549 research outputs found

    Review of the Current State of Desalination

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    Abstract not available. Working Paper Number 2005-00

    Accounting for Georgia's Public Water Supply

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    Abstract not available. Working Paper Number 2005-00

    Comparison of different sources for laboratory X-ray microscopy

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    This paper describes the setup of two different solutions for laboratory X-ray microscopy working with geometric magnification. One setup uses thin-film transmission targets with an optimized tungsten-layer thickness and the electron gun and optics of an electron probe micro analyzer to generate a very small X-ray source. The other setup is based on a scanning electron microscope and uses microstructured reflection targets. We also describe the structuring process for these targets. In both cases we show that resolutions of 100 nm can be achieved. Also the possibilities of computed tomography for 3D imaging are explored and we show first imaging examples of high-absorption as well as low-absorption specimens to demonstrate the capabilities of the setups.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detector

    Coastal River Basins Water Resource Assessment An Evaluation of Water Use and Availability in Seven Coastal River Basins

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    Georgia has experienced a persistent drought for the last four years. While the drought conditions have subsided, the need for effective river basin planning continues. Effective water planning for our river basins will ensure adequate resource availability for the immediate future as well as over the long run.Basin planning consists of four primary steps: 1) understanding current and future water demands, 2) understanding existing resources (water supply), 3) anticipating potential shortfalls and other issues that might arise from the discrepancies between supply and demand, and 4) devising policy solutions which adequately resolve items identified in step 3).This report explores the available data for water demands and supplies across the seven river basins that make up the coastal region served by the Coastal Rivers Water Planning and Policy Center at Georgia Southern University. The permit issuing and water use reporting processes have made it difficult to accurately estimate water demand across the region. Moreover, the river data is sparse, sporadic, and insufficient to determine the unimpaired flows for any of our rivers. Our intent is to highlight the areas for future data collection such that our state policy makers may successfully establish river basin water use plans that ensure sustainable economic growth, with minimal environmental impacts. Working Paper # 2003-00

    Sonia MONTECINO, Fuegos, hornos y donaciones. AlimentaciĂłn y Cultura en Rapa Nui

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    El interĂ©s de Fuegos, hornos y donaciones no es Ășnicamente acadĂ©mico y gastronĂłmico, sino tambiĂ©n patrimonial. Esta obra se inscribe dentro de un movimiento mayor que a tenido lugar en Chile desde el regreso de la democracia (1989), cuyo objetivo es preservar y revalorar el patrimonio cultural de los grupos histĂłricamente marginalizados. En ese contexto, los saberes y prĂĄcticas culinarias tradicionales han emergido como elementos fundamentales de lo que ha sido considerado por la autoridades ..
