16 research outputs found

    Kajian Potensi Ekonomi di Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat

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    Regional economic development involves a multi-sectoral and development actors, so that the necessary cooperation and coordination among all interested parties. Regional economic development is a process in which local governments and communities to manage resources - the resources available and to form a partnership with the private sector to create new jobs and stimulate the development of economic activities in the region. (Arsyad, 1999: 108).Regional development policies that are based on efforts to boost economic growth which can create jobs optimally in terms of quantity, productivity and efficiently determine the success of regional economic development. Policy determination must take into account internal conditions and external developments. Differences in internal and external conditions are just on the coverage region, which covers the internal conditions of the area / region, while the external conditions covering the national territory.Based on the theory of economic base, the main determining factor of economic growth of a region is directly related to the demand for goods and services from outside the area (Arsyad, 1999). Growth industries - industries that use local resources, including labor and raw materials for export will generate local wealth and create jobs (job creation). Implementation of regional development requires planning and a proper strategy because each region has different circumstances, has its own characteristics, economic growth and the potential different

    Peranan Teknologi Informasi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada Kantor PT. Asabri (Persero) Cabang Medan

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    Kemajuan teknologi informasi dan telekomunikasi begitu pesat, menuntut adanya berbagai perubahan, sehingga memungkinkan diterapkannya cara-cara baru yang lebih efisien. Perubahan ini dilakukan dengan tujuan agar perusahaan tetap exist dan bahkan dapat meningkatkan prestasinya terutama perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang jasa (pelayanan). salah satunya adalah PT ASABRI (Persero) yang memiliki 12 kantor cabang dan 12 kantor cabang pembantu diseluruh Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membuktikan besarnya peranan teknologi informasi terhadap kinerja karyawan pada PT ASABRI (Persero) Cabang Medan. Populasi yang digunakan adalah laporan kegiatan Kantor PT ASABRI (Persero) Cabang Medan. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah laporan kegiatan Kantor PT ASABRI (Persero) Cabang Medan tahun 2009. tahun 2010 dan tahun 2011. Jenis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer dan sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriplif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa teknologi informasi mempunyai peranan yang sangat besar dalam peningkatan kinerja karyawan di PT ASABRI (Persero) Cabang Medan. Dan perubahan aplikasi yang terus ada sebaiknya dapat lebih mempersingkat waktu penyelesaian, diharapkan maksimun 5 hari kerja


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    Salah satu kondisi pengangguran usia muda yang perlu untuk diteliti adalah idle. Dikhawatirkan kondisi idle yang seharusnya bersifat transisi (transitory), akan berkelanjutan menjadi pengangguran orang dewasa yang tentu saja akan menjadi beban sosial ekonomi masyarakat dan negara. Penelitian ini berfokus pada kondisi idle tersebut karena masih amat terbatas dijadikan sebagai dasar proposisi penelitian. Bagaimana karakteristik idle dan apa yang menjadi determinan terhadapnya, merupakan faktor-faktor internal yang mesti dijawab. Namun, fenomena idle tersebut juga dikondisikan oleh faktor eksternal, yang salah satunya dinilai penting adalah adanya dukungan sosial terhadapnya. Berdasarkan penelitian dengan menggunakan raw data Susenas (2014), data lapangan hasil survei rumahtangga idle dan wawancara mendalam dengan sejumlah informan kunci, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa karakteristik pengangguran usia muda idle secara umum tidak konvergen dengan jenis-jenis pekerjaan informal dan lapangan usaha yang tersedia secara lokal turun-temurun, tingkat pendidikan idle (dan orang tua idle) yang relatif rendah, status idle sebagai anak yang tetap dependent, tidak mengurangi self-esteem untuk memasuki dunia kerja, status ‘belum kawin’ idle cenderung mengurangi motivasi untuk masuk pasar kerja, kecenderungan penduduk usia muda yang bermukim di perdesaan untuk menjadi idle lebih kecil dari yang bermukim di perkotaan. Determinan pengangguran usia muda idle mempunyai arah hubungan positif dan hubungan negatif. Dukungan sosial bagi idle dalam bentuk dukungan materi meningkatkan kecenderungan menjadi idle sementara dukungan non materi menurunkan kecenderungan menjadi idle. Kata kunci: idle, sosial support, NEET, karakteristi


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    Regional economic development involves a multi-sectoral and development actors, so that the necessary cooperation and coordination among all interested parties. Regional economic development is a process in which local governments and communities to manage resources - the resources available and to form a partnership with the private sector to create new jobs and stimulate the development of economic activities in the region. (Arsyad, 1999: 108).Regional development policies that are based on efforts to boost economic growth which can create jobs optimally in terms of quantity, productivity and efficiently determine the success of regional economic development. Policy determination must take into account internal conditions and external developments. Differences in internal and external conditions are just on the coverage region, which covers the internal conditions of the area / region, while the external conditions covering the national territory.Based on the theory of economic base, the main determining factor of economic growth of a region is directly related to the demand for goods and services from outside the area (Arsyad, 1999). Growth industries - industries that use local resources, including labor and raw materials for export will generate local wealth and create jobs (job creation). Implementation of regional development requires planning and a proper strategy because each region has different circumstances, has its own characteristics, economic growth and the potential different.Keyword : economic potentia

    Pengaruh Tingkat Pendidikan, Kesehatan dan Pendapatan terhadap Kemiskinan di Provinsi Jambi

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    The purpose of this research is to know the influence from the level of education , health , and income to poverty at 2000-2014 period in Jambi province. Method and a tool used in this research is the double regression with SPSS 20 program . From the calculation known that the variable levels of education ( X1 ) and income ( X3 ) have negative impact to poverty ( Y ) , in other words if the level of education and income increased, poverty will decline in Jambi province .The size of the influence of each variable levels of education ( X1 ) and income (X3) is 0,578 and 1,773 .While , variable health (X2) have a positive impact to poverty in Jambi province with coefficient is 1,315. Also known that from the calculations stimultaneously a variable degree in education , health , and income have significant on poverty in Jambi province , but only degree in education have significant in partially

    Uji Sterilitas Sediaan Injeksi Multiple Dose dengan Bahan Aktif Antalgin dari Dua Industri di Indonesia

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang uji sterilitas sediaan injeksi multiple dose dengan bahan aktif Antalgin dari dua industri di Indonesia dengan menggunakan metode penyaringan/filtrasi membran. Metode ini menggunakan medium perbenihan kasamino dan tioglikolat, yang disterilkan dengan otoklaf pada suhu 121 •c selama 15 menit, dan didinginkan hingga temperatur 300C. Sebagai kontrol positif digunakan bakteri Baccilus subtilis yang ditanam pada medium tioglikolat, dan digunakanjamur Candida albicans yang ditanam pada medium kasamino. Uji sterilitas dilakukan dengan menggunakan 20 sampel dimana tiap vial diambil 5 ml, kemudian disaring menggunakan filter holder dengan membran filter yang memiliki porositas 0,45 J.I.II1 ke dalam botol steril, kemudian membran dipotong menjadi dua bagian, Y:z bagian ditanam pada medium kasamino dan diinkubasi dalam inkubator suhu 20-25° selama 7 hari, dan Y:z bagian lainnya ditanam pada medium tioglikolat dan diinkubasi pada suhu ruangan 30-35° selama 7 hari. Hasil penelitian memberikan hasil negatif baik pada produk "X'' maupun pada produk "Y". Hal ini membuktikan bahwa produk tersebut steril

    Pengaruh PDRB dan Jumlah Penduduk terhadap Pendapatan Asli Daerah Kabuparen Merangin

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    The research used secondary information that analyzed by regression method to have a simple picture about relationship between population growth, gross domestic regional product, and local revenue of Region of Merangin.The conclusion of this research shows us a positive relationship between gross domestic regional product and population growth in influencing local revenue of a region. The variable of gross domestic regional product (x1), represented by elastic coefficient, has 2,197 point where t variable has 8,868 point means this variable has significant influence to local revenue variable. In the other side, population growth (x2) has minus 0,794 point as its elastic coefficient where t variable has minus 1,020 point, and it means this variable does not have significant influence to variable of local revenue. The F variable, a examiner value, has 61.132 point, it tells us that gross domestic regional product and population growth fairly together gives an influence to local revenue of Region of Merangin.Entirely, by using regression analyzes we have found that local revenue would be influenced by fluctuation of economic growth and population growth as reflected by values of gross domestic regional product


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    The purpose of this research is to know the influence from the level of education , health , and income to poverty at  2000-2014 period in Jambi province. Method and a tool used in this research is the double regression with  SPSS 20 program  . From the calculation known that the variable levels of education ( X1 ) and income ( X3 ) have negative impact to poverty ( Y ) , in other words if the level of education and income increased, poverty will decline in Jambi province .The size of the influence of each variable levels of education ( X1 ) and income (X3) is  0,578 and 1,773 .While , variable health (X2) have a positive impact to poverty in Jambi province with coefficient is 1,315. Also known that from the calculations stimultaneously a variable degree in education , health , and income have significant on poverty in Jambi province , but only degree in education have significant in partially.Keywords : Poverty, level educational, income, healt


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    The research used secondary information that analyzed by regression method to have a simple picture about relationship between population growth, gross domestic regional product, and local revenue of Region of Merangin.The conclusion of this research shows us a positive relationship between gross domestic regional product and population growth in influencing local revenue of a region. The variable of  gross domestic regional product (x1), represented by elastic coefficient, has 2,197 point where t variable has 8,868 point means this variable has significant influence to local revenue variable. In the other side, population growth (x2) has minus 0,794 point as its elastic coefficient where t variable has minus 1,020 point, and it means this variable does not have significant influence to variable of local revenue. The F variable, a examiner value, has 61.132 point, it tells us that gross domestic regional product and population growth fairly together gives an influence to local revenue of Region of Merangin.Entirely, by using regression analyzes we have found that local revenue would be influenced by fluctuation of economic growth and population growth as reflected by values of gross domestic regional product. Key word : local revenue, gross domestic regional product, population growth,   regressio


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    Inventory turnover is the ratio used to measure funds invested in this inventory rotating in one period can be interpreted also that inventory turnover is a ratio that shows how many times the amount of inventory items replaced in one year. The greater this ratio will be better for the company and vice versa. From result of hypothesis testing can be concluded that variable of cash turnover (X1) and inventory turnover (X2) to variable (Y) or net profit is 47,7% and 52,3% influenced by other variation not examined in this research. Based on the coefficient values contained in the table of multiple linear regression equations prepared for this study is Y = 4.166 + 0.861 X1 - 0.410 X2. From the multiple linear regression equation above it can be in the constant analysis of 4.166 shows if the variable cash turnover and inventory turnover constant or equal to zero, net income of 4.166 Rupiah, changes in variable cash turnover has a value of regression coefficient of 0.861 Coefficient marked positive means that each An increase in cash turnover of 1 time will result in a decrease in net income of 0.861 Rupiah, changes in inventory turnover variables have a regression coefficient value of -0.410 Coefficients are negative, meaning that any increase of 1 time will result in a net profit increase of -0.410 Rupiah. The results of this study indicate that Cash Turnover and Inventory Turnover (simultaneously) have a significant effect on net income. This is indicated by using F test, where F arithmetic is 13.237 > F table α = 0.05 of 3.34 or F arithmetic > F table (13.237 < 3.34). Cash turnover variables and inventory turnover can account for net income change of 47,7% while 52,3% is explained by other variables.Keyword:  cash turnover, net profi