couplings along and between the chains are of comparable strenght, J// about -1.1 meV and Jperp about 1.7 meV, respectively. This remarkable 2D arrangement satisfies the formal Cu valence of the undoped compound. Our data suggest also that it is associated with a relative sliding of one chain with respect to the next one, which, as T decreases, develops in the chain direction. A qualitative analysis shows that nearest inter-dimer spin correlations are ferromagnetic, which, in such a 2D structure, could well result from frustration effects.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys.Rev.B, date of receipt 29 June 199


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    In early generation variety trials, large numbers of new varieties may be compared, and little seed is usually available for each variety. A so-called unreplicated trial has each new variety on just one plot at a site, but includes several (often around 5) replicated check or control (or standard) varieties. The total proportion of check plots is usually between 10% and 20%. The aim of the trial is to choose some (around 1/3) good performing varieties to go on for further testing, rather than precise estimation of their mean yield. Now that spatial analyses of data from field experiments are becoming more common, there is interest in an efficient layout of an experiment given a proposed spatial analysis. Some possible design criteria are discussed, and efficient layouts under spatial dependence are considered

    Everyday pain, analgesic beliefs and analgesicbehaviours in Europe and Russia: An epidemiologicalsurvey and analysis

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    Беше проведено анкетно проучване в осем държави, в т.ч. Белгия, Германия, Великобритания, Италия, Полша, Русия и Испания. Оценена беше честотата на оплакване от болка при 8 506 души (52% жени), както и използването на аналгетици и нагласите спрямо тях. Предварителните анализи потвърждават високата честота на оплаквания от болка, като 70% от анкетираните посочват, че поне веднъж в месеца изпитват такава. Най-често се съобщава за главоболие и болки в гърба, a болшинството анкетирани лица - 77%, споделят, че използват аналгетични средства, когато страдат от болка. Предмет на по-нататъшните анализи бяха различията по пол, статус на заетост, държава по местоживеене и възраст. В сравнение с мъжете, жените по-често изпитват болка, употребата на аналгетици сред тях е по-голяма, както и притесненията им във връзка с тази употреба, като проявяват склонност да базират употребата върху своите познания относно лекарствените продукти. Безработните също съобщават за по-голямо използване на аналгетици и повече притеснения във връзка с това, сравнено със заетите лица. Като цяло при хората, живеещи в Русия и Полша, се отчита по-рядко болка и по-малко използване на обезболяващи средства в сравнение с останалата част на Европа. Те също така се тревожат повече във връзка с аналгетиците и по отношение на това, че използването на аналгетици от тяхна страна е слабо свързано с познания относно лекарствата. Отчитането на фактора „възраст` показва, че при по-младите епизодите на болка са по-малко, употребата на аналгетици - по-честа, a притесненията относно аналгетиците са по-слаби в сравнение с по-възрастните. Също така, по-младите са по-склонни да използват аналгетици въз основа на своите познания за продукта. Тези резултати повтарят съществуващи констатации във връзка с честотата на болката. Дават и нови сведения за различията при изпитването на болка, използването на аналгетици и нагласите към аналгетиците в Европа и Русия.

    The ARIEL Space Mission

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    ARIEL, the Atmospheric Remote-Sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large-survey, has been selected to be the next ESA M4 space misson. From launch in 2028 and during its 4 years of operation, ARIEL will perform a spectroscopic survey of the atmospheres of about 1 000 transiting planets orbiting stars other than our Sun. ARIEL will provide the scientific community the first spectroscopic survey of a statistically significant sample of exoplanet atmospheres, covering the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum spanning from the visible to the mid-IR. ARIEL will allow us to answer questions about the true nature of these far away worlds, their atmospheric and physical conditions, and their formation and evolutionary histories

    Ariel - Volume 2 Number 6

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    Editors Richard J. Bonanno Robin A. Edwards Associate Editors Steven Ager Stephen Flynn Shep Dickman Tom Williams Lay-out Editor Eugenia Miller Contributing Editors Michael J. Blecker W. Cherry Light James J. Nocon Lynne Porter Editors Emeritus Delvyn C. Case, Jr. Paul M. Fernhof