48 research outputs found

    TERT promoter mutations are highly recurrent in SHH subgroup medulloblastoma

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    Telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) promoter mutations were recently shown to drive telomerase activity in various cancer types, including medulloblastoma. However, the clinical and biological implications of TERT mutations in medulloblastoma have not been described. Hence, we sought to describe these mutations and their impact in a subgroup-specific manner. We analyzed the TERT promoter by direct sequencing and genotyping in 466 medulloblastomas. The mutational distributions were determined according to subgroup affiliation, demographics, and clinical, prognostic, and molecular features. Integrated genomics approaches were used to identify specific somatic copy number alterations in TERT promoter-mutated and wild-type tumors. Overall, TERT promoter mutations were identified in 21 % of medulloblastomas. Strikingly, the highest frequencies of TERT mutations were observed in SHH (83 %; 55/66) and WNT (31 %; 4/13) medulloblastomas derived from adult patients. Group 3 and Group 4 harbored this alteration in <5 % of cases and showed no association wit

    Diurnal Variation on Plasma Corticosteroid Concentration in Dairy Cattle–Corrigendum

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    Avaliação de genótipos de triticale e trigo em ambientes favoráveis e desfavoráveis no Estado de São Paulo Evaluation of triticale and wheat genotypes under favorable and unfavorable environments in the State of São Paulo, Brazil

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    Avaliou-se a adaptação de 18 genótipos de triticale e dois de trigo em experimentos instalados em dois ambientes, na Estação Experimental de Agronomia do Instituto Agronômico, localizada em Mococa (SP), no período de 1996-99. No primeiro ambiente, aplicou-se a irrigação por aspersão em condição de sequeiro (favorável) e, no segundo, várzea úmida com irrigação por inundação (desfavorável). A diversidade entre os ambientes propiciou diferença entre os padrões de resposta dos genótipos. No ambiente irrigado por aspersão, houve maior produtividade para ambas as espécies, sendo o genótipo de triticale TATU 4/ARDI 1 o que apresentou o melhor rendimento de grãos. Na várzea úmida, destacou-se o triticale LT 978.82/ASAD//TARASCA. O IAC 60 (trigo) apresentou grande variação no rendimento de grãos de um ano para outro, nas condições de várzea. O ciclo das plantas, da emergência ao espigamento, foi mais longo entre os genótipos de triticale nas condições de várzea úmida, quando comparado ao cultivo irrigado por aspersão. Esses resultados indicam que os genótipos de trigo apresentam adaptação específica para o ambiente de sequeiro com irrigação por aspersão, e o grupo de genótipos de triticale, adaptação mais ampla.<br>The environment adaptation of eighteen triticale and two wheat genotypes were evaluated in experiments carried out at two different sites of the Mococa Agronomy Experimental Station, São Paulo State, Brazil, in the period 1996-99. The favorable environment was provided with sprinkler irrigation on an upland; the unfavorable condition consisted of a moist flat area with basin irrigation system. The environment diversity induced different genotypes response patterns. Under the sprinkler irrigation system the yields were higher for both species, but the triticale genotype TATU 4/ARDI 1 presented the highest grain yield. Under moist and flat area condition the triticale LT 978.82/ASAD//TARASCA showed the highest yield. The wheat genotype IAC 60 showed large variations in grain yield in the moist flat area over the two cropping years. The plant cycle from emergence to heading showed higher variation among the triticale genotypes under moist low and flat area in comparison with the upland sprinkler irrigation condition. The results suggested the wheat genotypes presented a specific adaptation for upland with sprinkler irrigation environment and the triticale group of genotypes presented a broader adaptation