292 research outputs found

    Anti-müllerian hormone is not associated with cardiometabolic risk factors in adolescent females

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    <p>Objectives: Epidemiological evidence for associations of Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) with cardiometabolic risk factors is lacking. Existing evidence comes from small studies in select adult populations, and findings are conflicting. We aimed to assess whether AMH is associated with cardiometabolic risk factors in a general population of adolescent females.</p> <p>Methods: AMH, fasting insulin, glucose, HDLc, LDLc, triglycerides and C-reactive protein (CRP) were measured at a mean age 15.5 years in 1,308 female participants in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC). Multivariable linear regression was used to examine associations of AMH with these cardiometabolic outcomes.</p> <p>Results: AMH values ranged from 0.16–35.84 ng/ml and median AMH was 3.57 ng/ml (IQR: 2.41, 5.49). For females classified as post-pubertal (n = 848) at the time of assessment median (IQR) AMH was 3.81 ng/ml (2.55, 5.82) compared with 3.25 ng/ml (2.23, 5.05) in those classed as early pubertal (n = 460, P≤0.001). After adjusting for birth weight, gestational age, pubertal stage, age, ethnicity, socioeconomic position, adiposity and use of hormonal contraceptives, there were no associations with any of the cardiometabolic outcomes. For example fasting insulin changed by 0% per doubling of AMH (95%CI: −3%,+2%) p = 0.70, with identical results if HOMA-IR was used. Results were similar after additional adjustment for smoking, physical activity and age at menarche, after exclusion of 3% of females with the highest AMH values, after excluding those that had not started menarche and after excluding those using hormonal contraceptives.</p> <p>Conclusion: Our results suggest that in healthy adolescent females, AMH is not associated with cardiometabolic risk factors.</p&gt

    Adenomatous Polyposis Coli Regulates Axon Arborization and Cytoskeleton Organization via Its N-Terminus

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    Conditional deletion of APC leads to marked disruption of cortical development and to excessive axonal branching of cortical neurons. However, little is known about the cell biological basis of this neuronal morphological regulation. Here we show that APC deficient cortical neuronal growth cones exhibit marked disruption of both microtubule and actin cytoskeleton. Functional analysis of the different APC domains revealed that axonal branches do not result from stabilized β-catenin, and that the C-terminus of APC containing microtubule regulatory domains only partially rescues the branching phenotype. Surprisingly, the N-terminus of APC containing the oligomerization domain and the armadillo repeats completely rescues the branching and cytoskeletal abnormalities. Our data indicate that APC is required for appropriate axon morphological development and that the N-terminus of APC is important for regulation of the neuronal cytoskeleton

    PKCδ regulates force signaling during VEGF/CXCL4 induced dissociation of endothelial tubes

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    Wound healing requires the vasculature to re-establish itself from the severed ends; endothelial cells within capillaries must detach from neighboring cells before they can migrate into the nascent wound bed to initiate angiogenesis. The dissociation of these endothelial capillaries is driven partially by platelets' release of growth factors and cytokines, particularly the chemokine CXCL4/platelet factor-4 (PF4) that increases cell-cell de-adherence. As this retraction is partly mediated by increased transcellular contractility, the protein kinase c-δ/myosin light chain-2 (PKCδ/MLC-2) signaling axis becomes a candidate mechanism to drive endothelial dissociation. We hypothesize that PKCδ activation induces contractility through MLC-2 to promote dissociation of endothelial cords after exposure to platelet-released CXCL4 and VEGF. To investigate this mechanism of contractility, endothelial cells were allowed to form cords following CXCL4 addition to perpetuate cord dissociation. In this study, CXCL4-induced dissociation was reduced by a VEGFR inhibitor (sunitinib malate) and/or PKCδ inhibition. During combined CXCL4+VEGF treatment, increased contractility mediated by MLC-2 that is dependent on PKCδ regulation. As cellular force is transmitted to focal adhesions, zyxin, a focal adhesion protein that is mechano-responsive, was upregulated after PKCδ inhibition. This study suggests that growth factor regulation of PKCδ may be involved in CXCL4-mediated dissociation of endothelial cords. © 2014 Jamison et al

    Whole genome resequencing of black Angus and Holstein cattle for SNP and CNV discovery

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    Background: One of the goals of livestock genomics research is to identify the genetic differences responsible for variation in phenotypic traits, particularly those of economic importance. Characterizing the genetic variation in livestock species is an important step towards linking genes or genomic regions with phenotypes. The completion of the bovine genome sequence and recent advances in DNA sequencing technology allow for in-depth characterization of the genetic variations present in cattle. Here we describe the whole-genome resequencing of two Bos taurus bulls from distinct breeds for the purpose of identifying and annotating novel forms of genetic variation in cattle.Results: The genomes of a Black Angus bull and a Holstein bull were sequenced to 22-fold and 19-fold coverage, respectively, using the ABI SOLiD system. Comparisons of the sequences with the Btau4.0 reference assembly yielded 7 million single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), 24% of which were identified in both animals. Of the total SNPs found in Holstein, Black Angus, and in both animals, 81%, 81%, and 75% respectively are novel. In-depth annotations of the data identified more than 16 thousand distinct non-synonymous SNPs (85% novel) between the two datasets. Alignments between the SNP-altered proteins and orthologues from numerous species indicate that many of the SNPs alter well-conserved amino acids. Several SNPs predicted to create or remove stop codons were also found. A comparison between the sequencing SNPs and genotyping results from the BovineHD high-density genotyping chip indicates a detection rate of 91% for homozygous SNPs and 81% for heterozygous SNPs. The false positive rate is estimated to be about 2% for both the Black Angus and Holstein SNP sets, based on follow-up genotyping of 422 and 427 SNPs, respectively. Comparisons of read depth between the two bulls along the reference assembly identified 790 putative copy-number variations (CNVs). Ten randomly selected CNVs, five genic and five non-genic, were successfully validated using quantitative real-time PCR. The CNVs are enriched for immune system genes and include genes that may contribute to lactation capacity. The majority of the CNVs (69%) were detected as regions with higher abundance in the Holstein bull.Conclusions: Substantial genetic differences exist between the Black Angus and Holstein animals sequenced in this work and the Hereford reference sequence, and some of this variation is predicted to affect evolutionarily conserved amino acids or gene copy number. The deeply annotated SNPs and CNVs identified in this resequencing study can serve as useful genetic tools, and as candidates in searches for phenotype-altering DNA differences

    Effects of IKAP/hELP1 Deficiency on Gene Expression in Differentiating Neuroblastoma Cells: Implications for Familial Dysautonomia

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    Familial dysautonomia (FD) is a developmental neuropathy of the sensory and autonomous nervous systems. The IKBKAP gene, encoding the IKAP/hELP1 subunit of the RNA polymerase II Elongator complex is mutated in FD patients, leading to a tissue-specific mis-splicing of the gene and to the absence of the protein in neuronal tissues. To elucidate the function of IKAP/hELP1 in the development of neuronal cells, we have downregulated IKBKAP expression in SHSY5Y cells, a neuroblastoma cell line of a neural crest origin. We have previously shown that these cells exhibit abnormal cell adhesion when allowed to differentiate under defined culture conditions on laminin substratum. Here, we report results of a microarray expression analysis of IKAP/hELP1 downregulated cells that were grown on laminin under differentiation or non-differentiation growth conditions. It is shown that under non-differentiation growth conditions, IKAP/hELP1 downregulation affects genes important for early developmental stages of the nervous system, including cell signaling, cell adhesion and neural crest migration. IKAP/hELP1 downregulation during differentiation affects the expression of genes that play a role in late neuronal development, in axonal projection and synapse formation and function. We also show that IKAP/hELP1 deficiency affects the expression of genes involved in calcium metabolism before and after differentiation of the neuroblastoma cells. Hence, our data support IKAP/hELP1 importance in the development and function of neuronal cells and contribute to the understanding of the FD phenotype

    124I-HuCC49deltaCH2 for TAG-72 antigen-directed positron emission tomography (PET) imaging of LS174T colon adenocarcinoma tumor implants in xenograft mice: preliminary results

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><sup>18</sup>F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (<sup>18</sup>F-FDG-PET) is widely used in diagnostic cancer imaging. However, the use of <sup>18</sup>F-FDG in PET-based imaging is limited by its specificity and sensitivity. In contrast, anti-TAG (tumor associated glycoprotein)-72 monoclonal antibodies are highly specific for binding to a variety of adenocarcinomas, including colorectal cancer. The aim of this preliminary study was to evaluate a complimentary determining region (CDR)-grafted humanized C<sub>H</sub>2-domain-deleted anti-TAG-72 monoclonal antibody (HuCC49deltaC<sub>H</sub>2), radiolabeled with iodine-124 (<sup>124</sup>I), as an antigen-directed and cancer-specific targeting agent for PET-based imaging.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>HuCC49deltaC<sub>H</sub>2 was radiolabeled with <sup>124</sup>I. Subcutaneous tumor implants of LS174T colon adenocarcinoma cells, which express TAG-72 antigen, were grown on athymic Nu/Nu nude mice as the xenograft model. Intravascular (i.v.) and intraperitoneal (i.p.) administration of <sup>124</sup>I-HuCC49deltaC<sub>H</sub>2 was then evaluated in this xenograft mouse model at various time points from approximately 1 hour to 24 hours after injection using microPET imaging. This was compared to i.v. injection of <sup>18</sup>F-FDG in the same xenograft mouse model using microPET imaging at 50 minutes after injection.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>At approximately 1 hour after i.v. injection, <sup>124</sup>I-HuCC49deltaC<sub>H</sub>2 was distributed within the systemic circulation, while at approximately 1 hour after i.p. injection, <sup>124</sup>I-HuCC49deltaC<sub>H</sub>2 was distributed within the peritoneal cavity. At time points from 18 hours to 24 hours after i.v. and i.p. injection, <sup>124</sup>I-HuCC49deltaC<sub>H</sub>2 demonstrated a significantly increased level of specific localization to LS174T tumor implants (p = 0.001) when compared to the 1 hour images. In contrast, approximately 50 minutes after i.v. injection, <sup>18</sup>F-FDG failed to demonstrate any increased level of specific localization to a LS174T tumor implant, but showed the propensity toward more nonspecific uptake within the heart, Harderian glands of the bony orbits of the eyes, brown fat of the posterior neck, kidneys, and bladder.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>On microPET imaging, <sup>124</sup>I-HuCC49deltaC<sub>H</sub>2 demonstrates an increased level of specific localization to tumor implants of LS174T colon adenocarcinoma cells in the xenograft mouse model on delayed imaging, while <sup>18</sup>F-FDG failed to demonstrate this. The antigen-directed and cancer-specific <sup>124</sup>I-radiolabled anti-TAG-72 monoclonal antibody conjugate, <sup>124</sup>I-HuCC49deltaC<sub>H</sub>2, holds future potential for use in human clinical trials for preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative PET-based imaging strategies, including fused-modality PET-based imaging platforms.</p

    Channel Characteristics of MIMO-WLAN Communications at 60GHz for Various Corridors

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    [[abstract]]A comparison of 4 × 4 multiple-input multiple-output wireless local area network wireless communication characteristics for six different geometrical shapes is investigated. These six shapes include the straight shape corridor with rectangular cross section, the straight shape corridor with arched cross section, the curved shape corridor with rectangular cross section, the curved shape corridor with arched cross section, the L-shape corridor, and the T-shape corridor. The impulse responses of these corridors are computed by applying shooting and bouncing ray/image (SBR/Image) techniques along with inverse Fourier transform. By using the impulse response of these multipath channels, the mean excess delay, root mean square (RMS) delay spread for these six corridors can be obtained. Numerical results show that the capacity for the rectangular cross section corridors is smaller than those for the arched cross section corridors regardless of the shapes. And the RMS delay spreads for the T-and the L-shape corridors are greater than the other corridors.[[notice]]補正完畢[[incitationindex]]SCI[[incitationindex]]EI[[booktype]]紙本[[booktype]]電子

    Strategies to diagnose ovarian cancer: new evidence from phase 3 of the multicentre international IOTA study

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    Background: To compare different ultrasound-based international ovarian tumour analysis (IOTA) strategies and risk of malignancy index (RMI) for ovarian cancer diagnosis using a meta-analysis approach of centre-specific data from IOTA3. Methods: This prospective multicentre diagnostic accuracy study included 2403 patients with 1423 benign and 980 malignant adnexal masses from 2009 until 2012. All patients underwent standardised transvaginal ultrasonography. Test performance of RMI, subjective assessment (SA) of ultrasound findings, two IOTA risk models (LR1 and LR2), and strategies involving combinations of IOTA simple rules (SRs), simple descriptors (SDs) and LR2 with and without SA was estimated using a meta-analysis approach. Reference standard was histology after surgery. Results: The areas under the receiver operator characteristic curves of LR1, LR2, SA and RMI were 0.930 (0.917–0.942), 0.918 (0.905–0.930), 0.914 (0.886–0.936) and 0.875 (0.853–0.894). Diagnostic one-step and two-step strategies using LR1, LR2, SR and SD achieved summary estimates for sensitivity 90–96%, specificity 74–79% and diagnostic odds ratio (DOR) 32.8–50.5. Adding SA when IOTA methods yielded equivocal results improved performance (DOR 57.6–75.7). Risk of Malignancy Index had sensitivity 67%, specificity 91% and DOR 17.5. Conclusions: This study shows all IOTA strategies had excellent diagnostic performance in comparison with RMI. The IOTA strategy chosen may be determined by clinical preference