3,125 research outputs found

    China after Tiananmen Square: An Assessment of Its Business Environment

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    TesisEn la investigación, se observó una deficiente formación profesional de los estudiantes del I semestre en el Área de Arte del Instituto de Educación Superior Pedagógico Público “José Jiménez Borja” de Tacna, evidenciado en el inadecuado desarrollo de capacidades artísticas, válidas para el desempeño de este futuro profesional del campo artístico y su inserción en el campo laboral. En el proceso formativo los docentes no priorizan estas necesidades las cuales deben ser atendidas. La investigación tiene como propósito comprender las implicancias que existen entre las estrategias didácticas que utilizan los docentes y, el desarrollo de capacidades artísticas que muestran los estudiantes del I semestre en el Área de Arte del Instituto de Educación Superior Pedagógico Público “José Jiménez Borja” de Tacna. Las técnicas de la investigación utilizadas es la observación de los participantes y se hizo uso de una Guía de observación antes y después de aplicar la propuesta. La guía de observación utilizada para evaluar los procesos de aprendizaje de los estudiantes ha integrado cuatro indicadores. Los datos obtenidos se analizaron con ayuda de la estadística. La experiencia nos ha permitido acercarnos a una realidad poco conocida, lo que ha contribuido a desarrollar nuevos aprendizajes relacionadas al uso de estrategias didácticas como parte del proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje. Ha sido una experiencia significativa y ha resultado beneficiosa como aporte para mejorar la calidad del servicio educativo en el Instituto de Educación Superior Pedagógico Público “José Jiménez Borja”, pues ha motivado las reflexiones sobre la necesidad de tener claridad en los fundamentos teóricos del proceso formativo orientado a la consolidación de profesionales en el contexto del siglo XXI

    'Peculiarly Woman's Cause': Feminism, Race and the Struggle for Equality

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    This is the published version, also available here: http://www.dx.doi.org/10.1353/rah.2000.0029

    Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Amendments: The Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Acts Focus on Improving Investment Opportunities

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    President Reagan signed into law the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988 (OTCA) on August 23, 1988. Included within this law were provisions addressing authority for trade agreements, section 301 remedies, section 201 escape clause, antidumping, and countervailing duties as well as amendments to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). Additionally, export control provisions were included in this law as part of the Export Enhancement Act of 1988. This comprehensive law was the culmination of a lengthy process over several years which included hearings; debates; negotiation among House and Senate leaders and the President; and one Presidential veto. The amendments to the FCPA were sandwiched into the lengthy and more controversial provisions of the OTCA, thus escaping significant public scrutiny. This paper will examine the 1977 FCPA and the 1988 amendments thereto and assesses their impact on effectuating the original purpose of the FCPA which was to insure that corporations act ethically by prohibiting bribery on an international level

    China after Tiananmen Square: An Assessment of Its Business Environment

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    Rotorcraft convertible engine study

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    The objective of the Rotorcraft Convertible Engine Study was to define future research and technology effort required for commercial development by 1988 of convertible fan/shaft gas turbine engines for unconventional rotorcraft transports. Two rotorcraft and their respective missions were defined: a Fold Tilt Rotor aircraft and an Advancing Blade Concept (ABC) rotorcraft. Sensitivity studies were conducted with these rotorcraft to determine parametrically the influence of propulsion characteristics on aircraft size, mission fuel requirements, and direct operating costs (DOC). The two rotorcraft were flown with conventional propulsion systems (separate lift/cruise engines) and with convertible propulsion systems to determine the benefits to be derived from convertible engines. Trade-off studies were conducted to determine the optimum engine cycle and staging arrangement for a convertible engine. Advanced technology options applicable to convertible engines were studied. Research and technology programs were identified which would ensure technology readiness for commercial development of convertible engines by 1988

    Results of an Examination of Metal Specimens from an Excavation of Shamshir Ghar, Afghanistan

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    Author Institution: Department of Chemistry, The Ohio State University, Columbu