282 research outputs found

    Fundamental building blocks of eumelanins: electronic properties of indolequinone-dimers

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    We present results from the theoretical INDO calculations of the electronic structure for stacked eumelanins' monomers. As basic indolic components of the eumelanin structure 5,6-dihydroxyindole (DHI or HQ) and its oxidized forms (SQ and IQ) were chosen. The results reveal dependency of electronic properties of such aggregates on monomers' redox states. They point out also a tendency to localize an extra charge on one of dimer's subunits that could be suggestive of an electron hopping as a model mechanism forthe electron transfer in eumelanins.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Task scheduling system for UAV operations in indoor environment

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    Extending the Conversation: New Technologies, New Literacies, and English Education

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    The authors contend that new technologies have developed new literacies and new ways of thinking that are reshaping our lives. In the rapidly changing world, they argue, these new literacies and their practices must become central to effective English education programs. To frame their argument, they introduce the notion of technological pedagogical content knowledge to bridge the perceived binary of technology and English education. Throughout, they analyze how reflection on new technologies and integration of them into coursework for specific purposes is an educational, political, and even a moral imperative

    Proportion of patients with hip osteoarthritis in primary care identified by differing clinical criteria:a cross-sectional study of 4699 patients

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    Summary: Objective: Differing clinical criteria for hip osteoarthritis (OA) are applied in primary care, but little is known regarding the utility of these criteria. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the proportion of patients in a primary care setting with hip OA fulfilling the American College of Rheumatology (ACR), the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), and the Danish Health Authority (DHA) criteria. Design: A cross-sectional analysis of baseline data from the Good Life with osteoArthritis in Denmark (GLA:D®) program, a treatment program for patients with symptoms or functional limitations associated with hip OA. The prevalence of hip OA according to the ACR, NICE, and DHA criteria was calculated in all patients and in a subgroup of patients with self-reported radiographic hip OA. Results: 4699 patients were included in the analysis. Mean age (SD) was 66.8 (9.7) years and 71% of the patients were female. 64%, 80%, and 94% fulfilled the ACR, DHA, and NICE criteria, respectively. In those self-reporting radiographic hip OA, the corresponding numbers were 66%, 81%, and 94%. A limited number of patients (4%) did not fulfill any of the criteria. Conclusions: The NICE criteria identified the most patients that were treated because of their symptoms or functional limitations. The DHA and especially the ACR criteria did not identify a significant proportion of these patients. The results suggest the NICE criteria are appropriate to identify individuals treated for hip OA in primary care

    The Middle Stone Age in the Eastern Desert. EDAR 135 — a buried early MIS 5 horizon from Sudan

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    Middle Stone Age (MSA) lithic artefacts coming from dated layers preserved in their original stratigraphic position are still rare in Northeast Africa in general and in Sudan in particular. This paper aims to present the results of technological and functional analyses of an assemblage coming from a stratigraphic context, i.e. the upper level of the EDAR (Eastern Desert – Atbara River) 135 site, discovered in an abandoned gold mining pit in the Sudanese Eastern Desert, approximately 70 km east of the town of Atbara. The assemblage, which is based on locally available quartz and rhyolite, comes from a layer bracketed by OSL dates of 116 ± 13 and 125 ± 11 kya. Such dating places it within Marine Isotope Stage 5e–5d. Analysis of the assemblage revealed several characteristics that seem to set it apart from other MSA Northeast African inventories. Among these, the dominance of simple, non-predetermined core reduction strategies and expedient tool types, coupled with the lack of traces of Nubian Levallois technique, are the most conspicuous. Micro-traces of use on animal and plant matter were preserved on some of the tools. EDAR 135 is part of a newly discovered complex of sites that confirms the presence of Middle and Late Pleistocene hominins along one of the possible routes out of Africa towards Eurasia.publishedVersio


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    Contains table of contents for Section 4, an introduction and abstracts for nine dissertations

    Characterization of primary human hepatocyte spheroids as a model system for drug-induced liver injury, liver function and disease

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    Liver biology and function, drug-induced liver injury (DILI) and liver diseases are difficult to study using current in vitro models such as primary human hepatocyte (PHH) monolayer cultures, as their rapid de-differentiation restricts their usefulness substantially. Thus, we have developed and extensively characterized an easily scalable 3D PHH spheroid system in chemically-defined, serum-free conditions. Using whole proteome analyses, we found that PHH spheroids cultured this way were similar to the liver in vivo and even retained their inter-individual variability. Furthermore, PHH spheroids remained phenotypically stable and retained morphology, viability, and hepatocyte-specific functions for culture periods of at least 5 weeks. We show that under chronic exposure, the sensitivity of the hepatocytes drastically increased and toxicity of a set of hepatotoxins was detected at clinically relevant concentrations. An interesting example was the chronic toxicity of fialuridine for which hepatotoxicity was mimicked after repeated-dosing in the PHH spheroid model, not possible to detect using previous in vitro systems. Additionally, we provide proof-of-principle that PHH spheroids can reflect liver pathologies such as cholestasis, steatosis and viral hepatitis. Combined, our results demonstrate that the PHH spheroid system presented here constitutes a versatile and promising in vitro system to study liver function, liver diseases, drug targets and long-term DILI
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