9 research outputs found

    Effect of additional pollen supplement on fruit setting in Moringa oleifera

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    Moringa oleifera Lam. is a woody species with hermaphrodite flowers cultivated for its fruits and seeds for oil production. The fruit production of the species remains below producers' expectations.The current study was carried out from July to October along two consecutive years (2019 and 2020) at Komsilga (12°18'48.2''N and 1°64'60.2''W ) and at the INERA experimental station in Ouagadougou (12°22'801''N and 1°30'295''W ) both located in the northern Sudanian zone of Burkina Faso. Our study aimed at testing whether additional pollen on the flower stigma could improve pod and seed yields. For this purpose, a sample of 10 flowering trees and 20 inflorescences/tree was randomly selected at each site. Per tree, 10 newly flowering inflorescences were left to open pollinated and 10 others received pollenmanually. Results show that hand-pollinated inflorescences produced an average of 0.19 and 0.17 fruits, compared to 0.16 and 0.14 for open-pollinated inflorescences at INERA and Komsilga respectively (p= 0.7720). The mean seed weight was 63 (±11.2) and 50 (±7.4) g for the manualand open pollinated treatment, respectively. The Kruskal-wallis test of mean seed weight shows that the smallest fruits were obtained in the open pollination which differed significantly from manual pollination (p< 0.0001).  The addition of pollen significantly improved Moringa fruit production

    Existerait-il au sein des peuplements de Lannea microcarpa des individus à caractères botaniques différents dans la zone de Zorgho (Burkina Faso)?

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    La présente étude porte sur la caractérisation botanique de Lannea sp. et Lannea microcarpa et ses Lannea sp. Elle a été conduite à Zorgho, commune située à 110 km à l’Est de Ouagadougou et a pour objectif de caractériser et de comparer la morphologie des organes des individus. Les échantillons de fleurs et de fruits ont été prélevés entre les mois de mars 2014 et juin 2014 et conservés dans du formol-acide acétique-alcool. Les observations ont concerné la morphologie et la structure florales. Les résultats montrent que les individus de Lannea sp sont à feuilles simples différents de Lannea microcarpa qui sont à feuilles composées. Les analyses révèlent deux types d’inflorescences: les inflorescences femelles à étamines réduites, à pistil développé et celles mâles à étamines développées, à pistil réduit. Il ressort de cette étude la présence Lannea sp au sein des peuplements de Lannea microcarpa. Les investigations pourront se poursuivre sur le plan génétique pour voir si ces individus sont de nouvelles espèces.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clés: Caractère, botanique, comparaison, inflorescences, Lannea sp., Burkina FasoEnglish Title: Would there exist within the settlements of Lannea microcarpa individuals with different botanical characters in the zone of Zorgho (Burkina Faso)?English AbstractThis study focuses on the botanical characterization of Lannea sp and Lannea microcarpa individuals. The study was conducted at Zorgho city located at 110 km from the eastern part of Ouagadougou. The objective was to characterize and compare the morphology of the organs. Samples of flowers and fruits were collected between March 2014 and June 2014 and stored in alcohol-acetic acid and formalin. Observations were made on the floral morphology and structure. Results showed that individuals of Lannea sp have simple leaves, different from those of Lannea microcarpa which were compound leaves. Analysis revealed two types of inflorescences: the female inflorescences with reduced stamens and developed pistils and the male inflorescences with developed stamen and reduced pistils. This study brought out the presence of Lannea sp. individuals within the populating of Lannea microcarpa. Other investigations at the genetic level could be carried on to see whether these individuals are new species.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Botany, character, comparison, inflorescences, Lannea sp., Burkina Fas

    Correlation between seed characteristics and biomass production of Moringa oleifera provenances grown in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

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    The correlation between seed size and biomass production of Moringa oleifera, was conducted in a field experiment at Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) in 2014. The experiment included eleven M. oleifera provenances from West Africa according to four agro-ecological characteristics (Sahelian, Sub Equatorial, South Sudanian and North Sudanian). Differences among provenances seed traits, leaf morphology, and dry mass (DM) were established by analyses of variance. Significant level was fixed at P < 0.05. Pearson’s correlation analysis was done to evaluate the relationships between seed traits, leaf morphology, and dry mass. The results showed that significant differences in seed traits were observed among provenances. Provenances were significantly different in leaf morphology (length, width and number of pinnae/seedling). The provenance of National Forest Seed Center (CNSF) from the northern sudanese area of Burkina Faso produced the longest leaf. The mean shoot biomass accumulation per seedling differed significantly among provenances. Significant correlation coefficients were observed among seed traits but no important correlation were found between seed traits and other plant characteristics. No significantly correlation of seed size with either leaf morphology or dry mass were found. Plant grown from large seeds compared to those grown from small seeds was more vigorous and produces greater dry matter

    Fabrication d’aliment du bétail issue de la cueillette de gousses de

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    Les gousses de l’arbre fourrager de Piliostigma reticulatum sont très utilisées au Burkina Faso. Comme peu de données existent sur cette activité, une enquête a été conduite en zone nord-soudanienne auprès de 90 personnes. Les résultats montrent que la collecte et la transformation des gousses sont menées par des femmes ménagères non instruites, âgées de 20 à 60 ans. La quantité moyenne collectée par les jeunes (20–35 ans), les moins âgées (36–50 ans) et les plus âgées (51–60 ans) est respectivement de 20, 5 et 10 t par femme. La vente de la farine leur procure un revenu moyen de, respectivement, 40 000, 14 000 et 32 000 FCFA par femme (1000 FCFA = 1,5 €). Les moins de 35 ans s’intéressent particulièrement à la vente ; leurs contraintes sont d’ordre commercial (débouchés, organisation de la filière), tandis que les plus âgées ont indiqué des contraintes de gestion et de disponibilité des gousses (coupe des arbres, feux de brousses, animaux…). Les principales solutions préconisées par les jeunes sont la recherche de nouveaux débouchés pour la farine, tandis que pour les plus âgées ce sont la lutte contre les coupes d’arbres et la divagation des animaux. L’étude a montré que cette activité génère des revenus pour les jeunes femmes rurales démunies et fournit aux éleveurs des compléments alimentaires fourragers en saison sèche

    Fabrication d’aliment du bétail issue de la cueillette de gousses de Piliostigma reticulatum : une opportunité pour les femmes rurales burkinabé

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    Les gousses de l’arbre fourrager de Piliostigma reticulatum sont très utilisées au Burkina Faso. Comme peu de données existent sur cette activité, une enquête a été conduite en zone nord-soudanienne auprès de 90 personnes. Les résultats montrent que la collecte et la transformation des gousses sont menées par des femmes ménagères non instruites, âgées de 20 à 60 ans. La quantité moyenne collectée par les jeunes (20–35 ans), les moins âgées (36–50 ans) et les plus âgées (51–60 ans) est respectivement de 20, 5 et 10 t par femme. La vente de la farine leur procure un revenu moyen de, respectivement, 40 000, 14 000 et 32 000 FCFA par femme (1000 FCFA = 1,5 €). Les moins de 35 ans s’intéressent particulièrement à la vente ; leurs contraintes sont d’ordre commercial (débouchés, organisation de la filière), tandis que les plus âgées ont indiqué des contraintes de gestion et de disponibilité des gousses (coupe des arbres, feux de brousses, animaux…). Les principales solutions préconisées par les jeunes sont la recherche de nouveaux débouchés pour la farine, tandis que pour les plus âgées ce sont la lutte contre les coupes d’arbres et la divagation des animaux. L’étude a montré que cette activité génère des revenus pour les jeunes femmes rurales démunies et fournit aux éleveurs des compléments alimentaires fourragers en saison sèche

    Maraichage urbain et semi-urbain de Moringa oleifera Lam. par des associations de femmes au Burkina Faso : contraintes et opportunités

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    Une enquête a été menée en 2014 dans la région du Centre au Burkina Faso et avait pour objectif de décrire les systèmes de cultures maraichères intégrant Moringa oleifera, un arbre légume dans le maraîchage urbain et périurbain de Ouagadougou en vue de ressortir les contraintes et les potentialités. Au total, 59 femmes membres de trois associations féminines pratiquant les cultures maraîchères de M. oleifera ont été identifiées à Ouagadougou (Nabonswendé), Loumbila (Pan-Nafa) et Komsilga (association Zemstaaba). Les résultats obtenus montrent que M. oleifera est produit en association avec principalement la laitue (58 % des planches) et sous forme de monoculture (42 % des planches). Les opportunités de cultiver cette plante par les associations de femmes sont essentiellement de disposer de feuilles fraiches riches en éléments nutritifs en saison sèche au moment où elles sont rares, d’avoir des revenus monétaires pendant les saisons sèches, d’être des actrices clés de la filière Moringa au Burkina Faso. Les problèmes qu’elles rencontrent sont liés à la non-maitrise des techniques de production en planches par plus de 80 % de femmes membres des trois associations, à la non-accessibilité aux facteurs de productions et avec des techniques de commercialisation des produits toujours rudimentaires. À cet effet, le renforcement des capacités techniques des productrices et l’accompagnement technique des systèmes de collecte et de distribution de semences viables, de qualité pour elles et par elles-mêmes, pourraient constituer une grande valeur économique et stratégique pour les petites productrices en milieux urbain et semi urbain du Burkina Faso. Cette étude constitue un point de départ pour un suivi plus approfondi de cette activité génératrice de revenus pour ces femmes démunies.A survey was conducted in 2014 to describe the constraints and opportunities of Moringa oleifera in the urban and suburban market gardening systems of Burkina Faso. A total of 59 women producing M. oleifera in vegetable gardening were identified in women associations of Ouagadougou (Nabonswende), Loumbila (Pan-Nafa), and Komsilga (Zemstaaba association). The results showed that 58 % of women produced M. oleifera in association with lettuce plants and 42 % in monoculture in urban and sub urban areas. The opportunities to grow this plant by women's associations are primarily to have fresh nutrient-rich leaves during the dry season when they are rare, to have cash income during dry seasons, to be key actresses of Moringa sector in Burkina Faso through the organization of a seed distribution system between private producers. The problems they face are related to the non-mastery of cultivation practices by more than 80 %, the non-access to factors of production, and the products marketing are still rudimentary. To this end, the strengthening of producing technical building and technical support systems for collecting and distribution of viable seed quality for themselves could constitute a great economic and strategic value for small producers in urban and semi urban areas of Burkina Faso. The study gave an overview of this new vegetable speculation among illiterate women without fixed income in Burkina Faso's central region. It is a starting point for further monitoring of this income generating activity for women

    Morphological Characterization of a Sudanese Soil: Case Study of the Yilou in the Centre-North Region of Burkina Faso

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    Soil data are essential to know the soils and improve agricultural yields, especially in a locality like Yilou in Burkina Faso. Soil samples were taken from five soil types, namely FLIPP, FLTC, FLIMP, BEHV/F and hydromorphic. The morphological and physicochemical parameters were studied according to the national reference of Burkina Faso. The results of the soil analyzes were compared with reference standard values. The morphological aspect indicates that FLIPP had a light yellowish brown (10YR 6/4) horizon at the beginning and becomes pale brown (10YR/6-3). FLIMP ranged from yellowish brown (10YR5/4) to yellowish yellow (10YR6/6) and BEHV/F had a pale reddish brown horizon (2.5YR6/3-2.5YR6/4). FLTC had a yellowish brown (10YR5/4) matrix color in the first 20 cm and turns light brown (7.5YR5/6) in the next three horizons. The hydromorphic soils were gray at the surface (2.5Y 5/1) and light brown gray (2.5Y 6/2) at depth. The textures of soils were sandy loams (FLIPP, FLTC, FLIMP and BEHV/F) and sandy clay loams (BEHV/F/F, hydromorphic). The soils were slightly acidic (Hydromorphic, FLIPP and FLTC), and slightly alkaline (FLIMP and BEHV/F) with an organic matter below the reference standard (3.6% &lt;OM&lt;6.5%). Hydromorphic soils had the level of very high fertility (OM&gt;2). The total nitrogen content was lower (1.2-2.2%), except for hydromorphic soils (1.81%). The soils had a C/N ratio of 11, except for FLTC soils where C/N ratio was 10 below the baseline standard of 11-15. Hydromorphic and BEHV/F soils had the highest levels of assimilable phosphorus with respective values of 6.24 mg/Kg and 4.65 mg/Kg. The iron levels of the five soils varied from 968 to 1423 mg/Kg. Soils were low in exchangeable cations and the highest level was found in hydromorphic soils (8.37 meq (+)/100g) but remains below to reference standards (10 &lt;CEC&lt; 20). BEHV/F and hydromorphic soils were most fertile

    Ecosystem contributions of Sudanian agroforestry parklands in their diversity. Scientific views vs. perceptions of local societies

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    International audienceThe parkland is a widespread rural agroforestry landscape in dry Sudanian Africa. The woody stratum produces goods and delivers ecosystem services that are essential for the well-being and resilience of rural populations. It also generates disservices that influence the density and composition of parkland in case of mechanised farming. Moreover, fallow land, where some species regenerate, is becoming scarcer, and soils fertility decreases. The result is a trend towards specialisation, ageing and thinning tree density. Before considering support for regeneration, the diversity of local situations requires a nuanced and contextualised analysis of the park's states and contributions, and listening to the viewpoints of the stakeholders. Within the framework of the Leapagri Ramses2 program, a participatory diagnosis of ecosystem services was carried out along a 50km regional transect of Koumbia-Dano (Burkina Faso), following mappings, an agroforestry inventory (264 plots of 0.8ha) and an in situ survey of the families of 67 inventoried fields. As a result, the classic tree ecosystem services (shade, biodiversity, carbon sequestration, infiltration, fertility, forest products) assessed from the inventory vary greatly between villages according to soils and the state of economic development. Farmers' views on the expected services (hierarchy, disservices) are complicated by divergent interests within the same household and between households, depending on the cropping systems adopted or the types of farm. There are also personal or philosophical expectations linked to traditions and social affiliations such as ethnicity, clan, religion, age class, gender and education. These studies on the diversity of parks and their complex contributions to societies complete the knowledge on specialised parks. The two scientific and endogenous perspectives also complement each other to serve as inputs to multi- stakeholder debates on engaging or not in the restoration of degraded parks

    Mettre à l’épreuve l’acceptabilité sociale (partie 2)

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