5,348 research outputs found

    Flexible format, computer accessed telemetry system

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    With this system, it is possible to sample and generate two or more simultaneous formats; one can be transmitted to ground station in real time, and other is stored for later transmission. Sensor output comparison data, plus information to control format, compression algorithm, and allowable degree of sensor activity, are stored in memory

    Data multiplexer using a tree switch

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    Self-decoding FET-hybrid or integrated-circuit tree configuration uses minimum number of components and can be sequenced by clock or computer. Redundancy features can readily be incorporated into tree configuration; as tree grows in size and more sensors are included, percentage of parts that will affect given percentage of sensors steadily decreases

    Epidemiology of parainfluenza virus type 3 in England and Wales over a ten-year period

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    We have analysed data on respiratory syneytial (RS) and parainfiuenza type 3 (PF3) viruses reported to the Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre. London, over the period 1978–87. These confirm the annual winter epidemic of RS virus and show that, in England and Wales, PF3 is a summer infection with regular yearly epidemics

    Design of a modular digital computer system, CDRL no. D001, final design plan

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    The engineering breadboard implementation for the CDRL no. D001 modular digital computer system developed during design of the logic system was documented. This effort followed the architecture study completed and documented previously, and was intended to verify the concepts of a fault tolerant, automatically reconfigurable, modular version of the computer system conceived during the architecture study. The system has a microprogrammed 32 bit word length, general register architecture and an instruction set consisting of a subset of the IBM System 360 instruction set plus additional fault tolerance firmware. The following areas were covered: breadboard packaging, central control element, central processing element, memory, input/output processor, and maintenance/status panel and electronics

    Sequence variation in the haemagglutinin-neuraminidase gene of human parainfluenza virus type 3 isolates in the UK

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    The sequence variation in a 934 base-pair region of the gene encoding the haemagglutinin-neuraminidase of five human parainfluenza virus type 3 (HPIV3) isolates was determined together with that of a prototype UK strain. All of the clinical isolates were from the Manchester area of the UK and were obtained in 1990. 1991 and 1993. The gene segment was amplified by the polymerase chain reaction using HPIVB-specific oligonucleotide primers. The nucleotide homology of the strains was high, around 99% and specific differences in the UK sequences when compared with that of the US prototype strain were identified. In addition, a number of isolate-specific differences were seen. No correlation was detected between the observed nucleotide mutations and the year of isolation, which supports the hypothesis that HPIV3 shows cocirculation of a heterogeneous population of viruses rather than varying with time in a linear fashion. However, the data suggested that geographically-defined genetic lineages of HPIV3 may exist

    Program for computing partial pressures from residual gas analyzer data

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    A computer program for determining the partial pressures of various gases from residual-gas-analyzer data is given. The analysis of the ion currents of 18 m/e spectrometer peaks allows the determination of 12 gases simultaneously. Comparison is made to ion-gage readings along with certain other control information. The output data are presented in both tabular and graphical form

    Foraminiferal Evidence of Late Holocene Sea-Level Change and Amerindian Site Distribution at Montague Harbour, British Columbia

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    Foraminiferal and sedimentological analysis of an underwater stratigraphie section from an Amerindian habitation site at Montague Harbour, British Columbia has further documented late Holocene sea level changes. It appears that part of the documented transgression was caused by tectonic subsidence of the area (Event 1 at approx. 3500 calendar years BP and Event 2 sometime before 1100 calendar years BP) and was recognized in the stratigraphie record by rapid environmental changes. The environmental changes caused by rapid shifts in water depth were recognized through sedimentological and foraminiferal evidence. The tectonic subsidence events, coupled with gentle late Holocene transgression, caused the breaching of Montague Harbour's northwestern channel. The breaching of the channel improved water circulation and increased salinity within the harbour. The salinity changes are reflected in the shift from a low salinity Cribroelphidium excavatum (Terquem, 1876) phenotype "clavata" dominated biofacies (1) at the base of the section to a higher salinity Buccella tenerrima (Bandy, 1950) and Elphidiella hannai (Cushman and Grant, 1927) dominated biofacies (2) at the top. These sea-level changes would have eventually forced local Amerindian settlements inland. The 14C dating of wood and shell, indicates that the recovery of archaeological remains of the Charles culture (ca.6500-3200 years BP) requires investigation in deeper waters.L'analyse des foraminifères et des sédiments d'une coupe stratigraphique sous-marine d'un habitat amérindien a permis d'accroître les connaissances sur les changements du niveau marin. Il semble qu'une partie de la transgression connue ait été causée par une subsidence de nature tectonique (1er épisode vers 3500 cal. BP et 2e épisode un peu avant 1100 cal. BP) qui a entraîné des changements environnementaux rapides consignés dans la stratigraphie. Les sédiments et les foraminifères ont en effet enregistré les changements rapides de la profondeur de l'eau. Les épisodes de subsidence, accompagnés par une transgression modérée à l'Holocène supérieur, ont provoqué la formation d'une brèche dans le chenal nord-ouest du Montague Harbour, qui a facilité la circulation des eaux et fait augmenter la salinité à l'intérieur du havre. Ce changement de salinité s'est manifesté par le remplacement du biofaciès (1) de faible salinité dominé par Cribroelphidium excavatum (Terquem, 1876) type « clavata », à la base de la coupe, par le biofaciès (2) de forte salinité dominé par Bucella tenerrima (Bandy, 1950) et Elphidiella hannai (Cushman et Grant, 1927) au sommet. Les changements du niveau marin ont forcé les Amérindiens à déménager vers l'intérieur. La datation au 14C sur bois et coquille montre que la récupération de vestiges archéologiques de la culture Charles (ca 6500-3200 BP) devra se faire en eaux plus profondes.Die Foraminiferen- und Sediment-Analyse eines stratigraphischen Unterwasserabschnitts von einer Indianer-Siedlung am Montague Harbour, British Columbia, hat weitere Belege ùber Meeresniveauwechsel im spàten Holozàn geliefert. Es scheint, daB ein Teil der dokumentierten Transgression durch tekton-ische Senkung des Gebiets verursacht wurde (Ereignis 1 urn circa 3500 Kalenderjahre v.u.Z. und Ereignis 2 irgendwann vor 1100 Kalenderjahren v.u.Z.) und in dem stratigraphischen Beleg durch rasche Umweltverànderungen kenntlich wurde. Die durch schnelle Wechsel der Wassertiefe verursachten Umweltverànderungen sind durch Sediment- und Foraminiferen-Belege aufgezeichnet worden. Die Episoden tektonischer Senkung verursachten zusammen mit einer sanften Transgression im spàten Holozàn die Bildung einer Bresche im nordwestlichen Kanal von Montague Harbour. Die Bresche im Kanal verbesserte die Wasserzirkulation und erhôhte den SaIzgehalt im Hafen. Die Verànderungen im Salzgehalt spiegeln sich im Wechsel von einer Biofazies (1) mit einem niedrigen Salzgehalt beherrscht von Cribroelphidium excavatum (Terquem, 1876) des Phânotypus "clavata" an der Basis des Schnittes, zu einer Biofazies (2) mit hôherem Salzgehalt, beherrscht von Bucella tenerrima (Bandy, 1950) und Elphidiella hannai (Cushman und Grant, 1927) an der Spitze. Diese Meeresniveau-Wechsel haben wohl die ôrtlichen indianischen Siedlungen gezwungen, landeinwàrts zu Ziehen. Die '4C-Datierung von HoIz und Muscheln zeigt, daB das Auffinden von archàologischen Spuren der Charles-Kultur (ca. 6500-3200 Jahre v.u.Z.) eine Suche in tieferen Wassern erfordert

    Heteroclinic intersections between Invariant Circles of Volume-Preserving Maps

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    We develop a Melnikov method for volume-preserving maps with codimension one invariant manifolds. The Melnikov function is shown to be related to the flux of the perturbation through the unperturbed invariant surface. As an example, we compute the Melnikov function for a perturbation of a three-dimensional map that has a heteroclinic connection between a pair of invariant circles. The intersection curves of the manifolds are shown to undergo bifurcations in homologyComment: LaTex with 10 eps figure

    Structure and Metal Binding Properties of ZnuA, a Periplasmic Zinc Transporter from \u3cem\u3eEscherichia coli\u3c/em\u3e

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    ZnuA is the periplasmic Zn2+-binding protein associated with the high-affinity ATP-binding cassette ZnuABC transporter from Escherichia coli. Although several structures of ZnuA and its homologs have been determined, details regarding metal ion stoichiometry, affinity, and specificity as well as the mechanism of metal uptake and transfer remain unclear. The crystal structures of E. coli ZnuA (Eco-ZnuA) in the apo, Zn2+-bound, and Co2+-bound forms have been determined. ZnZnuA binds at least two metal ions. The first, observed previously in other structures, is coordinated tetrahedrally by Glu59, His60, His143, and His207. Replacement of Zn2+ with Co2+ results in almost identical coordination geometry at this site. The second metal binding site involves His224 and several yet to be identified residues from the His-rich loop that is unique to Zn2+ periplasmic metal binding receptors. Electron paramagnetic resonance and X-ray absorption spectroscopic data on CoZnuA provide additional insight into possible residues involved in this second site. The second site is also detected by metal analysis and circular dichroism (CD) titrations. Eco-ZnuA binds Zn2+ (estimated K d \u3c 20 nM), Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, Cu+, and Cd2+, but not Mn2+. Finally, conformational changes upon metal binding observed in the crystal structures together with fluorescence and CD data indicate that only Zn2+ substantially stabilizes ZnuA and might facilitate recognition of ZnuB and subsequent metal transfer
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