4,707 research outputs found

    Diablo canyon power plant site ecological study Quarterly Report No. 1; July 1 - September 30, 1973

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    The second phase of ecological studies at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant site was initiated in July 1973. The first, phase conducted during 1970-71 involved baseline ecological surveys with special reference to abalone and bony fishes. The objectives of this second phase are to quantitativey monitor abalone and algal communities, including predators and competitors, along permanent intertidal and subtidal transects established during the first phase. During the quarter nine permanent transects were located and marked with new buoys. Surveys on seven of these transects were completed, and the commercial sea urchin and red abalone fisheries operating in the Diablo Cove area were monitored. Sea otter activities between Diablo Cove and Pt. Buchon were recorded to determine the location of the herd and their general food habits. Little evidence of feeding activity has been observed in Diablo Cove. Temperature tolerance studies, began in March 1973 on red abalones, were continued. Problems in obtaining viable abalone larvae hampered this project.(11pp.

    Diablo Canyon Power Plant site ecological study Quarterly Report No. 2; October 1 - December 31, 1973

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    During the period October 1 - December 31, 1973, Fall surveys of permanent subtidal stations were completed with one station being surveyed. We were unable to locate 3 subtidal stations. Intertidal studies were initiated in November. A total of 12 random stations was surveyed. Interviews were conducted with commercial abalone fishermen working between Pt. Buchon to Pecho Rock. We continued to monitor the sea otter herd foraging between Pt. Buchon and Lion Rock. Progress was achieved in the abalone temperature tolerance studies when a successful spawning occurred. (20pp.

    Diablo Canyon Power Plant site ecological study Quarterly Report No. 3; January 1 - March 31, 1974

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    During the period January 1 - March 31, 1974, winter surveys of the permanent subtidal stations were initiated. Three stations were surveyed. We completed our winter random intertidal surveys; a total of 14 stations in Diablo Cove and the North Control Area were visited. The commercial sea urchin fishery resumed and we began interviewing fishermen again. Very little commercial abalone fishing occurred due to the one-month closed season and winter storms. We observed a sea otter in North Cove for the first time and harbor seals were also observcd on the eastern end of the south breakwater for the first time since we began our studies. (17pp.

    Technical performance and diagnostic utility of the new Elecsys (R) neuron-specific enolase enzyme immunoassay

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    This international multicenter study was designed to evaluate the technical performance of the new double-monoclonal, single-step Elecsys neuron-specific enolase (NSE) enzyme immunoassay (EIA) and to assess its utility as a sensitive and specific test for the diagnosis of small-cell lung cancer (SCLC). Intra and interassay coefficients of variation, determined in five control or serum specimens in six laboratories, ranged from 0.7 to 5.3 (interlaboratory median: 1.3%) and from 1.3 to 8.5 (interlaboratory median: 3.4%), respectively. Laboratory-to-laboratory comparability was excellent with respect to recovery and interassay coefficients of variation. The test was linear between 0.0 and 320 ng/ml (highest measured concentration). There was a significant correlation between NSE concentrations measured using the Elecsys NSE and the established Cobas Core NSE EIA II in all subjects (n=723) and in patients with lung cancer (n=333). However, NSE concentrations were systematically lower (approximately 9%) with the Elecsys NSE than with the comparison test. Based on a specificity of 95% in comparison with the group suffering from benign lung diseases (n=183), the cutoff value for the discrimination between malignant and benign conditions was set at 21.6 ng/ml. NSE was raised in 73.4% of SCLC patients (n=188) and was significantly higher (p<0.01) in extensive (87.8%) as opposed to limited disease (56.7%). NSE was also elevated in 16.0% of the cases with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC, n=374). It is concluded that the Elecsys NSE EIA is a reliable and accurate diagnostic procedure for the measurement of NSE in serum samples. The special merits of this new assay are the wide measuring range (according to manufacturers declaration up to 370 ng/ml) and a short incubation time of 18 min

    Dungeness crab research program: Report for the Year 1976

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    All larval stages of the 1976 year class, with the exception of the 5th zoeal stage, were found in Gu1f waters January through March. The first post-larval stage was collected in San Pablo Bay in May. Fifty percent of 1976 year class crabs entered the Bay complex as compared to nearly 80% in 1975. The 1976 year class appears relatively weak. No electrophoretic polymorphism was found in Cancer magister to be of value in Dungeness crab population determinations. Multi-variate correlations comparing crab landings with an array of oceanographic parameters and the crab density dependent factor were computer-run for both northern and central California. The most significant correlating factors at the time late stage larvae prevail were sea level and atmospheric pressure for central California and, for northern California, the density dependent factor and sea surface temperature. Female crabs held at controlled temperatures indicated gonad maturation and spawning may be induced by increased temperature. Analyses of crab tissues revealed burdens of petroleum hydrocarbons, silver, selenium, cadmium, and PCB's higher in central California crabs, while DDE was found in higher amounts in northern California crab tissue. Thru-flow culture systems were developed which should yield about 163 megalopae of Dungeness crabs in 63 days from 1,200 laboratory hatched zoeae.(46pp.

    Turbulent Cooling Flows in Molecular Clouds

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    We propose that inward, subsonic flows arise from the local dissipation of turbulent motions in molecular clouds. Such "turbulent cooling flows" may account for recent observations of spatially extended inward motions towards dense cores. These pressure-driven flows may arise from various types of turbulence and dissipation mechanisms. For the example of MHD waves and turbulence damped by ion-neutral friction, sustained cooling flow requires that the outer gas be sufficiently turbulent, that the inner gas have marginal field-neutral coupling, and that this coupling decrease sufficiently rapidly with increasing density. These conditions are most likely met at the transition between outer regions ionized primarily by UV photons and inner regions ionized primarily by cosmic rays. If so, turbulent cooling flows can help form dense cores, with speeds faster than expected for ambipolar diffusion. Such motions could reduce the time needed for dense core formation and could precede and enhance the motions of star-forming gravitational infall.Comment: To appear ApJL, Nov.10, 4 ApJ style pages, Postscrip

    Conical scan impact study. Volume 2: Small local user data processing facility

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    The impact of a conical scan versus a linear scan multispectral scanner (MSS) instrument on a small local-user data processing facility was studied. User data requirements were examined to determine the unique system rquirements for a low cost ground system (LCGS) compatible with the Earth Observatory Satellite (EOS) system. Candidate concepts were defined for the LCGS and preliminary designs were developed for selected concepts. The impact of a conical scan MSS versus a linear scan MSS was evaluated for the selected concepts. It was concluded that there are valid user requirements for the LCGS and, as a result of these requirements, the impact of the conical scanner is minimal, although some new hardware development for the LCGS is necessary to handle conical scan data

    The Origin of Primordial Dwarf Stars and Baryonic Dark Matter

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    I present a scenario for the production of low mass, degenerate dwarfs of mass >0.1M⊙>0.1 M_{\odot} via the mechanism of Lenzuni, Chernoff & Salpeter (1992). Such objects meet the mass limit requirements for halo dark matter from microlensing surveys while circumventing the chemical evolution constraints on normal white dwarf stars. I describe methods to observationally constrain this scenario and suggest that such objects may originate in small clusters formed from the thermal instability of shocked, heated gas in dark matter haloes, such as suggested by Fall & Rees (1985) for globular clusters.Comment: TeX, 4 pages plus 2 postscript figures. To appear in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Observations on the larval hatching success of dungeness crab, Cancer magister, from the San Francisco and Eureka-Crescent City region

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    Ovigerous Dungeness crabs were collected from the San Francisco and Eureka-Crescent City regions and maintained at the Department's Marine Culture Laboratory near Monterey. Hatching success, expressed as viable larvae released, was measured and compared by region. Larval counts were made from 15 Dungeness crabs, 5 from the San Francisco region, 7 from the Eureka-Crescent City area and 3 of unknown origin. Mean hatching success exceeded 80% in the San Francisco region, and averaged more than 90% in the Eureka-Crescent City area. However, a Student's t-Test showed this difference in hatching success was not significant. (16pp.

    Universal Algebraic Relaxation of Velocity and Phase in Pulled Fronts generating Periodic or Chaotic States

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    We investigate the asymptotic relaxation of so-called pulled fronts propagating into an unstable state. The ``leading edge representation'' of the equation of motion reveals the universal nature of their propagation mechanism and allows us to generalize the universal algebraic velocity relaxation of uniformly translating fronts to fronts, that generate periodic or even chaotic states. Such fronts in addition exhibit a universal algebraic phase relaxation. We numerically verify our analytical predictions for the Swift-Hohenberg and the Complex Ginzburg Landau equation.Comment: 4 pages Revtex, 2 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let
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