21 research outputs found

    Konsten att förmedla företagskultur

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    Studien syftar till att studera webbTV som ett annonseringsverktyg i relation till textannons vid platsannonsering pÄ Internet. Studien ser specifikt till hur företagskultur förmedlas i en platsannons via webbTV gentemot en textannons. Studien antar en abduktiv ansats med en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod utifrÄn Ätta personliga intervjuer med personer som nyligen sökt arbete och fem telefonintervjuer med personer pÄ företag som tidigare anvÀnt eller anvÀnder sig av webbTV vid platsannonsering. I studien tillÀmpar vi teorier som Schein, employer branding och corporate image. Vi ser Àven till tvÄ kommunikationsteorier, Shannon och Weaver och Lasswell. UtifrÄn vÄr studie kan vi se att företagskultur förmedlas pÄ ett tydligare sÀtt i en platsannons via webbTV i relation till en textannons. Till följd av videons ljud och rörliga bild kan företagskultur förmedlas pÄ ett mer detaljerat sÀtt. NÀr företagskultur framhÀvs pÄ ett tydligare sÀtt stÀrks företagets employer branding, det vill sÀga attraktiviteten som potentiell framtida arbetsgivare

    BeteendeförÀndringar till följd av exponering av lÀkemedlet Oxazepam : FörÀndringar i social tendens och aktivitet hos dvÀrgtandkarp (Heterandria formosa) och guppy (Poecilia reticulate)

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    The aquatic environment is more or less constantly exposed to different types of pharmaceutical pollutants entering via treated waste water effluents. Benzodiazepines constitute one of many common pharmaceutical contaminants, which have been shown to impact fish behaviour in polluted freshwaters. The aim of this study was to assess whether one benzodiazepine (Oxazepam) affects the behaviour (activity and sociability) of guppies and least killifish. 50 fish of each species were studied in behaviour assays measuring the activity and sociability, where each individual was placed in separate aquariums and filmed in a special arena. One half of the individuals were then exposed to 10 ÎŒg/l Oxazepam in their respective tank for 7 days, after which the filming procedure were repeated for all fishes. The results show that least killifish significantly change their sociability by becoming less social after exposure to Oxazepam. However, their activity were not significantly affected. The result from guppies suggested a reduced sociability after exposure. Interpretation of the result were complicated by effects on the control group were guppies experienced a significantly reduced sociability during the treatment. This might be an effect of changes in habitat (lack of food, stress and environment) and/or an effect of Oxazepam. The results in the study show that Oxazepam reduces the sociability of least killifish and guppies.

    BeteendeförÀndringar till följd av exponering av lÀkemedlet Oxazepam : FörÀndringar i social tendens och aktivitet hos dvÀrgtandkarp (Heterandria formosa) och guppy (Poecilia reticulate)

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    The aquatic environment is more or less constantly exposed to different types of pharmaceutical pollutants entering via treated waste water effluents. Benzodiazepines constitute one of many common pharmaceutical contaminants, which have been shown to impact fish behaviour in polluted freshwaters. The aim of this study was to assess whether one benzodiazepine (Oxazepam) affects the behaviour (activity and sociability) of guppies and least killifish. 50 fish of each species were studied in behaviour assays measuring the activity and sociability, where each individual was placed in separate aquariums and filmed in a special arena. One half of the individuals were then exposed to 10 ÎŒg/l Oxazepam in their respective tank for 7 days, after which the filming procedure were repeated for all fishes. The results show that least killifish significantly change their sociability by becoming less social after exposure to Oxazepam. However, their activity were not significantly affected. The result from guppies suggested a reduced sociability after exposure. Interpretation of the result were complicated by effects on the control group were guppies experienced a significantly reduced sociability during the treatment. This might be an effect of changes in habitat (lack of food, stress and environment) and/or an effect of Oxazepam. The results in the study show that Oxazepam reduces the sociability of least killifish and guppies.

    Mapping and analysis of an internal heating network at Holmen Paper Braviken

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    The pulp and paper industry is the most energy intensive industry in Sweden. Most of the energy usedaims to supply the large amount of heat to the production processes that is required to produce pulp andpaper . By increasing the energy efficiency of paper mills, there is great potential to reduce productioncosts and reduce its environmental impact. This project involves mapping, analyzing and investigation ofmeasures that can contribute to increased thermal efficiency of an internal heating network at Holmen’spaper mill, Braviken. The heating network, called VVG, utilises excess heat from the pulp and paperproduction and supplies heat to production processes and premises at the factory. When the heat demandof the VVG-system exceeds the available recovered heat, heat from live steam is transferred. This projectaim at identifying measures with potential to reduce demand of live steam supply. The project started bymapping the entire VVG-system to identify which consumers are included and how it is connected. Thenthe consumers were studied and data was collected to determine their power and energy demands. Basedon the mapping and collected data, proposals for measures that have the potential to increase thermalenergy efficiency were noted which in turn can reduce the need for live steam supply. The measures havebeen focused on reducing the return temperature of the VVG-system and reducing the heat demand of thesystem. Reduced return temperatures are achieved by more efficient use of the existing heat flow. Thisleads to increased heat recovery potential which means that more excess heat can be utilised.The proposed measures that were identified as having potential to contribute to reduction of the returntemperatures of the VVG-system are as follow: ‱ Utilising return flows with high flow rates and high temperatures to provide other consumers inVVG with heat. This allows the hot flow to be used instead of going directly into the return line. ‱ Eliminate short circuits in the system where the supply line goes directly into the return line. Thesewere detected in the forms of three-way valves and flows through consumers that were not running. The proposed measures that have been identified as having the potential to contribute to reduction of theheating demand of the VVG are as follows: ‱ Turning off flows passing through consumers that are not in use to reduce unnecessary temperaturedrops which will result in decreased power losses. ‱ Preheating via residual flows at consumers where raw water tempered circuits is heated. As theraw water is cold during large parts of the year, a lot of heat can be saved by preheating it with aflow of lower energy quality than VVG. ‱ Shut down the VVG flow through heat exchangers in the heat recovery system when the heatrecovery process not are running to avoid negative heat transfer. By implementing these measures, large improvements regarding the thermal efficiency of the VVG-system can be achieved at Holmen Paper Braviken. How much the return temperatures decrease and howmuch the heat recovery potential increases with the proposed measures has not been quantified during thisproject. However, the measures aimed at lowering the heat demand in the VVG-system can be quantifiedto contribute to an predicted energy saving of at least 2.8 GWh annually, but the investigations of themeasures indicates that significantly larger energy savings can be achieved. To ensure the potential of theproposed measures to contribute to the reduction of the demand for live steam supply, Holmen needs tocarry out further studies of the VVG system where this work is intended to form the basis for their furtherwork.  

    Sorry, there will not be any festival this year : A research about festival organizers crisis communication and their response on Facebook during covid-19 pandemic

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    Studien undersöker fall av kriskommunikation pĂ„ sociala medier och dess respons under covid-19 pandemin. Syftet Ă€r att fĂ„ djupare förstĂ„else för kriskommunikation pĂ„ sociala medier under en pandemi. Fallen som analyseras Ă€r musikfestivalsarrangörer som stĂ€llt in sina event pĂ„ grund av pandemin och anvĂ€nt sig av Facebook för att informera sina kunder om krisen. Responsen som analyseras Ă€r kommentarerna till arrangörernas FacebookinlĂ€gg om instĂ€llt event. Studiens ramverk bygger pĂ„ Timothy Coombs Situational Crisis Communication Theory  (SCCT). BĂ„de en kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod har anvĂ€nts. Den kvalitativa analysen grundar sig i retoriken och undersöker arrangörernas anvĂ€ndning av retorikens olika appeller samt hur de stĂ€ller sig till krisen i deras FacebookinlĂ€gg. Den kvantitativa analysen undersöker hur informationen har bemötts av deras kunder. BĂ„de teorin SCCT och retoriken anvĂ€nds för att kartlĂ€gga arrangörernas val av krisstrategier. Arrangörerna som undersökts Ă€r: Ultra Music Festival (UMF), Roskilde Festival (RF) och Tomorrowland (TL). De frĂ„gor som besvaras i studien Ă€r: 1. Vilken respons fĂ„r arrangörerna pĂ„ Facebook? 2. Hur kommunicerar arrangörerna om krisen pĂ„ Facebook? och 3. PĂ„ vilket sĂ€tt skiljer sig kommunikationen? Resultatet av den kvalitativa studien visar hur arrangörernas kriskommunikation skiljer sig i deras typ av svar och hur de stĂ€ller sig till krisen. UMF:s kommunikation uppvisar det Coombs (2015, s.146) klassificerar som en förminskande och förnekande stĂ€llning medan RF och TL uppvisar mer en Ă„teruppbyggande och stĂ€rkande stĂ€llning. Informationsrika meddelanden om vilka Ă„tgĂ€rder som arrangörerna vidtagit som svar pĂ„ krisen, sĂ€rskilt om ekonomisk ersĂ€ttning, tillsammans med anvĂ€ndningen av kĂ€nslosamma appeller vid Ă„terupprepade tillfĂ€llen, har bemötts av övervĂ€gande positiv respons. Även tidpunkten dĂ„ festivalerna gĂ„tt ut med information om de instĂ€llda eventen visade sig vara av betydelse för responsen. Resultat frĂ„n den kvantitativa analysen visar att reaktionerna pĂ„ RF:s och TL:s inlĂ€gg har varit betydligt mer positiva Ă€n UMF:s.The purpose of this case study is to gain a deeper understanding of crisis communication on social media during a pandemic. It is achieved by analyzing organizational crisis communication on social media and the response to it during the covid-19 pandemic. A special focus is placed on music festivals which had to cancel their events as a direct effect of the pandemic, and which communicated their crisis measures on their official Facebook sites.  Timothy Coombs’ Situational Crisis Communication Theory (SCCT) provides the study’s theoretical framework. The methodological framework consists of a qualitative as well as a quantitative approach, more precisely a rhetorical and a quantitative analysis. The rhetorical analysis is used to examine the music festivals’ Facebook posts, while the quantitative analysis examines stakeholder’s response to these posts. Both theory and method are used to map out the music festival organizers’ choice of crisis response strategies. Three organizers are being analyzed throughout the course of the study: Ultra Music Festival (UMF), Roskilde Festival (RF) and Tomorrowland (TL). The study aims to answer the following questions: 1. What kind of response do the organizers get on their Facebook posts? 2. How do the organizers communicate about the crisis on Facebook? 3. In what way does the communication differ from one organization to the other? Results show that the three organizers have used different crisis response strategies and confront the crisis in different ways. UMF’s communication shows what Coombs (2015, s.146) defines as diminishing and denying crisis response strategies, while RF’s and TL’s communication manifests more rebuilding and bolstering crisis response strategies. The rhetorical analysis shows that RF and TL used persuasive audience appeals, such as pathos and ethos, to a much greater extent than UMF. The wide use of these appeals together with detailed informative messages about the measures taken by the organizer’s in response to the crisis, especially economic ones regarding reimbursements and ticket-validity, played a significant role in the public's reaction to the messages. The aspect of time in which the organizer’s posted their crisis messages in relation to the development of the covid-19 pandemic has affected the public’s response as well. The quantitative analysis reveals that publics reactions were more positive to the posts made by RF and TL than to the one made by UMF

    Mapping and analysis of an internal heating network at Holmen Paper Braviken

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    The pulp and paper industry is the most energy intensive industry in Sweden. Most of the energy usedaims to supply the large amount of heat to the production processes that is required to produce pulp andpaper . By increasing the energy efficiency of paper mills, there is great potential to reduce productioncosts and reduce its environmental impact. This project involves mapping, analyzing and investigation ofmeasures that can contribute to increased thermal efficiency of an internal heating network at Holmen’spaper mill, Braviken. The heating network, called VVG, utilises excess heat from the pulp and paperproduction and supplies heat to production processes and premises at the factory. When the heat demandof the VVG-system exceeds the available recovered heat, heat from live steam is transferred. This projectaim at identifying measures with potential to reduce demand of live steam supply. The project started bymapping the entire VVG-system to identify which consumers are included and how it is connected. Thenthe consumers were studied and data was collected to determine their power and energy demands. Basedon the mapping and collected data, proposals for measures that have the potential to increase thermalenergy efficiency were noted which in turn can reduce the need for live steam supply. The measures havebeen focused on reducing the return temperature of the VVG-system and reducing the heat demand of thesystem. Reduced return temperatures are achieved by more efficient use of the existing heat flow. Thisleads to increased heat recovery potential which means that more excess heat can be utilised.The proposed measures that were identified as having potential to contribute to reduction of the returntemperatures of the VVG-system are as follow: ‱ Utilising return flows with high flow rates and high temperatures to provide other consumers inVVG with heat. This allows the hot flow to be used instead of going directly into the return line. ‱ Eliminate short circuits in the system where the supply line goes directly into the return line. Thesewere detected in the forms of three-way valves and flows through consumers that were not running. The proposed measures that have been identified as having the potential to contribute to reduction of theheating demand of the VVG are as follows: ‱ Turning off flows passing through consumers that are not in use to reduce unnecessary temperaturedrops which will result in decreased power losses. ‱ Preheating via residual flows at consumers where raw water tempered circuits is heated. As theraw water is cold during large parts of the year, a lot of heat can be saved by preheating it with aflow of lower energy quality than VVG. ‱ Shut down the VVG flow through heat exchangers in the heat recovery system when the heatrecovery process not are running to avoid negative heat transfer. By implementing these measures, large improvements regarding the thermal efficiency of the VVG-system can be achieved at Holmen Paper Braviken. How much the return temperatures decrease and howmuch the heat recovery potential increases with the proposed measures has not been quantified during thisproject. However, the measures aimed at lowering the heat demand in the VVG-system can be quantifiedto contribute to an predicted energy saving of at least 2.8 GWh annually, but the investigations of themeasures indicates that significantly larger energy savings can be achieved. To ensure the potential of theproposed measures to contribute to the reduction of the demand for live steam supply, Holmen needs tocarry out further studies of the VVG system where this work is intended to form the basis for their furtherwork.  

    Why did #BlackOutTuesday become a trend? : A qualitative studyabout generation Z’s participation in social movements onInstagram.

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    #BlackOutTuesday blev en viral framgÄng pÄ Instagram som miljontals mÀnniskor engagerade sig i genom att dela en svart bild. I och med den digitala utvecklingen, har nya möjligheter skapats för sociala rörelser att nÄ framgÄng. Följande arbete kommer dÀrför att studera hur generation Z anvÀnder digitala plattformar för att engagera sig och ta stÄndpunkt i samhÀllsfrÄgor med kampanjen #BlackOutTuesday som analytiskt fokus. Detta görs genom att undersöka vilka förutsÀttningar som krÀvs för att anvÀndare pÄ Instagram ska motiveras till att dela viral kommunikation vidare och vilka egenskaper hos kommunikationen som gör den viral.  Det teoretiska ramverket bestÄr av uses and gratifications-teorin, deltagarkultur, identitet i sociala medier och virala faktorer. Studiens resultat kommer baseras pÄ utsagor frÄn kvalitativa intervjuer som analyseras mot tidigare forskning och valda teorier. Urvalet resulterade i sex intervjuer via ett mÄlstyrt urval. Analysen visade att motiven som ligger bakom deltagandet grundar sig bland annat i rÀtt budskap, social relevans och rÀtt plattform. Kampanjen skapade ocksÄ en trend som innebar att respondenterna ville bli en del av gemenskapen och visa att de stod pÄ rÀtt sida. Resultatet visade ocksÄ att deltagandet skiljde sig en hel del online och offline, dÀr endast en respondent deltog offline. Det beror frÀmst pÄ hur sociala medier gjort det enklare för mÀnniskor att delta riskfritt, accepterat och utan större anstrÀngning. Till sist visade studien att Instagram blivit ett verktyg för sociala rörelser att nÄ framgÄng pÄ i och med att plattformen anvÀnds av generation Z för att ta stÀllning pÄ