211 research outputs found

    Changing Grassland Scenario in Developing Countries--Economical and Social Perspective

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    Grasslands are mainly used for livestock production in developing countries although they have been facing contradictory pressures, i.e., increased demand for natural resources and animal products to cope with rising human populations. On the other, there is a need to preserve the environment and ecosystem. This paper reviewed the causes of grassland changes, the economic and social perspective of changing grasslands with more emphasis on dry lands. Different indicators were used to assess the economic (livestock production, wildlife and tourism, crop production, ecosystem services) and social (traditional institutions, mobility, land tenure and grazing systems) perspectives of changing grassland. The major causes of grassland change/degradation are natural and human induced factors. Compared to the past, there is an increased market orientation of the communities and increased livelihood diversification. A decline in livestock productivity and mobility, emergence of different wealth classes, weakening of the traditional institutions and shifts from communal to individual landholdings are some of the changes observed. The negative economic and social perspectives regarding mobile livestock production are changing drastically. In the conclusion part, potential research activities are outlined

    Rangeland dynamics in South Omo Zone of Southern Ethiopia: Assessment of rangeland condition in relation to altitude and Grazing types

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    A study was undertaken in Hamer and Benna-Tsemay districts of the Southern Ethiopia with the objective to determine the condition of the rangelands for grazing animals as influenced by altitude and grazing types. The rangelands in each of the study districts were stratified based on altitude and grazing types. In the study districts, a total of 32, 3, 2, 7 and 29 species of grasses, legumes, sedges, other herbaceous plants and woody species were identified, respectively. The common and/or dominant grass species in the enclosures was Cenchrus ciliaris while in the communal grazing areas they were Cynodon dactylon and Tetrapogon tennulis. In riverside grazing areas, the common and/or dominant grass species was Cynodon dactylon. The total grass biomass of communal, riverside and enclosure areas found in the different altitude categories of the study districts ranged from 398-503; 98-626, and 1,132 – 1,209 kg/ha, respectively. The common and/or dominant woody species in the communal grazing areas were highly palatable species of Acacia tortilis and Grewia bicolor and less palatable Solanum species. In riverside grazing areas, the common and/or dominant woody plants were species of Acacia tortilis, Grewia bicolor, and Solanum species while in the enclosures; Acacia brevispica and Acacia tortilis were found. The woody vegetation density per hectare of communal, riverside and enclosure areas in the different altitude categories of the study districts ranged from 2,501-3,021; 2251-3,021, and 201-700,wd/ha respectively which showed that the communal and riverside grazing areas were bush encroached. The range condition scores ranged from 17.87-20.38 (communal), 22-27 (riverside), 31.05-31.2 (enclosures) which were poor, fair and good condition classes, respectively. Similarly, with regard to the same variable the scored varied from 22-32.87, 19.73-31.43, 17.97-31.44 and 17.87-31.28% in altitudes >1550m, 1250-1550m, 900-1250m, and 550-900m, respectively. The result indicated the need for rangeland improvement measures in communal and riverside grazing areas, in order to attain sustainable livestock production from these areas. Establishment of community based enclosures was found to be one of the ways to improve the condition of the rangelands. The result indicated the need for rangeland improvement measures in communal and riverside grazing areas, in order to attain sustainable livestock production from these areas. Establishment of community based enclosures was found to be one of the ways to improve the condition of the rangeland

    Assessment of Woody Vegetation Structure in Relation to Different Grazing Areas and Chemical Composition of Major Browse Species in Chifra District, Afar Regional state

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    The objectives of the study were to assess the woody species composition and chemical composition of major browse species under three grazing areas. The study was undertaken in Chifra district of zone one (Awsi Rasu) of the Afar Regional State. The total tree species recorded in the study district was 14. According to the perceptions of the pastoralists, of the identified woody species, 42.9, 28.6, 21.4 and 7.1% were highly palatable, palatable, less palatable and unpalatable, respectively. Some of the dominant (>20% of the density) and/or common (10% to 20% of the density) woody species in the communal grazing areas of the lower altitude (>550-850m) were Acalypha fruticosa and Solanum incanum. A long riversides species like Casuarina equisetifolia and Salvadora persiaca were dominant and/or common. Whereas, Acacia tortilis, C. equisetifolia, C. africana and G. tembensis were common and/or dominant in the enclosure areas.  A. fruticosa and G. tembensis were common and/or dominant in the communal grazing area of the upper altitude (>850-1100 m) The communal grazing areas had a higher percentage of woody vegetation in two consecutive height classes i.e. >0-0.5 m and >0.5-1m in the lower altitude (>550-850 m) but in the upper altitude (>850-1100 m) a higher percentage of woody vegetation were found in three consecutive height classes, i.e.,>1.5-2m, >2-3m and >3-4m than in the other two grazing areas. The CP content was higher in the composite sample taken from enclosure areas and lowest in riversides grazing areas in both seasons. Grewia tembensis was the best tree species with better nutritive value due to higher content of CP, whereas Balanite aegyptica was a low quality species relative to the other tree species. Keywords: Communal, riversides, enclosure, tree species, common and dominant

    El acceso universitario de las jóvenes de origen magrebí en el País Vasco

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    En la sociedad vasca, como consecuencia de la globalización y de la intensificación de los movimientos poblacionales, ha ido en aumento el número de personas inmigrantes asentadas en este territorio. Uno de los colectivos cuya presencia más se ha incrementado en los últimos años es el de personas provenientes del Magreb. El hecho de que se trate cada vez en mayor medida de una inmigración permanente hace que sea necesario plantearse el tema de su integración a esta sociedad, sobre todo si tenemos en cuenta que tratándose de un colectivo cuyas raíces culturales y religiosas son muy distintas a las de la sociedad receptora, muchas veces son rechazados por parte de la población autóctona, a lo que se suma que en la mayoría de los casos forman parte de los estratos más bajos de la sociedad, lo cual incide en que puedan verse sumidos en la exclusión social. En este estudio, se parte de la idea de que en la actual sociedad de la información en la que nos encontramos inmersos la educación universitaria se torna cada vez más importante para la integración social de los individuos. En este sentido, y centrado en las hijas de los inmigrantes magrebíes, por sus características particulares de género y porque se estima que van a pasar su futuro en esta sociedad, a través de este trabajo se han analizado cuáles son los factores que dificultan y/o aventajan el acceso de las jóvenes de origen magrebí a educación superior universitaria en la sociedad vasca, tanto en su entorno socio-familiar como en la sociedad en general y en la institución educativa en particular, determinando si el género es una variable importante a la hora de definir dichas ventajas y/o dificultades; para ver con todo ello si realmente las jóvenes de origen magrebí se encuentran en situación de desigualdad en la sociedad vasca en torno al acceso a estudios universitarios.Con todo ello, y siendo este fenómeno relativamente reciente en el País Vasco, se pretende realizar un primer acercamiento a esta realidad que nos ayude a comprender mejor la futura integración de estas jóvenes a la sociedad vasca, la cual inserta en este mundo globalizado, cada vez es más compleja y se requieren mayores niveles de formación. De este modo, se pretende arrojar luz sobre esta realidad para encaminar futuras investigaciones sobre esta temática