790 research outputs found

    How the Shift in High Stakes Testing Impacts Students of Low Socioeconomic Status in a Suburban Junior High School

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    This research project is a pilot study that analyzed student standardized tests performance across the mathematics standards shift and socioeconomic status (SES). The shift from state standards, most often known as the NCTM standards, to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in the past four years was anticipated to cause performance data to decrease. The National Council of Teachers in Mathematics (NCTM) established guidelines to support the roll out of the CCSS, which many states have adopted across the United States (US). This study examined seventh and eighth grade student performance on New York (NY) State Mathematics tests from 2010 to 2014 across the mathematics standards shift. After students completed a state standardized exam, the exams were scored and the students received scores of 1, 2, 3 or 4. Students who received a performance level of 1 or 2 were considered as performing below grade level. A student who received a three was considered as proficient or at grade level. Lastly, a student who received a four was considered as highly proficient or above grade level. A district report card, compiled by the NY State Department of Education, lists the percentages of students who received a score at each level. The data is also reported SES levels. For the purposes of this research, SES was parsed into two groups; not economically disadvantaged, defined as students who did not receive free or reduced lunch, and economically disadvantaged, or students that did received free or reduced lunch. Analysis of student NY state standardized tests across the paradigm shift from NCTM to CCSS mathematics standards relative to SES may allow stakeholders in the field of mathematics education to consider whether this shift in standards is more challenging for economically disadvantaged students

    Evaluation and implementation of a new teacher mentoring program

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    The purpose of this exploratory investigation was to ascertain the effectiveness of a current mentoring program at Christopher Columbus Charter School and determine the best ways in which to make the program more effective. Throughout this study, the researcher surveyed and held informal conversations with the mentors and the mentees involved to gain insight into the needs of novice teachers. The study was conducted with a limited number of subjects and a majority of the data gathered was through observation and informal conversations. The study was conducted over an academic school year. The study discussed the current mentoring program in practice and identified the areas of weakness. Together with the researcher, the mentors and mentees discussed recommendations for improvements needed in the program. Implications for the future of the program were discussed

    From Gatekeeping to Engagement: A Multicontextual, Mixed Method Study of Student Academic Engagement in Introductory STEM Courses.

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    The lack of academic engagement in introductory science courses is considered by some to be a primary reason why students switch out of science majors. This study employed a sequential, explanatory mixed methods approach to provide a richer understanding of the relationship between student engagement and introductory science instruction. Quantitative survey data were drawn from 2,873 students within 73 introductory science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) courses across 15 colleges and universities, and qualitative data were collected from 41 student focus groups at eight of these institutions. The findings indicate that students tended to be more engaged in courses where the instructor consistently signaled an openness to student questions and recognizes her/his role in helping students succeed. Likewise, students who reported feeling comfortable asking questions in class, seeking out tutoring, attending supplemental instruction sessions, and collaborating with other students in the course were also more likely to be engaged. Instructional implications for improving students' levels of academic engagement are discussed

    The pictured and the posed : nineteenth century touristic images of the Lachine Rapids

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    The collection of Lachine Rapids images studied in this thesis are hybrid and innovative. Ranging from paintings to postcards, they represent a time where major social, technological and economic changes were occurring. Acting as natural barrier to water travel, the Lachine Rapids were a significant factor in Montreal's development as an economic powerhouse--a midway point for goods transferred to and from inland. Despite the development of Montreal as an industrial center (including the building of the Lachine Canal as a method of circumventing the rapids), there occurred a substantial increase in "nature tourism." Traveling in large steamships used specifically for the journey through the rapids, tourists would safely experience nature as "untamed." The improvement of the camera, the increase in disposable income for the middle class and the rise of a romantic concept of nature were crucial for the growth of this tourist movement. All combined to promote the consumption of the Lachine Rapids and by extension, Montreal, as a natural visual commodity. Catering to what was popular--tourists arguably sought to purchase images that represented to them an "authentic" portrayal of their voyage through the rapids. The daytrip to the rapids was travel as performance thus transforming the images into an embodiment of the performative experience


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    Teaching Simulator adalah sebuah aplikasi permainan simulasi menjadi guru. guru akan berada di dalam kelas virtual dan guru bisa berinteraksi dengan murid virtual, bisa membuat keputusan sendiri, dan menerima timbal balik dari tindakannya oleh sistem. Hal-hal ini dilakukan agar bisa menyerupai kondisi pada ruang kelas sungguhan sehingga setelah guru selesai melakukan simulasi guru siap untuk mengajar di dalam ruang kelas sungguhan. Penelitian ini menciptakan siswasiswa virtual dalam Teaching Simulator dengan pendekatan AI dalam bentuk Finite State Machine yang bisa merepresentasikan perilaku siswa virtual seperti siswa sungguhan dengan kepribadian yang berbeda-beda berdasarkan metode Big five Personality. Uji validitas oleh pengguna dibuat dengan Learning Object Review Instrument (LORI) dan diuji oleh ahli dengan menghitung persentase penerimaan aplikasi menggunakan metode Rating Scale. Hasil penerimaan aplikasi menghasilkan penilaian sebesar 94%, sehingga aplikasi yang dibuat termasuk pada kategori sangat baik dan diterima oleh pengguna. Adapula kenaikan hasil bermain responden dari mahasiswa jurusan Pendidikan Ilmu Komputer UPI angkatan 20142017, dari pertama kali main 78% menjadi 93% saat bermain untuk ketiga kalinya.---------Teaching Simulator is a simulation game application to become a teacher. the teacher will be in a virtual class and the teacher can interact with virtual students, be able to make their own decisions, and receive feedback from their actions by the system. These things are done so that they can resemble the conditions in a real classroom so that after the teacher completes the simulation the teacher is ready to teach in a real classroom. This research creates virtual students in the Teaching Simulator with the AI approach in the form of Finite State Machine which can represent the behavior of virtual students like real students with different personalities based on the Big five Personality method. The validity test by the user is made with Learning Object Review Instrument (LORI) and tested by experts by calculating the percentage of application acceptance using the Rating Scale method. The results of receipt of the application resulted in an assessment of 94%, so the application made included in the category of very good and accepted by the user. There is also an increase in the results of playing respondents from UPI Computer Science Education Department students from 2014-2017, from the first time playing 78% to 93% when playing for the third time

    Elevated Serum C-Reactive Protein Relates to Increased Cerebral Myoinositol Levels in Middle-Aged Adults

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    C-reactive protein (CRP), a systemic marker of inflammation, is a risk factor for late life cognitive impairment and dementia, yet the mechanisms that link elevated CRP to cognitive decline are not fully understood. In this study we examined the relationship between CRP and markers of neuronal integrity and cerebral metabolism in middle-aged adults with intact cognitive function, using proton magnetic resonance spectrocospy. We hypothesized that increased levels of circulating CRP would correlate with changes in brain metabolites indicative of early brain vulnerability. Thirty-six individuals, aged 40 to 60, underwent neuropsychological assessment, a blood draw for CRP quantification, and 1H MRS examining N-acetyl-aspartate, myo-inositol, creatine, choline, and glutamate concentrations in occipito-parietal grey matter. Independent of age, sex and education, serum CRP was significantly related to higher cerebral myo-inositol/creatine ratio (F(4,31) = 4.74, P = 0.004), a relationship which remained unchanged after adjustment for cardiovascular risk (F(5,30) = 4.356, CRP β = 0.322, P = 0.045). Because these biomarkers are detectable in midlife they may serve as useful indicators of brain vulnerability during the preclinical period when mitigating intervention is still possible