654 research outputs found

    The Domestic Violence Component of the New York Task Force Report on Women in the Courts: An Evaluation and Assessment of New York City Courts

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    This piece contains the findings of a survey conducted to evaluate the impact of the New York Task Force On Women in the Court\u27s Report in the area of domestic violence and of the progress that has taken place since the Report\u27s publication. The authors hope to provide insight not only into the next steps that should be taken in New York City, but also into the most effective methods of implementing change to combat bias against women in the courtroom. The authors conclude that although progress has been made in the area of combating bias against women in the courtroom, especially in domestic violence cases, the original issues of bias identified by the Task Force are still very prevalent and must be attacked with educational programs for court employees, judges, practitioners and police

    Managers’ Incentives to Manipulate Earnings in Management Buyout Contests: An Examination of How Corporate Governance and Market Mechanisms Mitigate Earnings Management

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    In an MBO contest, managers offer to buy the firm from public shareholders at a premium to the current market price and thus have incentives to buy the firm “cheap.” Prior studies have found evidence that managers, on average, manipulate earnings downward prior to an MBO offer in an attempt to convince shareholders that their offer is fair. We extend this finding by attempting to explain the substantial cross sectional variation in the degree of manipulation across firms reported in these earlier studies. We find that boards with more independent directors and higher levels of incentive based compensation for the CEO act to discourage such manipulation. Additionally, our results show that some shareholders, minority and preexisting large outside blockholders, appear to be misled by the manipulation. However, new blockholders that acquire large shareholdings in the year before the offer are not. We also discover that managers are more likely to revise their bid upwards when the manipulation is most severe and that these new blockholders put pressure on managers to make these revisions. Finally, we investigate whether the manipulation has an impact on the final buyout contest outcome. We find that downward manipulation does not prevent managers from retaining control of the firm; however, they pay a higher premium

    Editorial: Academic integrity gaining increased attention in Canada

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    We introduce the second issue of our first volume, highlighting the lead article from Amanda McKenzie and offering commentary on how academic integrity issues have gained attention in the national media this year

    U Have Integrity: A Gamified Approach to Academic Integrity

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    In this article I discuss the development and initial implementation of a workshop using a gamified approach to academic integrity. The 50-minute workshop involved a scenario- based card came. The audience was university staff in Student and Enrolment Services, which included, but was not limited to the Registrar’s Office, Student Services, and Student Wellness

    Academic integrity in 2020: Editorial year in review

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    Economic Legitimation in a New Era: Public Attitudes to State Ownership and Market Regulation in China

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    Autocrats typically seek public support on the basis of economic growth-promotion and redistribution policies, and China is no exception. As important as these factors are for authoritarian resilience, we argue that economic legitimation is a more complex phenomenon than has previously been acknowledged. Beyond improvements in material well-being, citizens form judgements about the state's effectiveness in carrying out a variety of economic roles beyond growth promotion and they also care about the fairness of these market interventions. In this study, we use original survey data collected in late 2015 and early 2016 to evaluate Chinese citizens’ perceptions of two economic roles of the state that have been hotly debated in recent years: state ownership and market regulation. We find that while citizens view the ideas of state ownership and interventionist regulation in a generally positive light, suggesting a broad level of agreement in Chinese society about what economic functions the state ought to perform, perceptions of how the state actually carries out these roles are more mixed. Our results show that the urban young are especially inclined to critical evaluations, raising the question of how the Chinese Communist Party's legitimation strategy will fare under conditions of inter-generational value change.Peer Reviewe

    Investigating the Heat Release from a Single-Cylinder Diesel Engine

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    This project develops a dynamic measuring processes and filtering technique to acquire accurate engine thermodynamic data using LabVIEW. A single-cylinder Kohler diesel engine (model KD440) is instrumented with an in-cylinder pressure monitoring transducer to obtain cylinder pressure and volume data as a function of crank angle position. From this data, several calculations will be made using thermal analysis to understand the engine\u27s performance. An additional objective of the project is to increase the efficiency of the engine\u27s air intake system by modifying the current configuration. We show that the monitoring software accurately measures real-time engine efficiency and combustion dynamics enabling future fuel and combustion research at USM


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    سمحت التطورات الجديدة في مجال الذكاء الاصطناعي (AI) بتطوير الذكاء الاصطناعي التوليدي (GenAI), القادر على إنشاء نصوص مشابهة لتلك التي يمكن للبشر إنتاجها. ونتيجة لذلك, ظهرت بسرعة مخاوف المعلمين في قطاع التعليم العالي. وقد تناولت العديد من المنظمات والخبراء هذه المخاوف من خلال التوصيات. في هذه الورقة المفاهيمية, نعتمد على النموذج المتكامل للنزاهة الأكاديمية من خلال عدسة التدريس والتعلم لفحص وتحفيز المناقشة من إحدى عشرة ورقة تركز على استخدام GenAI بنزاهة. لقد حددنا التوصيات المناسبة للمستويات الفردية (الجزئية) ,والإدارات/البرامج (المتوسطة), والمؤسسية (الكلية), والمستويات المشتركة بين المؤسسات/الوطنية/الدولية (الضخمة) فيما يتعلق بعنصرين أساسيين للنموذج: "المهنية عالية التأثير" التعلم للأفراد والمجموعات" و"القيادة والثقافات الصغيرة على المستوى المحلي".وكانت الاقتراحات حول العنصر الأساسي "المنح الدراسية والبحث والاستقصاء" مفقودة على المستويين الجزئي والمتوسط; وبالمثل, كانت التوصيات المتعلقة بالعنصر الأساسي "مساحات التعلم وطرق التدريس والتكنولوجيات" غائبة أيضًا على المستويات المتوسطة والكلي والضخمة. نحن ندرك أن هذه التوصيات تركز على التعلم، وتشرك مختلف أصحاب المصلحة, وتتجاوز سلوك الطلاب, وهو ما يتوافق مع الأساليب الحالية للنزاهة الأكاديمية. ومع ذلك, هناك بعض الثغرات تحتاج إلى مزيد من الاستكشاف. نحن نسلط الضوء على الحاجة إلى تطوير إرشادات وموارد أكثر تحديدًا وعملية لأصحاب المصلحة في مجال التعليم حول قضايا GenAI المتعلقة بالنزاهة الأكاديمية, واستكشاف أفضل السبل لدعم الشبكات والقادة في التعليم العالي فيتهيئة الظروف للاستخدام الأخلاقي لـ GenAI, والتأكيد على الحاجة إلى عدسة العدالة والتنوع والشمول في GenAINew developments in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) field allowed the development of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI), capable of creating text resembling what humans can produce. As a result, educators’ concerns in the higher education sector quickly emerged. Many organizations and experts have addressed these concerns through recommendations. In this conceptual paper, we draw from the Integrated Model for Academic Integrity through a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Lens to examine and stimulate discussion from eleven documents that focus on using GenAI with integrity. We identified recommendations suitable for the individual (micro), the departmental/program (meso), the institutional (macro), and the interinstitutional/ national/ international (mega) levels concerning two core elements of the model: “high-impact professional learning for individuals and groups” and “local-level leadership and microcultures.” Suggestions around the core element “scholarship, research and inquiry” were lacking at the micro and meso levels; likewise, recommendations for the core element “learning spaces, pedagogies, and technologies” were also absent at the meso, macro, and mega levels. We acknowledge that these recommendations focus on learning, involve various stakeholders, and go beyond student conduct, which aligns with current approaches to academic integrity. However, some gaps need further exploration. We highlight the need to develop more specific and practical guidance and resources for educational stakeholders around GenAI issues related to academic integrity, explore how to better support networks and leaders in higher education in creating the conditions for ethical GenAI use, and emphasizing the need for an Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion lens on GenAI.Los recientes avances en el ámbito de la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) han posibilitado el desarrollo de la IA Generativa, la que puede generar texto que se asemeja a la producción humana. En consecuencia, han surgido rápidamente inquietudes por parte de los educadores en el sector de la educación superior. Numerosas organizaciones y expertos han abordado dichas preocupaciones mediante la formulación de recomendaciones. En el presente artículo conceptual, hacemos uso del Modelo Integrado para la Integridad Académica desde un Lente del Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, con el propósito de fomentar la discusión a partir de doce documentos que se enfocan en la utilización de la IA Generativa con integridad. Identificamos recomendaciones apropiadas a nivel individual (micro), departamental/programático (meso), institucional (macro) y a niveles interinstitucionales/nacionales/internacionales (mega), enfocándonos en dos elementos fundamentales del modelo: “Aprendizaje Profesional de Alto Impacto para Individuos y Grupos” y “Liderazgo a Nivel Local y Microculturas”. Observamos una carencia de sugerencias en relación con el elemento “Investigación e Indagación” en los niveles micro y meso. Además, se constató la ausencia de recomendaciones para “Espacios de Aprendizaje, Pedagogías y Tecnologías” en los niveles meso, macro y mega. Reconocemos que estas recomendaciones se centran en el aprendizaje y van más allá de la conducta de los estudiantes, lo cual se encuentra en consonancia con las tendencias actuales en integridad académica. Asimismo, proponemos explorar formas de brindar un mayor respaldo a las redes y líderes para crear las condiciones propicias para promover el uso ético de la IA Generativa.Os novos desenvolvimentos no domínio da Inteligência Artificial (IA) permitiram o desenvolvimento da Inteligência Artificial Generativa (GenAI), capaz de criar texto semelhante ao que os humanos conseguem produzir. Consequentemente, as preocupações dos educadores no setor do ensino superior surgiram rapidamente. Muitas organizações e peritos abordaram estas preocupações através de recomendações. Neste documento conceptual, baseamo-nos no Modelo Integrado para a Integridade Académica através de uma Lente de Bolsa de Estudo de Ensino e Aprendizagem para examinar e estimular a discussão de doce documentos na utilização da GenAI com integridade. Identificámos recomendações adequadas aos níveis individual (micro), departamental/programa (meso), institucional (macro) e interinstitucional/nacional/internacional (mega) relativamente a dois elementos centrais do modelo: “aprendizagem profissional de elevado impacto para indivíduos e grupos” e “liderança e microculturas a nível local”. Faltaram sugestões em torno do elemento central “bolsas de estudo, investigação e inquérito” aos níveis micro e meso; do mesmo modo, as recomendações para o elemento central “espaços de aprendizagem, pedagogias e tecnologias” também estiveram ausentes aos níveis meso, macro e mega. Reconhecemos que estas recomendações se centram na aprendizagem, envolvem várias partes interessadas e vão além do comportamento dos estudantes, o que está de acordo com as atuais abordagens à integridade académica. Propomos também explorar formas de fornecer maior apoio às redes e aos líderes para criar as condições que conduzam à promoção do uso ético na GenAI.Os novos desenvolvimentos no domínio da Inteligência Artificial (IA) permitiram o desenvolvimento da Inteligência Artificial Generativa (GenAI), capaz de criar texto semelhante ao que os humanos conseguem produzir. Consequentemente, as preocupações dos educadores no setor do ensino superior surgiram rapidamente. Muitas organizações e peritos abordaram estas preocupações através de recomendações. Neste documento conceptual, baseamo-nos no Modelo Integrado para a Integridade Académica através de uma Lente de Bolsa de Estudo de Ensino e Aprendizagem para examinar e estimular a discussão de doce documentos na utilização da GenAI com integridade. Identificámos recomendações adequadas aos níveis individual (micro), departamental/programa (meso), institucional (macro) e interinstitucional/nacional/internacional (mega) relativamente a dois elementos centrais do modelo: “aprendizagem profissional de elevado impacto para indivíduos e grupos” e “liderança e microculturas a nível local”. Faltaram sugestões em torno do elemento central “bolsas de estudo, investigação e inquérito” aos níveis micro e meso; do mesmo modo, as recomendações para o elemento central “espaços de aprendizagem, pedagogias e tecnologias” também estiveram ausentes aos níveis meso, macro e mega. Reconhecemos que estas recomendações se centram na aprendizagem, envolvem várias partes interessadas e vão além do comportamento dos estudantes, o que está de acordo com as atuais abordagens à integridade académica. Propomos também explorar formas de fornecer maior apoio às redes e aos líderes para criar as condições que conduzam à promoção do uso ético na GenAI.人工智能(AI)领域的新发展促进了生成式人工智能(GenAI)的出现,这种新技术可以创造出与人类能力相似的文本。针对这一现象,高等教育阶段的教育者们反应迅速地表达了他们的担忧。众多的专家和组织通过建议的方式展示他们的忧虑。因此,在这篇理论性论文中,我们通过“基于教与学学术研究的学术诚信模型“来审视十一篇关于生成式人工智能诚信应用的文章,并在此基础上进行相应的讨论。我们识别出适用于个人(微观)、部门/项目(中观)、机构(宏观)、机构间/国家/国际(巨型)层面的建议,其中建议涉及模型的两个核心元素:具有深远影响力的个人及小组专业化学习、地方级别领导力和微观文化。在微观和中观层面缺少关于“学术、研究及调查”的核心元素建议。而在中观、宏观和巨型层面欠缺关于“学习空间、教学法及技术”的核心元素建议。我们发现这些建议都聚焦于学习,且涉及多个利益相关者,并不仅仅限于学生的行为,这与现在的学术诚信方法一致。然而我们也发现仍有差异需要更深入的研究和探索。在与学术诚信相关的生成式人工智能问题上,我们坚信应该为教育利益相关者们提供更具体更实用的指导和资源。我们也坚持提倡为高等教育网络和领导者提供更好的支持,为符合道德规范地使用生成式人工智能创建条件,强调对平等、包容及多样化的生成式人工智能的需求

    Writers’ Guide for Prospective Contributors to Canadian Perspectives on Academic Integrity

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    In this article we present resources and ideas for prospective writers of Canadian Perspectives on Academic Integrity. The purpose of this article is to generate ideas and build confidence among prospective contributors. Our intention is to provide support for those who have wisdom and insights to share, but who may be inexperienced or lack confidence with their professional writing skills